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a guest
Oct 20th, 2014
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  1. on *:text:!coke:#: {
  2. if ($1 == !coke) {
  3. if ($time(nn) > 30) { set %timetogo $calc( 60 - $time(nn) ) }
  4. if ($time(nn) < 30) { set %timetogo $calc( 30 - $time(nn) ) }
  5. set %nummer 1
  6. set %lang
  7. set %andhl 14and
  8. set %bestprices 14Best drugsprices this half hour in
  9. set %drugs 14Cocaine 14Prices
  10. %cokechan = $chan
  11. /getcoke nl
  12. }
  13. }
  15. alias getcoke {
  16. if ($1 == nl) {
  17. sockclose getcoke
  18. %language = Prices
  19. %hostbara =
  20. %txt1 = 5For the Next
  21. %cokechan = $chan
  22. %min = Minutes
  23. }
  24. if ($1 == nl) {
  25. sockclose getcoke
  26. %language = Prices
  27. %hostbara =
  28. %txt1 = 5For the Next
  29. %min = Minutes
  30. %cokechan = $chan
  31. }
  32. if ($1 == nl) {
  33. %language = Prices
  34. %hostbara =
  35. %txt1 = 5For the Next
  36. %min = Minutes
  37. %cokechan = $chan
  38. }
  39. %url = /BeO/webroot/index.php?module=API&action=smuggling_prices
  40. sockopen getcoke %hostbara 80
  41. }
  42. on *:sockopen:getcoke: {
  43. if ($sockerr) {
  44. echo Error while connecting on sockopen: $crlf $sock(getcoke).wsmsg
  45. }
  46. else {
  47. sockwrite -n $sockname GET %url HTTP/1.0
  48. sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %hostbara
  49. sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; NT 6.1; nl) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30
  50. sockwrite -n $sockname Accept: */*
  51. sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=1
  52. sockwrite -n $sockname Accept-Language: nl
  53. sockwrite -n $sockname Cache-Control: max-age=0
  54. sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: keep-alive
  55. sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  56. }
  57. }
  59. alias htmlfree { var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp,;) | return %x }
  61. on *:SOCKREAD:getcoke: {
  62. if ($sockerr) {
  63. echo Error while connecting on sockread: $crlf $sock(getcoke).wsmsg
  64. }
  65. else {
  66. var %cokeprijzen
  67. sockread -f %cokeprijzen }
  68. if ($regex(%cokeprijzen,<cocaine>)) {
  69. set %coke [ $+ [ %nummer ] ] $htmlfree(%cokeprijzen)
  70. inc %nummer 1
  71. if (%nummer == 9) {
  72. Var %sorted = $sorttok(%coke1 %coke2 %coke3 %coke4 %coke5 %coke6 %coke7 %coke8,32,n)
  73. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %coke1) { set %coke1 4 DET %coke1 $+  }
  74. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %coke2) { set %coke2 4 CHI %coke2 $+  }
  75. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %coke3) { set %coke3 4 PAL %coke3 $+  }
  76. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %coke4) { set %coke4 4 NY %coke4 $+  }
  77. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %coke5) { set %coke5 4 LV %coke5 $+  }
  78. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %coke6) { set %coke6 4 PHI %coke6 $+  }
  79. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %coke7) { set %coke7 4 BAL %coke7 $+  }
  80. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) == %coke8) { set %coke8 4 COR %coke8 $+  }
  81. if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %coke1) { set %coke1 4 DET %coke1 $+  }
  82. if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %coke2) { set %coke2 4 CHI %coke2 $+  }
  83. if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %coke3) { set %coke3 4 PAL %coke3 $+  }
  84. if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %coke4) { set %coke4 4 NY %coke4 $+  }
  85. if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %coke5) { set %coke5 4 LV %coke5 $+  }
  86. if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %coke6) { set %coke6 4 PHI %coke6 $+  }
  87. if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %coke7) { set %coke7 4 BAL %coke7 $+  }
  88. if ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) == %coke8) { set %coke8 4 COR %coke8 $+  }
  89. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %coke1) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %coke1) && (4 !isin %coke1) && (12 !isin %coke1) { set %coke1 15DET %coke1 }
  90. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %coke2) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %coke2) && (4 !isin %coke2) && (12 !isin %coke2) { set %coke2 15CHI %coke2 }
  91. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %coke3) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %coke3) && (4 !isin %coke3) && (12 !isin %coke3) { set %coke3 15PAL %coke3 }
  92. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %coke4) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %coke4) && (4 !isin %coke4) && (12 !isin %coke4) { set %coke4 15NY %coke4 }
  93. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %coke5) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %coke5) && (4 !isin %coke5) && (12 !isin %coke5) { set %coke5 15LV %coke5 }
  94. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %coke6) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %coke6) && (4 !isin %coke6) && (12 !isin %coke6) { set %coke6 15PHI %coke6 }
  95. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %coke7) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %coke7) && (4 !isin %coke7) && (12 !isin %coke7) { set %coke7 15BAL %coke7 }
  96. if ($gettok(%sorted,1,32) != %coke8) && ($gettok(%sorted,8,32) != %coke8) && (4 !isin %coke8) && (12 !isin %coke8) { set %coke8 15COR %coke8 }
  97. if (3 isin %coke1) { set %Cokelow $+($chr(2),$chr(3),04,Detroit,$chr(3),$chr(2)) $gettok(%sorted,1,32) }
  98. if (3 isin %coke2) { set %Cokelow $+($chr(2),$chr(3),04,Chigaco,$chr(3),$chr(2)) $gettok(%sorted,1,32) }
  99. if (3 isin %coke3) { set %Cokelow $+($chr(2),$chr(3),04,Palermo,$chr(3),$chr(2)) $gettok(%sorted,1,32) }
  100. if (3 isin %coke4) { set %Cokelow $+($chr(2),$chr(3),04,New York,$chr(3),$chr(2)) $gettok(%sorted,1,32) }
  101. if (3 isin %coke5) { set %Cokelow $+($chr(2),$chr(3),04,Las Vegas,$chr(3),$chr(2)) $gettok(%sorted,1,32) }
  102. if (3 isin %coke6) { set %Cokelow $+($chr(2),$chr(3),04,Philadelphia,$chr(3),$chr(2)) $gettok(%sorted,1,32) }
  103. if (3 isin %coke7) { set %Cokelow $+($chr(2),$chr(3),04,Baltimore,$chr(3),$chr(2)) $gettok(%sorted,1,32) }
  104. if (3 isin %coke8) { set %Cokelow $+($chr(2),$chr(3),04,Palermo,$chr(3),$chr(2)) $gettok(%sorted,1,32) }
  105. if (4 isin %coke1) { set %Cokehigh 4Detroit $gettok(%sorted,8,32) }
  106. if (4 isin %coke2) { set %Cokehigh 4Chicago $gettok(%sorted,8,32) }
  107. if (4 isin %coke3) { set %Cokehigh 4Palermo $gettok(%sorted,8,32) }
  108. if (4 isin %coke4) { set %Cokehigh 4New York $gettok(%sorted,8,32) }
  109. if (4 isin %coke5) { set %Cokehigh 4Las Vegas $gettok(%sorted,8,32) }
  110. if (4 isin %coke6) { set %Cokehigh 4Philadelphia $gettok(%sorted,8,32) }
  111. if (4 isin %coke7) { set %Cokehigh 4Baltimore $gettok(%sorted,8,32) }
  112. if (4 isin %coke8) { set %Cokehigh 4Corleone $gettok(%sorted,8,32) }
  113. msg %cokechan 8De Cocaine Prijzen op .nl zijn nu :
  114. msg %cokechan 1 10|| %coke2 10|| %coke7 10|| %coke4 10|| %coke6 10|| %coke1 10|| %coke5 10|| %coke8 10|| %coke3 10||
  115. sockclose getcoke
  116. }
  117. }
  118. }
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