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Aug 19th, 2020
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  1. // register under my referals to help me also //
  2. // Try this script to this site and you get profit //
  3. // To use base bet 10 need 30.000 on your account //
  4. // If you have low balance change base bet to 1 //
  5. ////////////////////////////////
  6. // Settings
  7. var baseBet = 10; // In bits
  8. var baseMultiplier = 1.10; // Target multiplier: 1.10 recommended
  9. var variableBase = false; // Enable variable mode (very experimental), read streakSecurity.
  10. var streakSecurity = 15; // Number of loss-streak you wanna be safe for. Increasing this massively reduces the variableBase calculated. (1-loss = 20%, 2-loss = 5%, 3-loss = 1.25% of your maximum balance). Recommended: 2+
  11. var maximumBet = 999999; // Maximum bet the bot will do (in bits).
  13. // Variables - Do not touch!
  14. var baseSatoshi = baseBet * 100; // Calculated
  15. var currentBet = baseSatoshi;
  16. var currentMultiplier = baseMultiplier;
  17. var currentGameID = -1;
  18. var firstGame = true;
  19. var lossStreak = 0;
  20. var coolingDown = false;
  22. // Initialization
  23. console.log('====== Procon\'s BustaBit Bot ======');
  24. console.log('My username is: ' + engine.getUsername());
  25. console.log('Starting balance: ' + (engine.getBalance() / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');
  26. var startingBalance = engine.getBalance();
  28. if (variableBase) {
  29. console.warn('[WARN] Variable mode is enabled and not fully tested. Bot is resillient to ' + streakSecurity + '-loss streaks.');
  30. }
  32. // On a game starting, place the bet.
  33. engine.on('game_starting', function(info) {
  34. console.log('====== New Game ======');
  35. console.log('[Bot] Game #' + info.game_id);
  36. currentGameID = info.game_id;
  38. if (coolingDown) {
  39. if (lossStreak == 0) {
  40. coolingDown = false;
  41. }
  42. else {
  43. lossStreak--;
  44. console.log('[Bot] Cooling down! Games remaining: ' + lossStreak);
  45. return;
  46. }
  47. }
  49. if (!firstGame) { // Display data only after first game played.
  50. console.log('[Stats] Session profit: ' + ((engine.getBalance() - startingBalance) / 100).toFixed(2) + ' bits');
  51. console.log('[Stats] Profit percentage: ' + (((engine.getBalance() / startingBalance) - 1) * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');
  52. }
  54. if (engine.lastGamePlay() == 'LOST' && !firstGame) { // If last game loss:
  55. lossStreak++;
  56. var totalLosses = 0; // Total satoshi lost.
  57. var lastLoss = currentBet; // Store our last bet.
  58. while (lastLoss >= baseSatoshi) { // Until we get down to base bet, add the previous losses.
  59. totalLosses += lastLoss;
  60. lastLoss /= 4;
  61. }
  63. if (lossStreak > streakSecurity) { // If we're on a loss streak, wait a few games!
  64. coolingDown = true;
  65. return;
  66. }
  68. currentBet *= 7; // Then multiply base bet by 4!
  69. currentMultiplier = 1.00 + (totalLosses / currentBet);
  70. }
  71. else { // Otherwise if win or first game:
  72. lossStreak = 0; // If it was a win, we reset the lossStreak.
  73. if (variableBase) { // If variable bet enabled.
  74. // Variable mode resists (currently) 1 loss, by making sure you have enough to cover the base and the 4x base bet.
  75. var divider = 100;
  76. for (i = 0; i < streakSecurity; i++) {
  77. divider += (100 * Math.pow(4, (i + 1)));
  78. }
  80. newBaseBet = Math.min(Math.max(1, Math.floor(engine.getBalance() / divider)), maximumBet * 100); // In bits
  81. newBaseSatoshi = newBaseBet * 100;
  83. if ((newBaseBet != baseBet) || (newBaseBet == 1)) {
  84. console.log('[Bot] Variable mode has changed base bet to: ' + newBaseBet + ' bits');
  85. baseBet = newBaseBet;
  86. baseSatoshi = newBaseSatoshi;
  87. }
  88. }
  89. // Update bet.
  90. currentBet = baseSatoshi; // in Satoshi
  91. currentMultiplier = baseMultiplier;
  92. }
  94. // Message and set first game to false to be sure.
  95. console.log('[Bot] Betting ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits, cashing out at ' + currentMultiplier + 'x');
  96. firstGame = false;
  98. if (currentBet <= engine.getBalance()) { // Ensure we have enough to bet
  99. if (currentBet > (maximumBet * 100)) { // Ensure you only bet the maximum.
  100. console.warn('[Warn] Bet size exceeds maximum bet, lowering bet to ' + (maximumBet * 100) + ' bits');
  101. currentBet = maximumBet;
  102. }
  103. engine.placeBet(currentBet, Math.round(currentMultiplier * 100), false);
  104. }
  105. else { // Otherwise insufficent funds...
  106. if (engine.getBalance() < 100) {
  107. console.error('[Bot] Insufficent funds to do anything... stopping');
  108. engine.stop();
  109. }
  110. else {
  111. console.warn('[Bot] Insufficent funds to bet ' + (currentBet / 100) + ' bits.');
  112. console.warn('[Bot] Resetting to 1 bit basebet');
  113. baseBet = 1;
  114. baseSatoshi = 100;
  115. }
  116. }
  117. });
  119. engine.on('game_started', function(data) {
  120. if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game #' + currentGameID + ' has started!'); }
  121. });
  123. engine.on('cashed_out', function(data) {
  124. if (data.username == engine.getUsername()) {
  125. console.log('[Bot] Successfully cashed out at ' + (data.stopped_at / 100) + 'x');
  126. }
  127. });
  129. engine.on('game_crash', function(data) {
  130. if (!firstGame) { console.log('[Bot] Game crashed at ' + (data.game_crash / 100) + 'x'); }
  131. });
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