
Surprise! It's a birthday party

Nov 28th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Cadence had Trick resting on her hip, not really hiding or anything because it was hard to hide with a 3 month old. "Did they get lost on their way back?" She asked Steph who was peeping out the window. // Rochelle laughed, "No, probably distracted though. Who knows what kind of trouble they got into, being sent off alone together, without adult supervision."
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Lingering by the front window, she was holding a glass of wine in her hand and staring out the front window trying to spot incoming headlights. She was anxious and stressed over keeping this a surprise on top of her week of birthday planning which she would never admit to him that she was relieved was coming to an end because she'd driven herself crazy over making it special for him. "Knowing them? They're still in the parking lot debating over something and won't be here for another hour. In hindsight I probably should have sent someone along with them to keep them on track."-
  3. Covet: Cadence smirked, "Hey if they take that long, we're cutting the cake without them." // Rochelle nodded, "It would definitely teach them to be on time. // Felix pulled up with his brother, in his jeep. They'd gone to the pot shop because birthday discounts on edibles and other goodies. Felix had a sucker that he'd just unwrapped when they pulled into the drive way, because responsible driver and such. While Seb was halfway through a bag of THC carmel corn. "I really wish New York would get on the ball with this stuff. I've been dying to try doing a mead using honey that was used from bees polinating marijana plants. Felix rolled his eyes, "Of course you are. Don't forget the gift bag for Mom please." He said to his brother as he climbed out and started to head up to the door.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Seeing the headlights turn into the driveway, she excitedly turned to the crowded house, raising her voice. "They're here! Everyone hide!" Moving quickly to the corner to be out of view from the front door, she was practically vibrating waiting for them to come in the house.-
  5. Covet: Cadence ducked into the office, because it was easier than trying to find some place else to hide with Trick. // Rochelle walked into the kitchen and hid behind the island counter. // Felix walked up to the house and turned to his brother. "Dude c'mon you're so slow." // Sebastian gave Felix the finger while the rest of his hand was full of popcorn. "You didn't even bring anything in, shut up." He said walking past Felix and opened up the door.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Waiting to hear the door open, she could hear the boys and their chatter coming up to the front of the house. When the door opened, she waited a beat to be sure they were both close enough to enjoy the surprise before jumping out from around her corner and raising her voice in unison with the other party guests. "Surprise!"-
  7. Covet: Cadence and Rochelle both popped out and added to the cacophony of surprises that were being called out by all the peoples. // Sebastian gapsed and clutched his chest, since he was the first one in, then walked over to give Steph a hug. "All this for me, you shouldn't have. You're going to make an amazing wife someday." He said patting her head, but intentionally neglected to mention that she'd be Felix's wife. // Felix shoved his brother away from Steph, "Hey, that's my future wife, than you very much, and this isn't for you...this is more for me, because she loves me, not you." he said as he wrapped his arms around Steph possesively."Thank you for the surprise Red, I wasn't expecting a full blown party."
  8. Covet: *thank you
  9. Alexithymiaa: -She started to laugh at Seb because those jokes always got a rise out of Felix, which she was super into. "For BOTH of you." Hugging Seb, she then leaned over and hugged Felix a bit tighter and closer. "You're welcome. But you should have been expecting it because it's your actual birthday and the surprise needed to be from everyone. Now, what do my birthday boys want to drink?" She asked, the party resuming it's noise level it had before they'd arrived.-
  10. Covet: Cadence had walked over to where Rochelle was, because she wanted the baby, and all she could do was laugh at the exchange between them both. "You know... if they could get along, I bet she'd take them both." She said to Rochelle jokingly. // Seb laughed, "See it's not just for you. I'll take a rum and coke if it's at all possible?" // Felix looked at Steph, "I was expectinng something more...intimate like the last couple of days have been. " He said with a cheeky grin. "I'll take my normal apple juice."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Hey, everyone has to go home eventually." She told Felix with a nudge and a matching grin. "Of course. And then we can get started on your birthday presents." She spoke excitedly, going into the kitchen to grab a couple of cups. She poured Felix's apple juice first, setting it aside as she started to mix Seb's rum and coke.-
  12. Covet: Rochelle shook her head, "Don't let Seb know, he'll try to make that happen. I like having both of my sons living, I don't need my own personal Cain and Able story." She chuckled, then went to cooing and shit at the baby. // Sebastian walked into the kitchen to wait for his drink, "Oh presents, I'm definitely down for presents." // Felix gave a shrug, "gifts are nice and all, but.... I'm not noticing a cake anywhere... if there is no cake, I definitely know she did this for you and not me." He said to his brother as he grabbed his glass of juice once it was poured. // Kelsey and Brad pulled up in his vehicle. Kelsey in the passenger seat looking at her phone, getting annoyed messages from Nancy for bailing on her party, but she'd been there for all the important stuff, this was family related.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "There are presents, and there is cake. Calm down. It's not a competition." She passed Seb his drink before turning to scan the crowded house for the blonde she was looking for which wasn't hard because Liz's tits were all out and obvious and she stuck out in their friends. "Okay, both of you just stay right here, and I'm going to get your presents ready." She bustled over to the piano to grab an envelope and then headed over to Liz quickly. // Brad parked his car and climbed out, looking toward the house. "Honestly I think I would have preferred to stay at your party. At least at your party there's people for us to network with." He said as he headed over to her to help her out of the car.-
  14. Covet: "Says the girl who makes everything into a competition." Felix scoffed at her as he took a sip from his drink. His brother offered him a sip of his and Felix just gave him a dirty look. // Seb gave a shrug, "Just thought I'd ask, since it's our birthday and all." // Kelsey climbed out of the car in her short mini dress, that more or less matched the theme of her album and party, tucking her phone into her bra, because that's the phone pocket when wearing tight clothes. "It was fun and all, but after my parents left, I was ready to leave as well. I'd rather be around people that know us, instead of a bunch of people who just want us to work for them, or vice versa."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Collecting Liz in a cleared out corner by their bedroom door, Steph went over and turned on her music before quickly making her way back over to the guys, a wide grin on her face because this was actually much more of a gift for Seb and she was pretty pleased with herself for putting it together. Letting Liz sing was the catch in getting her to come here. // "I don't know, there were plenty of people at your party that knew us..." He mumbled, heading up to the front of the house. "I guess we just walk in, right?" He asked as he pushed the door open, stepping into the crowded party. // Hearing her music start, Liz stuck a big smile on her face, planting a hand on her waist and bouncing her hip in tune with the beat as she sang. "I met him out for dinner on a Friday night. He really got me working up anappetite. He had tattoos up and down his arm. There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm." She started across the party, heading over to Felix and Seb, winking right at Seb. Boobs.- ( )
  16. Covet: "They know the professional us. Not the real us. That's different." She mumbled to Brad. "Yes, I'm sure we can just walk in. It's not like we were here before the party started. I told Steph I would be here when she sent out the invite. If you don't want to be here, then you can go back to the other party." Kelsey said shortly, because he knew this had more to do with his issues with Steph than anything else. "This party isn't about us, it's about Felix....and apparently Felix's twin brother too." She said seeing the twins together finally. "I didn't realize they'd look so much alike." // Felix had been talking with his brother and mom and Cadence when the music started up and he turned his attention to the singing boobs that were now walking into the room. Though when he realized her attention was on his brother, he shook his head, looking for where Steph went, because now he wanted his boobs.
  17. Alexithymiaa: (Kelsey.... what kind of stupid statement is that)
  18. Covet: [a very stupid one. XD BUT NOT ALL TWINS LOOK IDENTICAL!]
  19. Alexithymiaa: -She stood to the side and watched as Liz sang and danced, getting a little close on Seb, which was pretty much her instruction. Slipping by the spectacle, she moved over to Felix, waiting for Liz to be done so she could continue with present giving. "I wasn't sure of his type, but I figured easy with huge boobs wasnt a bad guess." // "I didn't say I don't want to be here, I just think it's weird we left your own party." He said as they walked into the house, seeing the twins together. "Well yeah, I guess that's what happens with twins. Do you want a snack?"-
  20. Covet: "You weren't wrong." Felix said, "Though...She so doesn't have the brains to be around my nerd of a brother. So as long as she doesn't talk. Should be great." // Sebastian was grinning from ear to ear as Liz got all cozy and serenaded him. He wasn't above getting handsy either. // Rochelle just rolled her eyes, because boys. Plus she had the baby so distracted. // "Why is it weird? It's my party I can leave it if I want to. Plus, Liz is here, so that alone already makes it better than my party." Kelsey said, "No, I'm still full from the food at the release party, but a drink would be nice. You know what I like."
  21. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Yeah.... the intention wasn't for them to have long intellectual talks." She said with a sheepish laugh because she'd invited Liz with the intent purely of getting Seb laid for his birthday. "Hold on." When Liz finished up her song, she tugged Felix over to Liz and Seb. "Liz, you remember my fiance Felix. And this is his brother Seb. Seb, Liz Reiger, international pop star." She pulled the little hotel key card out of the envelope she was holding, discreetly pushing it into the palm of Seb's hand. "Happy birthday." // "She looks busy..." Brad said as he watched Liz all flirty over by the boys. Starting off into the kitchen, he grabbed fruit juice and vodka, pouring them into a cup and looking over at Cadence. "Want me to make you anything?" // Liz was busy smiling at Seb because she thought he was cute, gravitating toward his side to hold onto his arm like a cliche bimbo. "Hi. When Steph invited me to sing for two cuties, I just had to say yes."-
  22. Covet: Cadence looked over at Brad, "Oh sure, if you're playing bartender. Vodka Cranberry sounds good." She said even though she shouldn't be drinking shit, but shhhh not yet. // Seb felt the hotel key card in his hand and looked back at Liz, then back at his brother and Steph, then gave a shrug, "Well I can for certain say it was definitely for one cutie. He's not as cute as I am." Sebastian said, nodding his head at his brother. // "Yeah, well, obviously Steph brought her here for a reason." Kelsey said as she waved at Cadence and Rochelle, going to get her baby fix too. // Felix kicked Seb in the back of the leg. " We look the same asshole." He gave Liz a wave. "Good to see you again."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Alright alright, why don't you guys have fun?" She said to Liz and Seb before turning to face Felix. "Now are you ready for YOUR gift?" // Brad set Kelsey's drink aside and started pouring Cadence's, making it a little heavier on the vodka than the cranberry juice and passing it over to her. "I'm a good bartender. I always know what everyone likes." He said with a laugh, picking up Kelsey's cup so he could pass that over as well before getting himself a beer. // Liz giggled and stuck her fucking chest out, half rubbing it on Seb's arm. "You are definitely super cute."-
  24. Covet: "Thanks, Brad." Cadence said then gave the briefest of winces, but because of the Cranberry juice, she couldn't really tell how potent of a drink it was. // Seb ecorted Liz off to the couch to get cozy with her, though he was definitely going back to her hotel room. // "Thanks hun." Kelsey said to Brad. "You're always an awesome bartender." She smiled then glanced over at Seb and Liz, because well. Seb was pretty easy on the eyes. // Felix grinned, "YES! Finally. Then we can do cake right?" He asked giddy like.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yes, then we can do cake." She leaned in to give him a kiss and then a quick pat. "Just wait right here." She turned and scurried off to the guest room, getting down on her hand and knees to pull the VERY large box out from under the bed where she'd stowed it. Standing it upright, she started to push it across the floor with the packaging label facing outward so he would be able to see what it was since the rest of it was just an oversized brown box. ( ) // "See, best bartender." He said with a smug grin, taking a sip of his beer. "So this party, huh?" He asked before following Kelsey's eyeline over to Seb. "Should we talk to him or do you think everyone would get pissed at us for suggesting?"-
  26. Covet: Cadence laughed then went back to talking to Rochelle while sipping on her drink. // "Oh I'm not going anywhere." Felix said all giddy like. When she came out with the giant box. When he turned it around his eyes lit up. "RED! Seriously?! This is amazing, I love it! This will make last second midnight adventures even more fun. I hope it's decent weather tomorrow so I can put it on the jeep." // Kelsey turned too look at Brad, "Pissed for suggesting what now?"
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She smiled as she watched him react to his gift, leaning over to give him a squeeze. "I was going to surprise you by putting it ON the Jeep, and then I realized that A. it's heavy and B. I have no idea how to mount it so maybe that's something Seb can help you with tomorrow before they leave." // Sipping on his beer, he nodded in Seb's direction again. "Seeing if he would come home with us. What else would I be suggesting?"-
  28. Covet: "Damn straight he's helping me. But I can do it myself too, you know.. if he ends up sleeping in and such." Felix said with a shrug, giving Steph a big squeeze and a kiss back. // "Oh! I wasn't necessarily even thinking that." Kelsey said with a blush, because Brad definitely wasn't in the thoughts she was just having. "You did think Felix was cute, and they look the same so, It couldn't hurt to ask. I don't think anyone would get pissed though..."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I was kind of hoping he ends up sleeping in. Sort of the point of his birthday present." She said with a laugh, kissing him back. "But I will stand on the ground and pass you tools you need. That's pretty much the extent of my usefulness on this. Now... ready for cake?" // Brad stared over at Seb a moment longer before shrugging his shoulders. "He seems pretty into Liz. I dont think he's going to give us the time of day."-
  30. Covet: "Ahh, I see. Now the next question is how do we get rid of my mom for the night?" Felix asked with the waggly brows, "Yes, I've been ready for cake since yesterday." // Cadence was starting to feel a pretty strong buzz from the alcohol, looking into her cup. "Jeeze Brad.. how much did you put in here..." She said // Kelsey looked over there and nodded, "Yeah, you're probably right. Maybe next time or something." She put a smile on her face, "Probably better not to bring anyone else in with the other stuff going on anyways."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "I only have so many ideas for your birthday and I am officially tapped out so you can figure that one out." She gave him a little pat and stepped away, raising her voice so everyone could hear her. "Cake!" Going into the laundry room where she'd stored it, she picked up the serving platter that housed the rainbow candy cake on it, lighting the candles stuck in the top and starting to walk out with it, cueing everyone to start singing. ( ) // "What? I don't know, enough?" He asked Cadnece with a grin, finishing off his beer. "I guess that's probably a good point. I just thought you might want that. Normalcy, remember?" He asked, looking up when Steph brought out the cake. "I probably can't eat that...."-
  32. CovetCovet : "I'm sure I can think of something." Felix said practically following her at her heels, before standing at the island to wait impatiently for her to bring the cake with all the candles lit. He grinned as everyone sang, not even attempting to sing along because he can't sing. // Cadence laughed, "Enough to make it so I can't drive home yet, and I only live less than a mile away." She added. // Rochelle spoke up, "I can get you home, if you want a break for tonight. I'll keep an eye on Patrick, if you don't mind the extra company. I'm sure that Steph and Felix are going to want some time and space to themselves tonight. // Kelsey nodded, "Yeah, I do, but I also can't afford anything going on getting out right now. But the thought is appreciated." She said giving him a soft smile, "We could share a piece, that might be okay just for tonight."
  33. Alexithymiaa: (Rochelle for the mind reading win.)
  34. Covet: [She is a mom XD that's like a super power or something you get... sure.. XD IDK]
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Setting the heavy cake down in front of him, she sang along with everyone else and smiled as she watched him be excited over cake. "Now make a wish." // "That just means you're having a good time." Brad said with a laugh, lookign at the cake and practically drooling. "Yeah, we should do that. It looks so good. Can you make one like that, that's sugar free?"-
  36. Covet: Felix took a deep breath and hogged the wishes all for himself because Seb was distracted up to his eyeballs in boobs and blonde hair. // "Thank you, I can give you some refuge if you need for the night." Cadence said happily to have the help. // Rochelle nodded, "of course. Happy to do so." She's everyone's mom. // Kelsey looked at the cake, "Probably I know they make sugar free candy like that."
  37. Alexithymiaa: -She started to pull the candles out of the top, setting them aside to reuse another time because thats the way you do it. "What did you wish for?" She asked him as she grabbed for a knife, cutting the cake and starting to set pieces of paper plates, pushing him one with a fork because she knew he wanted to dig in. // "Good. Let's get a piece." He said, moving through a few people and snatching one of the pre cut pieces off the counter, pulling it over to him and Kelsey.-
  38. Covet: Felix had already started to dig in before he swallowed and glared at her. "I can't tell you. That's not how wishes work." He told her then took some of the frosting on his finger then wiped it on her nose with a grin before going back to devouring the cake. // Everyone got the cake.// Kelsey took a few bites and just made sure to keep an eye on Brad for the night, because sugar overload.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "Hey.... I made the cake. I should be allowed to know the wish you made with it." She wrinkled her nose, leaning it to rub it off on his cheek, transfering frosting. // Brad was all about this cake, taking a huge forkful into his mouth and humming. "So good."-
  40. Covet: "I don't go sharing the wishes I make on cakes the cafe makes... with the bakers, so why would I share this with you?" Felix said giving her a glare as she traded the frosting back. "When all these people are gone, you're done for missy." He threatened then went about enjoying the rest of the birthday festivities until the people left then proceeded to the extra festivities.
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