
bspconvar_whitelist.txt (for cinema map)

Jun 23rd, 2023
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  1. // This file should include convars which custom bsps are permitted to change via the bsp cfg file
  2. // if a convar doesn't exist in this list, a map is not permitted to change it via the map's cfg file
  3. // all convars in this list will also get set to their default values when a game mode cfg file is executed
  5. "convars"
  6. {
  7. game_type 1
  8. game_mode 1
  9. mp_warmup_end 1
  10. mp_match_end_restart 1
  11. sv_show_voip_indicator_for_enemies 1
  12. ammo_grenade_limit_default 1 // How many of each grenade (except flashbangs) are we allowed to carry?
  13. ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang 1 // How many flashbangs are we allowed to carry?
  14. ammo_grenade_limit_total 1 // How many total grenades can we carry?
  15. ammo_item_limit_healthshot 1 // How many health shots are we allowed to carry?
  16. bot_allow_grenades 1 // If nonzero, bots may use grenades.
  17. bot_allow_machine_guns 1 // If nonzero, bots may use the machine gun.
  18. bot_allow_pistols 1 // If nonzero, bots may use pistols.
  19. bot_allow_rifles 1 // If nonzero, bots may use rifles.
  20. bot_allow_rogues 1
  21. bot_allow_shotguns 1 // If nonzero, bots may use shotguns.
  22. bot_allow_snipers 1 // If nonzero, bots may use sniper rifles.
  23. bot_allow_sub_machine_guns 1 // If nonzero, bots may use sub-machine guns.
  24. bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high 1 // Amount above avg human contribution score, above which a bot should lower its difficulty
  25. bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low 1 // Amount below avg human contribution score, below which a bot should raise its difficulty
  26. bot_chatter 1 // Control how bots talk. Allowed values: 'off', 'radio', 'minimal', or 'normal'.
  27. bot_coop_idle_max_vision_distance 1
  28. bot_defer_to_human_goals 1 // If nonzero and there is a human on the team, the bots will not do the scenario tasks.
  29. bot_defer_to_human_items 1 // If nonzero and there is a human on the team, the bots will not get scenario items.
  30. bot_difficulty 1
  31. bot_max_hearing_distance_override 1
  32. bot_max_visible_smoke_length 1
  33. bot_max_vision_distance_override 1
  34. bot_quota 1 // Determines the total number of bots in the game.
  35. bot_quota_mode 1 // Determines the type of quota. Allowed values: 'normal', 'fill', and 'match'. If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota. If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota.
  36. bot_coop_idle_max_vision_distance 1
  37. bot_max_vision_distance_override 1
  38. bot_max_hearing_distance_override 1
  39. bot_coopmission_dz_engagement_limit 1
  40. cash_player_bomb_defused 1
  41. cash_player_bomb_planted 1
  42. cash_player_damage_hostage 1 // The penalty (or bonus) players get from harming a hostage
  43. cash_player_get_killed 1 // Money a player can get when they are killed by another player
  44. cash_player_interact_with_hostage 1
  45. cash_player_killed_enemy_default 1 // Money award to player when they kill an enemy (which then gets scaled per weapon)
  46. cash_player_killed_enemy_factor 1 // Scaler that adjusts the money recieved per kill
  47. cash_player_killed_hostage 1 // The penalty (or bonus) players get for killing a hostage
  48. cash_player_killed_teammate 1
  49. cash_player_rescued_hostage 1
  50. cash_player_respawn_amount 1 // The money bonus a play can get when they respawn (if respawning is enabled)
  51. cash_team_elimination_bomb_map 1
  52. cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct 1
  53. cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t 1
  54. cash_team_hostage_alive 1
  55. cash_team_hostage_interaction 1
  56. cash_team_loser_bonus 1
  57. cash_team_bonus_shorthanded 1
  58. cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds 1
  59. cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused 1
  60. cash_team_rescued_hostage 1
  61. cash_team_survive_guardian_wave 1
  62. cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb 1
  63. cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb 1
  64. cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue 1
  65. cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb 1
  66. cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage 1
  67. contributionscore_assist 1
  68. contributionscore_bomb_defuse_major 1
  69. contributionscore_bomb_defuse_minor 1
  70. contributionscore_bomb_exploded 1
  71. contributionscore_bomb_planted 1
  72. contributionscore_cash_bundle 1
  73. contributionscore_crate_break 1
  74. contributionscore_hostage_kill 1
  75. contributionscore_hostage_rescue_major 1
  76. contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor 1
  77. contributionscore_kill 1
  78. contributionscore_kill_factor 1
  79. contributionscore_objective_kill 1
  80. contributionscore_suicide 1
  81. contributionscore_team_kill 1
  82. ff_damage_reduction_bullets 1 // How much to reduce damage done to teammates when shot. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
  83. ff_damage_reduction_grenade 1 // How much to reduce damage done to teammates by a thrown grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
  84. ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self 1 // How much to damage a player does to himself with his own grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
  85. ff_damage_reduction_other 1 // How much to reduce damage done to teammates by things other than bullets and grenades. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
  86. global_chatter_info 1
  87. healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier 1
  88. healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier 1
  89. healthshot_healthboost_time 1
  90. inferno_child_spawn_max_depth 1 // Molotov spread variable
  91. inferno_max_flames 1 // Molotov spread variable
  92. inferno_max_range 1 // Molotov spread variable
  93. molotov_throw_detonate_time 1 // Molotov allowed throw duration
  94. mp_afterroundmoney 1 // Amount of money awared to every player after each round
  95. mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 1
  96. mp_autokick 1
  97. mp_autoteambalance 1
  98. mp_bot_ai_bt 1
  99. mp_buy_allow_grenades 1 // Whether or not grenades can be purchased from the buy menu
  100. mp_buy_allow_guns 1 // Bitfield: which weapons can be purchased. pistols (1), SMGs (2), rifles (4), shotguns (8), sniper rifles (16), heavy MGs (32)
  101. mp_buy_anywhere 1
  102. mp_buy_during_immunity 1
  103. mp_buytime 1 // How many seconds after round start players can buy items for.
  104. mp_c4_cannot_be_defused 1
  105. mp_c4timer 1
  106. mp_consecutive_loss_max 1 // Maximum loss streak (default 4). Maximum per-round impact is mp_consecutive_loss_max * cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds
  107. mp_coop_force_join_ct 1
  108. mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset 1
  109. mp_coopmission_mission_number 1
  110. mp_coopmission_dz 1
  111. mp_ct_default_grenades 1 // The default grenades that the CTs will spawn with. To give multiple grenades, separate each weapon class with a space like this: 'weapon_molotov weapon_hegrenade'
  112. mp_ct_default_melee 1 // The default melee weapon that the CTs will spawn with. Even if this is blank, a knife will be given. To give a taser, it should look like this: 'weapon_knife weapon_taser'. Remember to set mp_weapons_allow_zeus to 1 if you want to give a taser!
  113. mp_ct_default_primary 1 // The default primary (rifle) weapon that the CTs will spawn with
  114. mp_ct_default_secondary 1 // The default secondary (pistol) weapon that the CTs will spawn with
  115. mp_fraglimit 1
  116. mp_retake_ct_loadout_default_pistol_round 1
  117. mp_retake_ct_loadout_upgraded_pistol_round 1
  118. mp_retake_ct_loadout_light_buy_round 1
  119. mp_retake_ct_loadout_full_buy_round 1
  120. mp_retake_ct_loadout_bonus_card_availability 1
  121. mp_retake_ct_loadout_bonus_card 1
  122. mp_retake_ct_loadout_enemy_card 1
  123. mp_retake_t_loadout_default_pistol_round 1
  124. mp_retake_t_loadout_upgraded_pistol_round 1
  125. mp_retake_t_loadout_light_buy_round 1
  126. mp_retake_t_loadout_full_buy_round 1
  127. mp_retake_t_loadout_bonus_card_availability 1
  128. mp_retake_t_loadout_bonus_card 1
  129. mp_retake_t_loadout_enemy_card 1
  130. mp_retake_max_consecutive_rounds_same_target_site 1
  131. mp_damage_headshot_only 1 // Bullets that aren't headshots don't deal damage
  132. mp_damage_scale_ct_body 1 // Scales the damage a CT player takes by this much when they take damage in the body. (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%)
  133. mp_damage_scale_ct_head 1 // Scales the damage a CT player takes by this much when they take damage in the head. (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%)
  134. mp_damage_scale_t_body 1 // Scales the damage a T player takes by this much when they take damage in the body. (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%)
  135. mp_damage_scale_t_head 1 // Scales the damage a T player takes by this much when they take damage in the head. (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%)
  136. mp_damage_vampiric_amount 1 // Hits heal you
  137. mp_death_drop_c4 1
  138. mp_death_drop_defuser 1 // Whether a defuser drops from a player holding on when they die
  139. mp_death_drop_grenade 1 // Which grenade to drop on player death: 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
  140. mp_death_drop_gun 1 // Which gun to drop on player death: 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
  141. mp_deathcam_skippable 1 // Determines whether a player can early-out of the deathcam
  142. mp_default_team_winner_no_objective 1 // if set, the map will declare this team the winner when the round timer expires. (-1 == map default, 0 == draw, 2 == Ts, 3 == CTs)
  143. mp_defuser_allocation 1 // How to allocate defusers to CTs at start or round: 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
  144. mp_display_kill_assists 1 // Whether to display and score player assists
  145. mp_dm_bonus_percent 1 // Additional % of kill score to award for a bonus weapon kill
  146. mp_dm_bonus_respawn 1 // Whether to respawn when you get the DM bonus weapon or just have it given to you at your current location
  147. mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags 1 // How many additional dogtags to drop when getting a kill with the bonus weapon
  148. mp_dm_dogtag_score 1 // How many points it is worth to collect an enemy's dogtag in deathmatch
  149. mp_dm_kill_base_score 1 // How many points to award for a kill in deathmatch
  150. mp_dm_teammode 1 // Deathmatch uses team DM rules
  151. mp_dm_teammode_bonus_score 1 // Team DM victory points to award for kills with the bonus weapon
  152. mp_dm_teammode_dogtag_score 1 // Team DM victory points to award for enemy dogtag collection
  153. mp_dm_teammode_kill_score 1 // Team DM victory points to award for player kills
  154. mp_dogtag_despawn_on_killer_death 1 // If set, dogtags will despawn when the person who killer the owner dies
  155. mp_dogtag_despawn_time 1 // Dogtags automatically despawn after this many seconds (0=infinite)
  156. mp_dogtag_pickup_rule 1 // Who is allowed to pick up dogtags (0=killer, 1=killer's team, 2=victim's team, 3=killer OR victim's team, 4=everyone)
  157. mp_dronegun_stop 1
  158. mp_drop_grenade_enable 1 // Allows players to drop grenades.
  159. mp_drop_knife_enable 1 // Allow players to drop knives.
  160. mp_economy_reset_rounds 1 // how many rounds before economy is reset to default
  161. mp_equipment_reset_rounds 1 // how many rounds before equipment is reset to default
  162. mp_force_assign_teams 1
  163. mp_force_pick_time 1 // The amount of time a player has on the team screen to make a selection before being auto-teamed
  164. mp_forcecamera 1 // Restricts spectator modes for dead players. 0 = Any team. 1 = Only own team. 2 = No one; fade to black on death (previously mp_fadetoblack).
  165. mp_free_armor 1 // Determines whether armor (1) and/or helmet (2) are given automatically.
  166. mp_freezetime 1 // how many seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts
  167. mp_friendlyfire 1 // Allows team members to injure other members of their team
  168. mp_ggprogressive_round_restart_delay 1
  169. mp_ggtr_always_upgrade 1
  170. mp_ggtr_bomb_defuse_bonus 1
  171. mp_ggtr_bomb_detonation_bonus 1
  172. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_flash 1
  173. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_he 1
  174. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_molotov 1
  175. mp_ggtr_bomb_pts_for_upgrade 1
  176. mp_ggtr_bomb_respawn_delay 1
  177. mp_ggtr_end_round_kill_bonus 1
  178. mp_ggtr_halftime_delay 1
  179. mp_ggtr_last_weapon_kill_ends_half 1
  180. mp_give_player_c4 1 // Whether this map should spawn a c4 bomb for a player or not
  181. mp_global_damage_per_second 1 // Being alive damages you (can't die from this damage)
  182. mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave 1
  183. mp_guardian_force_collect_hostages_timeout 1
  184. mp_guardian_loc_icon 1 // (If set) icon to override for guardian mission
  185. mp_guardian_loc_string_desc 1
  186. mp_guardian_loc_string_hud 1
  187. mp_guardian_loc_weapon 1 // (If set) weapon name token (#SFUI_WPNHUD_<name>)
  188. mp_guardian_player_dist_max 1
  189. mp_guardian_player_dist_min 1
  190. mp_guardian_clear_all_bounds 1
  191. mp_guardian_new_bounds 1
  192. mp_guardian_add_bounds_pt 1
  193. mp_guardian_bomb_plant_new_bounds 1
  194. mp_guardian_bomb_plant_add_bounds_pt 1
  195. mp_guardian_bomb_plant_custom_x_mark_location 1
  196. mp_guardian_clear_all_player_spawns 1
  197. mp_guardian_add_player_spawn_pt 1
  198. mp_guardian_clear_all_enemy_spawns 1
  199. mp_guardian_add_enemy_spawn_pt 1
  200. mp_guardian_special_kills_needed 1
  201. mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed 1
  202. mp_guardian_target_site 1
  203. mp_guardian_force_collect_hostages_timeout 1
  204. mp_guardian_give_random_grenades_to_bots 1
  205. mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_adjust_wave_interval 1
  206. mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_max_next_level_bots 1
  207. mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_cap_beginning_round 1
  208. mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_initial_value 1
  209. mp_halftime 1 // Set to 1 to stay in halftime indefinitely. Set to 0 to resume the timer.
  210. mp_halftime_pausetimer 1 // Set to 1 to stay in halftime indefinitely. Set to 0 to resume the timer.
  211. mp_heavyassaultsuit_aimpunch 1 // How much EXTRA aim punch will happen when a player wearing the assault suit gets when shot
  212. mp_heavyassaultsuit_cooldown 1 // Controls heavy assault suit cooldown (disabled in cooperative modes)
  213. mp_heavyassaultsuit_deploy_timescale 1 // How fast a player wearing the heavy assault suit will draw their weapon (1.0 = normal speed, 0.5 = half speed)
  214. mp_heavyassaultsuit_speed 1 // The max speed of a player when they are wearing the heavy assault suit
  215. mp_heavybot_damage_reduction_scale 1
  216. mp_hostagepenalty 1 // Terrorist are kicked for killing too much hostages
  217. mp_hostages_max 1
  218. mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions 1
  219. mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions_xyz 1
  220. mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round 1
  221. mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1
  222. mp_items_prohibited 1
  223. mp_limitteams 1 // Max # of players 1 team can have over another (0 disables check)
  224. mp_match_can_clinch 1 // 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
  225. mp_match_end_changelevel 1 // 0=No mercy rule, 1=team can clinch match win early if they win > 1/2 total rounds
  226. mp_max_armor 1 // Determines whether armor (1) and/or helmet (2) are available for purchase.
  227. mp_maxmoney 1 // maximum amount of money allowed in a player's account
  228. mp_maxrounds 1 // max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
  229. mp_molotovusedelay 1 // Number of seconds to delay before the molotov can be used after acquiring it
  230. mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages 1 // Only CTs can rescue hostages
  231. mp_plant_c4_anywhere 1 // Don't have to be inside a site to plant bomb
  232. mp_playercashawards 1 // Players can earn money by performing in-game actions
  233. mp_radar_showall 1 // Determines who should see all in the radar. 0 = default. 1 = both teams. 2 = Terrorists. 3 = CTs.
  234. mp_randomspawn 1 // Determines whether players are to spawn. 0 = default; 1 = both teams; 2 = Terrorists; 3 = CTs.
  235. mp_randomspawn_dist 1
  236. mp_randomspawn_los 1
  237. mp_respawn_immunitytime 1 // How many seconds after respawn immunity lasts.
  238. mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 // When set to 1, counter-terrorists will respawn after dying.
  239. mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 // When set to 1, terrorists will respawn after dying.
  240. mp_respawnwavetime_ct 1 // Time between respawn waves for CTs.
  241. mp_respawnwavetime_t 1 // Time between respawn waves for Terrorists.
  242. mp_round_restart_delay 1 // the default is "7". the "1" here is not used
  243. mp_roundtime 1 // How many minutes each round takes.
  244. mp_roundtime_defuse 1 // How many minutes each round of Bomb Defuse takes.
  245. mp_roundtime_hostage 1 // How many minutes each round of Hostage Rescue takes.
  246. mp_solid_teammates 1 // Determines whether teammates are solid or not.
  247. mp_starting_losses 1 // Loss streak to start each team with (default 0). Results in the first round being worth additional cash for the losing team
  248. mp_startmoney 1 // Amount of money each player starts with on match start, half start or reset
  249. mp_suicide_penalty 1 // Whether suicides are punished
  250. mp_t_default_grenades 1 // The default grenades that the CTs will spawn with. To give multiple grenades, separate each weapon class with a space like this: 'weapon_molotov weapon_hegrenade'
  251. mp_t_default_melee 1 // The default melee weapon that the Ts will spawn with. Even if this is blank, a knife will be given. To give a taser, it should look like this: 'weapon_knife weapon_taser'. Remember to set mp_weapons_allow_zeus to 1 if you want to give a taser!
  252. mp_t_default_primary 1 // The default primary (rifle) weapon that the Ts will spawn with
  253. mp_t_default_secondary 1 // The default secondary (pistol) weapon that the Ts will spawn with
  254. mp_tagging_scale 1 // Scalar for player tagging modifier when hit. Lower values for greater tagging.
  255. mp_taser_recharge_time 1 // How many seconds does it take for a taser to recharge ( -1 = never )
  256. mp_teamcashawards 1 // Teams can earn money by performing in-game actions
  257. mp_teammates_are_enemies 1 // When set, your teammates act as enemies and all players are valid targets.
  258. mp_technical_timeout_per_team 1 // Allow technical timeouts to be specified by mode.
  259. mp_technical_timeout_duration_s 1 // Allow modes to specify technical timeout duration.
  260. mp_timelimit 1 // Allow the match to end when mp_timelimit hits instead of waiting for the end of the current round.
  261. mp_use_respawn_waves 1 // When set to 1, and that player's team is set to respawn, they will respawn in waves.
  262. mp_warmup_pausetimer 1 // Set to 1 to stay in warmup indefinitely. Set to 0 to resume the timer.
  263. mp_warmuptime 1 // How long the warmup period lasts. Changing this value resets warmup.
  264. mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected 1 // How long the warmup period lasts after all humans have connected.
  265. mp_weapon_self_inflict_amount 1 // Attacking damages you if you miss (can't die from this damage)
  266. mp_weapons_allow_heavy 1 // Determines which teams can purchase heavy weapons (-1 = any; 0 = none; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs)
  267. mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit 1 // Determines whether the Heavy Assault Suit is purchaseable or not (T only)
  268. mp_weapons_allow_map_placed 1 // If this convar is set, when a match starts, the game will not delete weapons placed in the map.
  269. mp_weapons_allow_pistols 1 // Determines which teams can purchase pistols (-1 = any; 0 = none; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs)
  270. mp_weapons_allow_rifles 1 // Determines which teams can purchase rifles (-1 = any; 0 = none; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs)
  271. mp_weapons_allow_smgs 1 // Determines which teams can purchase smgs (-1 = any; 0 = none; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs)
  272. mp_weapons_allow_typecount 1 // How many weapons of each type can be purchased
  273. mp_weapons_allow_zeus 1 // Determines whether the Zeus is purchasable or not
  274. mp_weapons_glow_on_ground 1 // If this convar is set, weapons on the ground will have a glow around them and can be seen through walls.
  275. mp_weapons_max_gun_purchases_per_weapon_per_match 1 // Can only buy each weapon this often per match ("weapons expert")
  276. mp_win_panel_display_time 1
  277. occlusion_test_async 1
  278. spec_freeze_panel_extended_time 1 // Time spent with the freeze panel still up after observer freeze cam is done.
  279. spec_freeze_time 1 // Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam.
  280. spec_replay_bot 1 // whether bot kills show a replay
  281. spec_replay_enable 1 // the default is "0". the "1" here is not used
  282. spec_replay_leadup_time 1 // how long the spec replay delay is
  283. sv_accelerate 1
  284. sv_air_pushaway_dist 1
  285. sv_airaccelerate 1
  286. sv_allow_votes 1 // Voting allowed in this mode
  287. sv_alltalk 1 // DEPRECATED. Players can hear all enemy communication (voice, chat). Use sv_talk_enemy_dead and sv_talk_enemy_living instead.
  288. sv_arms_race_vote_to_restart_disallowed_after 1
  289. sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty 1
  290. sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end 1 // When enabled, full alltalk is enabled at warmup, halftime and endgame
  291. sv_autobunnyhopping 1 // Automatically jumps when touching ground
  292. sv_autobuyammo 1
  293. sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight 1
  294. sv_bot_buy_flash_weight 1
  295. sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance 1
  296. sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight 1
  297. sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight 1
  298. sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight 1
  299. sv_bots_force_rebuy_every_round 1
  300. sv_bots_get_easier_each_win 1
  301. sv_bots_get_harder_after_each_wave 1 // only used in Guardian mode
  302. sv_bounce 1 //"Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
  303. sv_buy_status_override 1 // Override for buy status map info. 0 = everyone can buy, 1 = ct only, 2 = t only 3 = nobody
  304. sv_deadtalk 1 // When set, dead players can speak (voice, text) to living players on their team
  305. sv_disable_immunity_alpha 1
  306. sv_disable_radar 1
  307. sv_disable_show_team_select_menu 1
  308. sv_duplicate_playernames_ok 1
  309. sv_enablebunnyhopping 1 // Disables in-air movement speed cap
  310. sv_env_entity_makers_enabled 1
  311. sv_extract_ammo_from_dropped_weapons 1
  312. sv_falldamage_scale 1
  313. sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier 1 // Scale damage when distributed across two players
  314. sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio 1 // Landing on a another player's head gives them this ratio of the damage.
  315. sv_force_reflections 1
  316. sv_friction 1 //"World friction."
  317. sv_grassburn 1
  318. sv_gravity 1 // World gravity. (default is 800)
  319. sv_guardian_extra_equipment_ct 1
  320. sv_guardian_extra_equipment_t 1
  321. sv_guardian_health_refresh_per_wave 1
  322. sv_guardian_heavy_all 1
  323. sv_guardian_heavy_count 1
  324. sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy 1
  325. sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy 1
  326. sv_guardian_refresh_ammo_for_items_on_waves 1
  327. sv_guardian_reset_c4_every_wave 1
  328. sv_guardian_respawn_health 1
  329. sv_guardian_spawn_health_ct 1
  330. sv_guardian_spawn_health_t 1
  331. sv_health_approach_enabled 1
  332. sv_health_approach_speed 1
  333. sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier 1
  334. sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier 1
  335. sv_hide_roundtime_until_seconds 1
  336. sv_highlight_distance 1
  337. sv_highlight_duration 1
  338. sv_ignoregrenaderadio 1 // Turn off Fire in the hole messages
  339. sv_infinite_ammo 1
  340. sv_knife_attack_extend_from_player_aabb 1
  341. sv_maxspeed 1
  342. sv_maxvelocity 1 //Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
  343. sv_occlude_players 1
  344. sv_outofammo_indicator 1
  345. sv_show_ragdoll_playernames 1
  346. sv_show_team_equipment_force_on 1
  347. sv_staminajumpcost 1 // Modifies jumping stamina (default .08)
  348. sv_staminalandcost 1 // Modifies landing stamina (default .18)
  349. sv_stopspeed 1 //"Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
  350. sv_talk_enemy_dead 1 // Dead players can hear dead enemy communication (voice, chat)
  351. sv_talk_enemy_living 1 // Live players can hear living enemy communication (voice, chat)
  352. sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist 1
  353. sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec 1
  354. sv_versus_screen_scene_id 1
  355. sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point 1
  356. sv_warmup_to_freezetime_delay 1
  357. sv_water_movespeed_multiplier 1 // Water movespeed
  358. sv_water_swim_mode 1 // Prevent going under water
  359. sv_wateraccelerate 1
  360. sv_waterfriction 1
  361. sv_weapon_encumbrance_per_item 1 // Encumbrance fixed cost
  362. sv_weapon_encumbrance_scale 1 // Encumbrance ratio to active weapon
  363. tv_delay 1
  364. tv_delay1 1
  365. weapon_accuracy_nospread 1
  366. weapon_air_spread_scale 1
  367. weapon_max_before_cleanup 1
  368. weapon_recoil_scale 1
  369. weapon_reticle_knife_show 1
  370. weapon_sound_falloff_multiplier 1
  371. sv_camera_fly_enabled 1
  372. }
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