
Wrath 61 END

Aug 3rd, 2017
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  1. app based sum. rushed. not very accurate and might have rewrite.
  3. Ex gf goes how he'd go that far to make her the bad bitch in their relationship. How with this does he wanna get that pity ticket out of her, and how jumping he would have got it and more monologue bullshit from her that makes him look good and her bad. How will she then have worries about it, is he some kind of victim. To feel pity for him cause he's poor and in trouble and will he take advantage of that only when he needs it and then tells him to stop acting and to wake up and how it's hard to die from jumping from the 2nd floor. She was bluffing and breathes easy when he stands up but tells her to wait and how if she regrets it/has seconds thought to come to him that he will wait and she gives him a sarcastic and laughing reply that yeah, she'll rush over to him(not sure).
  5. Barracks and he's told he has a visitor. Ex gf calls his name and vice versa. She asks him how he is and he cries how he waited for her knowing she will come and she gores 'is that so?' Rapist comes and goes show smth is expensive these days and she asks him if he bought it. Ex gf goes to introduce rapist to him and how he's her bf and rapist tells MC not to be so tense. He goes what? and ex gf goes how he dint know how she and rapist were dating but since he's an old friend of hers and MC a junior of his, and she wanted to let him know that. MC goes smth like 'rapist my oppa, what do you mean by that?' how smth is wrong and why is rapist here and rapist goes how can't he see the situation for what it is and smth about their 100 days anniversary and shows him the rings. rapist makes more fun of him cause he's in the army but MC is stuck on the 100 days and how she broke up with him not that long ago. Bitch then asks for him to congratulate them and give them his blessings. He blows off and asks why this bastard and hoe goes how she doesn't want him to treat her dear bf in such a way and rapist goes laughing and how yeah, how can he treat his senpai that way and MC goes on a slang outburst and screams at hoe how she doesn't know what kind of shitty existence rapist is, for her not to be fooled, not with rapist and rapist makes fun of MC like he acts so funny/strange etc.
  7. Bitch tells rapist that with this their common goal was completed and gives him the ring and tells him to never make another pass at her again and takes her leave. The End.
  9. Author thanks the readers for reading his toon.
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