
[Monmususteady: Serenade - Day 2]

Apr 7th, 2014
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  1. [03:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Monmususteady: Serenade - Day 2]
  2. [03:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> You wake up.
  3. [03:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> The warm feeling of the blankets on top of you makes it difficult for you to get up but you manage to drag yourself out of bed and get cleaned up.
  4. [03:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> You walk down stairs and see Ella Mae wiggling her wide hips as she makes breakfast.
  5. [03:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Good morning." You say with a smile as you sit at the counter.
  6. [03:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Mooorning.~" She says as she whirls around and places a plate of bacon and eggs and a glass of her milk in front of you.
  7. [03:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> You laugh at what was probably an intentional cow joke and thank her for the food.
  8. [03:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> She works cheerfully serving people around the inn.
  9. [03:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> It's more crowded in the mornings.
  10. [03:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> You finish your food and Ella scoops up your plate.
  11. [03:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Seconds, hun?" She asks with a smile.
  12. [03:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> "No, I'm going to head off to my first day of class. Have a nice day." You say with a smile.
  13. [03:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> Ella takes it as genuine and shoots you a cheerful grin of her own.
  14. [03:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> You turn and leave for the academy.
  15. [03:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> You make your way through the crowds of monster girls ignoring the looks.
  16. [03:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> You enter the room.
  17. [03:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Morning." You say as you walk in.
  18. [03:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Good morning." You don't hear from instructor Lula as the collective gasps and pointing of your class drowns it out.
  19. [03:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> You look around.
  20. [03:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> There are about twenty girls.... you immediately recognize five of them...
  21. [03:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> Elise and Milly don't react at all, but Britney and Zena's collective reaction more than makes up for that.
  22. [03:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> Phillie, who's sitting next to an empty desk you intend to claim as yours attempts to welcome you with a "Hey dude, I didn't know we were classmates." which is cut off by Britney.
  23. [03:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Why the hell are you here!?" She shouts.
  24. [03:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> "This is my class." You say as you pick your ear and attempt to tune out the static.
  25. [03:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> "No way, this is a class for the gifted, why would you be-" Lula stands up and grabs Britney by the ear dragging her back to her desk.
  26. [03:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> She throws her into the seat and commands her to "Sit."
  27. [03:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> The succubus places her hands in her lap and pouts like a puppy in total silence.
  28. [03:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> The elf from yesterday, who's name is apparently Zena continues to point at you and hop in place until Lula bonks her on the head.
  29. [03:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> With nearly no reaction to the bonk Zena turns towards the teacher and says completely straight faced "He's a meanie." while pointing.
  30. [03:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> Lula pinches the bridge of her nose. "Just.... nevermind, if you're going to spaz out do it quietly."
  31. [03:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> Zena applies continuing to bounce up and down and point at you while mouthing the word "Meanie" silently.
  32. [03:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her fluffy pink jacket she's wearing over a completely different bodysuit from yesterday bounces up and down.
  33. [03:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> The jacket has her name very clearly embroidered across the front in big red letters, readable even when it's unzipped.
  34. [03:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> Again... you feel the need to bully her but the pleasant white noise from being this close to her prevents you from doing so.
  35. [03:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> Lula walks up beside you and places a hand on your shoulder.
  36. [03:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> "This is the new student, Alto. Despite what the High Templar told you all at the assembly he's not a bad guy. So don't treat him like one."
  37. [03:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> "And before Britney asks-" Lula continues causing Britney to shut her mouth instantly and resume pouting "he's in this class because the Templar have him classified as an Omega Protocol Blue Magi."
  38. [03:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Meaning none of the other classes would even remotely matter to him. He's probably stronger than most of you too." She adds.
  39. [03:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> You stand quietly during your introduction.
  40. [03:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> "As you can see he's not human, he's a Vividian, or as they're commonly called a Soundboy. He's made of a mass of an air-water mixture that vibrates at high speeds so he doesn't even have a peni-"
  41. [03:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I do actually."
  42. [03:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> "..." Lula looks at you with a deadpan expression.
  43. [03:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'm half elf, so I'm actually just made of ultra-resonant flesh.... my mother was a subspecies of Vividian made of flesh too so even if I was full blood I'd be solid."
  44. [03:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> ".... You want to get raped don't you?" She asks with an emotionless stare.
  45. [03:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> Girls in the class giggle and Lula sighs.
  46. [03:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Well whatever, he's still probably stronger than you so don't try anything." She tacks onto the end.
  47. [03:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You want to give us a brief explanation of your magic?" Lula asks as she takes her seat.
  48. [03:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Magics."
  49. [03:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I can actually use two."
  50. [03:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> Lula raises an eyebrow.
  51. [03:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> "They're called 'Vibration' and 'Resonance'..."
  52. [03:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> You form a ball of vibrating air molecules in your hand.
  53. [03:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The first allows me to control the kinetic energy in moving molecules and direct it in various ways for offense and defense."
  54. [03:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The second lets me cause energy to resonate, amplifying or redirecting it... it's complicated."
  55. [03:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So you control sound." Britney says with a smug look.
  56. [03:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Sure, close enough." You say with a shrug.
  57. [03:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> She looks so smug you want to rape her mouth.
  58. [03:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> But you don't.
  59. [03:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It's not that simple at all." Lula says with a sigh. "but I won't make him explain it to you if you're gonna be a bitch." she adds.
  60. [03:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> "H-hey!" Britney and her trio of girl-servants all say in unison.
  61. [03:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> They quickly shut up with a brief glare from Lula.
  62. [03:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I guess I'l focus the morning lessons on Sound magic so you can all at least have a better understanding of how Alto's racial abilities work, even if his magic has nothing to do with it."
  63. [03:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How does it have nothing to do with Sound, I don't understand." Britney says with her hand raised.
  64. [03:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Let me put it to you like this, hun." Lula says as she slams a hand on her desk.
  65. [03:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney "meeps" in fear and covers her mouth.
  66. [03:53] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Alto's magic has as much to do with sound as my magic has to do with cold... get it?"
  67. [03:53] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney looks over at you and nods before looking at the ground and sulking.
  68. [03:54] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Even worse he has a secondary support magic tailor made to empower his first school. The logical extreme of his magic, if he ever reaches it would be the total control of all energy."
  69. [03:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> "He has as much potential for growth as any of you, and in the end that's all that matters so stow the attitude and quit with the dick waving contest."
  70. [03:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> "He's better equipped for it than you anyway." Lula says with a slight smile.
  71. [03:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> You laugh at her joke.
  72. [03:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney didn't find it very funny.
  73. [03:56] <!Emilybroshoujo> Lula begins the lecture, it's informative even for you. Suited to an advanced class.
  74. [03:56] <!Emilybroshoujo> Everyone sits in total silence taking notes.
  75. [03:57] <!Emilybroshoujo> Except Zena who continues to hop up and down pointing at you throughout the entire class.
  76. [03:57] <!Emilybroshoujo> Phillie repeatedly leans over to look at your notes.
  77. [03:57] <!Emilybroshoujo> It's not nearly as annoying as it could be and Lula doesn't seem to mind so you let her look and smile at her affirmative nodding after each line she reads.
  78. [03:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> A magical chiming echoes in your mind and Lula puts down the magic pen she was using to write in the air.
  79. [03:59] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Lunch time. Everyone out." She says as she points to the door.
  80. [03:59] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Everyone head to the arena after lunch, you know the drill. Somebody make sure to show Alto the way." Lula says as she waves the crowd of girls out the door.
  81. [04:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I got it!" Phillie says happily as she clings to you.
  82. [04:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Let's go eat lunch in the garden first though." She says happily.
  83. [04:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> You're still amazed by the complete purity in her intentions and you can't help but smile and nod.
  84. [04:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  85. [04:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  86. [04:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> You take a seat next to Phillie in her flower patch... you can't help but feel like you're intruding.
  87. [04:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> She hands you a bag that has a sandwich and some kind of gourd in it.
  88. [04:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> The gourd has a cork and when you pull it you smell a fruity sweetness inside.
  89. [04:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> You take a sip, it's some kind of drinkable fruit.
  90. [04:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> The sandwich is vegetarian with lots of things on it... but it's not bad.
  91. [04:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> The lack of meat is supplemented with meaty mushrooms.
  92. [04:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> It's actually quite good.
  93. [04:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> There's some kind of sour sauce that brings the multi-layered somewhat flavorless texture of it together and gives it a kick.
  94. [04:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Did you make this?" You ask between bites.
  95. [04:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> Phillie nods with her cheeks full.
  96. [04:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It's good." you say with an honest smile.
  97. [04:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> She smiles happily with bits of blue fuzz in her teeth from one of the mushrooms in the sandwich.
  98. [04:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> "These aren't psychadellic mushrooms are they?"
  99. [04:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Nah, if you wanna get high though we totally can after class."
  100. [04:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> You laugh.
  101. [04:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I shouldn't be surprised... I'll think about it." You assure her.
  102. [04:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> She finishes her food and then flops onto you.
  103. [04:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'm full... we should probably get to the arena before Lula gets mad at us. If we don't show she's the one who get's in trouble."
  104. [04:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Why's that?" you ask as you finish the last bite of your sandwich with Phillie's chin on your head.
  105. [04:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Most classes don't get a free lunch, she let's us do what we want so the headmistress gives her crap if we ditch.
  106. [04:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> "... She's a nice person." You say as you stand up with Phillie on your back.
  107. [04:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Whoa~" She says clinging to you.
  108. [04:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Which way's the arena?" You ask her.
  109. [04:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> She points and you grin.
  110. [04:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Hang on."
  111. [04:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> You kick off the ground with a shockwave and ricochet around in the air before launching in the direction she pointed.
  112. [04:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> "WOOHOO!~" She shouts in your ear as she clings to you tightly.
  113. [04:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> You land in front of a large building causing cracks in the ground as you redirect the force of the impact.
  114. [04:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You okay?" You as the mushroom girl.
  115. [04:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her cap is crooked as she shouts in too fast and too high pitched of a voice about how cool that was.
  116. [04:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> She settles down and catches her breath after a bit and then straightens her cap.
  117. [04:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> "We... *gasp* should wait for *pant* Lula and the girls here."
  118. [04:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> It's not long before Lula arrives with most of the class in tow.
  119. [04:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> Before that however you watch many other classes lead by other instructors enter the building.
  120. [04:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> When Lula arrives you decide you should ask.
  121. [04:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So what's this place for anyway?"
  122. [04:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Exhibition matches between students."
  123. [04:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The headmistress makes matches and the student shave to compete for a passing grade." Lula explains.
  124. [04:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It's so the templars can gauge our combat strength."
  125. [04:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> You sigh.
  126. [04:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I hope I don't have to fight." You say lethargically.
  127. [04:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You will." you hear in a melodic voice.
  128. [04:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> Elise appears suddenly behind you.
  129. [04:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Can you... not do that." You say as she startles you.
  130. [04:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Sorry." She says with a smile.
  131. [04:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> You forgive her...
  132. [04:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What do you mean I will?" You ask.
  133. [04:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "the Headmistress will try to break you, she'll probably make you fight every day until you're placed into a situation where you have to kill your opponent."
  134. [04:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "She'll be disappointed then." You say.
  135. [04:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Why's that?" Elise asks with a smile that says she already has an idea.
  136. [04:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Because I won't kill anyone, it's impossible for me to be in a situation where I have no choice."
  137. [04:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "And if for some reason I do have no choice then I won't change my entire moral outlook over it."
  138. [04:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I thought you'd say 'because I won't fight' or something like that." Elise says with a soft smirk.
  139. [04:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Well... number one, if I did that she'd report me to the templars and have me locked up hoping I'd go on a rampage to escape... which I might."
  140. [04:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> "And number two... I got this nasty habit from my old man."
  141. [04:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> "A habit?" Elise asks.
  142. [04:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> You look at her with a malicious smile.
  143. [04:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I might not be a serial killer but if somebody steps up to me asking for a fight I'm gonna enjoy giving it to them." You say with what's probably a crazy look in your eyes.
  144. [04:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> Elise giggles.
  145. [04:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "If I'm honest with myself... that sort of man isn't really a bad thing." She says as she bites her lip slightly.
  146. [04:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> You enter the arena with her and Phillie who's been stoically listening to the entire conversation without asking any questions.
  147. [04:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> You find the area your class is seated in and take a seat beside Lula.
  148. [04:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> Elise sits next to you.
  149. [04:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> Phillie stands there for a moment with her head tilted.
  150. [04:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Dude move I want to sit next to him." She says honestly.
  151. [04:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Eh? Ah... o-oh.. alright then." Elise says as she moves over a seat not sure how to react to it being put so bluntly.
  152. [04:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> You hear the static of Elise suppressing her urge to argue with Phillie about the seat next to you.
  153. [04:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Lying is wrong you know." You say under your breath with a smile.
  154. [04:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> Elise pouts at you a little... it's really cute.
  155. [04:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> Phillie leans over and whispers "Hey are you tryin' to fuck that dragon girl? Cause I can let her sit here if you are."
  156. [04:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> You cover your face laughing.
  157. [04:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> Elise's cheeks tint pink.
  158. [04:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> Dragons have really good hearing.
  159. [04:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> "That's okay, she gave up the seat so it's fine." You reassure the mushroom girl.
  160. [04:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> Phillie seems content with that and pulls out a bag of puffy snacks that are apparently some kind of edible fungus.
  161. [04:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> You taste one... it's salty but otherwise tasteless with a good texture.
  162. [04:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> You decide to eat a few more... Phillie being the oblivious doll she is even shares with Elise who reluctantly tries one and cringes at the saltyness.
  163. [04:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I... I prefer sweet things, thank you though." Elise says politely when offered seconds.
  164. [04:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Kay." Phillie says flatly directing her attention forward as the kitsune in shorts prepares to announce the first combatants.
  165. [04:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  168. [21:09] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  169. [21:10] <Emilybroshoujo> The cute fox girl looks around the arena excitedly before taking out her cue cards.She holds the small sound amplifying wand up to her mouth and calls out "ARE YOU GIRLS READY FOR SOME ACTION!"
  170. [21:10] <Emilybroshoujo> The crowd cheers... you weren't expecting such a festive atmosphere.
  172. [21:12] <Emilybroshoujo> You can see Bethany and four others inside but all the others inside but you can't see them very well or recognize their songs thanks to her muffling aura.
  173. [21:13] <Emilybroshoujo> "FIRST OUR VERY OWN CAMPUS CELEBRITY.... BRITNEY!" the nameless and copyright neutral kitsune continues.
  175. [21:14] <Emilybroshoujo> "I knew it." Elise says with a frown.
  176. [21:14] <Emilybroshoujo> You smile.
  177. [21:15] <Emilybroshoujo> Not just a normal smile but the kind of smile only Phillie knows you're capable of.
  178. [21:15] <Emilybroshoujo> This will be fun.
  179. [21:15] <Emilybroshoujo> Without hesitating you stand and start walking down to the arena.
  180. [21:16] <Emilybroshoujo> Britney stands up with a smug look as you walk past but you don't even glance at her.
  181. [21:16] <Emilybroshoujo> You can feel everyone getting angry at you for being disrespectful but you just won't be able to control yourself anymore if you see her smug face.
  182. [21:17] <Emilybroshoujo> You hop into the arena and stand there waiting as Britney goes around the long way, probably so she can make an entrance.
  183. [21:17] <Emilybroshoujo> That's fine... the more bravado she puts on the more fun this will be.
  184. [21:18] <Emilybroshoujo> The templar are watching, but that doesn't matter. This is still a sanctioned school event so you can go crazy as long as you don't kill her.
  185. [21:20] <Emilybroshoujo> Still flaunting your magic in public might be a bad idea.
  186. [21:21] <Emilybroshoujo> You have to decide quickly though because Britney has just stepped out of the door across from you waving and blowing kisses to the girls who all probably look up to her.
  187. [21:21] <Emilybroshoujo> She claims to protect them, and to be the most powerful girl at the academy but really she's just the most powerful girl too dumb to keep her magic a secret.
  188. [21:21] <Emilybroshoujo> That being said /you/ still don't know what she can do.
  189. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> You should think carefully about how to handle this.
  190. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  191. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Crush her completely using your full power
  192. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Beat her with only basic magic.
  193. [21:22] <Emilybroshoujo> [ ] Beat her with only your racial abilities and magic items.
  195. [18:28] <ants> [X] Beat her with only your racial abilities and magic items.
  196. [18:33] <HyakkoF> Well... [x] Racial abilities.
  197. [18:34] <@CEB> [x] Racial
  200. [05:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  201. [05:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You ready for this?" She says as she flexes a little, mockingly.
  202. [05:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> You sigh and hold out your hand materializing a glowing blue guitar made from pure magical energy vibrating at such a high speed it's solid to the touch.
  203. [05:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Eh?..." She says, clearly expecting you to shoot exploding sound balls at her.
  204. [05:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> Simpleton.
  205. [05:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Oh... neat." Phillie says in the stands, causing Elise to glance at her.
  206. [05:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> The numbers and symbols flashing in front of Phillie's eyes prompt a question.
  207. [05:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Scan?..." Elise asks.
  208. [05:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Yeah... it's like the only kind of magic I know." Phillie shrugs.
  209. [05:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Could you tell me what their magic does then, please?" Elisa says with a sweet smile.
  210. [05:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Sure... that thing isn't a spell, it's a magic item Alto uses to amplify his natural vibrations. Guess he doesn't think Brit's worth his magic or somethin'." The mushroom girl says non-chalantly.
  211. [05:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> You should smack her later for revealing all your secrets so easily... now you /really/ need to win without flashing your magic.
  212. [05:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> You hold your guitar and smile condescendingly at Britney.
  213. [05:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What's wrong? Have a thing for musicians?"
  214. [05:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> She clicks her tongue and snaps her fingers.
  215. [05:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> Rocks dig themselves up from the arena floor and form into a huge rock monster with a vaguely humanoid shape.
  216. [05:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> You stare up at it.
  217. [05:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Command." Britney says.
  218. [05:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> "That's my magic, I can give orders to inanimate objects they have to obey." She smirks.
  219. [05:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> Your desire to rape her mouth intensifies.
  220. [05:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So what did you order your rock monster to do... it's just standing there." You note.
  221. [05:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> "This is a special spell I save for bullies like you." She smiles.
  222. [05:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> "This big guys name is Pounder, and he's programmed to crush anyone who tells a lie."
  223. [05:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Even me, which is why you should be on your best behavior. Since I-"
  224. [05:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Since you have a self imposed risk to the rule the spell is more powerful, that thing can probably kill me in one blow."
  225. [05:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney twitches as you cut her off and glares.
  226. [05:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Exactly.~" she says with her hands on her hips.
  227. [05:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It'll also attack you if you try to hurt me, so you better answer my questions."
  228. [05:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> You don't move as you size up the overly large golem.
  229. [05:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So... want to play truth or dare?" Britney says with a wide smile.
  230. [05:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> MUST
  231. [05:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> RESIST
  232. [05:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> URGE
  233. [05:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> TO
  234. [05:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> DECAPITATE
  235. [05:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> AND SKULL FUCK
  236. [05:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> You sigh.
  237. [05:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Fine... truth." You vomit out through your obvious exasperation.
  238. [05:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Really? Not dare?" She asks as a bead of sweat clearly forms on her head.
  239. [05:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Pounder's probably got another rule in place where if I agree to something and don't follow through it attacks right? So you'd just dare me to give up, I'd refuse and he'd smack me... right?" You say with a bitchy smirk of your own.
  240. [05:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> She coughs.
  241. [05:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Thought so."
  242. [05:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> "ANYWAY! Is it true you killed all those people at your previous school?"
  243. [05:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> "No. Truth or dare?" You reply snappily.
  244. [05:41] <!Emilybroshoujo> She flinches and looks up at Pounder expectantly before she says "Truth." skittishly.
  245. [05:41] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How many times a day do you masturbate?" You ask deadpan.
  246. [05:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> She turns crimson though your not sure if it's embarrassment or anger, girls in the stands squeal.
  247. [05:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Th-three..." She stammers out. "How many people have you killed!?" She points at you accusingly.
  248. [05:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Two." You say without flinching.
  249. [05:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> She makes a complicated expression, as if she was expecting you to say zero after your previous answer.
  250. [05:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What's your favorite sexual position?" You ask as you sit down cross legged and begin to strum in boredom.
  251. [05:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> She turns redder and lets out a squeaky "R-reverse cowgirl." that gets squeals of girlyness from the crowd.
  252. [05:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Sh-shut up! I have to answer!" Britney shouts at her fangirls.
  253. [05:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How many girls have you molested or bullied since you came here?" She asks pointing at you as if to change the subject.
  254. [05:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> "None."
  255. [05:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> Your immediate answer visibly frustrates her.
  256. [05:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Have you thought about fucking me?" You ask.
  257. [05:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> ".... Y-yes, I'm a succubus idiot!" Ha...HAHAHA, you're nothing special I think about fucking everyone I meet!" She says.
  258. [05:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> The crowd is less squeals and more whispers and gossip.
  259. [05:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney's face sinks as she realizes what she just said.
  260. [05:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Fair enough." You say as you sing a few notes under your breath.
  261. [05:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> You keep tuning your guitar.
  262. [05:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What about you, how many girls have you thought about fucking?!"
  263. [05:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I don't know, around 10, you included." You say nonchalantly.
  264. [05:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her cheeks turn crimson and she fumes.
  265. [05:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I-IDIOT! DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SHAME!"
  266. [05:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Not really." You say as you look up for a moment.
  267. [05:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> "My turn, do you have lesbian sex with any of your fangirls?"
  268. [05:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> "W-what?! THAT LAST ONE DIDN'T COUNT!"
  269. [05:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> Pounder looks down at her and makes a stoney scowl.
  270. [05:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Y-YES! SO WHAT?" She shouts.
  271. [05:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> The fangirl screaming is back.
  272. [05:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> You laugh audibly at that one.
  273. [05:53] <!Emilybroshoujo> After catching her breath and regaining most of her composure Britney turns towards you and asks another question.
  274. [05:54] <!Emilybroshoujo> "If you... um.... are you going to... ah... I had another one but I can't remember what I was going to a-"
  275. [05:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Doesn't matter." You cut her off as you strum a note on your guitar and her golem crumbles to the ground.
  276. [05:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> She makes a stunned expression before turning back towards you and dropping her stance.
  277. [05:56] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How did you-" "I played a countersong, any kind of enchantment magic can be broken by the right frequency... I just needed to find it. Now drop the gimmicky shit and fight me." You say as you grip your guitar by the neck and point it at her like a sword.
  278. [05:56] <!Emilybroshoujo> ".... Fine." She says as she conjures a dagger and throws it at you.
  279. [05:57] <!Emilybroshoujo> You step gently to the side as it wasn't a very good throw but the dagger instantly zooms after you like a bullet.
  280. [05:57] <!Emilybroshoujo> You lean back to dodge it but it changes direction again.
  281. [05:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> "She's commanded it to chase him, so it won't stop until it touches him." You hear Phillie explain to Elise.
  282. [05:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> You smirk and grab the blade between two fingers before throwing it to the ground.
  283. [05:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Is that it?" You ask.
  284. [05:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney smirks. "Not even close."
  285. [05:59] <!Emilybroshoujo> She conjures weapon after weapon giving them ridiculous commands like "stab him in the foot" or "chop his dick off" each one being muttered by Phillie to Elise.
  286. [06:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> The ones you can't dodge or outmaneuver you come up with a countersong for.
  287. [06:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> You're not using mana so you'll win at this rate if she keeps it up.
  288. [06:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> Luckily the weapons aren't that fast.
  289. [06:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney seems to realize that this isn't going anywhere and stops.
  290. [06:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> She creates a greatsword.
  291. [06:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You... I don't get you. You're a pompous ass but you're not even trying to attack me." She says.
  292. [06:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Are you that worried about showing everyone your magic?"
  293. [06:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> You shrug.
  294. [06:02] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Then that means you've got something to hide... so I'll make you show everyone what you can do if it kills me." She says with a smirk.
  295. [06:02] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Instantly stop his heart when you pierce him." She says to the sword in her hands.
  296. [06:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Isn't that a bit extreme?" You ask with a smile.
  297. [06:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Since the girls around here heard about you two weeks ago nobody's gotten a good nights sleep except the most confident and powerful among us."
  298. [06:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> "If I can show everyone here how weak you are then they can rest easy." She says with a cold expression.
  299. [06:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> Not a trace of static.
  300. [06:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can't help but smile.
  301. [06:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Is that right... well them go ahead and show them." You smirk.
  302. [06:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney runs at you with alarming speed... she's a demon, fuck. You forgot.
  303. [06:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Now show me the magic you're trying so hard to hide." She says with a malicious smile as she thrusts forward.
  304. [06:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her eyes go wide when the blade runs you through.
  305. [06:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> Fuck that hurts.... you feel your heart stop.
  306. [06:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Hell no." You say as you grab the blade.
  307. [06:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> The wide eyed succubus pulls the blade out of your gut and back steps rapidly.
  308. [06:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How are you... you counter sung it again?" She says with a frown.
  309. [06:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> "No..." Phillie says as she covers her mouth in the stands.
  310. [06:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "He... he didn't have time."
  311. [06:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What?... then how is he not dead?" Elise asks as she looks down at you.
  312. [06:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "He's..." Phillie starts to answer but she chokes on her own words swallowing hard.
  313. [06:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> "He's a fucking monster is what he is." You hear Lula say with a smile.
  314. [06:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I could do that." Zena mutters with a pout.
  315. [06:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> Slowly everyone seems to get it one by one.
  316. [06:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> You stare across at Britney.
  317. [06:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What's wrong?... Haven't you ever killed anybody before Ms. Boss Lady, isn't it your job to take out the bullies?" You ask as you walk towards her with a smile.
  318. [06:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> She looks like she's going to be sick as blood gushes out of your stomach.
  319. [06:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You're... keeping yourself alive by manually pumping your heart." She says in a cold sweat.
  320. [06:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You might be able to tell your toys what to do, but I'm not an object." You smile.
  321. [06:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can feel your lips curve into a twisted grin and your eyes narrow.
  322. [06:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can hear fear from the stands as the young weak mage girls tremble in their seats convinced you're a monster.
  323. [06:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "What's wrong, I thought you were going to make me use my real magic?"
  324. [06:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> You look across at Britney expecting her to have a breakdown but she just stares at you coldly.
  325. [06:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I will."
  326. [06:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> "That last command was totally unreasonable, and yet you're still alive... so I only have enough magical power for one more unreasonable command."
  327. [06:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> She holds up the sword and whispers something causing magical runes to form along it's blade.
  328. [06:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> You feel her mana drain into the blade... she's spent.
  329. [06:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Let me guess... kill him in a single blow, or something like that?" You ask still bleeding profusely.
  330. [06:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Don't break." She says as she points it at you.
  331. [06:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> "That's it."
  332. [06:15] <!Emilybroshoujo> You smile and run at her.
  333. [06:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> A shockwave of sound echoes out when your guitar and her blade connect and bounce off one another.
  334. [06:16] <!Emilybroshoujo> Over and over you clash weapons with her.
  335. [06:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> The sword doesn't even tremble... her grip will give before the sword does... and you can tell by the look in her eyes her arm will break before her grip.
  336. [06:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> You match her blow for blow... she's out of mana and you're suing all your physical strength to keep your heart beating so you can't even swordfight a woman at this point.
  337. [06:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> You break away from her and both of you drop into a stance.
  338. [06:18] <!Emilybroshoujo> "When this match ends will you die?" She asks as she stands up straight and grips the sword with both hands.
  339. [06:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Nah, I can set up a rhythm in my chest that'll keep going until I die of old age, just give myself a new heartbeat basically."
  340. [06:19] <!Emilybroshoujo> She has such a cold determined expression.
  341. [06:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'm going to show these girls what you're capable of, no matter how long I have to drag this out I'll make you use magic."
  342. [06:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> You sigh.
  343. [06:20] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Want to see it that bad?... Fine."
  344. [06:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> You despawn your guitar.
  345. [06:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'll show you a little glimpse of my full power as a thank you."
  346. [06:21] <!Emilybroshoujo> "A thank you for what?" The red headed succubus asks with cold eyes.
  347. [06:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> "For showing me what you had behind all that static... if I knew I might not have snubbed you when we met." You smile.
  348. [06:22] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney takes a stance and you see crimson energy forming around her as black lightning arcs in the air near her.
  349. [06:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> Demonic power... she can't have much stored in a town with no men so she's going to blow it all to take on your full power.
  350. [06:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I can respect that..." You smile.
  351. [06:23] <!Emilybroshoujo> The whites of her eyes turn black and she glares at you.
  352. [06:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I remembered what I was going to ask..." She says.
  353. [06:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> She grips her sword with both hands and black flames wreath the blade.
  354. [06:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Will you ever willingly hurt any of the girls at this school?"
  355. [06:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Nope." You say with a smile as you let your mana pour forth.
  356. [06:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> It's explosive, like a flood.
  357. [06:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> You already knew of course but it seems like nobody else was... even from the booth in which the templar are seated you hear sounds of surprise that your magical power is the greatest of anyone at this academy.
  358. [06:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Dude...." Phillie says as she stares down at you and the numbers and symbols over her eyes begin to cycle faster and faster.
  359. [06:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You're so cool..."
  360. [06:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "... I was thinking that too." Elise says as she bites her lip and watches you begin to glow blue... then red.
  361. [06:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> Your body begins to glow a bright crimson, like pure energy.
  362. [06:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> Only the white hot glow of your mouth and eyes is distinguishable as facial features as the rest of you becomes what appears to be a mass of dark red plasma.
  363. [06:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> Phillie stars unblinking at you.
  364. [06:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Atom... it combines every principle of Alto's magic into a single combat form." She says.
  365. [06:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> "He calls that form Atom."
  366. [06:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> Your hair dances like fire as you stare across at Britney.
  367. [06:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can tell by her stoic expression she was expecting this.
  368. [06:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> Or something like it.
  369. [06:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You're unbelievable." She says softly as she grips her unbreakable sword with all her strength.
  370. [06:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Atom... what does it do?" Elise asks Phillie as she stares awestruck at you.
  371. [06:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> The wind force coming from you blows the hair of everyone in the stands backwards.
  372. [06:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." The mushroom girl says slack jawed.
  373. [06:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> Britney lunges at you in a flash of demonic power.
  374. [06:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> You hear High Templar Bethany scream for everyone to close their eyes and cover their ears. The students who don't are charmed breifly by the instructors and forced to do so.
  375. [06:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> You smile and take a single step.
  376. [06:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> Just one.
  377. [06:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> The flash and sonic boom were probably loud enough to kill a human at the range you were from Britney but she's a demon so she'll live.
  378. [06:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> You drop the snapped blade of her sword as the dust settles.
  379. [06:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her hands, completely shattered from the impact of you touching the blade lightly are bleeding and she's physically incapable of releasing the handle on her own.
  380. [06:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her eyes are cloudy and her ears are probably destroyed because she loses her balance and falls over.
  381. [06:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> You catch her in one arm and lift her onto your back, having returned to your normal form.
  382. [06:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> "That was full gas... next time don't be so overeager." You whisper to the blind, deaf succubus as you carry her out of the arena to be healed.
  383. [06:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Interlude]
  384. [06:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> After the match, the dust settles and all the students are dismiss for the day leaving the arena empty.
  385. [06:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> Bethany stands on the arena floor with a short knight in incredibly heavy thick armor that obscures their face and features entirely at her side.
  386. [06:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The arena was pushed six inches into the ground... and this foot print."
  387. [06:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> She crouches down and touches the footprint left by Alto.
  388. [06:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> "This is magic stone that should be nearly unbreakable... yet her left a perfect footprint without even a crack as if it were wet sand."
  389. [06:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> "An incredible display of power but nothing too extreme." The high pitched girly voice of the armored knight says from beneath layer upon layer of steel.
  390. [06:41] <!Emilybroshoujo> "True, I suppose we're getting worked up over no-" Bethany stops mid sentence as she looks up at the sky.
  391. [06:41] <!Emilybroshoujo> "... Helena... what time is it?" She asks.
  392. [06:41] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Around five after noon."
  393. [06:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> "No! What time exactly?"
  394. [06:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> The knight pulls out a thick steel pocket watch.
  395. [06:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> "4:49."
  396. [06:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> "... It's off by one minute." Bethany says in a cold sweat as she looks up at the sinking sun.
  397. [06:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Impossible, ma'am! I got this from a dwarven watchmaker in Antias, it's precise to the second."
  398. [06:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I know... I didn't mean the watch." The High Templar says.
  399. [06:44] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The sun's position is one minute behind what it should be.... that boy's movement halted stopped the earths rotation."
  400. [06:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> "No... maybe it just slowed it long enough to cause one minute of delay..."
  401. [06:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> "The force couldn't have been that great... did he... did he borrow the rotational energy of the Earth to propel him at that speed?"
  402. [06:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Can you explain that simpler... I'm not good with science and math..." Helena says through her helmet.
  403. [06:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It means this... magic. Atom, uses his body as a conduit for energy... in the worst case he could redirect energy in all it's forms indefinitely while in that form."
  404. [06:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Normally that kind of strain would kill him... but vividans have an innate resilience to sonic energy, a total immunity... so if he converts the recoil from such attacks to sonic vibrations he wouldn't suffer any negative feedback."
  405. [06:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I... still have no clue what you're saying."
  406. [06:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> Helena scratches the back of her helmet.
  407. [06:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> "It's nothing... I'm just being paranoid. We'll place him under close observation."
  408. [06:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Besides... if I'm right, it would be suicidal to try and cull him anyway."
  409. [06:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Interlude Out]
  410. [06:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  413. [09:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  414. [10:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> After about half an hour of reading medical textbooks Britney finally wakes up.
  415. [10:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Morning sunshine." You say as you look down at the sleepy eye'd succubus.
  416. [10:02] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I don't remember anything after you turned red..." She says as she looks up at you.
  417. [10:02] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Probably the shock. Your brain is blocking it out I guess, feeling okay otherwise?" You ask with a smirk.
  418. [10:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Why are you here?"
  419. [10:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Just making sure I didn't kill you, I'll leave."
  420. [10:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> You turn and approach the door.
  421. [10:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> As you grab the handle Britney speaks up.
  422. [10:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Do you want to fuck?" She asks with a completely flat tone of voice as she looks at her bandaged hands.
  423. [10:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Sure, later. After I've made you fall completely in love with me so I know you won't try to suck out my soul."
  424. [10:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Good luck with that." She says with a smug look as you leave the room and close the door behind you.
  425. [10:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> You said that but you honestly could go for some pussy... you run through all the girls you've met in your head and try to figure out which one would put out the easiest.
  426. [10:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> .....
  427. [10:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> WHAT?
  428. [10:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> You freely admit you're a terrible person, don't judge yourself.
  429. [10:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> Elise gives off the classy lady vibe, and you're frankly terrified of the elf.
  430. [10:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> Phillie is probably your only friend so you'll need to be careful how you slip into her pants.
  431. [10:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> Ella Mae might be down, but she's a sweety and seems like she has a history of being taken advantage of already.
  432. [10:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> Lula is a babe but plowing your teacher might be a bad idea on your second day.
  433. [10:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> You barely know that templar girl, even if she would be pretty easy to swoon. Not to mention everything else wrong with fucking a templar.
  434. [10:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> Mildred is still someone you need a better grasp on before you even consider sex with her.
  435. [10:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> You're running out of girls here....
  436. [10:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> As you walk back towards the inn you pass the potion shop and remember the cute mouse girl you met on your first day.
  437. [10:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> She probably won't be that easy but... hey, it won't hurt to flirt with her a little.
  438. [10:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission]
  441. [08:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Intermission Out]
  442. [08:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> You enter the potion shop.
  443. [08:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> Carla has just removed her apron and hung it on the wall, evidently preparing to leave.
  444. [08:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Hola, handsome." She says with a smile as she notices you.
  445. [08:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I didn't think you'd actually come back."
  446. [08:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> You smile... you don't want to lie to this girl but-... eh, fuck it.
  447. [08:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "How could I resist coming to see such a cutey?" you smile.
  448. [08:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Are you free?"
  449. [08:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> She raises her eyebrows and makes a pouty smile. "I am, what did you have in mind?"
  450. [08:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> You were about to say dinner and a little dancing.
  451. [08:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> But you didn't.
  452. [08:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Honestly I'm just looking for someone to have sex with and you were the first beautiful girl I thought of as an actual option."
  453. [08:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> She stares at you wide eyed and smiles a smile that says she's still processing what you just said.
  454. [08:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her cheeks get progressively pinker.
  455. [08:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> You sigh.
  456. [08:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Right, too forward. Forget I asked." You say as you turn.
  457. [08:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> She grabs your hand.
  458. [08:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I didn't say no..." She says.
  459. [08:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> You turn and see Carla's grandmother come from the back room.
  460. [08:14] <!Emilybroshoujo> The mouse girl zips around you and drags you out the front door, probably to avoid explaining the scene to her grandma.
  461. [08:17] <!Emilybroshoujo> She twirls around and looks at you with a blushing grin once you're out the door of the potion shop.
  462. [08:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "So, does that offer include a date or just sex?" She asks.
  463. [08:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'm fine with a date, but why are you so alright with this?"
  464. [08:24] <!Emilybroshoujo> She shrugs.
  465. [08:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "You're the only man in town. I could spend my whole life waiting for Mr. Right or I could take you up on your offer and settle for Mr. Right Here."
  466. [08:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Ouch." you say grabbing your chest from her blunt honesty.
  467. [08:25] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Sorry." She says with a sweet smile.
  468. [08:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I just mean that in the worst case scenario, we go out and fuck and there's nothing there but we both get laid and have good memories."
  469. [08:26] <!Emilybroshoujo> "And in the best case we fall in love and spend the rest of our lives together."
  470. [08:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "We're young and have our whole lives to worry about romance, si?"
  471. [08:27] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Let's just have some fun." She says as she leans in and presses her small breasts against you.
  472. [08:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> You wrap your arms around her, letting your hand run across her toned bottom... she seems to appreciate it as she lets out a soft giggle.
  473. [08:28] <!Emilybroshoujo> "Want to go dancing, handsome?" She asks as she rests her head on your chest.
  474. [08:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> "I'd love to, you know a place?"
  475. [08:29] <!Emilybroshoujo> She takes your hand and guides you.
  476. [08:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> The evening air feels warmer than it really is as you follow her hand in hand.
  477. [08:30] <!Emilybroshoujo> She's practically running looking back with a playful smile every now and then.
  478. [08:31] <!Emilybroshoujo> There's no static, no noise... just a passionate rhythmic pounding in both of your chests.
  479. [08:32] <!Emilybroshoujo> You finally arrive, following Carla into a cellar under a local tavern... music plays loudly.
  480. [08:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> It's a fast intense music and all the girls in the cellar are lost in it's sound as they gyrate.
  481. [08:33] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can tell Carla comes here often as she waves and smiles at a few of the regulars.
  482. [08:34] <!Emilybroshoujo> Of course, even in a place like this there must be fun under the surface somewhere... these girls come here for a release from all the order and study imposed by the templar.
  483. [08:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> Carla takes your hand and guides you onto the dance floor.
  484. [08:35] <!Emilybroshoujo> She shakes her hips causing her long skirt to flourish and her midriff to undulate seductively.
  485. [08:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> She bites her lower lip and looks into your eyes as she dances.
  486. [08:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can't help but smile at her two oversized teeth and how adorable it makes her "seductive" stare look.
  487. [08:36] <!Emilybroshoujo> The way she looks at you could be called lusty... but that's not what it feels like.
  488. [08:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> You return her gaze with a smile of your own and begin to dance in time with her.
  489. [08:37] <!Emilybroshoujo> She grins, not really surprised you're a great dancer... who would be?
  490. [08:38] <!Emilybroshoujo> You hold her close and the two of you move in synchronized passion.
  491. [08:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> The locked stare between you slowly transitions from lust, to passion, to a desperate longing as the dancing becomes more intense and sensual.
  492. [08:39] <!Emilybroshoujo> The way she moves is heart stopping and your eyes move up and down her curves trying to take it all in.
  493. [08:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can feel your heart racing.
  494. [08:40] <!Emilybroshoujo> You grab Carla and dip her, your lips less than an inch apart.
  495. [08:41] <!Emilybroshoujo> The feeling of her breath and the sound of your hearts pounding to the sound of the music makes you feel alive.
  496. [08:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> You won't call it love... but in that ephemeral moment you feel something extremely close to it.
  497. [08:42] <!Emilybroshoujo> However, Carla is not just an object of your desire.
  498. [08:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> She's a woman, and the feelings you're experiencing are pulsing inside of her as well.
  499. [08:43] <!Emilybroshoujo> She closes that thin gap and presses her soft warm lips into yours.
  500. [08:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> The passionate thumping you've been hearing all night gives way to sounds of a roaring firestorm and you pull her into you tightly.
  501. [08:45] <!Emilybroshoujo> She looks up at you, breathless with her cheeks flushed red... you both know what happens now.
  502. [08:46] <!Emilybroshoujo> You take Carla's hand and the two of you nearly sprint to the inn, Ella Mae doesn't even have time to greet you before you've zipped up the stairs to your room.
  503. [08:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> It's hot... it's way hotter than the evening air has any right to be.
  504. [08:47] <!Emilybroshoujo> Carla's hands run across her body as soon as you close the door.
  505. [08:48] <!Emilybroshoujo> You back across your room to open the window, unable to take your eyes off her as she stares at you with fire in her eyes.
  506. [08:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> Like they were barely even on her clothes fall to the floor.
  507. [08:49] <!Emilybroshoujo> You eye her gorgeous brown body up and down unable to even speak.
  508. [08:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> She walks towards you and unbuttons your shirt, pressing her lips to your neck and working her way down your chest and abs.
  509. [08:50] <!Emilybroshoujo> She reaches your pants and doesn't even hesitate in freeing you.
  510. [08:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> You feel her hot breath on your shaft and that alone is enough to drive you crazy.
  511. [08:51] <!Emilybroshoujo> Your clothes fall away from you and her soft lips wrap around you.
  512. [08:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> She moans softly as your vibrating member is sucked into her warm mouth.
  513. [08:52] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her hands run across your body passionately.
  514. [08:53] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can feel desperation in her breath that overshadows her inexperience as she clumsily, but lovingly rolls her tongue around you.
  515. [08:54] <!Emilybroshoujo> You run your fingers through her long beautiful hair, her ponytail having long ago been lost in the storm giving way to wild curls.
  516. [08:54] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her ears twitch from the sensation of your hand running over them.
  517. [08:55] <!Emilybroshoujo> Before you climax you pull the ravenous mousegirl off your shaft and look down at her.
  518. [08:56] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her eyes are glittering with desire and her tongue hangs out dancing around your tip as she locks stares with you.
  519. [08:56] <!Emilybroshoujo> You lift her up and push her gently onto your bed.
  520. [08:56] <!Emilybroshoujo> She spreads her legs, her pink slit glistening from excitement.
  521. [08:57] <!Emilybroshoujo> You kneel, your pride already melted away from her passionate touch, doesn't even cause a seconds hesitation as you press your lips to her nethers.
  522. [08:58] <!Emilybroshoujo> You gently part her with your tongue the bitter sweetness of her taste inner walls sending chills down your spine.
  523. [08:59] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her hands grip your hair clinging desperately to what's left of her sanity as her back arches and she lets out moans of breathless pleading.
  524. [09:00] <!Emilybroshoujo> Your vibrating tongue plunges into her sweet tender entrance causing her hips to buck into in time with her moans of passion.
  525. [09:01] <!Emilybroshoujo> You pull away from her now sticky lips and run your hands up her body before gently grasping her small breasts and guiding her erect nipple to your mouth.
  526. [09:02] <!Emilybroshoujo> You suck on it briefly before you kiss her deeply allowing her to taste her own juices coating your tongue.
  527. [09:02] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her legs lock around you and you feel the tip of your shaft pressed against her sticky opening.
  528. [09:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> You moan together as you press into her the penetration causing tension to fill both of your seething bodies.
  529. [09:03] <!Emilybroshoujo> Every single one of your senses is filled with a burning lust for Carla as she sucks you into her.
  530. [09:04] <!Emilybroshoujo> You can hear her moaning, and taste her tongue as it dances with yours.
  531. [09:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> Even with your eyes closed you can vividly see her gorgeous petite body twisting and gyrating beneath you.
  532. [09:05] <!Emilybroshoujo> Even the scent of passion filling the room further spurs you to penetrate her tight hot pussy.
  533. [09:06] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her tail coils around you as you thrust into her, both of you unable to speak or even think clearly from the overwhelming pleasure.
  534. [09:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> A pressure builds in you, and wordlessly Carla's eyes tell you not to stop, no matter what.
  535. [09:07] <!Emilybroshoujo> You cling tightly to her pushing yourself deeper into her with every thrust as you prepare to release your building lust inside her.
  536. [09:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> He body tangles with yours and her breath becomes short and rapid.
  537. [09:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> Then in a single moment both of you reach release.
  538. [09:08] <!Emilybroshoujo> Her fingers dig desperately into your back as she squeezes you.
  539. [09:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> You feel yourself filling her with hot fluids as all the strength leaves your body.
  540. [09:09] <!Emilybroshoujo> Both of you go limp and collapse where you lay.
  541. [09:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> The small mouse girl beneath you clings to you weakly as she mumbles with pleasure.
  542. [09:10] <!Emilybroshoujo> It's several moments before you muster the strength to roll over.
  543. [09:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> When you do Carla quickly moves to cling to you, snuggling close to you as you lay nude atop your blankets in the warm evening air.
  544. [09:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> Neither of you speaks.
  545. [09:11] <!Emilybroshoujo> No words or pillow talk would do this moment justice.
  546. [09:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> Love might not be the right word, but if you can have a moment of such passion with another person there must certainly be something there.
  547. [09:12] <!Emilybroshoujo> The warmth of her small body is more than enough comfort for you to fall asleep just as you are.
  548. [09:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> Only her gentle breathing as your lullaby, without a trace of static or a single dishonest word between you.
  549. [09:13] <!Emilybroshoujo> [Day 2 - End]
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