CYOA - Fluttershy feat. Scootaloo (Clop/Foalcon)

Jul 5th, 2013
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  1. >it's been quite a nice day in Ponyville so far
  2. >you've been relaxing, hanging out with your friends
  3. >all in all life is pretty good
  4. >except for the bird you spot, lying on the ground
  5. >it's frantically trying to get up
  6. >looks like its wing is busted
  7. >poor thing
  8. >you can't just leave it here
  9. >but you have no idea how to treat animals
  10. >luckily, you know just the person for the job
  11. >as gently as you can, you pick up the bird
  12. >it seems scared at first, but ultimately lets you carry it
  13. >it takes you five minutes to reach Fluttershy's home
  14. >the moment she opens the door, you see terror on her face
  15. >"Oh no! Poor bird! Here, come inside. We'll fix you right up."
  16. >you haven't even said hi to her yet
  17. >but she seems so focused on the injured bird
  18. >you put it on her table, as instructed
  19. >from this moment, you're like a ghost to Fluttershy
  20. >she doesn't pay any attention to you
  21. >she's just rushing around, trying her very best to fix up the bird
  23. >you're not sure what half of what she does is
  24. >it would be best to just let her go about it
  25. >it's not like you have any experience anyway
  26. >surely you'd just screw something up
  27. >you haven't visited Fluttershy in a while
  28. >firstly because she seemed slightly afraid of you still
  29. >and secondly because she was a bit too timid for your taste
  30. >you still don't quite believe Twilight and they others when they insist Fluttershy scolded a grown dragon
  31. >she would have fainted on the spot
  32. >suddenly you hear a sigh of relief from Fluttershy
  33. >"There we go. You're gonna be all better in no time."
  34. >it always warms your heart to see her kindness towards animals
  35. >plus her cute voice is damn adorable
  36. >"But you're going to have to stay here for some time, okay? And you can't try to fly at all, understand?"
  37. >you're not quite sure if animals here are sentient or not
  38. >but the bird actually nodded at Fluttershy before jumping away across the floor
  39. >Fluttershy turns to you and gives you a warm smile
  40. >"Thank you so much for bringing the little guy here. You really are a kind person."
  42. "Thanks... I guess. Would you like some help?"
  43. >you're fairly sure there's nothing more to be done with the bird
  44. >aside from taking care of it the next week or two, of course
  45. >you were mostly just trying to be polite
  46. >Fluttershy contemplates the question for a second
  47. >"No, I don't think I need help with anything. But thank you anyway."
  48. >with that out of the way, it's time to get going
  49. >you give Fluttershy a warm smile
  50. >you didn't have any plans
  51. >Fluttershy probably had a lot to do, though
  52. >she had a million animals to take care of
  53. >as you reach for the door knob, the kind pony's voice stops you
  54. >"Oh! Uhm, I was wondering if, uhm, you."
  55. >she stumbles through her whole sentence
  56. >and you can't quite hear the end of what she says
  57. >it's just nervous mumbling
  58. >she looks to the floor
  59. >her hoof is awkwardly brushing back and forth over it
  61. >Fluttershy was adorable, you'd give her that
  62. >but she really had a problem with speaking up
  63. "I can't quite do you any favors if I can't hear what they are."
  64. >"Oh, uh, uhm, of-of course not."
  65. >Fluttershy is blushing and looking around nervously
  66. >you really wish she would just treat you like a pony
  67. >it could get slightly annoying that she'd act like this around you
  68. >just because you were a human
  69. >"I-I just wanted to hear if you wanted some..."
  70. >again she incoherently mumbles at the end
  71. >you sigh heavily
  72. "Wanted some what?"
  73. >Fluttershy inhales deeply and speaks
  74. >"Wanted to go to the spa with me and Rarity!"
  75. >she cowers in fear after that
  76. >it really was quite confusing to speak with her
  77. >she looks like she's afraid of you
  78. >like you're going to hit her or something
  79. >you swear the others are lying about that dragon thing
  80. >the spa didn't sound too bad
  81. >you had refused to ever step inside one of those things on Earth
  82. >but that was mostly due to needing to retain your masculinity
  83. >ponies really didn't seem to have those concepts
  84. >there weren't many male ponies anyway, so it made sense
  86. "I could use some unwinding. Sure, I'll come."
  87. >Fluttershy immediately quits cowering in fear
  88. >Her eyes are widening as she looks at you
  89. >A smile has overtaken her entire face
  90. >It's quite adorable, you must say
  91. "Well, should we get going?"
  92. >Fluttershy just nods
  93. >As you open the door you hear her behind you
  94. >"Yay."
  95. >You're not sure if she's simply quiet all the time
  96. >Or maybe she didn't want you to hear it
  97. >But you look back to her and smile
  98. >"Eep!"
  99. >Once more she cowers in fear before exiting the house with you
  100. >The two of you walk side by side down the road
  101. >Fluttershy doesn't say a word
  102. >You're wondering why she invited you
  103. >She's been afraid of you ever since you got here
  104. >Maybe she finally overcame that fear
  105. >Or maybe she just wants to be polite
  106. >Whatever it is, you're glad she actually speaks to you now
  107. >When you reach the spa, you spot Rarity waiting outside
  108. >She waves cheerfully at the two of you
  109. >Fluttershy seems to lighten up at the sight of her
  110. >"Fluttershy, you didn't say you would bring Anon along for this. How delightful!"
  111. >Fluttershy smiles awkwardly at Rarity
  112. >For some reason, Rarity gives the yellow pony a cheeky smile
  113. >"So, Anon. Are you ready for a couple of relaxing hours?"
  115. >You were as ready as you'd ever get
  116. "So, uh, what do you guys usually do here? It's not too girly, is it?"
  117. >Rarity laughs heartily at that
  118. >"Girly? Oh my, Anon, you don't have to worry about being girly around here. Mares love a stallion, er, man, who can enjoy things like going to the spa!"
  119. >She's still got that cheeky smile plastered on her face
  120. >Granted, you did always think Rarity was a bit of a cunt in the beginning
  121. >Primarily due to that smile
  122. >Now you had grown used to it, however
  123. >But the way she looked at you today
  124. >It felt extremely uncomfortable
  125. >Like she knew something you didn't
  126. >"Well, then. Shall we?"
  127. >You shrug and follow the two ponies inside
  128. >Immediately there's a spa pony coming over
  129. >"The usual, please."
  130. >Rarity and Fluttershy both order 'the usual', whatever that is
  131. >You have no idea what they offer here
  132. >So you take a look at the menu
  133. >There's hooficures, hot baths, massages
  134. >Sounds pretty standard
  135. >But once you get lower down the list, things get strange
  136. >Hair massages? Magical mud masks?
  137. >You have no idea what half of this stuff is
  138. >The very last option seems odd, too
  139. >All it says is 'Special'
  140. >It's quite expensive, too
  141. >250 bits
  142. >You hadn't actually seen anything that expensive in your time here
  143. >The blue spa pony is waiting for your order
  144. >As are your two companions
  146. >You put on your best poker-face as the spa pony looks to you
  147. >Obviously, ordering what Fluttershy and Rarity are getting would make the most sense
  148. >But it's 'the usual'
  149. >You've never been here before
  150. >You can't order 'the usual'
  151. >Oh, God, what are you going to do?
  152. >The spa pony is waiting
  153. >So are your friends
  154. >There's so much pressure on your shoulders
  155. >Your breathing is quick and desperate
  156. >Why did you even come here?
  157. >You should have stayed in bed today
  158. >This was all a huge mistake
  159. >Oh, God, someone help
  160. >"Uh, sir, are joo okay?"
  161. >You realise you're hyperventilating
  162. >"Anon, darling, what's wrong?"
  163. >You try to speak as you're pointing at the menu
  164. >All that comes out are desperate groans and incoherent words
  165. >The spa pony gently nudges you
  166. >You see a brown paper bag as you look to her
  167. >You grab it and start breathing into it
  168. >It immediately relieves some of the stress
  169. >After a few minutes you calm down completely
  170. >"He'll have the same as us, thank you."
  171. >Fluttershy decided to order for you
  172. >She just saved your ass
  173. >When you feel ready, you follow your friends into a new room
  174. >Both of them are handed spa robes
  175. >As the spa pony is about to give you yours, she mumbles
  176. >"We don't have any robes zat fit joo, I'm afraid. But joo can't wear clothes inside ze spa, I'm afraid."
  177. >She gives you a weak smile
  178. >Being human had its disadvantages
  180. >You shrug
  181. "I wasn't planning on wearing anything, anyway."
  182. >You quickly take off all of your clothes
  183. >If ponies could walk around naked all the time, you could in the spa
  184. >The moment your boxers hit the floor, the pink spa pony gasps
  185. >Rarity does the exact same thing
  186. >Looking at Fluttershy, you just see her eyes widen and her cheeks grow red
  187. >All of them are frozen in place
  188. >You simply walk over to the massage table and lie down
  189. >It's a bit too small for you, but you make do
  190. >You hear Rarity and Fluttershy lying down next to you
  191. >"This is not exactly what I'd expect from you, Anon."
  192. >Rarity doesn't sound mad
  193. >Flustered, but not mad
  194. "Well, you ponies walk around naked all the time."
  195. >"That's different!"
  196. >Now she sounds slightly annoyed
  197. >"We don't go around showing ourselves off like that!"
  198. >Fluttershy is quiet throughout the entire exchange
  199. >Poor thing probably broke her brain from the shock
  201. >You sigh
  202. >Women were the same no matter where you went, it seems
  203. "All right, fine. Give me a towel."
  204. >The spa pony sighs in relief as she hands you the towel
  205. >You get up and wrap it around yourself
  206. "There. You happy now?"
  207. >Rarity smiles at you
  208. >"Well, it's not that I dislike the male body, but there's a time and place for everything."
  209. >Not exactly the response you expected
  210. >Rarity had this habit of giving you semi-raunchy responses
  211. >You weren't sure if that was just her thing or she was hitting on you
  212. >"I-I didn't mind it at all."
  213. >Now you were truly surprised
  214. >You immediately turn to look at Fluttershy
  215. >As expected, her face was burning red
  216. >But she was smiling at you
  217. >You weren't quite sure how to respond to that
  218. >You simply lay down on the massage table once again
  219. >Immediately you feel hooves on your back
  220. >It feels amazing from the get-go
  221. >It relaxes your body and mind
  222. >You haven't had a massage in forever
  223. >If at all in your entire life
  224. >You don't remember
  225. >But this is good
  226. >You're starting to see why Rarity and Fluttershy come here every week
  227. >As you're lying there, completely relaxed, Fluttershy speaks
  228. >"So, do you like it, Anon?"
  230. >Your brain is incapable of forming sentences
  231. >This spa pony is working you good
  232. >It feels absolutely amazing
  233. >As if bliss came in the form of a hoof
  234. >You simply moan at Fluttershy
  235. >"O-Oh my."
  236. >You barely register her words
  237. >The spa pony has moved to massaging your legs
  238. >You never knew it could feel this good
  239. >"So, how good is it?"
  240. >Fluttershy keeps asking
  241. >Once more you moan at her
  242. >"Aren't you happy you came here?"
  243. >You're just going on autopilot at this point
  244. >Moaning every time Fluttershy asks you anything
  245. >And she keeps going
  246. >After the ninth question, you hear Rarity snicker
  247. >That snaps you out of it
  248. >Fluttershy just asked you about this massage nine times in a row
  249. >Something's up
  250. >Before you can think more of it, Fluttershy speaks once again
  251. >"So, Anon. Would you like to join us in the future?"
  253. >Fluttershy sounds cheeky
  254. >She never sounds cheeky
  255. >Something is definitely up
  256. >You realise she's been coaxing you into speaking when you couldn't
  257. >All you did was moan at her while lying there
  258. >That yellow dick probably did it on purpose
  259. >You decide to get back at her for that
  260. >Instead of answering her normally, you get up
  261. >Fluttershy looks at you in surprise
  262. >You simply look her in the eye and open the towel, revealing your erection
  263. >"Eep!"
  264. >Fluttershy hides her face in her hooves
  265. >It's not enough to hide her immense blushing
  266. >Rarity laughs heartily as you lay back down
  267. >You notice Fluttershy's wings are completely stiff
  268. >"Oh, he got you, my dear."
  269. >The spa pony massaging you simply sighs
  270. >After just a few minutes, the three of you are done
  271. >You get up and follow your friends to a new room
  272. >This one contains a large pool
  273. >"Well, Anon, it's time for a relaxing, hot bath."
  274. >Fluttershy immediately gets in and tries to hide in the water
  275. >You notice she was still blushing before getting in
  277. >You don't care about nudity at this point
  278. >The towel hits the floor and you get into the pool
  279. >The water is hot, but not uncomfortably so
  280. >Fluttershy notices your naked body and immediately scoots away from you
  281. >Rarity simply giggles as she gets in
  282. >Within seconds you are completely relaxed in the pool
  283. >Except for your erection
  284. >It's starting to annoy you slightly
  285. >Luckily for Fluttershy, you can't really see it through the water
  286. >Her face is still red, though
  287. >She also does her best not to look at you at all
  288. >It's quite hilarious, really
  289. >But that's what she gets for tricking you like that
  290. >It's not like you're being mean to her anyway
  291. >Just friendly teasing, if you will
  292. >"So, Anon."
  293. >You look to Rarity
  294. >It surprises you to see a very slight hint of red on her cheeks
  295. >"You certainly are... frisky today. What gives?"
  297. >You shrug at her
  298. "Nothing's up. Just feeling a bit silly."
  299. >With that, you lean back and really relax in the water
  300. >You really should have come here earlier
  301. >This place is heaven incarnate
  302. >"Well, 'silly' certainly isn't how I would describe it."
  303. >Rarity sounds slightly flustered
  304. >You smile to yourself
  305. >Even she has her limits it seems
  306. >It's fun being a guy around these ponies
  307. >Aside from Dash, most of them aren't used to male behavior
  308. >It can really mess with them
  309. >And you quite enjoy doing it
  310. >It would probably be a good idea to tone it down with Fluttershy, though
  311. >That pony is afraid of everything
  312. >You don't want to get on her bad side
  313. >Just a bit of fun is all
  314. >As you're lying there, fully relaxed, something snaps you out of it
  315. >An extremely quiet sound escapes Fluttershy's throat
  316. >It almost sounded like... a moan
  317. >You look at Fluttershy
  318. >She, too, only has her head out of the water
  319. >Her eyes are closed
  320. >Her cheeks are red
  321. >A hoof immiediately shoots out of the water and onto her mouth
  322. >She opens her eyes and looks around
  323. >When she notcies you staring, she 'eeps' and submerges herself into the water
  324. >Doesn't last long before she's back up, gasping for air, however
  326. >Fluttershy really is looking flustered
  327. >Almost as if she'd die from embarassment
  328. >Better leave her be for a while
  329. >It'd probably be a good idea to get rid of this erection
  330. >You try thinking of the most disgusting things you can think of
  331. >After five minutes it hasn't helped one bit
  332. >You try the trick with rubbing your lower arm
  333. >This has no effect either
  334. >It's actually annoying you now
  335. >It doesn't help that Rarity is semi-moaning in relaxation
  336. >Stupid, sexy ponies
  337. >Fluttershy has been watching you through your various attempts at getting rid of your boner
  338. >She would never understand what it's like
  339. >Being a man isn't all they make it out to be
  340. >Eventually you admit defeat
  341. >This thing isn't going away for a while
  342. >You simply sigh and try your best to just relax
  343. >That's why you came here, after all
  344. >Fluttershy keeps watching you
  345. >Not that you can see her
  346. >But you can feel her eyes on you
  347. >It's actually slightly uncomfortable
  349. >Rarity keeps moaning through the whole thing
  350. >It's actually getting you off somewhat
  351. >Maybe you could trick her into increasing the volume a bit
  352. >You let out a long, slow moan
  353. >"Mmmmh..."
  354. >It actually worked
  355. >You keep moaning slightly louder each time
  356. >Rarity seems to want to outdo you
  357. >Either that or she's doing it subconsciously
  358. >Either way it's immensely pleasurable
  359. >The fact that Rarity can moan in a sophisticated way speaks volumes of her character
  360. >After a few minutes of moaning back and forth, it's getting quite loud
  361. >You're not sure exactly what's going on, but it's fun
  362. >Rarity doesn't sound like she's relaxing at a spa any longer
  363. >Sounds like she just took a customer behind closed doors and let him slam into her continually
  364. >Okay, that's probably far enough
  365. >You don't need these kinds of intrusive thoughts
  366. >Just as you decide to stop the little game, Fluttershy takes it to the extreme
  367. >An ear-shattering moan floods the room
  368. >This snaps both you and Rarity out of it
  369. >You sit up and look right at Fluttershy
  370. >Her head is facing the ceiling
  371. >Her yellow body is completely limp as she's relaxing
  372. >Though the water you can see her chest rising and falling rapidly
  373. >You look to Rarity whose face has turned red
  374. >When Fluttershy looks up and spots the two of you, she goes into panic
  375. >Her eyes widen and she starts breathing heavily
  376. >You feel a strand of spaghetti brush against your foot
  377. >She doesn't say a word
  378. >Simply stares at the two of you, frozen in place
  380. >You chuckle at the yellow pony
  381. "Hah, good one Shy. I think you won our little contest."
  382. >"I-I, you, we, in, up."
  383. >She can't speak normally at all
  384. >Poor pony looks more embarassed than a guy with whiskeydick
  385. >It's actually quite hilarious seeing her fumble with the words
  386. >She tries so desperately to speak
  387. >But all that comes out are more of the same
  388. >Eventually she just giggles nervously
  389. >"Yeah, heh, yeah..."
  390. >She gets out of the water and dries herself off
  391. >Looks like it's time to move on to the next activity
  392. >You get out of the water, put on the towel and follow her
  393. >Rarity gets up next to you and whispers
  394. >"Contest, darling? What contest?"
  397. "Oh, nothing..."
  398. >Rarity gives you a sly smile before continuing down the hall
  399. >The three of you enter a room full of chairs
  400. >You sit down in between a sly looking Rarity and a flustered Fluttershy
  401. >"This is my favorite part! Hooficures!"
  402. >Rarity sounds quite eager about this whole thing
  403. >You've never had anything done to your nails before
  404. >"Uh, sir, joo don't have hoovez."
  405. >The spa pony looks at you in confusion
  406. >You hold up your hands
  407. "I have nails. It's the same thing."
  408. >She smiles at you and goes to get the equipment
  409. "So, Fluttershy."
  410. >She just cowers in fear at the sound of your voice
  411. >She won't even look at you
  412. >You look over to Rarity instead
  413. >She just gives you a sly smile and closes her eyes
  414. >The spa pony comes back, getting ready for the pedicure
  415. >She looks at your feet for a few seconds before starting
  416. >You can tell she isn't used to this, but she gets the hang of it quickly enough
  417. >It feels odd, though
  418. >Normally you never spend time on your feet
  419. >It's both nice and strange at the same time
  420. >Rarity just seems to be enjoying every last part of it
  421. >Fluttershy barely has her hooves scraped before nodding off the spa ponies
  422. >Maybe she's afraid of the metal instruments
  423. >"Ahh, this is life."
  424. >Rarity sounds even more relaxed than in the hot water
  426. "It certainly is. I can't remember the last time I was so at ease. You two really know your relaxation."
  427. >Rarity smiles at you
  428. >"Well, there are situations more relaxing than this, but this is close."
  429. >Again the smile turns cheeky
  430. >You swear this pony has the dirtiest mind
  431. >Or maybe it's just you
  432. >You sit back and enjoy the pedicure in silence
  433. >It doesn't take too long for the spa ponies to finish
  434. >You never thought you'd ever say this, but your nails look damn good
  435. >Apparently this was the end of the spa session
  436. >You get to the counter and get ready to pay
  437. >"Oh, darling, let me get this for you."
  438. >Rarity puts extra bits on the table for you
  439. "Thanks, Rarity. You didn't have to do that."
  440. >"Nonsense. You were our guest this time!"
  441. >you smile at her and exit the spa
  442. >Fluttershy looks like she's back to normal
  443. >"Yeah, that was... nice."
  444. >She blushes slightly but seems happy
  445. >You thank Rarity once more
  446. >She just brushes it off as usual
  447. >She seems extremely generous to you, in particular
  448. >"So, Anon. What will you do now?"
  450. >You feel dramatic for a moment
  451. "I go where the wind directs me."
  452. >You look to the sky as you speak
  453. >Rarity snickers at you
  454. >But you feel like a badass
  455. >"Eep!"
  456. >The two of you look to Fluttershy
  457. >She's got her tail tucked in between her legs
  458. >"Darling, what's wrong?"
  459. >She's looking around frantically
  460. >"It's, uh, I, nothing!"
  461. >She looks like she's trying to pull her tail off
  462. >You look to your hand as a gentle breeze hits it
  463. >You give Fluttershy a cocky smile as you look to her again
  464. >Now you get what she's doing
  465. >She just stares at you in embarassment
  466. >It takes all of your strength to not laugh at the sight
  467. >This isn't what you had expected to happen from your dramatic moment
  468. >But you'll roll with this instead
  469. >"S-so, w-wanna go h-hang out o-or some-something, A-A-Anon?"
  470. >Fluttershy stutters through her entire sentence
  471. >She even closes her eyes at the end
  472. >Apparently looking at you got too much
  473. >Poor pony
  475. "Sure. Let's go take a walk in the park."
  476. >Fluttershy loosens up at that
  477. >She even smiles at you
  478. >You look over at Rarity
  479. "Wanna join us?"
  480. >She looks from you to Fluttershy
  481. >"Oh! Uh, I, uhm, n-no, thank you, darling. I, uh, got some... orders to take care of! Take care!"
  482. >With that, she's off
  483. >She's almost running
  484. >Weird
  485. >You shrug and look back to Fluttershy
  486. >You catch the end of a hoof-pump
  487. >She quickly tries to hide it, though
  488. >"Ehe, let's go."
  489. >The two of you walk to the local park
  490. >It isn't particularly large, but it's cosy
  491. >It's especially nice during summer time
  492. >Fluttershy tells you about all the animals here
  493. >This is apparently where she found a sick dog she took cares of
  494. >She really is quite adorable when she's like this
  495. >When you reach and old a beaten path, she drags you onto it
  496. >You follow her for a little while, until you reach a bush
  497. >Fluttershy crawls into it
  498. >What in the world?
  499. "Fluttershy?"
  500. >"Just come in."
  501. >You do your best to crawl into it
  502. >Inside you find what seems like a room
  503. >There's binoculars and a box with fruit
  504. >In addition, there's a small opening in the bushes where Fluttershy is sitting
  505. >"This is my bird-watching spot. Do you like it?"
  507. >You smile at Fluttershy
  508. "It's amazing. So well hidden, too. I imagine you get a lot of watching done."
  509. >She blushes at your compliment
  510. >"Yeah, I like birds. They are so majestic and beautiful. I could watch them all day."
  511. >You sit down next to her and look through the opening
  512. >The sun has started to set
  513. >The sky is slowly turning into a crimson red
  514. >It really is quite beautiful
  515. >For a while you try to spot any birds
  516. >But there seem to be none around
  517. >Maybe they are rare around these parts
  518. >But why would they be?
  519. >For minutes you try your hardest to find any birds at all
  520. >Eventually you give up and look at Fluttershy
  521. "I can't see any birds at all."
  522. >She blushes at you and smiles gently
  523. >"Well, I, uh, didn't bring you here to, uhm, look at birds... and stuff."
  524. >She brushes a hoof against the ground
  525. >This pony really has issues with looking at you
  526. >For some reason she can't do it for extended periods
  528. >After all that has happened today, you're feeling frisky
  529. >You're not sure if she's been trying to hit on you or what
  530. >But it's time to take a risk
  531. "Say, Flutters... would you like to observe... a cock?"
  532. >Her face immediately turns red and her eyes widen
  533. >But you keep your eyes locked to hers
  534. >She doesn't have the will to look away
  535. >For a full minute you sit there
  536. >You, with a cheeky smile on your lips
  537. >Eyes locked with this embarassed, flustered pony
  538. >She opens her mouth to speak but closes it again
  539. >This happens around eight times before she can finally muster up the courage
  540. >"Y-yes."
  541. >She speaks in nothing more than a whisper
  542. >But now that the words have left her mouth, she seems braver
  543. >Her blush has reduced
  544. >Her eyes no longer convey embarassment
  545. >They are full of longing
  546. >You aren't truly surprised at her response
  547. >After how she's been acting all day, it doesn't seem too strange
  548. >But it is Fluttershy, after all
  549. >You thought she was afraid of you
  550. >Perhaps she still is
  551. >"Yes."
  552. >She repeats herself
  553. >Now she sounds longing as well
  554. >She doesn't stutter or mumble
  555. >She is confident
  557. "You're adorable."
  558. >Fluttershy blushes slightly
  559. >You scoot closer to her
  560. >Now that she has gained a bit of confidence, she actually moves closer herself
  561. >The two of you get right next to each other
  562. >She stares longingly into your eyes
  563. >Without thinking your head to her
  564. >You give her a quick kiss on her lips
  565. >She moans quietly and blushes furiously
  566. >But she doesn't seem embarassed
  567. >With one hand, you start stroking her mane
  568. >You move the other to her wings
  569. >They stiffen the moment you touch it
  570. >"Eep!"
  571. >Gently you start preening her wing
  572. >Shy's mouth opens
  573. >She's panting quite heavily already
  574. >It seems she's trying to speak
  575. >But all that comes out are sluggish words
  576. >The yellow pony is tensing up in your arms
  577. >After just a minute of working her wing, she starts moaning
  578. >"Y-yes... more..."
  579. >Fluttershy sounds distant
  580. >She isn't looking at you any more
  581. >All she does is lie there and moan gently
  582. >As you move your hands through her feathers, her breathing quickens
  583. >You move your hand to her second wing
  584. >It seems to be a bit too much for Shy
  585. >"Ooh! Oh!"
  586. >She quickly increases the volume of her moaning
  587. >You hope nobody hears it
  588. >"Oh, Anon! It's... yes!"
  589. >She's really getting into it
  590. >You feel yourself harden underneath her
  592. >You have to get it out right now
  593. >It almost hurts having Shy lying right on top of it
  594. >You take off your shirt before gently pushing Shy off of you
  595. >She's still in a world of pleasure, panting and moaning
  596. >You quickly take off your pants
  597. >This grabs Fluttershy's attention
  598. >She looks at you with lust as you take off your boxers
  599. >Her eyes are locked to your dick, finally out in the open
  600. >She bites her lower lip and moves closer
  601. >Her breath feels amazing on it
  602. >She touches it with a hoof and gently strokes it
  603. >It's almost enough to make you come
  604. >She looks at you while slowly stroking up and down
  605. >For the first time in your life, you see a sly smile on Fluttershy's lips
  606. >"Do you like it, Anon?"
  607. >You just nod through the pleasure
  608. >She increases the speed slightly
  609. >You can't help yourself
  610. >You moan loudly as she keeps stroking you
  611. >Behind you, you hear the bushes move
  612. >Before either of you can react, Scootaloo comes tumbling into the hollow bush
  613. >"Ugh, that hurt."
  614. >Her eyes catch you and Fluttershy
  615. >You stare at the filly in horror
  616. >"A-anon?! Fluttershy?! W-what are you doing?!"
  618. "Oh my... Filly, this is nothing important. Get out! Please?"
  619. >Fluttershy just stares at Scootaloo in disbelief
  620. >Her hoof still on your dick
  621. >Scootaloo looks from you to Fluttershy to her hoof
  622. >"That... you're... you're..."
  623. >Her little wings suddenly pop up
  624. >They're completely stiff
  625. "Please get out?"
  626. >Scootaloo is frozen in place
  627. >She's staring intently at your dick
  628. >You're not sure how old she is by pony standards
  629. >But probably way too young for this
  630. >"You're..."
  631. >She can't seem to finish that sentence
  632. >A glimt appears in her eyes as she's staring
  633. >She gulps
  634. >Her hind legs starts shivering
  635. >This is getting really weird
  636. >"Can... can I... watch?"
  638. >Not exactly what you expected to hear from her
  639. >But the way she looks at you
  640. >The lust in her eyes
  641. >It's so very arousing
  642. >You know she's just a filly
  643. >But in this very moment, she looks so mature
  644. >No, what are you thinking?
  645. >It's probably illegal
  646. >But, she did want to watch
  647. >Maybe it's legal with consent
  648. >And her small, orange body is so beautiful
  649. >No, come on, she's a filly
  650. >But a cute filly
  651. >You wouldn't mind popping her cherry
  652. >You find yourself smiling at Scootaloo
  653. "Sure. Why don't you come over? You can even join in?"
  654. >Scootaloo looks nervous for a second
  655. >But she moves closer
  656. >Right next to you and Shy
  657. >Fluttershy still has her hoof on your dick
  658. >Scoot's eyes are plastered to it
  659. >Shy is just staring at the filly in disbelief
  660. >You hope to God she isn't mad about this
  661. >Scootaloo reaches out and puts her hoof on your dick
  662. >Her hoof is so small
  663. >With eyes locked onto it, she starts moving her hoof up and down
  664. >It doesn't feel as good as Fluttershy, but it is still damn good
  665. >You lean your head back and enjoy the ride
  666. >"I..."
  667. >Shy's finally started speaking
  668. >"Anon... w-what...?"
  670. "W-w-what?"
  671. >You stutter through the pleasure
  672. >Scootaloo is increasing her stroking
  673. >She's completely ignoring both you and Fluttershy
  674. >All her attention is focused on your cock
  675. >Shy looks at you in disbelief
  676. >"Anon, she's a filly!"
  677. >You gulp
  678. >Maybe it isn't legal here after all
  679. >You should probably be nervous right about now
  680. >But Scootaloo is working your dick so well
  681. >It's hard to feel anything but pleasure at this point
  682. >Fluttershy has taken her hoof off of you
  683. >She's just staring
  684. >Moving her eyes from yours to the filly giving you a hoofjob
  685. >She's really picking up speed
  686. >You never thought a filly would bring you close to release
  687. >But here you are
  688. >In Fluttershy's bird-watching bush
  689. >Staring into the eyes of the shy pony
  690. >While Scootaloo is stroking your dick
  691. >It's so extremely surreal
  692. >And somehow, that fact is getting you off even more
  693. >The absurdity of the situation is amazing to you
  694. >It's making the whole thing so much more
  695. >"She's a filly."
  696. >Fluttershy repeats herself
  697. >It's no more than a whisper
  698. >She keeps looking from you to your penis
  699. >Every time her eyes fall onto the lewd act below, she blushes
  700. >But she shakes her head every time
  701. >Her confusion is arousing
  702. >You're getting off of some weird things
  703. >But you don't care
  704. >All of this is just so good
  706. >"She's a filly..."
  707. >Fluttershy trails off
  708. >She's no longer looking at you
  709. >Her eyes are focused on the filly stroking your dick at max speed
  710. >"Such a beautiful filly..."
  711. >This day keeps getting stranger and stranger
  712. >You gasp in surprise as Fluttershy puts her hoof back on your cock
  713. >She strokes it slowly
  714. >In contrast the Scootaloo's speed, it feels amazing
  715. >You're not going to be able to hold this up for much longer
  716. >Fluttershy is staring into your eyes
  717. >Lust has overtaken her
  718. >"Do you like it, Anon?"
  719. >There's no way you can respond in this state
  720. >You slump to the ground
  721. >It feels so amazing
  722. >You want to tell her
  723. >But all you can do is moan
  724. >Their hooves feel amazing on your dick
  725. >Massaging all the right spots
  726. >Fluttershy puts her second hoof on your balls
  727. >Gently stroking them
  728. >You feel yourself getting so very close to that sweet release
  729. >"Am... am I doing it right?"
  730. >Scootaloo sounds adorable
  731. >"Yes, keep going. Anon loves it."
  732. >It's strange hearing Fluttershy speak like this
  733. >But god damn is it arousing
  734. >Within minutes you find yourself getting to the final stretch
  736. >You have to get the most out of this before you come
  737. >And they are bringing you so very close
  738. >There's only one thing you want right now
  739. "G-girls, could you - ah! - s-suck it?"
  740. >Both of them stop stroking you
  741. >"S-suck it? With my mouth?"
  742. >Scootaloo doesn't sound too convinced
  743. >"It'll make Anon feel so good. And it doesn't taste bad at all."
  744. >The way Fluttershy speaks to Scootaloo would make your dick rock hard if it wasn't already
  745. >Encouraging the little filly to suck your dick
  746. >It's mind-numbingly arousing
  747. >You don't have the strength to lift your head to look at them
  748. >Suddenly you feel a sharp wave a pleasure bolt through your body
  749. >Both of their tongues are on your cock
  750. >Licking slowly up the shaft
  751. >You forget how to breathe for a moment
  752. >As they reach the tip you moan louder than you ever have
  753. >Scootaloo tries to suck it
  754. >But she can only get the head into her mouth
  755. >It's more than enough however
  756. >Fluttershy keeps slowly licking your shaft with her soft tongue
  757. >Scootaloo is gently bobbing her head onto your dick
  758. >Swirling her tongue inside her mouth
  759. >She might be a filly and inexperienced
  760. >But god damn it does not feel like it at all
  761. >It only takes you a minute to reach that critical point of no return
  763. >You can't hold it in any longer
  764. >Pleasure courses through your body as you shoot into Scootaloo's mouth
  765. >She groans as you fill her young throat with seed
  767. >You have no idea why you just screamed his name
  768. >But you don't care
  769. >Scootaloo pops off of your dick, coughing
  770. >You immediately feel another mouth on your dick
  771. >Fluttershy moans as she drinks your semen directly from the dick
  772. >You ride out the ecstacy as you shoot the last you've got into Fluttershy's mouth
  773. >Moaning and panting in the grass, you see Fluttershy enter your view
  774. >She's looking at you with bedroom eyes
  775. >She gulps loudly and opens her mouth
  776. >There's not a strand of semen to be seen
  777. >Soon, Scootaloo comes into sight as well
  778. >She tries to emulate Fluttershy, but doesn't do as well
  779. >Her face scrunches up as she swallows
  780. >Apparently she doesn't like the taste
  781. >"I never knew you were into stallions, Anon. We should try something one day."
  782. >Scootaloo just stares at Fluttershy
  783. >"Ew, gross."
  785. "I-I'm n-not!"
  786. >Fluttershy giggles gently
  787. >She gives you a quick peck on the lips
  788. >"Of course you aren't."
  789. >Scootaloo just shrugs
  790. >"I should get going."
  791. >It seems she suddenly realised the gravity of the situation
  792. >"Uh, thanks for, uhm, letting me join."
  793. "Yeah... no problem..."
  794. >You're exhausted from the whole thing
  795. >Scootaloo scampers off, and you hear the bush move again
  796. >Fluttershy lies down next to you
  797. >You put your arm around her and hold her close
  798. >For a few minutes you lay there in silence
  799. >Simply hugging and enjoying the warmth of each others' bodies
  800. >She gives you a peck on the cheek before getting up
  801. >"I have to go check on the bird you brought in. But you should come around some day."
  802. >She winks at you at the end
  803. "I think I'd like that."
  804. >With a final kiss, she leaves the bird-watching spot
  805. >You keep lying there in total bliss
  806. >You're still not sure how you managed to get a blowjob from a filly
  807. >Not that you're complaining
  808. >You probably have to keep that on the down-low, though
  809. >For now, you have Fluttershy
  810. >That sweet, shy mare
  811. >You hadn't really thought about her before
  812. >But she turned out to be quite the mare, indeed
  813. >You should probably see her more often
  814. >This could be something good
  816. End.
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