
Love Project

Oct 5th, 2019
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  2. USERNAME: @GlisteningHobi
  3. PASSWORD: J-Hope
  6. BIRTH NAME: Huang Daiyu
  7. OTHER NAME: Hwang Daehee (Korean name)
  8. NICKNAMES: Jade | Her chinese name means Black Jade :: Dai :: Dae
  9. BIRTHDAY: 26th July 1998
  10. AGE: 21
  11. BIRTHPLACE: Shenzhen, China
  12. HOMETOWN: Shenzhen, China
  13. NATIONALITY: Chinese-Korean
  14. ETHNICITY: Chinese
  15. HEIGHT: 164cm
  16. WEIGHT: 51kg
  17. LANGUAGES: Mandarin 100% | Korean 55% | English 24%
  21. + Ambitious; she has a strong drive and desire to succeed and even if the chances are slim, she will take them anyway. She doesn't give up easily.
  22. + Charismatic; there is something about the way she smiles or the way she talks or the way she just holds herself that attracts people to her. She could just be sitting there quietly and people would just feel the desire to go and talk to her. She just has a very appealing aura.
  23. + Challenging; there are times where she can be stubborn and difficult and this is when she is in one of her bad moods or if she has failed something. She will ignore compliments and take a small form of criticism to heart whether it be a complaint about her being loud or petty comment from a hater on instagram or twitter.
  24. + Confident; she is the confident type and doesn't get easily embarrassed over incidents that may happen to her. She will just brush it off and continue on her way.
  25. + Impulsive; sometimes she can act before she properly thinks about what she is doing. This helps with her seizing opportunities however, sometimes she may say or do the wrong thing to someone before she can stop herself.
  28. + Martial arts movies, Thriller movies & True story movies such as The Shawshank Redemption
  29. + Dogs
  30. + Cooking
  31. + Working out
  32. + Helping people
  33. + Decorating
  34. + Styling people
  35. + Late night walks
  38. + Messiness
  39. + Mornings
  40. + Cheese
  41. + Hospitals
  42. + Negative, toxic people
  43. + Traffic
  44. + Bad hygiene
  45. + Being ill
  47. HOBBIES:
  48. + Posting on her social medias (especially Instagram)
  49. + Going to the gym
  51. HABITS:
  52. + Cracking her joints such as her neck and back
  53. + When her nails are long, she likes the sound of her nails tapping hard surfaces
  55. TRIVIA:
  56. + She doesn't like Disney because she thinks it is overrated and everytime she has sat down to one of their movies, she hasn't been overly impressed.
  57. + She is afraid of heights and will literally cry like a baby when she feels like she is too high up.
  58. + She has always wanted a serpent tattoo on her thigh because she thinks they look cool.
  59. + She is a major bargain hunter and will find the best looking clothes with the best materials for very cheap prices because she believes that you can look good for less.
  60. + She is saving up so that she can take her and her parents to Dubai since they are too busy working and have always dreamt of going to Dubai. So she wants to try and save up as much money as possible to take them as a way of saying thank you for everything they have done for her.
  61. + She is really good at lip-reading.
  62. + By the looks of her screen, it would look like her phone went through world war 2. She replaces her screen protecter frequently and even has a mini drawer in her room dedicated to screen protectors. Her actual screen is fine luckily.
  63. + She did archery when she was younger but only for about 2 years so she only knows just slightly above the basics.
  64. + She has a tiktok account however, she only posts on it once in a while because sometimes she forgets that she has the app.
  65. + She owns a really popular instagram variety account where she posts memes, videos of kdrama scenes, videos of her covering songs and outfit of the days. She doesn't know why she is so popular but continues to entertain her followers anyway.
  66. + When she is on her period, she eats ice cubes because she claims it is the only thing that helps her with the cramps.
  67. + When she was 15, she had a weird period of kleptomania. This was around the time her parents were having a rough patch and it seemed as if they were getting a divorce however, after a few months of couples counselling, they were soon back on the right track and Daiyu was back to normal.
  71. SLOT: Wave
  72. BACKUP: Let me love you
  73. BACKUP 2: Summer 127
  74. FACE CLAIM: Seo Soojin (G Idle)
  75. BACKUP: Cheng Xiao (WJSN)
  76. BACKUP 2: Kyulkyung (ex-Pristin)
  78. 〉IF ONLY
  79. LOVE INTEREST: Park Seonghwa
  80. HOW DID YOU AND YOUR LOVE INTEREST MEET?: They met at a birthday party a mutual friend was having. They had never met before but as the party went on, they found themselves always looking at each other. At some point during the party, he walked over to her and the people she was with after finally plucking up the courage to go and talk to her. She was a bit shocked to see him there but was happy that he came over. They started talking and after getting a few drinks down her, she asked him to dance, which he accepted. They got really close that night and the next day, they exchanged phone numbers and snapchats to keep in touch.
  83. + Seonghwa giving her some Korean lessons and she keeps messing up so he hugs her and comforts her and that makes her feel better so they continue with the lesson.
  84. + Going swimming together after having a very stressful day.
  85. + Going on a late night walk with Seonghwa as a way to calm down from the packed schedule.
  86. + Daiyu was having a bad day. She was feeling extra hormonal so she was acting way out of character. Due to this, she ended up shouting at a lot of people including Seonghwa. Seonghwa realised there was something wrong and so he went to go and look for her and calm her down. He knew that she loved his kisses so to calm her down, he just kissed her. At first she was reluctant until he started massaging her sides while kissing her. This calmed her down and when he pulled away, she apologised, saying that she was just in a weird mood.
  87. + As a surprise, he gets her tickets to go and see her favourite artist, Jay Park with him. She gets so excited that she ends up crying because she has never got to see him in concert before. The rest of the day, she was extra giddy and nice and being extra affectionate with Seonghwa. People thought she was just happy. However, people started to get suspicious as she was happy to watch a Disney movie with them although she frequently voices her dislike for all things Disney. She then explained what was happening and then they understood.
  89. MESSAGE TO LOVE INTEREST: "Babes, let's go all the way, if we don't win, at least we know we tried our hardest. I hope we can succeed but at the end of the day, if we don't we still have each other. I love you so much!"
  91. 〉SPECIAL
  92. SELF INTRODUCTION: "Hello, my name is Huang Daiyu and I am the energy you need to get through the day! Sorry for my lacking Korean but I hope we can get along well either way!"
  93. MESSAGE TO FANS: "Please look after me on this show my little Jade's. I hope to recieve a lot of love from you and I will do everything I can to keep that love."
  94. MESSAGE TO OTHERS COUPLES: "I hope no conflicts arise during this but if there are, let's hope we can become friends after this. May the best couple win."
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