
Halloween Dance 2017

Oct 27th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((Hey.))
  2. Smokeless: [[hey :)]]
  3. Smokeless: Dori made her way outside with her sketchbook. She pulled her scraf around her some more and looked around. She made her way up the bleachers and sat down setting her bag down beside her feet and opened her sketch book starting t sketch for her drawing class. she tilted her head slightly looking at the landscape.-
  4. Tsaaq: Ozzie got out of his three hour anatomy class with his backpack strap on one arm. The students poured into the hallway and he looked down at his phone. "Practice?" He groaned a bit as he made his way out to the field."You going to the Halloween dance tonight?" He heard beside him. One of his teammates headed in the same direction as him. "Nah... I can't." He replied. "I have to do something." Ozzie answered, being very vague. His teammate shrugged. "I'll probably stop by and look at the decorations after practice." He walked passed the the bleachers, seeing Dori before going out on the field and seeing no one. He frowned.
  5. Smokeless: Dori looked up from her sketchbook and saw someone just standing in the feild and she smiled softly an idea hitting her. she looked down at her sketchbook and started to sketch the figure on the feild. She used her finger to shade some areas.-
  6. Tsaaq: He walked away from the grass, not really wanting to talk to any of the few teammates that had gathered. He went towards the bleachers and waved at her. "Hey, what are you doing out here?" He asked.
  7. Smokeless: Dori looked up seeing Ozzie and smiled turning her sketchbook around."homework." she turned the sketchbook back around"See you have practice obviously. Why aren't you hanging out with your team mates?"
  8. Tsaaq: "Well none of us have changed or anything so maybe it's not a real practice." He shrugged as he looked back at the males who were gathering. "They're okay." He whispered. "I like to give them space." He muttered.
  9. Smokeless: she nodded her head and closed her sketchbook. she leaned forward and she rest her chin in her hand."Well I know the feeling. I really don't talk to my teammates very much either." she shrugged some.
  10. Tsaaq: Ozzie furrowed his eyebrows. "Well that's different. You guys are girls. Girls like to fight about stuff." He said before shaking his head. "Well, not to sound mean. I mean girls tend to argue and stuff?
  11. Smokeless: She chuckled and shook her head."No you aren't being mean it's the truth and half the stuff we fight about is stupid."she shrugged her shoulders some. "So what have you been up to?"
  12. Tsaaq: "I mean, but it's also kind of sexist." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "Nothing. Going to work, watching the baby, going to class. Going to practice." He lifted his shoulders into a shrug. "I'm not very exciting." Ozzie told her.
  13. Smokeless: She shook her head."We live in a sexist world to be honest." she nodded her head."Same I sut been going towork and school and practice. But eh that is life. How is the chubby baby doing?"
  14. Tsaaq: "That doesnt make it okay." Ozzie leaned on the barrier where the fences of the bleachers were and put his hands in the pockets of his letterman jacket. "She's okay. I assume. I've been mostly at talon hall this week. Today will be my first night with her all week."
  15. Smokeless: she nodded her head. "I know it doesn't make it okay." she looked around looking at the other members of the football team watching them talk and do guy stuff."Oh you and the mother aren't together or something?"
  16. Tsaaq: He exhaled with a shrug. "Well... We are." He answered hesitantly. "It's just that I have to focus on school if I want to finish and well, babies can be very distracting. And I'm already bad at focusing." He explained.
  17. Smokeless: She nodded her head."Well if you two ever want time to yourself im up to watch her for you. I helped raise all my little cousins. IF not I can understand." she smiled and sat back in her seat on the bleacher.-
  18. Tsaaq: Ozzie waved his hand at her. "Don't go worrying yourself about it. It'll be fine." He said to Dori. "It's our bed we made. Now it's time for us to lie in it." He said firmly. "Sides. My partner is very picky about who's around baby."
  19. Smokeless: She nodded her head."well yeah its your bed and yes you lied in it but it is nice to have people help and get a break to refresh." she nodded her head."I can understand that. Alot of new moms are like that."
  20. Tsaaq: "We didn't have a nanny for so long cause I wanted to be there. But I gotta get back to school..." He trailed off. "I got five more years, at least." He muttered. // Coach McKale appeared on the field, not noticing Ozzie wasn't with the rest of the boys. "You guys have to get back to better numbers. We're losing and embarrassing... Everybody." He grunted. "Where the hell is Estevez?"
  21. Covet: Eli was in the gym getting the decorations set up for the dance tonight, a good majority of things were all ready set up, but he was in the process of blowing up baloons to spread around on the floor. Sitting at one of the tables he had a pile of balloons that still needed to be blown up, along with some Streamers that he still wanted to get hung up with the scissor lift while they still had it from the maintenance Staff.
  22. Smokeless: She nodded her head."well that is good. At least yoyu got to spend time with lulu"she looked up and to see everyone on the feild."I think your practice is starting."she slid off the bleacher and looked around."I should probably get back inside or something."
  23. Tsaaq: He nodded his head slowly. He looked over his shoulder at the team then back at Dori. "I'm pretty sure he's just yelling at us because we suck." Ozzie picked up his backpack hurriedly and began to walk in the direction of the double doors. "I'm gonna go look at the Halloween dance decorations." // Bliss bent over and pulled down her very short leapoard print skirt. Her eyes not looking away from Eli as she put out napkins, she accidently dropped some while staring.
  24. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head."I'll go with you."she put her sketchbook in her bag and put her bag on her shoulder walking down the bleachers. she walked to the double doors with him."I should probably be in there helping with the decorations seeing as im part of sga."
  25. Covet: El couldn't help but look over at Bliss as she was putting napkins out, watching her drop some on the floor. He had a balloon in his mouth and was blowing it up as he pointed to where they'd landed, and gave her a wink, before he tied off the balloon and added it to the ones on the floor. " Distracted, My Love?"
  26. Covet: [BRB! I'm going to log out and log into the school account to fix the haunted house decoration thingy....]
  27. Tsaaq: ((Tyt))
  28. Tsaaq: Ozzie began to speed walk as he looked back at Coach McKale. "He's awful sore at me for being a bad team captain. I don't much feel like being yelled at." He said quietly. He rose his eyesbrows at Dori. "If you're SGA why aren't you helping?" He asked. // Bliss shook herself back to reality and cleared her throat. "Me? Distracted? Never." She replied with a smile as she put her hands on her hips.
  29. Smokeless: "I had just gotten out of class and wanted to get my sketch started. I plan to finish it later." she had to jog to keep up with ozzie. she made her way into the gym and looked around seeing Eli and Bliss."Sorry im late guys what all needs to be done?" she set ehr bag down.
  30. Covet: Chuckling at her, Eli smiled and nodded his head, "Okay, Sassy pants, You dropped your napkins on the floor." He told her as he looked at the pile of balloons, "Do you think we have enough? My cheeks and lips are starting to hurt."
  31. Tsaaq: He rose his eyebrows as he walked into the gym and sighed. "Oh man. It came out so nice." He whispered with a frown. // She stuck her tongue out a little and switched her hips as she stepped over to Eli. "They're going to keep hurting regardless." Bliss whispered as she went to poke her finger in his airbrushed chest. She heard Dori's voice and quickly cleared her throat. "Oh, we weren't expecting you. Um... Mister President?" She turned to Eli.
  32. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head "oh umm well I had gotten out of class and figured you guys would want some help and all. "
  33. Smokeless: [i have to go to bed ]
  34. Tsaaq: ((Aw okay.))
  35. Covet: Looking up at her as he took her hand and kissed her finger tips, while his hands trailed up the back of her thighs, "Maybe... Maybe not, Maybe, your lips will make mine feel better." He told her then looked over at Ozzie and Dori, clearing his throat. "Hey guys, we're pretty good here but thanks for offering."
  36. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head."oh umm okay...well I guess ill go home then.." she smiled and picked up her bag making her way out."il lsee you guys around."
  37. Smokeless: [ok nini guys sorry i cant stay up late]
  38. Covet: [It's all good. No biggie]
  39. Covet: [LAME]
  40. Tsaaq: ((Smfh))
  41. Tsaaq: ((Nasty ass Eli!))
  42. Tsaaq: Ozzie saw Eli and Bliss and gave them an envious look. HE WISH COULD BE ALL HORNY WITH A DUDE. "It's fine. Uh... I have to go talk to coach." He whispered, backing out of the gym and running away. // Bliss bit her lip and looked between the other people as they left then back up Eli. "Where were we?" She asked quietly as she looked him up and down cause damn Eli.
  43. Covet: "We were about six inches from your hemline." He told her, then looked down at her skirt, "I got to say your legs... in that.. Aye yi yi yi" He told her once the people had left again. "We are just about finished here...just need to get the streamers up, and then we can possibly find a secluded place and some time to ourselves?"
  44. Tsaaq: She snickered and tilted her head before looking away then down at her legs. "Oh my. I had a feeling you'd say that." Bliss said softly. "We can do that. I probably need that... Before everyone shows up. Lest I attack you like the other night you dressed like this." She swayed back and forth and gave him a flirty but bashful glance.
  45. Covet: "I was pleasantly surprised by the way you attacked me, that night. I'll take it again." He told her, then grinned, "I'd be happy to help get you what you need, My Love." He told her as he stood up, and leaned over her to give her a kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist before giving her butt a pat.
  46. Tsaaq: "Well I can't help it. When you're dressed like this I'm at your command." Bliss smirked. She kissed him and let her lips remain on his before pulling away. "Streamers?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrows.
  47. Covet: "Really? What would you do if I was dressed like this all the time?" He asked, then leaned over to the table to pick up the purple and orange streamers, "Yep, these thingies, I should have done them with the lights, but I didn't think about it. They'll take us maybe ten minutes to put up. We'll just do four lines, since they're big." He said taking her hand with him over to the scissor lift. "Do you think the stage would work for some privacy?" He asked her with a coy look over his shoulder at her.
  48. Tsaaq: She bit her lip and and bended over to pick up some tape and things before turning to him once more. "Well... I'd say we'd have a lot of problems getting out of the bedroom. Which is surprising because we already have that problem now." She said with a giggle. "The stage seems pretty private to me." Bliss whispered as she smiled at him. "So long as you aren't too rowdy."
  49. Covet: Climbing up onto the lift, he gave a chuckle, "We do? I wouldn't call it a problem. I thought we were just throroughly enjoying ourselves." he said with his shit eating grin on his face. Eli was clearly enjoying this giggly flirtsy side of Bliss and was more than happy to indulge it further, "I promise I won't be too rowdy, I can keep my mouth occupied, provided it doesn't make you too rowdy." He teased as he took the tape from her and controlled the lift to go up to stick it to the ceiling, and moved it forward with the controls to get one side done. "You want to start twisting those and I can come along and get them tacked up on the otherside?"
  50. Tsaaq: "Yes dear." She replied as she took the streamers and meticulously twisted them into a lovely pattern. "I'm not sure if I can make and promises. We've never really done this sort of thing outside of home." She said with a smirk. "We do enjoy ourselves. Very often. I'm in no way complaining." She whispered as she looked him over again. "I suppose it means we're good for each other."
  51. Covet: "Thank you." He told her then finished the side he was working on, before driving the lift around and lowering it to get the other ones put up as Bliss got them twisted, "This is also true, I've never done something like this outside of home, but it's exciting, and adventurous, which are two things I wouldn't enjoy with anyone else but you." Eli told her, feeling all sorts of ego boosted as she kept gawking at him.
  52. Tsaaq: Her eyes remained on the streamers and then she switched her hips, walking to the other end. She looked over at Eli and shrugged shyly. "True." Bliss whispered. "It is exciting isn't it. And nobody is around. We aren't being indecent... Right?"
  53. Covet: "Indecent? Maybe a little, but like you said, we're alone. So who is going to know but you and I?" He told her finally getting down, "If it makes you feel better we can , get in character. Would two angsty punk fans worry about it?" Eli asked her walking up to give her a kiss, "But if you are terribly concerned , we can just go make out backstge."
  54. Tsaaq: Bliss put her hand on his muscles and liked her plum colored lips. "We can get into character... That sounds kind of fun. Just as exciting." She grinned up at him and pressed her body against his. "Why don't we just see how far this rabbit hole goes?" Bliss suggested before bringing her mouth to his.
  55. Covet: Eli looked at her a little shocked at first as she so easiliy slipped into character, but quickly did the same as he pulled her closer to him, his lower half instantly responding as he gave her a kiss back. "Let's go, or I'm not going to make it that far." He said against her lips, moving while he held her hand tightly and walked for the doors to the hallway.
  56. Tsaaq: ((Oh my gosh they're ridiculous lol.))
  57. Covet: [Kind of.. XD Always. XD]
  58. Tsaaq: She squeezed his hand and began to jog in her heels down the hallway, passing a few other students but not worrying too much on their presence as they reached the door that led to the auditorium and pulled Eli's body against hers as she ferociously kissed his lips. She opened the door and pulled him inside with her.
  59. Covet: Eli laughed a bit as she pulled him to her again right before the door, then pulled her inside. He wasn't going to worry about hitting the lights, there was plenty of light from the exit sign above the door. He turned the corner in the dark and picked her up, pushing her back against the wall, while wrapping her legs around his hips.
  60. Tsaaq: She pressed herself harder against Eli and continued to kiss him. "I like your tattoos, other young angsty adolescent I just met at the rock show we were just attending." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck to help in holding her up.
  61. Covet: [AHAHAHAHA]
  62. Tsaaq: ((XD))
  63. Covet: "Yeah? I like your outfit, the way you were dancing around enjoying yourself, was better than the show it's self." He told her kissing on her neck, while his hands moved over her thighs, staying in character as well. Grinding up against her, as he looked at her in the dim lighting, "You are unbelievably sexy, and want you so bad right now." He said panting back against her neck.
  64. Alexithymiaa: (You did a way better job than I do.)
  65. Covet: [Pfft, It's pretty much the same shit XD]
  66. Alexithymiaa: (Still did way better at decorating)
  67. Tsaaq: She nodded her head. "Yeah?" Bliss replied with a sultry smile. "Let's do it, strange rocker boy." She whispered. "Because I'm a bad girl. And I'm not afraid to have sex in a public place." Bliss chewed the inside of her chew before moving one of her hands to the crotch of his pants. "And I'm not on the student council at all... I get... B's." Bliss moved her pouty lips and attempted to whisper to him provacatively before kissing his neck.
  68. Tsaaq: ((It looks good!))
  69. Covet: [....I get B's.... lmao dead.]
  70. Covet: Eli watched her lips as and looked down as she went to grope him. He gave a shudder and pushed back against her hand, his own squeezing her hips and ass where he held her, while she kissed his neck, smirking, "B's, What a terribe student you are. I skip most of my classes, because I prefer to ride my motorcycle." He told her as he pushed her skirt up her legs.
  71. Tsaaq: Bliss shuddered. "Oh you're so bad. Horrible, hot student." She "How about... Right now? You take me for a ride?" She suggested as she tilted her head. "Come onnnn." She dragged out as she opened the pants for sex goings ons bro. // Remy drove into a parking spot and sighed. "You know, these past few days without Eugene have been pretty great. And I've been a lot less unhappy." He said, taking a pull from his cigarette.
  72. Alexithymiaa: -Adam walked from his truck towards the gym entrance at the side of the building carrying a couple of giant bags of ice, making his way into the building and thankful his costume to the dance was fairly easy to do this sort of stuff in since it was just jeans and a leather jacket. He walked over to the bar, emptying the bags into the coolers before he glanced around the filling gym, not seeng Eli or Bliss in the immediate area, but the fucking lift positioned in the middle of the floor. "Really?" Walking over to it, he climbed up into the basket, driving the machinery out of the guests way to park it in the corner. // Steph pulled her car into the lot because it was way cooler to show up in her car given their costumes, putting the car in park and killing the engine. She glanced over at Felix in the passenger seat, her eyes dropping over him because 50's complex. "This should be an everyday look for you." // Brad pulled into the lot of the promenade in black pants and a black tank since his costume wouldnt fit on him while he was driving. Once he parked the car, he slipped out and grabbed his costume from the backseat, pulling it on over his head to look like a giant fucking moron before walking around to Kelsey's side to open her door for her, offering her a hand. "Should I be concerned you're going to eat me?"-
  73. Covet: "Well if you're going to beg for a ride, I think I the best thing to do is give you one." He said with a lusty devilish look before he began to take her, right there, backstage, shamelessly because these two have a problem. // Cadence looked over at Remy, biting her lip as she watched him smoke his cigarette, "I almost feel bad for agreeing, but I can't deny the stress it's relieved. Plus... not getting interupted by his stupidity is also a plus. "She told him, leaning over to give him a kiss and smell the smoke on his beard, because she's weird like that// Felix looked over at her, "I don't think I could get away with holding a squirt gun like this all the time, Red, But I could do the leather jacket. I just feel it's a little over the top, if I don't ride a motorcycle, or have a cool car. Of which.. I still wish you'd let me drive here." He said spinning the squirt gun on his finger. // Kelsey stepped out with him and looked over at him as he put his ridiculous costume on, "Depends, how do you feel about biting?" She asked playing with her tail as she closed the door and walked around the car.
  74. Tsaaq: BLISS WAS SUPES EXCITED FOR BACKSTAGE SEXY TIMES. And honestly it was probably very exciting cause they're both fuckin' nerds. // "So..." He trailed off before turning to her and taking her hand. He sighed a bit. "It's kind of nostalgic. Halloween is like a special time for us." He laughed, going to kiss her forehead. "Come on we should head inside." // Hayley's acura pulled into the parking lot and she hurriedly made her way into the school. She was excited to see the gym and shit. She bolted down the hall before almost falling into the double doors of the gym. "Where's Bliss and Eli?" She asked Adam, looking a little disappointed.
  75. Alexithymiaa: -Finishing up with the ice and making sure all of the drinks were appropriately chilled, he saw Hayley coming over and smiled at her in her Pink Ladies costume. "I'm not sure. When I got back with the ice, the lift was still in the middle of the gym and I havent seen them come back yet. I dont know where they wandered off to, but I need to go play my mix." He leaned over and kissed her cheek before wandering across the gym to the DJ booth, hitting play on the mix he'd previously set up. // "Okay, minus the squirt gun, smartass." She rolled her eyes, running her hands over the sleek leather of the steering wheel. "It's not over the top. It's totally cool. It gives the illusion that you are also cool despite actually being a huge dork. Besides, you drove my car plenty last week." She slipped out of the car and straightened out her skirt waiting on him to join her before starting towards the building. // Brad smirked at Kelsey's comment, starting towards the front doors of the building looking like an idiot. "I feel pretty favorable about biting so long as you're not biting off. Biting off is bad. Nips? Nips are good. I could show you what I mean, if you're unsure." He said in a low tone, pulling her in close to his side which was ridiculous because his costume was huge.-
  76. Alexithymiaa:
  77. Covet: Eli was busy in Happy Bone Town [heheh halloween innuendo] // "It is. We should... I dunno, commemerate the moment some how, at some point." She told him as she kissed him back, "But let's go make an appearance at least. Find our other Grease members." She told him as she went to step out of the car, her black shirt showing off plenty of boobage and was a tad loose.// Felix smirked then frowned, "Hey, Excuse you. I am cool. Thank you very much." He told her then rolled his eyes, " That doesn't count, that was necessary, I wanted look all cool DRIVING up in this, not getting out of it." // Kelsey shook her head, "The bananas don't nip the monkeys... well.. maybe in Cloudy with a chance of meatballs two, but that's not real." She told him, then laughed because it was awkward trying to cling to him with a giant banana suit on.
  78. Tsaaq: Bliss was getting her Thriller for the night. ((Lame but it works.)) // He nodded his head. "We will." Remy told her. "Yeah we gotta do that." He sighed with a smirk. "You look like a ten, as usualy." Remy told Cadence as he put his arm around her waist. "To the gym and shit." // She smiled up at him then sputtered her lips. "I was stoked to hang out." She said. She watched him run to the console before walking towards him. "Are the snacks good this year?" She asked him, already dancing to the music he put on.
  79. Covet: [lol! I laughed. totally works]
  80. Covet: After a few long , hot steamy minutes, I imagined these two would be done because of excitement of being in public-ish and the build up. Eli was holding her close while panting, after giving Bliss a great ride with a full tank at the end of it, [not sorry XD], "That was... wow... I'm surprised I can still stand right now." He said with a chuckle, then eased her down to the floor, pressing a kiss to her head, his body glistening making his tattoos start to bleed. //
  81. Covet: [FUCK YOU ENTER!]
  82. Covet: [Ignore that... -.-]
  83. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo.))
  84. Tsaaq: ((ALSO EW XD))
  85. Covet: [Still not sorry!]
  86. Alexithymiaa: "Aren't the snacks good every year?" He asked her over the sound of the music, stepping out from behind the DJ booth to step beside her. "I wonder where they ran off to. I'm sure they'll be back soon. They have to be. This is an SGA event and Eli is the president." // "Would you feel better if I let you drive home?" She asked as she reached out to take his hand, tugging down her skirt as she walked. "At least you get to be comfortable. You know what's less comfortable than a pencil skirt?" She paused momentarily. "Nothing. Nothing is less comfortable thaan a pencil skirt. I feel like I can't walk in this thing." // "Hey, I liked that movie. But if we're really getting technical here, what about me dressing up like a banana and you like a monkey is actually real?" He shot back as he walked her into the building, heading down to the gym to pull the door open for her to step inside.-
  87. Covet: After a few long , hot steamy minutes, I imagined these two would be done because of excitement of being in public-ish and the build up. Eli was holding her close while panting, after giving Bliss a great ride with a full tank at the end of it, [not sorry XD], "That was... wow... I'm surprised I can still stand right now." He said with a chuckle, then eased her down to the floor, pressing a kiss to her head, his body glistening making his tattoos start to bleed. // "Thank you Kenickie, You look like a ten yourself." She told him with a wink, adjusting the brown wig she had on. "To the gym and shit." Cadence laughed, walking inside looking around as she heard the music playing, "Damn, looks great in here." // "Yes, actually, I would." He told her then watched her in the skirt, " I was going to say a formal dress, because you always remind me of how uncomfortable it is." He put his arm arond her waist as they caught up to Cadence and Remy, " You can't be mad because the T-birds just happen to be more logical than you pink ladies."// "I loved it and the first one." Kelsey, laughed then tilted her head to the side, " Yeah, that's true. She laughed then walked inside, " Ooh, it's so festive, There's Hayley, Aww, I love her look! Hayley!" she called out waving at her.
  88. Tsaaq: Bliss still held onto him while breathing hard. "That was..." She trailed off before looking over to Eli and smiling up at him. "So much fun." She said in a dreamy voice. Bliss fanned herself and kissed his cheek. "I need to cool down." // "Pleasure is all mine Riz." He answered in the best greaser he could muster. "You know what I could really use is that dope ass lighter he had in the movie..." He said as he led her inside. Remy smirked once he heard Felix. "You know these crazy dames don't know whats good for 'em." He spoke in the accent once more. // "They better be back!" Hayley said as she twirled over to the buffet table. "What do you want to get first?" She asked as she looked over her shoulder at Adam before waving him over. "Candy!" She dug her hand into the pumpkins and stuffed her pockets. "Hey Kels!" She wvaed. "Thank you, you look super cute. This is nothing compared to my costume for Bliss' party."
  89. Tsaaq: ((*Waved oh lord.))
  90. Alexithymiaa: (I cant handle the accent)
  91. Alexithymiaa: -Adam turned to look over at the tables of food, heaving over in that direction with Hayley and plucking a tootsie roll off the pile to unroll and pop into his mouth. "You're really going to eat all of that candy?" He asked before turning to look at Kelsey and Brad approaching, laughing instantly at Brad, but trying not to be obvious. But he looks like a dumbass. // Steph moved closer to Felix when he wrapped his arm around her waist, rolling her eyes. "You know what? Shut up. Both of you shut up. You're both annoying and I don't want to hear it. At least we look awesome." She shot back as she stepped into the gym, glancing around. "You know... I don't miss having to do this... this dance is so much work. Actually, speaking of work..." She rounded to face Felix, raising her brows. "Food and drinks and I can tell you what I found?" // Brad followed Kelsey over toward Hayley and Adam, walking a bit awkwardly as a giant banana. "Aw man, I want candy..." He mumbled as he looked down at the big ghost full of candy, his face down which is even funnier in the stupid banana costume.-
  92. Covet: "Me too..." He said exhaling as he fanned himself and her with his other hand, closing his eyes at the kiss on her cheek, "I'm sure we haven't been missed too much, we've got time. Probably better if we wait just a few minutes anyway, help minimize the proof of what we were up to." Eli said with a chuckle, then went to kiss her again, "I love you." // "Yeah, defintely keep talking like that, Babe." She said her eyes glassing over, " We should have tried to hunt something down, that would have been perfect." // Felix nodded and pulled a toothpic out of his jacket sticking it in his mouth because he didn't have a cigarette. He was still spinning the water pistol around on his finger, "Hey, we look awesome too! Wait I'm getting food and drink, then you've got a secret? What did you find?" He asked excited.// "They might have sugar free stuff up there, if not we'll stom somewhere on the way home and get you some, okay?" She told him as they walked over to Hayley, " Thanks, What are you doing for Bliss's Party?" She asked, excitedly.
  93. Tsaaq: She began to giggle. "I love you too." She said. Bliss took his hand and pulled him along with her as she ran into the hall. "Let's get going then." She announced. It was significantly cooler outside than in was in the auditorium so she felt worlds better// Remy shook his head and went to pinch Cadence's cheek. "You love when I do voices. You're adorable." He laughed. "I'm not annoying, what are ya talking about? This broad." Remy waved his hand at Steph. "Lighten up sweet cheeks." He tried not to snicker, but the greaser accent was fun as fuck. "We do look awesome. Don't worry about it." // She turned to Adam and frowned dramatically. "You don't want me to eat all of my candy?" She repeated. Her eyes widened when seeing Brad "Wow." She whispered before turning away. "Well..." She trailed off and went to grab a cup so she could get some punch. "She and I will be dressed like hot mermaids." She answered Kelsey then flashed her a smile before sipping from her cup.
  94. Alexithymiaa: "You can, that's just a lot of candy. I wouldn't want you to get sick." He said in a sheepish tone, looking over at Kelsey. "And I'll be a pirate to match her mermaid. Well not match.. but... accompany? I guess?" // "I'm well aware you look awesome." She spoke, her eyes dropping over him briefly to check him out because James Dean was her thing I guess. It's a thing. She took a deep breath as she glanced at Remy, slowly shaking her head. "Your greaser accent makes me want to hit you. Just so we're clear." She took Felix's hand, nodding her head and starting across the gym. "Well it's not a secret. It's just job news things. For one, the library is still hiring. So as long as you don't mind, I'm going to apply." // "Okay..." Brad spoke in a defeated voice because he really wanted candy NOW and who the fuck actually brings sugar free candy to a party? No one. "Do you want me to get you something to drink?" He asked her, adjusting the giant banananess on his body.-
  95. Covet: Eli had gotten himself re-situated in his pants before Bliss dragged him back down the hallway, He was glad for the breeze as they ran back down the gym, walking inside, trying to be casual about it as they walked in seeing all the peoples in costume hanging out. // "You just so damn good at it. I can't even do a french maid accent well." she told him, then looked at Steph, "Hey.. hey....I'll take care of hitting him.. later... when we're alone." She added quickly. "Bring back drinks for the rest of us too." She told Felix, as she stuck her hand in Remy's back pocket. // Felix put his hands up, "Do I look like a waiter? Fine fine." he laughed waving them off, then looked at Steph, "Of course I don't mind. I suggested it to you remember?" He told her, "Fruit and punch all around?" He asked the group before walking off to the punch bowl to get four glasses, and some Fruit for Steph and him to share. // Kelsey nodded her head, "Yes please, I might be dancing here in a second if you can't find me." She told him then looked back at Hayley, "Oh! That's going to be awesome! I can't wait to see it!" She clapped, "I'm going as sexy Princess Peach."
  96. Tsaaq: Bliss looked around and smiled, fanning herself still. "Do we look like we just had sexual intercouse?" She asked quietly as she spun around for him. // He furrowed his eyebrows. "Is that supposed to make me worried or somethin?" Remy asked, taking out a cigarette but only for prop purposes as he put it in his mouth. "Hit me with your ass. On my dick." He suggested to Cadence. "Specifically the crack, towards the hole." He attempted not to laugh. "Yeah punch I guess. Ugh, school events." Remy rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "And pretzels." // Hayley went to retrieve more punch and sipped it again. She stared at the inside of the cup before looking over to Adam. "Yeah well... I'm not gonna eat it all at once!" Hayley whined. "Cool." She smiled to Kelsey. "Then we'll all be sexy. We'll take pictures." She looked near the doors before pointed. "Eli and Bliss are back!"
  97. Alexithymiaa: -Adam watched Hayley a moment, raising his brows at her. "Everything okay?" He asked before quickly turning around to see where she was pointing toward Eli and Bliss. "Oh. It's about time. I wonder where they went off to." He lifted his hand into the air, trying to wave them over. // "I know, I just wanted to make sure. I already invade your life enough, I didn't want to invade your job too." She said with a shrug, taking a plate to put the fruit on as Felix did the punch thing. "But I had also applied to write for this blog and sent them some pieces. And I got an email this morning that they liked it, so I have a phone interview tomorrow with them. Hopefully if I can secure that and something else it should be enough to supplement my missing finances." // Brad nodded and turned to walk to the punch bowl, grabbing a couple of glasses and beginning to fill them after Felix was done. "Hey. You guys look cool. Obviously not as cool as me, but cool." He said with a nod to them before turning and heading back to Kelsey to pass off her punch. -
  98. Covet: "No?"He said looking her over, she looked alright, impressed with whatever brad of lipstick she had on because it wasn't smuged, His tattoos had run a little bit, but you could still see what they were. "We look fine, you look FINE" he added with a grin, then heard Hayley call out, giving her a wave, then started that direction when Adam waved them over. // "Babe!" She said with a laugh, then looked at him after covering his mouth, " Later... Rekindle those nostalgic feels." She said to him. // Felix waved his hand at Remy and did his best to balance the plate of pretzels for him as he got the other glasses of punch. "I'm not worried about it. You're tollerable enough." he said with a casual shrug, "Hey that's great, and something you can do from home too. Congrats Red." He told her then started to head that direction to hand Remy and Cadence their cups, but stopped to look at Brad, "I dunno dude, You're kind of a walking dick joke." He said with a laugh, "Which I can appreciate, but it's no leather jacket." // "Yes! I love it. It's going to be so much fun. I mean, this dance is fun, but a house party is just so much more than that." She told Hayley then looked over at Bliss and Eli, "Oh wow, they look hardcore tonight."
  99. Tsaaq: Bliss smiled up at Eli. "Good." She went to kiss his cheek. She walked over and went to wave at the group. "Hey guys. How are you liking the event?" She asked. "Kelsey, looking adorable as usual." Bliss said with a smile. // He grinned under her hand went to kiss her palm. "I'm looking forward to it. You know how much I love anal." He whispered to Cadence. "Ah, our shit is back." He took the pretzels. "Thanks kiddo." Remy replied playfully. // She looked down at the cup once more and pursed her lips a moment. "It tastes funny." She whispered more to herself than anyone else. She went to take another sip but also opened up a lollipop to counter the taste. "I haven't been to a house party since the last one after all." She said to Kelsey. "Plus Bliss has a huge house, and a pool." She added before smiling. "Speak of the devil. You guys look super hot." She greeted Eli and Bliss.
  100. Alexithymiaa: "It tastes funny?" Adam asked with a frown, keeping his eyes on her cup. "Funny, how?" He asked, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jacket and being all cool. "Hey, where did y'all run off to? When I came in the lift was still in the middle of the gym." // "Gee thanks Arizona." She spoke as she rolled her eyes, taking her cup from him. She looked over at Brad, just slowly shaking her head at him because he looked stupid. Following back to Remy and Cadence, she took a sip of her punch, not actually noticing anything off because she was very distracted. "I have a few other things to look into it also. I just don't want to run into this issue again. Ever." // Brad smirked and looked down at himself. "I know, right?" He asked before returning his attention to Kelsey, Adam, Hayley, Bliss and Eli approaching. "Yeah, you really do. I don't know what you're supposed to be, but whatever it is., it's really really working for you. For both of you."-
  101. Covet: "Hey guys." He said walking up, giving Adam a wave. "Things look like they're getting on well." He said looking around. "Great costumes and Thank you, Hayley."Eli chuckled and looked at Brad to answer him, " We're punk rockers, or Ashlee and Pete, Same thing right?" He looked at Bliss. // She laughed as she pulled her hand away once he kissed it, "Thanks for the drink." She told Felix as she took the cup and took a drink from it, then looked at the cup, "Huh... Well that should liven the party up." She said then took a pretzel. // Felix grinned at, Steph, "You're welcome, Tat makes sense, and it's good that you're getting a head of it." He told her putting his arm around her shoulders. He took a drink from the cup, then scrunched his nose, "Well I can see where the money went into this.. and it wasn't the punch. // Kelsey looked at Bliss, "Thanks! You guys look fantastic, but I'm with Brad who are you?"
  102. Covet: *That
  103. Tsaaq: Bliss slowly nodded her head and gave Eli's shoulder a pat. "Oh..." She paused as she attempted to think of a lie. "Eli and I were looking for something in the auditorium." She told Adam. "Oh thank you." Bliss smirked. "What my handsome partner just said." // He took a slurp from his punch and coughed a little before smirking. "Oh, awesome." Remy laughed as he chugged the rest. "I definitely need more of this." He looked over to Cadence. "Does everyon else know?" // She pursed her lips. "Well..." She trailed off. "I don't know. It's just in my head." Hayley shrugged as she went to get her third cup and was visibly sluggish and shit.
  104. Alexithymiaa: "Oh... okay..." Adam kind of said to everyone, moving his hand to scratch over the top of his head. // "I need to. Because our discussion? Is never happening again." She spoke as a sort of warning, eyeing him for a moment before glancing between the three. "Wait, what? What did I miss?" She asked, her brows furrowing. // "Ohhh!" Brad said with a nod once he finally got their costumes and the joke. "That's a pretty good one. And I'm over here just being a giant dick." He spoke with a laugh, swaying a bit with his banana costume. "Kels is the better one in our duo tonight."-
  105. Covet: Eli gave a smile, just playing along with Bliss's excuse because they didn't need to know what was actually going on. " Yeah.. sorry about that. I didn't think it'd take us that long. But Thanks for moving it." He said to Adam. // Cadence looked at Remy and laughed, "I don't know if they know or not, but I'll try to take it easy..." She said taking another sip, "Too much is going to make me sick with my meds, but I should be alright with a couple." // Felix looked at Cadence and Remy, "What's up?" He asked taking another drink of the aweful punch. He didn't drink so he didn't know the taste of such things, especially mixed into a huge batch like that. // Kelsey shook her head, "The more mature one probably. I went with something cute and innocent, This guy.. well.. at least he has a sense of humor" She said with a laugh then looked at Hayley, "Hey, are you okay?" She asked noticing she was slurring her words a bit.
  106. Tsaaq: Bliss forced a smile. "Yes, very unprofessional. Sorry." She frowned. "Anyways... Snacks?" She asked Eli before looking to Hayley as well. "You look a little flushed." // He nodded his head. "Right, be careful beautiful." He told Cadence. "I on the other hand? Going to get roaring drunk-" Remy turned to Felix. "Dude. This punch has hella liquor in it. It's spiked." // She looked up to Kelsey and shook her head. "I'm fine." She waved her hand and leaned on the snack table and grabbed a few candies and put them in her mouth as she staggered. "I have to pee." Hayley declared as she went to attempt to step away.
  107. Alexithymiaa: "It's okay. I just didn't want anyone to get hurt." He spoke quickly, looking to Hayley again. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked, putting his hand out to her. "Do you want someone to go with you to the bathroom?" // Steph was about three quarters of the way done with her cup of punch before hearing Remy announce that it was spiked. She quickly looked down into the cup, it finally dawning on her what they'd been talking about. Her eyes immediately darted to look at Felix since she knew he didnt like alcohol. "I didn't even realize..." // Brad laughed, giving a quick shrug. "I have the best sense of humor. No one can say otherwise. And you wouldn't be calling yourself cute and innocent if you remembered what we were talking about before we came in." He spoke with a smirk, flapping his banana flaps along with the music.-
  108. Covet: Eli nodded, "Of course, What would you like?" He asked her, offering to get them refreshments, then looked at Adam, "Good thing, and Thanks for that, Man." Eli said then looked over at Hayley. // Cadence looked at Felix, "You can't taste that in there?" She said then sipped from her drink, "Alright, I'll drive us home tonight, eventually." She said to Remy, intending to get a good buzz on and they could burn it off with their Halloween Dance Sexiversary. // Felix frowned and looked at his cup, disappointed and a little angry, " Oh...Can you take this please." Felix said practically shoving the drink into Steph's hands. While he tried to wipe the taste out of his mouth with his shirt. "It's fine, you couldn't have known." He said with an annoyed tone to his voice. // Kelsey looked at Bradley, and blushed brightly, clearing her throat, "I could use a restroom break too, shall we go together?" Kelsey asked her, walking along with her, looking back at Adam, "I'll make sure she's alright."
  109. Tsaaq: "Perhaps a cupcake?" Bliss replied before furrowing her eyebrows. "I don't know. I feel like this is a lot of junk food." She shrugged then went silent, attempting to hear Kelsey and Adam. "Is everything okay." // Remy rose his eyebrows and kept his arm around Cadence. "You don't drink?" He asked Felix and held out his hand for the cups. // Hayley nodded her head and zipped up her jacket. "Hmm?" She asked as she looked back to Adam. She put her hand on her forehead. "I feel weird." She whispered and waited on Kelsey. "I just want to get to the bathroom please." She said.
  110. Alexithymiaa: -Adam watched Kelsey walk away with Hayley to head toward the bathrooms, turning his attention back towards Bliss and Eli. "Of course. So how do y'all think the dance came out? I think everything really came together this year. It might be one of our best years yet. And look, no drama or fighting." // Steph took Felix's cup quickly, pouring the rest of the punch into her cup and sliding his underneath hers to fit together, not actually intending to drink any more of it and keeping her eyes on him. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" She asked gently, moving her free hand to his arm before passing the cups to Remy. // Brad turned to watch Kelsey walking away towards the bathroom, his eyes falling on her butt and her legs in that dress because hot.-
  111. Covet: "We've got some fruit up there if you're wanting something healthy, I'll get some of that and a cupcake for you." He said kissing her on the head, "I think it's going great. I'll be right back." Eli said as he walked off to go get that. // Cadence watched Felix, "It's just a little bit of alcohol, nothing that big." She said leaning into Remy.// "No, I don't. For.. Reasons. But I'm fine..." He said his mood definitely soured, "I don't mind other people drinking, but I at least like knowing what I'm drinking isn't alcohol." He said looking over at Steph, "Sorry...Maybe we could go dance or something." Not wanting to ruin the night with his mood. // "Okay c'mon let's go. Bliss want to come with us?" She asked her as she headed off to the bathroom with Hayley, switching into Mom mode at the drop of a hat.
  112. Tsaaq: "I'll be back too honey!" She called out to Eli and followed behind the two girls, looking worried. // "Well, sorry about that then man." He said, throwing back the liquid then sighing a bit. "I think we'll uh..." He trailed off. "We'll go get some alone time." // Hayley followed the girls to the bathroom and probably got to use it but also probably passed out in the stall. Probably.
  113. Alexithymiaa: -Adam turned back to Eli when the girls had walked off to the bathroom. "Aren't you cold in your costume?" He asked, sliding his hands into his pockets, thankful for a second time tonight that he had such a comfortable and casual costume. // Steph nodded to Remy before turning back to Felix again, reaching for his hand to pull him away from them so they could go off and have their alone time and she could speak privately to him. "If you want to leave, I understand. You're not exactly the best with a poker face... I know you're upset." // Brad moved to huddle over toward Eli and Adam since all the girls had run off. "Is any of the candy sugar free?"-
  114. Covet: "Take your time, My Love!" Eli called out and motioned Adam over to talk to him, "Is she okay?" He asked him curiously. // Cadence gave a bit of an awkward tense look, "Yeah, sorry Dude." She said then looked at Remy, "Sounds like a great idea to me. Let's go...." She said as she took Remy's hand and drug him out of the gym so they could find a place to get their Analversary on for the night. // Felix looked around, with his jaw set, "I don't want to take you away if you're enjoying yourself. I know you enjoy Halloween, and I'm right there with you. I'm just going to be upset.. mad...pissed for a while. I need a cigarette." He said making his way for the door, mad because of the booze and even more mad at himself for letting his mood ruining the event for Steph. // Kelsey followed Hayley in and used the restroom herself, then after a propper moment of bathroom time, called out to Hayley knocking on the door, "Hayley... are you okay in there? Hayley?"
  115. Covet: *He asked him curiously and looked at Brad, "Uh... I didn't think about that, Sorry dude, but there's some fruit and veggies, It's not candy, but it shouldn't be bad for you.
  116. Tsaaq: Bliss furrowed her eyebrows as she went to stand beside Kelsey as well. "Is everything okay in there?" She asked softly. // He gave Felix and Steph a final wave and went off on his quest of anal anniversary sex. // Hayley laid curled in a ball on the bathroom floor just passed the fuck out cause alcohol and horrible tolerance cause meds.
  117. Alexithymiaa: "I don't think so. Sorry Brad." Adam said reluctantly before glancing towards the bathroom door. "I'm not sure. I'm going to go wait for her." He turned and headed away, making his way toward the bathroom door so he could wait outside for Hayley until someone came out to tell him to carry that bitch out to the car. // "No, it's fine. I just want to make sure YOURE okay." She frowned when he turned away, her shoulders dropping as he headed out the door. Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she decided not to follow him and figured he needed a moment to himself, giving up and walking over to one of the tables to sit down by herself, just kind of watching people dance and walk by a little glum. // "Alright. It's okay... thanks..." He said to Adam before he'd walked away, turning to make his way back over to the snack table to see if there was ANYTHING he could eat. Deciding on some fruit, he got himself and walked over to sit down with Steph since she looked like someone just ran over her dog.-
  118. Covet: Eli gave Brad a pat on the shoulder, "Sorry dude, But as presiden't I'll take that into consideration for our next event. This won't happen again." He told him then nodded, going around to check on people and things.// Cadence was of boning, // Felix was outside taking a chill break, because he needed to cool off.// Kelsey frowned and looked under the door seeing Hayley on the floor, "Uh.. I don't think she's doing okay...She's passed out.." She said with a worried look then stood up to get the dor unlocked with her nails, twisting the lock with the little divit thingy that was in it for situations like this. "Can you go get Adam, Nobody else is in here... so hopefully he won't feel awkward coming to get her. I think.... I think there was alcohol in the punch. My cheeks feel a little flushed too.
  119. Tsaaq: ((Nice, boning.))
  120. Covet: *off Lol... anal boning? XD]
  121. Tsaaq: She pouted as she nodded her head. "That can't be good. I'll be right back." Bliss frowned as she walked out the bathroom hurriedly then saw Adam. "Oh thank goodness you're already here. Hayley is feeling under weather. Kelsey said she thinks the punch had alcohol in it."
  122. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stepped into the bathroom, walking over toward the stall Hayley was passed out in, but of course not before looking around to make sure it was just them in there. "I have her." He spoke as he crouched down, sliding his arms behind her back and beneath her legs as he lifted her off the floor. "I'll take her home. Thank you." He turned and made his way out of the bathroom, bypassing the rest of the party altogether so he could go put her in his truck and take care of drunk bitch. // Steph sat and pouted because now she was just worried about Felix, halfly ignoring Brad eating. // Brad shoved fruit into his face as he spoke to Steph. "You'd dig this video I've been working on. It's all slow mo with high speed cameras. It's wicked." He said, rambling on some more about his recent project.-
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