
Anjali’s ‘Written In The Stars’ Released by Sandeep Marwah

Apr 13th, 2015
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  1. Noida Film City: “Asian Academy of Arts has been promoting writing in a big way. We support new and old writers and publishers even we have to go out of way” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios while releasing the new book of Anjali Kriplani-Written In The Stars at Noida Film City.
  2. “I have been writing earlier blogs from there I realized that I can write more. Writing is an art but you have to polish it only by writing more” answered Anjali in a jam-packed hall of young enthusiastic filmmakers and media students.
  3. “The writing style of Anjali is very simple, she has expressed her strong ideas in a very simple day to day English “added Bharat Guba of Shoobh Cultural society.
  4. Anjali Kriplani has been an anchor on TV, a radio jockey, a PR person and written earlier a book under the tittle- Never Say Never. Later Marwah presented life membership of International Film And Television Club of AAFT to Anjali. ICMEI-International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry supported the event.
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