
Religion in Equestria Chapter 3 - Intentions

Oct 30th, 2012
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  1. >The tall grass whips about you wildly, insects scattering around as you push by
  2. >They are catching up to you
  3. >You push harder trying to make it to cover as you run the tan ocean of grass
  4. >You can hear their cries as they hunt you
  5. >Your eyes desperately scan for anything that would help you
  6. >You can almost feel their breath on your neck as you run
  7. >Terror is all that powers your aching limbs as you push ever harder through
  8. >You feel the wind as a spear just misses your head
  9. >they are playing with you
  10. >THERE! How did you miss walls for so long
  11. >One of the spears catches your left arm and gashes it badly
  12. >You reach the outer gate and make it into the courtyard
  13. A voice above you says "Enough games. TAKE HIM!"
  14. >A spear stabs through your thigh and you fall to the ground
  15. >you are so close, you try to crawl the rest of the way
  16. >an clawed appendage grabs you and flips you over
  17. >A spear point glistening with your blood is pointed at your face
  18. >A creature with the head of a arms of a large eagle and the lower body of a lion stands over you holding it
  19. The creature smirks and says "He is mine!"
  20. >the spear slams through your throa-
  22. Dawn Canterlot
  23. >You awake with a jerk
  24. >It was just a nightmare
  25. >You breathe a bit and slowly calm down as the dream fades and your mind catches up
  26. >It takes almost a minute before you realize you are not at your tower
  27. >"Fuck" you say aloud. Did you fall into another random fucking place?
  28. >You try to think and then the memories hit you like a brick
  29. >"Luna" you remember how beautiful it was. It was also quite terrifying. The look she gave you made you feel safe. You must have passed out
  30. >You reach up to your shoulder and feel no wound a look shows no scars either
  31. >Actually you notice that you feel better now than you have in a few weeks
  32. >Did...that horse god save your life? I mean you had been praying to them but you just thought you were crazy.
  33. >It had been a hard few weeks. You had tried to survive and every night you went to sleep with that beautiful painting above you
  34. >You just thought they had to be the gods of this place
  35. >You had never been devout in your old life, but in your old life you never had seen mythical creatures or been hunted by lions and hyenas
  36. >You began to say prayers to them as a joke
  37. >But once you had your life had steadily improved
  38. >You remember your first prayer over help with the stupid lions
  39. >The next day they were gone
  40. >You kept saying them after that just in case
  41. >Not all of your prayers came true hell not even half
  42. >The ones that did were boons that you may not have been able to live without
  43. >Your stomach growls loudly bringing you back to reality. You decided to look around for some sort of food
  44. >The room around you is very nice. Everything is earth tones and most of the furniture looks like it was made from a strange deep red wood that reminds you of cedar
  45. >The bed is very large but it feels like you are laying on a cloud
  46. >In fact now that you notice it all the furniture is a little over sized but not extraordinarily so
  47. >to your left is a set of windowed doors
  48. >on your right looks to be the doors out of the room
  49. >You make your way slowly out of the bed stretching as you do so
  50. >As you come out from under the sheets you get a cold breeze informing you that you are naked
  51. >You are also clean
  52. >Did you get a bath or is that what happens when saved by a god?
  53. >You look around the room for your furs and don't see anything
  54. >You check the drawers of the large dresser and find a small stack sleeveless shirts of various colors and several pairs of cloth pants
  55. >You grab a grey shirt and black pants
  56. >The pants are a bit strange feeling but the shirt fits perfectly
  57. >You search around the room and find no other clothes or shoes
  58. >Well looks like you are free balling today
  59. >You better get your bearings and find out where you are
  60. >You walk to the doors and push them open
  61. >A beautiful garden opens up before you with a fountain
  62. >The figures in the fountain are three winged horses rearing
  63. >Huh that is...interesting
  64. >Willow trees around the garden wave gently in a cool breeze as the sun shines down on you
  65. >beyond the fountain are spires of gold and white that stick high into the sky
  66. >Are you in some sort of...heaven or something?
  67. >A glance at the sky shows its either early morning or late evening though you would place your vote on morning
  68. >You also happen to see three small white winged horses wearing armor talking to each other flying above you
  69. >They are watching you intently
  71. >You stumble backwards as you try to run back inside and end up tripping over the edge of the lip by the door
  72. >A painful hit face first onto hardwood floor greets you back inside the room
  73. >Oh fuck that hurt
  74. >You get up and quickly shut the door to the balcony
  75. >As it closes you here muffled laughter from outside
  76. >"WHERE THE FUCK AM I?" you ask yourself freaked out before you try to regain your composure "Calm down, calm down."
  77. >OK so those things didn't seem hostile like the eagle things. They seemed only interested in you
  78. >They even laughed when you bit the dust back there like a fucking genius
  79. >Wait they laughed? WAIT. They were wearing armor. C...Could they be intelligent?
  80. >Am I ready to deal with intelligent flying horses five minutes after I wake up?
  81. >NOPE.jpg
  82. >You head to to the main door and open it
  83. >To be greeted by two small horses with horns and armor and two without horns
  84. >Oh god what now?
  85. >"Uh...Hi?" you say
  86. >They look at each other before one of them says
  87. "Hello sir. Are you do you need anything?" one says hesitantly.
  89. >"Um no I don't need anything. Nope nothing at all." your stomach growls loudly just to make a liar out of you
  91. >Your stomach growls again as if to say "FUCK YOU I DO WHAT I WANT"
  92. "Sir I could have a meal sent in for you if you are hungry." The same horse says
  93. >Fuck it why not "Yeah sure thanks." you say before closing the door
  94. >OK I am surrounded by miniature horses who are intelligent and speak English. They also seem to come in the horny, winged, or standard flavors
  95. >Wait the paintings of Luna and Celestia had them as being winged and horned so maybe these guys serve the gods?
  96. >Maybe they are their angels or something
  97. >What does that mean you are dead? Did you die out there and get claimed by a horse god? Wait what if you died back on earth and this is the afterlife?
  98. >That is not a good thought. Also would this be heaven or hell
  99. >Horse gods. I will have to go with other if that is the case
  100. >Wait and if I was dead why would I be hungry?
  101. >Maybe you still have to eat when you are dead?
  102. >But that makes no sense. You have no need to
  103. >You proceed to brood about this for a short while when the door suddenly opens
  104. >A silver glowing cart rolls in on its own
  105. >Before the door closes you see a glowing horn on the horse that talked to you
  106. >So the horses are magic. Well this just keeps getting weirder
  107. >You examine the cart to find a large silver dome sitting on top. Lifting it up assaults you with amazing scents and causes your stomach to growl again
  108. >You grab the silver fork and examine your food. Asparagus in a yellow sauce with a large steak a baked potato with what looks like sour cream and a filet of buttery fish
  109. >You decided to try the fish first and your mouth explodes in flavor as the fish hits your tongue
  110. >Quickly eating the rest of the food on your plate you can taste the incredible flavor in each bite. Each part of the meal was the best thing you had tasted in a long time. Better than anything you have eaten since you got here
  111. >After you finish you place everything back on the cart and ponder on what course of action to take here
  112. >Should you remain silent or should you open up. Should you try to leave the room or should you stay here
  113. >Well they seemed fairly friendly. You can at least find out where you are.
  114. >You consider trying to run but decide that if you did get your ass saved by a god, which looks more realistic every minute, it would be sacrilegious
  115. >Rolling the cart to the door you open it slowly and push it out
  116. "How was the meal sir?" Asks the horse from last time
  117. >"It was really good thanks. I was just wondering what is this place? You respond gesturing around
  118. "This is the Royal Palace of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna"
  119. >Well confirmation received. You were saved by a horse god. You are currently a guest in the palace of the horse GODS. You also realized you didn't say grace before you ate. You fuck.
  120. >Wait would horse gods care about thanking for your meal? Don't horses just eat grass all the time?
  121. >"Thank you. A-am I allowed to leave the room? Or am I supposed to stay in here?" You ask hesitantly
  122. "By the order of Princess Celestia you are to stay here until her or Princess Luna send for you" he responds quickly.
  123. >"Okay do you know when that will be?" you hope you will not be here long but at the same time you are not really that anxious in speaking with a god
  124. "Right now she should be just about getting done with the open court. If she intends to speak with you before she takes lunch you should be called in soon" He responds
  125. >That was pretty open. You were actually expecting a cryptic answer to that "Thank you. Um my name is Anonymous what is your name?"
  126. "Well my name Star Sword. The rest of this silent bunch are Shield Wall" He points at the blue horse with a horn and red streaks in his hair "Iron Gullet" A larger brown horse with the white hair who gives him a dirty look "and Blade Runner." pointing at the grey horse who nods to you
  127. >"Nice to meet you all. I guess I am going to go back inside and wait" Star Sword nods to you as you close the door
  128. >You walk over and sit down on the bed and process what you just heard
  129. >So you are in the realm of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
  130. >Horse gods that seem to have saved your life for some reason
  131. >Horse gods that want to speak to you. Maybe they are the ones that brought you here? Maybe they can get you back.
  132. >You go back over to the balcony open the door and step out
  133. >now there are four of the winged horses there watching you
  134. >You try to ignore them and look some more at the surroundings when a large red and gold bird flies down and lands by you
  135. >It is beautiful. Its head is a golden yellow with red fading in at spots with a mostly red body that fades into orange at the neck and wingtips. It also has a large elegant flowing tail.
  136. >It looks at you and makes a warbling cry that was quite beautiful
  137. >You watch it for a bit as it preens. You decide to see if it would let you touch it
  138. >you hold your hand out slowly moving closer the bird does not seem phased at all
  139. >Finally when you could just about touch it the bird throws out its wings and erupts into flame with loud screech as it shoots off the balcony rail.
  140. >A yelp escapes your mouth as you fall on your ass and are scrambling to get away from it
  141. >You hear laughing above you as the four winged horses think this is the funniest thing ever
  142. >one of them even happens to fall out of the air from laughing so hard
  143. >This causes the rest to laugh even harder
  144. >"Assholes!" you yell at the window causing another burst of laughter
  145. >Checking your hand you find no burns just some singed hair and damaged pride
  146. >Note to self the flying horses are jerks. Don't trust them.
  147. >Also birds here are assholes it seems
  148. >You turn around and see Star Sword eying you from the door
  149. >Quickly you point to the window and say "Those guys are jerks."
  150. he smiles and says "Pegasi can be. You fly all day and it just makes you an airhead."
  151. >One of the others snickers. You think it was Blade Runner.
  152. "The Princess has sent word that you come with us. We are to escort you to the throne room they are waiting for you." he says in a very serious tone.
  153. >"I guess I am ready" as ready as you will ever be to meet two horse gods
  154. >Intimidated by the thought of what meeting them will be like is in understatement
  155. >You are downright scared of what may happen here
  156. >You are escorted through some gorgeous hallways with fine architecture
  157. >When you walked past a tapestry you had to stop and look again. It is of a battle between several huge dragons and what you believe to be Celestia
  158. >You would have stared longer but Iron Gullet glared at you and motioned for you to keep going
  159. >After about a five minute walk you come to a large door engraved with a sun and moon. Around the door are six symbols that you don't know and each appear to be glowing.
  161. _Suggested Music
  162. >Before you can examine this image thoroughly the door swings open slowly and you are hit by the sun passing through stained glass windows at the back of the room. The light blocks your vision of anything on the opposite end
  163. >The stained glass forms an image of a white winged horse and a black winged horse circling with the sun and moon in between them.
  164. >The same as the painting in the tower
  165. >Your escort walks you forward slowly with their heads held high and their eyes locked on the other end of the room
  166. >You look to your right and left and see more windows
  167. >And more guards however some of these are different
  168. >The ones on the left are as you have seen. Usually white but wearing a gold armor.
  169. >Those on the right however have deep grey hair and are wearing a bluish metal armor
  170. >However what catches your eye on those are the bat-like wings they have pressed against their sides
  171. >Finally you pass under the light from the windows and your attention goes to the back of the room
  172. >On a raised dais a ways in front of you stands two horses. No stands two gods
  173. >The one on the left must be Celestia. In all her radiant glory. She stands what must be six foot if you include her horn. Her long elegant body is pure white as the snow. her wings slightly extended she has a smile on her face that could melt the heart of any man. Her hair is like a sun bleached rainbow caught in an ever present wind that is not truly there.
  174. >The one on the right must be Luna. She is not as you remember her. Then she was the dark oppressive night that threatens to never lift. Now she is the night that welcomes you and brings relief from the stress of the day. She has a look like she was just told she had won the lottery on her face. That look of unrepentant joy as she looks at you.
  175. >Her body is the blue of the sky just after twilight. That deep blue of a river at night. Her hair while caught in that same blessed breeze is a starry night that extends from her. You are sure you saw a shooting star while staring. Her blue eyes hold yours for but a moment. However you feel a benevolence from her that removes all fears you had.
  176. >your escort continues forward ahead of you without realizing you had halted halfway there.
  177. >These two exude power from every orifice. Their very nature begs you to kneel before them and worship them
  178. >so you do
  179. >Dropping to your knees you place your forehead on the ground in front of you and in say aloud in prayer
  180. >"I-I am Anonymous. I am yours if you desire it." you say quietly "My Goddesses." you finish only in prayer
  183. >The power. It is the power you felt through Luna two knights ago. It threatens to overwhelm your senses.
  184. >He walked in shielding his eyes until he walked past the light from the window. Then he just stood their gaping at you.
  185. >It was then that the force of it hit you
  186. >Since he had shown up here two nights ago half dead the amount of magic you had was as low as it was the night you had tried to heal him.
  187. >Once he set eyes upon you though you could feel it
  188. >However once his knees hit the ground and he made that prayer you could taste it
  189. >It radiated from you like the rays of the sun unable to contain it all
  190. >You can see Shining Armor to your right Feeling it blaze off you. His eyes wide he takes a step back.
  191. >If Discord attacked this instant you could incinerate him like an ant
  192. >Chrysalis would never have gotten into your kingdom let alone your capital
  193. >Goddess? If that is what is required to keep this power than so be it.
  194. >Your people shall never need fear again
  197. >He looks scared you think to yourself as he walks into the room
  198. >When Celestia informed you this morning that he was awake you wanted to run to his room immediately and check on him
  199. >She asked you to wait so you can speak to him together
  200. >He walked in with sun blocking his view of you two
  201. >A joke from your sister no doubt. Perhaps a display of of power
  202. >You always disliked such theatrics. You prefer to make your threat obvious if it is made at all.
  203. >That is why she is better at dealing with other ponies than you
  204. >As she has said before "You lack the subtlety to be a politician"
  205. >He finally is out of the light and he has...stopped
  206. >He looks first upon your sister with fear in his eyes but awe on his face
  207. >Then he turns his head to you and you give him a large smile. Try to prove you are friendly
  208. >You feel that pesky power trying to draw your attention away from him
  209. >Forcing the feeling down you glance at your sister. Her eyes are wide.
  210. >She feels it as well
  211. >Suddenly he falls to his knees. You are a little concerned until he slowly lowers his head to the ground and says his prayer. Anonymous. His name is Anonymous.
  212. >Goddess? Is that what he feels of you? You will try not to let his faith down
  213. >For Anonymous shall never need fear again
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