

Oct 18th, 2018
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  1. west
  2. You go west.
  4. [Forging Society, Foundry]
  5. Waves of heat, blasting with an almost tangible force, roll from the flames of a brick-lined firepit. Over the firepit, a blackened granite crucible hangs by stout chains from an oak beam high overhead. Near the crucible's spout stand stone molds of different shapes, with a pile of fuel within easy reach.
  6. You also see an ingot cutter, a large waste bucket and a pile of fuel.
  7. Also here: Sorrower Sonjaa.
  8. Obvious exits: east.
  9. >
  10. You get a bronze ingot from inside your duffel bag.
  12. You put your ingot in the granite crucible.
  14. get my bronze ingot
  16. You get a bronze ingot from inside your leather pack.
  18. You put your ingot in the granite crucible.
  19. >
  20. get my bronze ingot
  22. >
  23. You get a bronze ingot from inside your leather pack.
  24. >
  25. put ingot in cruc
  27. You put your ingot in the granite crucible.
  28. >
  29. get my bronze ingot
  31. You get a bronze ingot from inside your leather pack.
  32. >
  34. put ingot in cruc
  36. You put your ingot in the granite crucible.
  37. >
  38. get my bronze ingot
  40. You get a bronze ingot from inside your leather pack.
  42. put ingot in cruc
  44. You put your ingot in the granite crucible.
  45. >
  46. get my bronze ingot
  48. You get a bronze ingot from inside your leather pack.
  50. >
  51. put ingot in cruc
  53. You put your ingot in the granite crucible.
  54. >
  55. get my bronze ingot
  56. What were you referring to?
  57. >
  58. get my rod
  60. You get a granite stirring rod from inside your leather pack.
  62. >
  63. Sonjaa puts her ingot in a hand-stitched traveler's pack.
  65. Sonjaa says, "Hello."
  66. >
  67. stir cruc with rod
  69. You plunk the stirring rod down into the oozing metal and churn up the contents using a paddling motion, as though rowing a boat. You do not even need to glance inside the crucible to know the mixing is going great.
  71. As you complete working the fire dies down and needs more fuel.
  72. Roundtime: 17 sec.
  73. R>
  74. Sonjaa puts her rod in a hand-stitched traveler's pack.
  75. R>
  76. get my shov
  78. >
  79. You get a steel wide shovel from inside your leather pack.
  80. >
  81. push fuel with shov
  83. Gripping the shovel tightly, you slam it deep into the pile of fuel and give it a hard kick. Straining, you remove the shovel with a mound of coal atop and toss it onto the fire.
  84. Roundtime: 16 sec.
  85. R>
  86. Sonjaa asks, "Please stop?"
  87. R>
  88. stow left
  90. You put your shovel in your leather pack.
  91. >
  92. stir cruc with rod
  94. >
  95. You plunk the stirring rod down into the oozing metal and churn up the contents using a paddling motion, as though rowing a boat. You do not even need to glance inside the crucible to know the mixing is going great.
  96. Roundtime: 15 sec.
  97. You aren't harnessing any mana.
  98. You aren't preparing a spell.
  99. You have no cyclic spell active to release.
  100. >
  101. You weave a soft melody, as you begin Sanctuary, the notes so light and airy they can barely be heard.
  102. >
  103. stir cruc with rod
  105. You lean over the crucible and begin to stir the soupy mixture using broad strokes of your stirring rod. The smelting proceeds exceptionally well and free of mistakes.
  107. Upon finishing you observe clumps of molten metal accumulating along the crucible's sides.
  108. Roundtime: 28 sec.
  109. R>
  110. Sonjaa says, "You are being rude."
  111. R>
  112. You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.
  114. Currently lacking the skill to complete the pattern, your spell fails completely.
  116. >
  117. turn cruc
  119. You tilt the crucible slightly and tap one side to settle the cooler metal over the fire.
  120. Roundtime: 18 sec.
  121. R>
  122. Sonjaa gestures at you.
  123. Sonjaa fixes you with an intent stare. Confusion clouds your mind, filling you with a growing conviction that it might be better to be elsewhere.
  124. Abruptly, you lose all track of why you were intending to engage Sonjaa. You find yourself contemplating small, furry animals.
  125. You flee east.
  127. [Forging Society, Foundry]
  128. Waves of heat, blasting with an almost tangible force, roll from the flames of a brick-lined firepit. Over the firepit, a blackened granite crucible hangs by stout chains from an oak beam high overhead. Near the crucible's spout stand stone molds of different shapes, with a pile of fuel within easy reach. Similar crucibles hang to the north and south.
  129. You also see a pile of fuel, a large waste bucket and an ingot cutter.
  130. Obvious exits: north, east, south, west.
  132. R>
  133. >
  134. stir cruc with rod
  135. You can only mix a crucible if it has something inside of it.
  136. >
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