
Telekinesis Side Story: Castle

Dec 14th, 2013
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  1. >Far away, in the depths of the nothing between the multiverse, three universes collide, then bounce off.
  2. >One of the universes contained a reality warper. He was Telekinesis Seeker.
  3. >The other contained a mad scientist. He was Engineer.
  4. >They both happened to be exploring a decrepit castle, and they both happened to be inside a room containing a large organ, when the universes collided.
  5. >Both of them were shunted into the third universe, which contained no Anon.
  7. >You blink.
  8. >Everything seems... Different.
  9. >Not the least of which is that there's another you that isn't you.
  10. >Hopefully it's not another mirror clone.
  11. "Hail!"
  12. >He turns around and waves.
  13. >"Hi! What brings you here?"
  14. "I was looting this castle when I suddenly felt like I was pushed into another universe."
  15. >"Same here!"
  16. >You both stop and think for a bit.
  17. "So, what's your name?"
  18. >"Anonymous. Yours?"
  19. "Anon Yttri Mous."
  20. >Introductions made, you continue looting.
  21. >This castle has no loot, however, so it's a fruitless endeavour.
  22. >Anonymous starts playing random notes on the organ.
  23. "What're you doing?"
  24. >"I think this organ controls parts of the castle. But most of the keys aren't connected to anything."
  25. >You think for a bit more.
  26. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
  27. >"Rig up the organ so it can control the castle like a giant mecha?"
  28. "Damn straight!"
  29. >You and Anonymous start building.
  30. >What Anonymous's mechanical expertise can't achieve, your complete disconnect from objective reality can.
  31. >In a couple hours, you've constructed the Castlemech.
  32. >It's pretty sweet.
  33. >Not only is the organ connected to almost every part of the castle, it's also loud enough to hear from the outside.
  34. >"Now. Can you play the organ?"
  35. "I can certainly try."
  36. >You sit down at the organ, crack your knuckles, and start to play.
  38. >The castle wrenches itself out of the ground, and walks over to Ponyville.
  39. >You continue playing, and ask Anonymous for a glass of water.
  40. >He salutes you, and exits.
  41. >The Castlemech dances for a while, wrecking the town with it's haphazard steps.
  42. >Anonymous returns with a glass of water.
  43. "Thank you."
  44. >You accept the water and continue to play with one hand.
  45. >This sure is exhausting.
  46. >The Castlemech keeps up the groove.
  47. >"You know, you're killing literally nopony."
  48. "Well yeah."
  49. >You take a sip of water.
  50. "That'd be bad."
  51. >You put down the glass of water as the song gets a bit more intense.
  52. >The Castlemech starts breakdancing.
  53. >The intense part finishes with a flourish, and Castlemech leaps to it's feet and starts running for Canterlot.
  54. >It gets to the edge of Canterlot, and you run out of song.
  55. "An organ's like a piano, right?"
  56. >"Right."
  58. >The organ sounds like a piano now.
  59. >Probably because that's how you're playing it.
  60. >You don't know many organ songs.
  61. >You don't know much about instruments in general, but apparently you can play them.
  62. >That's fine with you.
  63. >Anyway, Castlemech starts wrecking up the place.
  64. >You have long since stopped caring, as this couldn't possibly be your universe.
  65. >For one, Canterlot isn't flying.
  66. >The princesses fly out of their boring, non-mobile castle and try to attack.
  67. >You block their magic with a few well placed notes that just happened to fit in the song.
  68. >Then, you grasp them with all the tenderness your mech is capable of, and toss them inside.
  69. >They'll figure out how to get here eventually.
  70. >You didn't change much beyond the layout of the entire castle.
  71. >Suddenly the song starts going off key.
  72. >"They're destroying Castlemech from the inside!"
  73. "How rude."
  74. >That song ends, and you move onto what you suspect will be the last song.
  76. >Castlemech picks up a spire from one of the towers nearby, and starts dancing.
  77. >You drink the rest of your water, and put all your skill into the song.
  78. >Some of the keys start becoming unresponsive, and others start going higher or lower than they're meant to be.
  79. >Ominous groaning sounds emanate from the walls.
  80. >"She's goin' down, Cap'n."
  81. "I'll play her off. You go."
  82. >"No, I'll stay by your side until the bitter end."
  83. >You continue to play, and the song gets more and more warped.
  84. >Loud cracking noises pierce the song at intervals, and finally-
  85. >Castlemech collapses.
  86. >You and Anonymous crawl from the wreckage, and bow to the growing mob.
  87. >Then, you grab Anonymous by the shoulder and stop being there.
  88. >You have ceased to exist.
  89. >Bad end.
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