

Apr 6th, 2018
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  1. │ ROXIE │
  6. (backup) - WEST COAST SMOKER
  8. » FACE CLAIM - @yoonjiiii
  9. (backup) - @jaeinn
  12. │ FUNNY HONEY │
  14. » FULL NAME - VU JAEIN (부재인)
  16. » NICKNAME(S) – 
  17. ◦ JAE - a name that she insists the people closest to
  18. (재) her call her by. she's always preferred this
  19. shortened form of her actual name, especially
  20. since she's been involved in some shady stuff.
  21. this is usually the name she discloses to the
  22. people she worked with, instead of revealing
  23. her full name.
  24. ◦ BOOBOO - a somewhat cute play on her last name, due to
  25. (부부) the similar pronunciation in korean. others
  26. seem to find it endearing, especially since
  27. jaein isn't nearly as threatening as she's
  28. made out to be. jaein doesn't share this
  29. opinion.
  31. » BIRTHDAY - 09 27 1999
  32. » AGE – 18 (INTL.)
  34. » HEIGHT & WEIGHT - 161CM + 52KG
  35. » BLOOD TYPE - ab+
  37. » BIRTHPLACE - hanoi, vietnam
  38. » HOMETOWN - incheon, south korea
  40. » NATIONALITY - vietnamese-korean
  41. » ETHNICITY - vietnamese-korean
  44. │ ALL THAT JAZZ │
  47. ◦ if you were to take one look at vu jaein, you would immediately come to the conclusion that she was as far from being a criminal as humanly possible. it's not surprising, given her soft features and innocent looking face, but it's all part of her charm. out of all the escapees, jaein is by far the most innocent looking, and if it weren't for the missing posters and alerts plastered everywhere, she'd probably be fully capable of walking down the street without looking suspicious in the slightest. along with her "innocent" face comes the fact that she's often mistaken for being weak – something that jaein hates more than anything in world. she's definitely not exactly the strongest person to walk the planet, she's not skilled in combat or any form, but she's definitely not weak, despite what everyone thinks. jaein looks extremely easy to take advantage of, to convince her to do all your bidding, but she's not a ditzy as she looks, and getting on her bad side is never a good idea, because she can and will track down every single move you've ever made in your life. her hacking abilities are at a standard that even the government fears, tracing back all your social media and uncovering your embarrassing phases is like child's play to jaein. don't let her face fool you, the knowledge in her eyes is far more dangerous than anything you want to imagine. she's not someone you want as an enemy. she's a lot stronger than she looks, in more ways than people realise. it's almost impossible to break through the firewall built around her mind and tear her to pieces. jaein is a calm and collected person, and she very rarely looses her shit. she keeps her emotions hidden behind closed doors, because to her, showing emotions is a form of weakness, and jaein doesn't like to appear weak. because of this, jaein is unbelievably calm, to the point where it is terrifying. she never seems to get angry, no matter what happens. it makes her seem far more intimidating to others, because no one knows how far jaein can go before she snaps back like a rubber band.
  49. ◦ another thing about jaein that most people don't know is that she is smart. extremely smart. sure her classmates know that she was always at the top of their cohort, and she probably would have graduation valedictorian, you know, if she hadn't been arrested, but that doesn't even begin to describe just how smart jaein is. she has an iq 160 making her well above the genius level, and on par with einstein. this is mostly due to the fact that she put in so much effort to do well with her studies, just so her parents would notice her, not that it was successful anyway. however, having and eidetic memory helped a lot, because jaein's memory is actually better than most of the populations, and she's able to remember things that other people don't. this came in useful when she first began to pick up how to hack software and break through firewalls. however, the only problem with jaein being so smart is that she's miles ahead of everyone else that she's met, and because of this, it continuously give off the impression that she's bored. more often than not, jaein looks like she's bored out of her wits, because she usually just sits there and doesn't give much input to conversations. instead, it makes people think she views herself as superior and above everyone else, and makes it hard for her to make friends easily, because she's definitely an acquired taste. she can be very difficult to deal with, especially if she's strongly against something, because she can be extremely petty, and very passive aggressive. she's not the sort to result to fights, verbal or physical, but she prefers to get her revenge by going through every single existing record of you she can find and use it against you instead.
  51. ◦ jaein is also known for being a very quiet person. she is the type of person who could quite easily live her life out entirely under the radar, because she knows how to get around without attracting attention – a pretty impressive talent, given that she has a face that would usually turn heads. if jaein doesn't want to be found, you can bet that you won't be able to find her, because she's smart enough to know how to keep herself hidden, and to know how to cover her tracks. in a group of people, jaein is that one person who sits in the corner quietly, analysing everyone else without them realising it. it's a given that jaein can very easily find out every little secret about you from all of your confidential files, but what people don't realise is that she doesn't always need to do that. she actually happens to be very good at extracting information from people without them even realising she's a threat. oftentimes, people actually forget that she's in the room, and they don't realise that she's quietly piecing together everything that you say, and silent unveiling all of your secrets in her mind. she is an extremely calculative person, and happens to be very good at analysing body language, a talent she spent years trying to teach herself. to jaein, computers are much more easier to understand, because they don't have complicated emotions. humans are an entirely different story, and while she's still trying her best to read body language, she's only really good at telling when they're uncomfortable or hiding something (which is sort of useless, because she can never tell what exactly they're hiding from her).
  53. ◦ with her intelligence comes her sarcasm. jaein can be an extremely sarcastic person, and often has comments to make about the stupid things people around her do or say. there's a saying that sarcasm is a body's natural defence against stupidity, and jaein agrees with that whole-heartedly. and with jaein being as smart as she is, it's not surprise that she often has comments to make when someone says something stupid that makes jaein question humanity. on top of this, jaein's cunningness comes with her smart and observant nature. jaein is an extremely cunning person, and there's not doubt that she'd probably be sorted into SLYTHERIN should someone put the sorting hat on her head, despite her high iq. jaein is extremely good at getting what she wants and doing anything she can to achieve her goals, no matter who gets in her way. i suppose this could work out in her favour, given that she's on the run from the law. jaein is a prime example of the saying 'looks can be deceiving'. she is fully prepared to throw people she doesn't know or doesn't like under the bus to get what she wants and achieve her means. she can also be mildly vindictive, which is obvious from the way that she finds joy in uncovering the past embarrassments and dodgy dealings from other people. jaein is not someone you want as an enemy, because she is far too dangerous, and she always knows far too much. jaein is fully capable of destroying you with a simple press of a key on her laptop. she knows exactly what she needs to do to get revenge, and she is definitely not the type to let those her cross her get away scot free. if she gets punished, she's the type to try and bring everyone else involved down with her. you can bet that she always has a plan, and while you might believe that she's owning up to her mistakes because she goes down without a fight, chances are that she's already got plans a through z to get herself out.
  56. » BACKGROUND -
  57. ◦ FAMILY
  58. VU BÀO DINH | 39YRS | FATHER - ceo of software company, VU TECHNOLOGIES
  61. ◦ VU JAEIN was born in hanoi, vietnam, to a well off family, with more money than they could ever need. both of her parents were set to inherit large sums of money, and jaein was to live in a world full of riches as she grew up. however, with this came the extremely high work ethic of both of her parents, and their insistence to work as much as possible. being an only child, this left jaein to her own devices most of the time, and she quickly grew sick of her babysitter (who was extremely easy to trick, and it became no fun anymore after the first four successful times). growing up surrounded by riches meant that jaein always had easy access to whatever the new trend at the moment was - including computer technology. jaein's father was the heir to his family's software company, VU TECHNOLOGIES, a vietnamese establishment now based in both hanoi and incheon. however, being the ceo of a company as big as it was, it was no surprise that jaein's father worked long hours week after week, and as soon as jaein was three, her mother returned to her position as a secretary working alongside her husband. jaein's mother had no need to work, not when her entire side of the family were lawyers, but being the only member of the family not pursue a career in law sparked her mother's competitiveness, leaving jaein with a babysitter for majority of her childhood.
  63. ◦ with her parents working what felt like 24/7, leaving jaein in the company of her boring and uptight babysitter, it's no surprise that jaein never had a close relationship with either of them. most of the time, she wonders if her parents even meant to have a child in the first place, seeing as they were so focused on their jobs that they had no extra attention to spare on jaein. when jaein was five years old, her parents packed up their house in vietnam, leaving behind the life she knew, and moving across to incheon, south korea instead, where her father could branch out his family's business company. the new environment was foreign to jaein at first, especially once she begun school and found out that all the other kids could speak in some alien language that she couldn't. growing up surrounded by the vietnamese language, and speaking it all the time with her parents and babysitter had no prepared her for school in korea, where everything was in a completely different language with characters that he'd never seen before in her life. her inability to pick up the korean language as fast as the other kids who'd been speaking it for the entirety of their (short) lives did come with an advantage to her father's company, at least, and jaein was the first to trial their new translator device.
  65. ◦ the change of scenery did mend jaein's relationship with her father slightly. it seemed that her mother was far too invested in working her job, trying to prove to her own parents that she could be just as good as all of her siblings, that she never really paid attention to anything jaein did. jaein was an inconvenience, someone who, in her mother's eyes, only ever got in trouble for doing silly things like knocking over expensive vases or playing tricks on whoever her baby sitter of the week was. however, once jaein hit her teenage years, she became extremely interested in technology. she'd always found it really fascinating, and was actually pretty good at figuring how to use things, like how she'd managed to hack into her translator device to change all the words in the dictionary to swear words within a year of first getting it. her interest in technology was the founding base of a relationship with her father, who quickly took to bringing her into the company building after school and showing her how things worked – something he probably regrets now, given the position jaein's now in. by the time jaein was fifteen, her father had raised a mini hacker, without even realising it.
  67. ◦ jaein has always done well in school, usually getting the top marks in most of her classes. what fuelled her determination to do so well started off as wanting to get her parent's attention, but by the time she realised it wouldn't work, she'd already put in all the effort and was miles ahead of everyone else in her cohort anyway. this is probably the main reason why she turned to hacking. it was something that she found fun, and required a lot of brain power and memorisation skills, which jaein had. hacking was a hobby, something that she did whenever she was bored – which was most of the time, if she's completely honest – and while she was usually extremely careful, it took one tiny slip up to put her behind bars. she didn't mean to get caught, in fact, usually she was untraceable, but in a moment of weakness, her system collapsed, allowing the government to trace her down. she didn't mean to hack into the governments political and military secrets. well, not the first time, at least. she did is by accident, without realising the firewall she'd spent a few days trying to break through actually belonged to the government. at first, she'd just quickly exited out and pretended that she hadn't seen it. except the more she thought about it, the more curious she got. hacking into government files was different to the silly little things she'd done for small sums of money in the past. eventually, the curiosity got the best of her, and she broke back through the firewall and started going through the files. jaein didn't have the chance to go through all of them before she was caught, but she has seen quite a few of them, and with a memory as good as hers, she still remembers them vividly. jaein knows more than she's supposed to, and she knows things that the government don't want her to know, which is why they're so desperate to keep her behind bars, where she can't go spilling their secrets. they're hiding something, and while jaein doesn't know the full picture, she knows enough for the government to label her as a threat.
  69. ◦ getting arrested ended with jaein getting disowned. by the time she was sixteen, her father had become extremely busy with his job once again, and he no longer spent any time with jaein at all. all of his spare time was spent taking his wife on dates, not bothering to try and maintain a strong relationship, and ultimately, it was decided that jaein had gone too far. her father was the ceo of a well known technology company with high standards, he couldn't afford to have a daughter ruining his image if word got out that she'd hacked into government files. after the police caught up with jaein, and found her at fault, her parents wanted nothing to do with it, and let jaein be handcuffed and carried away into a cell. jaein supposes that she should have expected it, anyway. it's not like her parents had ever really shown any sign of actually wanting a child in the first place, and the police had, in their eyes, just offered to take her off her hands.
  72. » LIKES
  73. ◦ COMPUTERS - she wouldn't be as good a hacker as she is if she hated computers
  74. ◦ TECHNOLOGY - she really likes new technology and software, and she finds it really fascinating
  75. ◦ JOGGING - she likes jogging because it clears her head when she has a lot on her mind
  76. ◦ PINEAPPLES - they're her favourite fruit, and she's lowkey obsessed with them, but she WON'T eat them on pizza
  77. ◦ CHOCOLATE - she loves all kinds of chocolate, but has a soft spot for white chocolate
  78. ◦ SNOWFALL - she really really really likes snow, and turns into a little kid when snow starts falling
  80. » DISLIKES
  81. ◦ SLEEPING - she thinks sleeping is a waste of time, and feels unproductive when she sleeps
  82. ◦ DIRT - she's a lowkey clean freak, and hates dust and dirt of any kind
  83. ◦ SICKNESS - she hates being sick, like most normal people, because it makes her feel weak
  84. ◦ WEAKNESS - she hates when people write her off as weak, and wishes they wouldn't judge her based on her appearance
  85. ◦ SUMMER - jaein just really hates warm weather and summer seasons
  86. ◦ HORSES - she's had this weird fear of horses, ever since she was younger, and they freak her out
  88. » HABITS
  89. ◦ BITING - it's a childhood habit that she's never been able to break
  90. ◦ CLICKING - she clicks her tongue a lot when she's deep in thought, and often doesn't realise she's doing it
  91. ◦ COUNTING - she always counts the time in seconds when she's riding in an elevator. even she doesn't know why
  93. » TRIVIA
  94. ◦ she's a really really really fast typer
  95. ◦ while she can type really fast in korean, she can type even faster in vietnamese
  96. ◦ she's bilingual in korean and vietnamese
  97. ◦ her favourite colour is red
  98. ◦ she really likes CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN heels
  99. ◦ she's never actually been back to vietnam, but she wants to go one day
  100. ◦ she hates being mistaken for being weak
  101. ◦ she has a eidetic memory
  102. ◦ she can solve a rubix cube in under a minute
  103. ◦ she's left handed
  104. ◦ she has a total of seven piercings – three on her left ear and four on her right ear
  105. ◦ she personally prefers apple over microsoft
  106. ◦ she wants to dye her hair at some point
  107. ◦ she has a tattoo on her pinky finger of the word TRUST written in morse code (her parents never knew about it, because they certainly would have killed her for getting it done underage)
  110. │ ALL I CARE ABOUT │
  113. (backup) - BANG CHAN or LEE MINHO
  116. ◦ his dark caps ➝ he always has a cap on his head, that sometimes covers his eyes, and allows him to discretely watch other people from underneath the brim without them realising it.
  119. ◦ he, like most people, was extremely surprised to realise that someone with a face like hers could end up in jail. he, just like everyone else, had the impression that she was a sweet and innocent little girl, and if he hadn't know that she was a criminal, he probably would have been fooled into thinking that she was a law abiding citizen. he's very cautious and suspicious of her, because he hasn't got her figured out, and he sort of treats her like a snake, trying to determine her next move before she attacks him.
  122. ◦ she didn't really have a first impression of him, he was just there. she registered him as the boy with the dark clothes and the cap covering most of his face, which kind of made her think he was closed off (which wasn't entirely wrong, given how calculating he can be), which sort of made her wary around him, and she wasn't really sure whether or not to trust him
  126. ◦ their relationship starts of extremely awkward, because it is no secret that neither of them trust the other. it's not surprising, given that jaein's an actual criminal, and she's on the run, so a complete trust bond within the first five minutes of meeting is completely out of the question.
  127. ◦ their trust begins to build slowly, so slowly that they can't even pinpoint where it began in the first place. given that everyone else has sort of paired off, which kind of leaves them to pair up themselves. their friendship takes a while to develop, through a range of events, leaving them with little choice but to trust the other, even though they're still suspicious of each other (the other girls like to call it friendship building exercises). this somehow turns into pointless bickering and innocent jabs at the other with never fail to drive them up the wall.
  128. ◦ their relationship is more physical than verbal – in the sense that they show their feelings through the actions of their subtle touches, and the way that they always seem to gravitate towards the other when they're in the same room. it's obvious from the way they're always the first to make sure the other is okay, and they both find comfort in each others presence, without the need for deep and meaningful conversations. most of their relationship is founded on bickering and basking in each others company.
  131. ◦ they hold hands a lot, and always deny it and let go when someone points it out
  132. ◦ (but five minutes later they're back to holding hands again)
  133. ◦ gravitate towards each other when they're in the same room
  134. ◦ they bicker a lot of stupid things
  135. ◦ their relationship is built heavily on comforting actions and pointless bickering
  136. ◦ jaein has high key gone and stalked all of his ex girlfriends and likes to bring them up every so often
  138. » CLOSEST SLOT -
  139. ◦ I DON'T CARE ➝ they're both the same age, which makes it relatively easy for them to get along, despite the fact that they have almost completely different personalities. they're unlikely friends, mostly due to the fact that they're polar opposites, as I DON'T CARE is rebellious and risky, while jaein's much more calm and collected. they've also probably worked together before they were both arrested, because jaein's probably the best person to go to if you want information to disappear or become untraceable, which would have benefited I DON'T CARE during several of her offenses before being caught.
  141. │ RAZZLE DAZZLE │
  144. ◦ "i still don't trust you."
  145. "you'd be stupid if you did."
  146. ◦ "how do you know all of my ex girlfriends?"
  147. "there's this thing called facebook."
  150. ◦ "okay, but how do you expect to be able to hack into an organisation as secret as that?"
  151. "i've already done it."
  152. ◦ jaein goes on a massive rant in fluent vietnamese and no one knows what to do because they don't understand a word she's saying because they can't speak vietnamese, but she looks funny because she's all worked up when she's usually a very calm person.
  154. » MESSAGE - hi i'm back and i hope that this form isn't horrible and doesn't make your eyes bleed. let me know if anything needs to be fixed
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