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Jan 9th, 2014
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  1. #Script courtesy of TnT
  2. #Version 1.0.2
  3. #This script will launch your server and zip up your server directory into a folder of your choice upon the server stopping.
  4. #No warranty is provided whatsoever. Learn this script and what it does before using it.
  6. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# BEGIN STATIC VARIABLE DECLARATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  7. #Set the minimum PowerShell version this script works with. (DO NOT CHANGE).
  8. New-Variable -Name POWERSHELL_VERSION -Option Constant -Value ([int]3)
  9. #Set the minimum .NET Framework version this script works with. (DO NOT CHANGE).
  10. New-Variable -Name FRAMEWORK_VERSION -Option Constant -Value ([decimal]4.5)
  12. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# BEGIN POWERSHELL CUSTOMIZATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  13. $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PowerLaunch"
  15. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# BEGIN FUNCTION DECLARATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  17. #Function to create the config.txt file. If the file exists, it will not be overwrote.
  18. Function Create-Config() {
  19. If (!(Test-Path config.txt)) {
  20. $currentlocation=Get-Location
  21. $parentfolder=(get-item $currentlocation).parent.FullName
  22. $backupfolder = Join-Path -path $parentfolder -childpath backup
  23. New-Item config.txt -ItemType "file"
  24. Add-Content config.txt "SERVER_NAME=MyServer"
  25. Add-Content config.txt "SERVER_LOCATION=$currentlocation"
  26. Add-Content config.txt "BACKUP_LOCATION=$backupfolder"
  27. Add-Content config.txt "CRAFTBUKKIT=craftbukkit.jar"
  28. Add-Content config.txt "JAVA_FLAGS=-Xmx1G"
  29. Add-Content config.txt "CRAFTBUKKIT_OPTIONS=-o True -p 25565"
  30. Add-Content config.txt "TEST_DEPENDENCIES=True"
  31. Add-Content config.txt "DELETE_LOG=False"
  32. Add-Content config.txt "TAKE_BACKUP=True"
  33. Add-Content config.txt "RESTART_PAUSE=5"
  34. }
  35. }
  37. #Loads all variables from the config.txt file.
  38. Function Load-Variables() {
  39. $types = @{
  40. SERVER_NAME = {$args[0] -as [string]}
  41. SERVER_LOCATION = {$args[0] -as [string]}
  42. BACKUP_LOCATION = {$args[0] -as [string]}
  43. CRAFTBUKKIT = {$args[0] -as [string]}
  44. JAVA_FLAGS = {
  45. ($args[0].split(' ')[0] -as [string]),
  46. ($args[0].split(' ')[1] -as [string]),
  47. ($args[0].split(' ')[2] -as [string]),
  48. ($args[0].split(' ')[3] -as [string]),
  49. ($args[0].split(' ')[4] -as [string]),
  50. ($args[0].split(' ')[5] -as [string]),
  51. ($args[0].split(' ')[6] -as [string]),
  52. ($args[0].split(' ')[7] -as [string]),
  53. ($args[0].split(' ')[8] -as [string])
  54. }
  56. ($args[0].split(' ')[0] -as [string]),
  57. ([bool]::Parse($args[0].split(' ')[1])),
  58. ($args[0].split(' ')[2] -as [string]),
  59. ($args[0].split(' ')[3] -as [int])
  60. }
  61. TEST_DEPENDENCIES = {([bool]::Parse($args[0]))}
  62. DELETE_LOG = {([bool]::Parse($args[0]))}
  63. TAKE_BACKUP = {([bool]::Parse($args[0]))}
  64. RESTART_PAUSE = {$args[0] -as [int]}
  65. }
  67. $ht = [ordered]@{}
  68. Get-Content config.txt |
  69. ForEach-Object {
  70. $parts = $_.split('=').trim()
  71. $ht[$parts[0]] = &$types[$parts[0]] $parts[1]
  72. }
  73. New-object PSObject -Property $ht
  74. }
  76. #Function to ensure the correct version of PowerShell can be found to run this script.
  77. #If the wrong version is found, it will provide a link to the correct version.
  78. Function Test-PowerShell([int]$minVersion) {
  79. $psVer = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
  80. If ($psVer -ge $minVersion) {
  81. Write-Host -foreground Green "PowerShell version $psVer is compatible"
  82. Return $true
  83. }
  85. Write-Host -foreground Red "PowerShell version $psVer is NOT compatible"
  86. Write-Host -foreground Red "You need to install PowerShell v$minVersion or greater."
  87. Write-Host -foreground Red "Get Powershell 4.0 here (Requires Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1):"
  88. Write-Host -foreground Red ""
  89. Write-Host -foreground Red "Aborting script"
  91. Return $false
  92. }
  94. #Function to ensure the correct version of .NET Framework is found to run this script.
  95. #If an older version is found, it will provide a link to the correct version.
  96. Function Test-Framework([decimal]$minVersion) {
  97. $frameworkVer = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client'
  98. $frameworkVer = $frameworkVer.Version
  99. If ($frameworkVer -ge $minVersion) {
  100. Write-Host -foreground Green ".NET Framework $frameworkVer is compatible."
  101. Return $true
  102. }
  104. Write-Host -foreground Red ".NET Framework version $frameworkVer is NOT compatible"
  105. Write-Host -foreground Red "You need to install .NET Framework $minVersion or greater."
  106. Write-Host -foreground Red "Get .NET Framework $minVersion here (Requires Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1):"
  107. Write-Host -foreground Red ""
  108. Write-Host -foreground Red "Aborting script"
  110. Return $false
  111. }
  113. #Function to launch the server. Arguments passed into this is Function is the directory of the server, the location of the server jar file
  114. #the Java flags to use and any command line options to pass to the server.
  115. Function Launch-Server([string]$location, [string]$jarfile, [array]$flags, [array]$options) {
  116. If (($location -eq "") -or ($location -eq $NULL)) {
  117. Write-Host ""
  118. Write-Host -foreground Red "Launch Aborted. Server folder has not been specified."
  119. Return
  120. }
  122. If (!(Test-Path $location)) {
  123. Write-Host ""
  124. Write-Host -foreground Red "No server folder $location found. You must create this folder yourself. Launch aborted."
  125. Return
  126. }
  128. $jarfound = (Get-ChildItem $location -filter "*.jar").Name
  129. If (($jarfile -eq "") -or ($jarfile -eq $NULL)) {
  130. Write-Host ""
  131. Write-Host -foreground Red "CraftBukkit executable $jarfile not found, however, we did find:"
  132. Write-Host -foreground Red "$jarfound"
  133. Write-Host -foreground Red "Do you have a typo in your config.txt?"
  134. Return
  135. }
  137. $server = Join-Path -path $location -childpath $jarfile
  138. $runlocation = Get-Location
  139. If (!(Test-Path $server)) {
  140. If ($jarfound -ne $NULL) {
  141. Write-Host -foreground Red "$server not found, however, we did find:"
  142. Write-Host -foreground Red "$jarfound"
  143. Write-Host -foreground Red "Do you have a typo in your config.txt?"
  144. Return
  145. }
  146. Write-Host -foreground Red "$server not found. Aborting."
  147. }
  149. Write-Host "PowerLaunch - Premium CraftBukkit Start Script"
  150. Set-Location $location
  151. java $flags -jar $server $options
  152. Set-Location $runlocation
  153. }
  155. #Function to find the size of the server directory
  156. Function Get-DirectorySize() {
  157. param ([string]$root = $(Resolve-Path .))
  158. Get-ChildItem -re $root | ?{ -not $_.PSIsContainer } | Measure-Object -sum -property Length
  159. }
  161. #Function to backup the contents of a directory.
  162. #This will break If not using .NET 4.5 or above
  163. Function Write-Backup([string]$backup, [string]$name, [string]$server, [int]$delay, [decimal]$size) {
  164. $date = get-date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M
  165. If (($backup -eq "") -or ($backup -eq $NULL)) {
  166. Write-Host ""
  167. Write-Host -foreground Red "Backup Aborted. Backup folder has not been specified."
  168. Return
  169. }
  171. If (!(Test-Path $backup)) {
  172. Write-Host ""
  173. Write-Host -foreground Red "No backup folder $backup found. You must create this folder yourself. Aborting backup."
  174. Return
  175. }
  177. If (($server -eq "") -or ($server -eq $NULL)) {
  178. Write-Host ""
  179. Write-Host -foreground Red "Backup Aborted. Server folder has not been specified."
  180. Return
  181. }
  183. If (!(Test-Path $server)) {
  184. Write-Host ""
  185. Write-Host -foreground Red "No server folder $server found. Backup aborted."
  186. Return
  187. }
  189. If (($name -eq "") -or ($name -eq $NULL)) {
  190. $backupFile = Join-Path -path $backup -childpath ("UNNAMED" + "-" + $date + ".zip")
  191. }
  192. Else {
  193. $backupFile = Join-Path -path $backup -childpath ($name + "-" + $date + ".zip")
  194. }
  196. If (Test-Path $backupFile) {
  197. Write-Host ""
  198. Write-Host -foreground Red "Backup Aborted. $backupFile already exists."
  199. Return
  200. }
  201. Write-Host ""
  202. Write-Host -background Red "Press q to abort backup - you have $delay seconds to decide"
  203. Start-Sleep -s $delay
  205. If ($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ("q" -eq $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("IncludeKeyUp,NoEcho").Character)) {
  206. Write-Host -foreground Red "Key pressed. Aborting Backup."
  207. Return
  208. }
  209. Write-Host -foreground Green "Backup starting. For large server directories, this may take a while."
  210. Write-Host -foreground Green "Size to be backed up: $size GB. Hold please."
  211. #Dump the output to null to avoid spamming the console. Backups will still run without issue
  212. [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.IO.Compression.FileSystem") > $NULL
  213. $compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
  214. [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($server, $backupFile, $compressionLevel, $false)
  215. Write-Host ""
  216. Write-Host -foreground Green "Backup Completed. See $backupFile"
  217. }
  219. #Function to quit the auto relaunch based on a time set.
  220. Function Set-Quit([int]$delay) {
  221. Write-Host ""
  222. Write-Host -background Red "Press q to quit - you have $delay seconds to decide"
  223. Start-Sleep -s $delay
  225. If ($Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable -and ("q" -eq $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("IncludeKeyUp,NoEcho").Character)) {
  226. Write-Host -foreground Red "Exiting Script. Good-bye."
  227. Return $true;
  228. }
  230. Return $false
  231. }
  233. #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# BEGIN FUNCTION CALLS #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
  234. #Create the config file to be used.
  235. Create-Config
  237. #Main area of the script. This launches all functions above (PowerShell needs the functions declared before they can be ran).
  238. #First the dependencies get tested, then the server gets launched.
  239. #If backups are enabled, take the backup. Delete the server.log If that ability is enabled.
  240. #If backups are disabled, Do not take a backup or delete the server.log
  241. #Keep looping until the user quits the script.
  242. Do {
  243. Clear-Host
  245. #Import Variables
  246. $HT = Load-Variables
  249. If (!(Test-PowerShell ($POWERSHELL_VERSION))) {
  250. Break;
  251. }
  252. If (!(Test-Framework ($FRAMEWORK_VERSION))) {
  253. Break;
  254. }
  255. }
  259. If ($HT.TAKE_BACKUP) {
  260. $foldersize = (Get-DirectorySize $HT.SERVER_LOCATION).Sum/1gb
  261. $roundedsize = [math]::Round($foldersize,2)
  263. If ($HT.DELETE_LOG) {
  264. $log = Join-Path -path $HT.SERVER_LOCATION -childpath "logs\latest.log"
  265. If (Test-Path $log) {
  266. Remove-Item $log
  267. }
  268. Else {
  269. Write-Host ""
  270. Write-Host -foreground Red "Deleting server.log aborted. File $log does not exists."
  271. }
  272. }
  273. }
  274. } Until (Set-Quit ($HT.RESTART_PAUSE))
  276. Write-Host "Press any key to exit"
  277. $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") > $NULL
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