
Who ya' Gonna Call? Part 9: Clean up on aisle 10

Nov 22nd, 2012
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  1. >It had been a few days since you first opened up the doors to that old fire-house. And you've spent the majority of them cleaning, scrubbing, sweeping, and otherwise tidying the place up. All in all, it wasn't in terrible shape. The foundation was good, the plumping still worked, and stone construction meant you didn't have to worry about rotten wood. Now you were working on the part you secretly dreaded: getting the power turned back on.
  2. >”Are you sure you know what your doing?” Rainbow asked, while holding your flashlight so you can watch what your doing.
  3. “Mostly. I mean, it looks almost exactly like the circuit breakers back at home. Besides, I read the book that Twilight gave me on house repairs. Just splice the correct wires together, and it should work.”
  4. >Mayor Mare said the building was still connected to the PPG (P0nyville Power Grid), all you needed to do was flip the power on. She didn't take into account that some of the wires had been chewed through, probably by rats. So, you've spent the better part of last few hours in the old fire-houses' empty, dank, smelly basement fixing the damage. Luckily, whoever cleared out the firehouse before left a box of tools. You wrap the last freshly spliced wire in electrical tape, and put your you hand on the main switch.
  5. “Alright. And then lo', Anonymous said.. Let there be-!”
  6. >You flip the switch.. And then it feels like someone just hit you in the chest. With a sledge hammer. Fired from a cannon.
  7. >You fall over, your body going limp as you twitch on the cold stone floor.
  8. >”Oh my gosh! Anon, are you alright?” Rainbow grabs your shoulders and gives you a little shake.
  9. >You only got your ass shocked by a giant fuck off jolt of electricity. No big deal right?
  10. “One point two one Jiggawatts.”
  11. >It all your electric-addled mind can think to say before your vision goes white.
  12. =================
  13. >”Ah, Mister Anonymous. On time, as always.”
  14. >You hear, suddenly your in the middle of a fancy, but empty jazz bar. A lone saxophone played in the background as a man dressed in a dapper black suit and top hat turned to face you, cradling a high-ball glass of whiskey in between his white gloved fingers. A blank featureless slate of gray stood in for it's face.
  15. >”Come, have a seat. We have business to discuss.”
  16. >It was... Him. Or Her. Or It.
  17. >That was the thing who you sold your name to.
  18. >He, she, or it was a fae creature. A keeper of secrets and gatherer of information. If you wanted to find out anything, it could tell you. For a price.
  19. >Your body seems to react on its own, as it approaches the figure at the bar and takes a seat. The thing lifts the glass of whiskey up to it's empty face and takes a calm sip.
  20. >”I must say, finding you has been quite a bother. I thought you may have completely been lost to history. Luckily, Frank pointed me in your direction.” It's voice was calm, collected, calculating. You had the distinct feeling that he was planning three moves ahead of you... So you remain silent, “No witty remarks, Anonymous? Don't tell me the few days you've been in that strange land have dulled that quick wit of yours.”
  21. “Why don't we just skip the banter, and get to the part where you tell me what you want?”
  22. >You respond, still watching the thing wearing the suit nurse its glass of whiskey tenderly.
  23. >”Your learning. Good. Now, arranging this meeting has cost me quite a bit of power, so lets keep this short: I want to send you back home.”
  24. “Uh huh. And what do you want from me this time? My soul? My heart? My comic book collection?”
  25. >It laughed, amused, “Oh no, Anonymous. You know I do not deal in souls, but the comics...” Suddenly you felt a pair of eyes concentrate on you, “But lets be serious Anon... I just want to see you get home. Consider it a bonus for keeping so many of my secrets from getting eaten.”
  26. “Your doing it pro-bono?”
  27. >”What? I can't be nice every few eons? I'll give you a one way ticket home, no strings attached. You'll wake up from your little shock, back on Miami beach in the middle of the day and this entire experience will be like a dream. Your family misses you, and so do your friends. Jethro had to tell them what happened, oh the tears your mother shed.” It finished off the glass of whiskey, before it continued. “So, are you ready to go home? Or perhaps you want to spend all eternity in the land of pastel colors and p0nies?”
  28. >You hesitate. His offer is very enticing, and the sounds of the smooth saxophone make his words sound like honey to your ears.
  29. >So, why is your gut telling you this is a terrible idea?
  30. >”You do not belong there, and you know it.” It continues on, and suddenly a glass of whiskey levitates over to you, filling itself with Gentleman Jack. You reach over and picked it up, giving it a testing smell.
  31. >It smelt like whiskey. Just the scent alone made you pine for home.
  32. >The thing offers you it's white gloved hand, just like it did when you made your first deal.
  33. >”Well? Do you want to go home or not?” It says rather shortly, obviously getting impatient with you.
  34. >It seems almost desperate. Why did it want you back home so badly? This thing surely wasn't giving you this offer out of the kindness of it's heart, that's for sure. It was getting something out of it. Maybe not from you; but from someone or something else.
  35. “...Your getting something out of this, and I'm not biting. Kindly fuck off.”
  36. >You set the glass on the counter top and stand up. The suited humanoid-fae laughed gently.
  37. >”You cannot be serious, Anonymous. I giving you a chance to get home. Don't you care at all about your-”
  38. “Take your deal and-”
  39. ===============
  40. “-shove it”
  41. >You mumble weakly, as you hear a voice over you. Your ears are ringing, and you feel like your going to be sick. You can't seem to force your eyes open, and all you can do is groan in pain. You can barely remember whatever weird, shock induced dream you just had. What was it about anyway?
  42. >Must not have been important.
  43. >”-alright?” You hear a voice that sounds a lot like Fluttershy. You open your eyes and it is.
  44. “What happened?”
  45. >You groan as the ringing in your ears finally ceases.
  46. >”Rainbow said you shocked yourself. I was walking nearby when she asked me to watch you while she got help.” Fluttershy was examining your person closely, probably looking for any electrical burns.
  47. >Oh right. The breaker box. You tried to rewire it.
  48. “Right. Ugh.”
  49. >You slowly sit up, propping yourself up on your elbows and look around... Your still in the basement, but it looks like the lights are on now at least. You look back to Fluttershy.
  50. “Well, Thanks Fluttershy. I appreciate that.”
  51. >”You really should be more careful, Anonymous. Rainbow was really worried about you.” You can feel Fluttershy's hoof softly touch your shoulder, “Just take it easy for a little while, do you need anything?”
  52. >You shake your head and just lay back down on the stone floor.
  53. “No, I'm okay. I just gotta lay down here for a second.”
  54. >You look over at Fluttershy, with one eye open. You felt exhausted, probably just the after effects of getting zorked.
  55. “So, Fluttershy. How have you been lately? Anymore more ghost or scary voices?”
  56. >Fluttershy blinks, and then shakes her head a small smile on her face, “No Anonymous. Ever since you cleared up that horrible black slime, everything has been perfectly peaceful.”
  57. “Thats good. No offense, but you just don't look good with a slimy glaze.”
  58. >You joke, slowly sitting upward, feeling some of your strength coming back to you.
  59. >Fluttershy seems to blush slightly, and nods her head, “Y-y-yeah... I.. I uh heard from some other p0nies that your the town ghost-catcher now. I-i-i was wondering if... Um. Maybe... if it wasn't too much trouble...?”
  60. >Wow, this mare really didn't know how to ask a question. Though, you think you can guess it.
  61. “Want me to stop by every now and then to make sure its a ghost-free zone?”
  62. >Her eyes light up as she nods her head enthusiastically, “Yes! I-i-i mean, if its not too much trouble...”
  63. >A laugh escapes your throat as you slowly stand up, stretching out your back gently.
  64. “Sure, I can do that. In fact, I'm going on my first 'ghost-patrol' tomorrow, so I'll be sure to put you on the route.”
  65. >You came up with that idea a day ago when you were clearing out a spot to set your proton-pack... They didn't have phones here, so calling you would be out of the question. And since you lived a good while out of town, someone running up to you wasn't the best solution either. So, you had another idea! Foot patrolling. That way, if something happened you would be nearby.
  66. >Fluttershy beams up at you, looking extremely happy, “Really? Thank you so much. I-i just don't know what I'd do if I saw one of those things again.”
  67. “Run away screaming at the top of your lungs?”
  68. >She looked to the floor meekly, “Probably...” she then releases a gently sigh, “I wish I could be brave...” She said quietly.
  69. “Whoa whoa, I was just joking... That thing was an unnatural form of emotions and ectoplasm. Its perfectly natural reaction to run away screaming. You think I stared down my first ghouly with steely eyed determination? Hell no. I ran, Fluttershy. And I mean I took off like a rocket.”
  70. >She gave you a surprised look, “Really?”
  71. “Yeah. Just don't tell anyone, alright?”
  72. >You give her a wink before looking up the stone staircase.
  73. “Lets get upstairs. Nothing good ever happens in a basement.”
  74. ==========
  75. >After moving upstairs, you look over the main room. Its clean, but bare, only a few old wooden crates are on the floor, acting as make-shift chairs and tables. Upstairs it was very much the same. What used to be the bunk room and the kitchen were almost empty; the stuff that was left behind was just too old and neglected to be useful. You still remember the day AJ, Rainbow, and you had to cart the rusty wood burning stove out from the kitchen. Your poor big toe...
  76. >Hopefully, Mayor Mare will give you that start-up money you asked for. Probably wouldn't be a lot, but it'll be enough to get some food and maybe a bed. You really hate sleeping on the floor, but you really hate mooching off people more. You promise yourself that you'll pay them back somehow.
  77. >You take a seat on a crate while Fluttershy stands across from you.
  78. >”I heard from the others that your living here now...”
  79. “Mmhmm. Gives me proper motivation to get this place renovated faster. I have to say, its coming along nicely. It just needs a fresh coat of paint, some furniture, and a few other things.”
  80. >Like windows. And a new door.
  81. >Fluttershy nods, “Well...Yes, but I think Twilight is a bit worried. Living in this great big place all by yourself, so far away from town.”
  82. >Your eyebrow arches upward.
  83. “Really?”
  84. >Fluttershy averts her eyes slightly, “Well, um... Yes?”
  85. >She's not telling you something and you know it.
  86. >Your mouth twist thoughtfully, then you shrug.
  87. “Okay, well, whenever I see her next I'll be sure to ask her-”
  88. >”Anon!” You hear Twilight shout as the front door gets flung open... Right off the hinges.
  89. “Goddamnit, I just fixed that! The two big doors are open, too. I mean, come on.”
  90. >You lament. Though, you didn't so much 'fix' it as prop it back up and hammer the door back into the frame.
  91. >Rainbow flies in past her, and both p0nies wear the same expression of panic on their faces. Rainbow sees you and blinks, she then releases a sigh of relief. Suddenly, her face turns into a scowl as she flies over and smacks you in the shoulder, “Don't scare me like that, you big idiot!”
  92. “Again with the violence, Dashie. Why always with the violence?”
  93. >Twilight trots in and starts looking over you, “Are you hurt? Do you have any burns? We should probably take you to the hospital just to be sure...”
  94. “No, I'm fine. Though, my shoulder hurts now.”
  95. >Rainbow sticks her tongue out at you; whether for calling her Dashie or for complaining about the shoulder.
  96. >Twilight looks up at you and scowls, “Anon, this is serious... What if you were alone?”
  97. “Well, Rainbow was here. And I did get the lights working.”
  98. >You point upward to the hanging lights that illuminated the large room and grin smugly.
  99. >Twilight rolls her eyes and gives you a deadpan look, she then looks to Rainbow, “Rainbow, please! Talk some sense into him.”
  100. >You can feel Rainbow smack you in the shoulder again, but it is much softer this time, “Anon... Twilight has a point. You should probably move back into town until this place is less of a injury pit. If you need a place to stay I always-”
  101. >”Ahem.” The talking stopped as all four of you turn to face the source of the voice... It was Mayor Mare, along with that businessp0ny from a few days ago, “I hope we're not interrupting anything.”
  102. >Thank you god. Celestia. Whatever. Saved by your contract holder.
  103. “Hello Miss Mare. No, just having a slightly heated debate... What can I do for you today?”
  104. >You can feel Twilight glare at you again and Rainbow rolling her eyes. Fluttershy just staying quiet.
  105. >The businessp0ny walks forward, giving you a serious but collected look, “I wish we could have met first under better circumstances. I'm Filthy Rich, just call me Rich please.. And I'm afraid I have a little bit of a situation, Mister Anonymous.”
  106. ============
  107. “Okay, so the construction crew was digging in order to make a new foundation, when a mysterious burbling black substance started to seep up from the ground?”
  108. >You recapped, adjusting the straps on your proton-pack, and gave your gear one final inspection. The other p0nies following behind you as you continued to talk with Rich, “That is it exactly. I ordered all construction stopped until we can either figure out if its harmless, or remove it completely. I do not want to endanger the lives of my employees or customers. When the Mayor mentioned that you may have some idea what the substance is, I came to speak with you right away.”
  109. >You can hear Fluttershy mumble 'black slime'. Yeah, you had a feeling that is probably was it too.
  110. “Smart move. If at all possible, I want that entire area roped off. It sounds like you found a vein of black slime.”
  111. >Rich just gives you an odd look, “What?”
  112. “Laymen's terms? Pure, concentrated, evil.”
  113. >You look back toward Rainbow and Twilight, who were whispering to one another,
  114. “Hey, Twilight, we might need that vat of dancing goo you keep in your lab.”
  115. ===========
  116. >Soon you passed through the town. Twilight and Rainbow went off to get the vat of slime while Fluttershy decided to stay with you. When you asked why, she was silent and just hid behind her hair.
  117. >Mmmkay, whatever.
  118. >Eventually, you reached Rich's Barnyard Bargains. It looked a lot like the big box super stores you had back at home; maybe slightly less evil. Rich pointed you over to the construction site while he trotted over to some construction-worker looking p0nies to help make a barricade to deter the curious from wandering in.
  119. >Venturing over to the dig site, you immediately take out your PKE and it starts going off right away. Fluttershy looks at it, and gulps.
  120. > You scan the environment, and see a small puddle of black substance burbling and slowly spreading over the ground... Doesn't mean its black slime, you still can't hear-
  121. >You should have taken that deal.
  122. >You'll die alone.
  123. >What was that stuff even talking about anyway? With a stiff shake of your head you force the voices out of your mind.
  124. >Glancing over at Flutters, you notice she's shivering in fear and a low whine escapes her throat.
  125. “Just wait here, I'm going to get a closer look.”
  126. >You holster your PKE meter and turn on your proton-pack. Proton streams won't do much to black slime, but it'll keep it at bay at least for a little while...
  127. >Cautiously approaching the soul destroying substance, you keep your proton-wand raised. How the hell did a black slime vein form here? Unless this town's past was incredibly dark and full of murder, death and complete anarchy; there is no way it could have formed by itself. Could someone have put it there? And why?
  128. >Suddenly, as if an answer to your question, the bubbling goo forms into a geyser of midnight black viscous fluid.
  129. “Whoa!”
  130. >You shout in surprise as the droplets that land on the ground begin to move on their own. Forming legs and mouths lined with razor like teeth. They hiss, slowly approaching, blood red eyes forming on their 'heads'.
  131. >Without saying a word, you point your proton-wand at the closest of them and fire off a volley of positively charged protons.
  132. >The stream ripped the animated slime blob in two as it thrashed about in it's 'death' throws. The others, having seen this hiss even louder and start to charge.
  133. >Keep firing! Keep firing! You can hear some surprised gasp, as you hear Rich shout, “Eveyp0ny, get back!”
  134. >You sweep your proton stream in a wide arc, sending all the encroaching globules reeling. The surviving ones turn back and head back to geyser which they spawned from.
  135. “... I think they're falling back. We should be-”
  136. >Suddenly the ground shook violently, almost causing you to fall over.
  137. “Never mind! Everyp0ny back up.”
  138. >You shout still keeping your eye trained on the unholy geyser. Then, it stopped, as the ground trembled in agony. The sound of crumbling rock and tearing earth shatter the air, as if trumpeting the arrival of some abomination of god.
  139. >It was massive, standing easily over ten feet tall on a pair legs, with a pair of thick sinewy arms... Each ending in a terrible claw. Its giant maw formed from the black slime, as it bellowed angrily as long rusted chains clattered along its form.
  140. >A class six black slime shambler... Or as you knew it as..
  141. “A Black Slime Guardian...”
  142. >You've never seen one up close, and you've counted yourself lucky up until this point. They were vicious, brutal, and sadistic. Even with the proper gear, it would be an ordeal to take one of these things down. You look back at the group of gathering p0nies, all looking on in various degrees of shock and horror.
  143. “RUN! NOW!”
  144. >You hear the beast's thunderous foot steps, turning around to see it charge at you. He's fast for a big fella.
  145. >Without much care for aiming, you let your proton pack rip. The stream only serving to make it angrier as it jumps into the air preparing to slash at you with its knife-like claws.
  146. >You manage to dive out of the way, as the spot where you were just standing crumbles. You scramble up on your feet and pepper it with a few blast before falling backward. Most of the p0nies have run, save for Fluttershy, whose just watching this horrific dance of doom wide eyed.
  147. “Fluttershy! RUN!”
  148. >You yell over at her, only for the beast to make another charge... It was too close this time, and its massive bulk slams into your side and sends you reeling head over heels in the dirt.
  149. >A pained grunt involuntarily comes from your throat as the fiend seems to laugh, slowly approaching and savoring its victory. It looms over you; red eyes staring as its maw contorts into an evil grin. It lifts a giant foot to crush you like an insignificant bug...
  150. >You close you eyes and brace for an impact. But it doesn't come.
  151. >”Stop right there, Mister!”
  152. >Fluttershy?
  153. >Opening your eyes, you can't believe what your seeing. Shy, quiet, and meek Fluttershy is staring the creature down... And winning.
  154. >The beast seems to be unsure of what to make of Fluttershy as it tries to move around her; but her steely gaze always seems to find it no matter how it maneuvers, “No you don't, Mister. You just stand right there.”
  155. >The beast recoils backward, wincing at pegasus's words. A frustrated bellow came from it, as it seemed to give up. Turning around, it trudged back into the giant hole it erupted from and jumped down it.
  156. >Fluttershy calmly lands next to you, then looks over, “Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Is anything broken? Do you need some ice?” she says, her eyes heavy with worry.
  157. >You look over at her, mouth still hanging open.
  158. “That was... Holy... You just stared down a class six slime guardian and won. You are my friggin' hero!”
  159. >You release a laugh. Fluttershy seems surprised and then blushes, “Um. Thanks.” She hid behind her pink mane once more; though the hints of a smile played on her lips.
  160. >”Anon! We got the slime!” It was Twilight. You look over and see her and Rainbow levitating/carrying the big vat, as they got closer they dropped the vat on the soft dirt and ran over.
  161. >”What happened, Anon? You look like you got hit by a train.” Rainbow stated.
  162. >You got back to your feet, and nodded your head, “Big nasty class six black slime guardian. Fluttershy here saved my bacon and stared it down.”
  163. >You eye the vat, then look to Twilight, who was about to start asking questions.
  164. “We're gonna need a slime blower.”
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