

Sep 23rd, 2013
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  1. Icon of Sin:
  3. At last, we meet. The one my hell couldn't keep.
  4. Humanity's last hope. The savior of humanity. A hero. A legend.
  5. A beacon of justice cutting through a cesspool of horror.
  6. Who knows how you will be penned in history's books?
  7. I wouldn't.
  8. After all, they still haven't decided for me.
  9. For the tens of thousands of years man has known my presence, not once did they find a name that fit.
  10. They never found the one name to encompass the infinite power I now hold before you.
  11. Baphomet. Satan. The gatekeeper. The demonlord. The icon of sin.
  12. Whichever name you bring to me, know that only one truly fits.
  14. Your doom.
  19. Snotfolus:
  21. So the time has come.
  22. A timeless legend has come to deliver his judgement upon me. Upon us.
  23. I should be honored.
  24. So why aren't I?
  25. Shouldn't I honor a man who carved his name into hell itself? A man who saved his kind from eternal damnation?
  26. But why should I?
  27. Why should I honor a man whose kind tries as much as it can to bleed me dry?
  28. Why should I honor a man who smashed down my doors and slaughtered my kind?
  29. We look to feed ourselves. No more.
  30. I simply brought my species to a land to a prosperous land, to save it.
  31. And I should honor the man who would slit my throat for that, if I had one?
  32. You wish to make me the villain? So be it. Then you are just more food for us.
  34. I will bury you in slime.
  39. D'Sparil:
  41. Well done. Well done indeed.
  42. I know not where you came from, or why you're here, but it is no matter.
  43. Your sheer efficiency in beating your way to my door is incredible.
  44. If only my warriors were as swift and deadly as you.
  45. But then, they can come back. I'm not so sure about you.
  46. Look around you. What do you see?
  47. Above you, the sky, and the cosmos beyond. That is my realm.
  48. Below you, an unending hell, tormenting all within it. There is my army.
  49. Around you, the corpses of my hundreds of minions. They are my puppets.
  50. With just a thought, I can reshape all of these to my desire.
  51. I can render your entire massacre meaningless before you can blink.
  52. Is that familiarity I see in you? As if you've seen this all before?
  53. You have seen nothing yet.
  55. Surrender to D'Sparil.
  60. Korax:
  62. You've come, finally.
  63. I know what roads you have walked. I know the kills you've made.
  64. You're a wrecking ball. Swing you a certain direction, and everything that way goes down.
  65. Have you ever considered the sheer power you hold in your hands?
  66. Have you ever noticed how everything that falls under your heel gets crushed all the same?
  67. I've noticed. And I'm impressed.
  68. It's a shame one of us has to die here.
  69. You would have been a great asset to my army. An entire squad, in one man.
  70. You've opened up more worlds to me than I could have hoped for.
  71. I'll treat yours kindly, out of respect.
  72. But you're surely waiting for the battle. I won't dissapoint.
  74. Greetings, mortal.
  75. Are you ready to die?
  80. Entity:
  82. So the disturbance has found its way to the nest.
  83. You've walked so many realms to get here. You aren't alone there.
  84. But your road ends here. The candle burns out now.
  85. You wish to turn back? You can't.
  86. The door's locked behind you. The only way is forward, into my hands.
  87. But you've never been one to retreat, have you?
  88. Even as my order cuts away at you, however slowly, you persist.
  89. Even as my machines carve you up, you patch yourself up and keep on.
  90. Even as my sigil drains your life away, you weather it and trudge on.
  91. I don't know what drives you. I don't know how you weather what would kill entire communities.
  92. But it won't help you now.
  93. Despair, as your tools of destruction fall harmlessly and I destroy what's left of you.
  94. Despair, as every single bit of your essense is torn mercilessly from you, doing what Hell itself couldn't.
  95. Despair, as your very existence falls apart, your legacy fading with it as well.
  97. Despair, for I am the One God.
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