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Jul 24th, 2016
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  1. "Because you can't get enough of me, Lieutenant~" *winks, blows kiss*
  2. Jul 21
  3. Guren Ichinose
  4. His eyes narrow. "Cocky shit. Don't flatter yourself"
  5. Jul 21
  6. Ferid Bathory
  7. Smirk widens at the sight of the other man's irritated expression. "I don't have to - those previous naughty little trysts speak for themselves, don't they~?"
  8. Jul 21
  9. Guren Ichinose
  10. "..." It's not like he can say much to this, eyes still narrowed at the Noble before he scoffs and looks away "Shaddup. You speak far too much..." reaching to rub at his forehead as though he has a migraine
  11. Jul 21
  12. Ferid Bathory
  13. "Oh~? But I distinctively remember you saying something about making me "beg louder" the last time we met up, but I suppose that is the only sort of "talking" you'd prefer from me~" He chuckles, almond cat-like eyes narrowing slightly in amusement as he peers at the human. "Though if you're trying to play hard to get, I don't mind that at all~"
  14. Jul 21
  15. Guren Ichinose
  16. "Mattaku, the only reason I would have you beg is because an annoying guy like you needs to be shown his place." in more ways than one of course, Guren manages to keep up that stubborn demeanor he is well known for, it's not like he plans for this vampire to get a big head from knowing how easily he finds it to give in.
  17. "I'd rather not give in at all. thanks"
  18. Jul 21
  19. Ferid Bathory
  20. "Ahaha~ But it's all good fun, isn't it? If you truly wished to make me submit, then you would be using the sword in that sheath and not the other rather...impressive one you have."
  21. Laughs at his own crass little joke, but stops when he hears the brunet's stubborn declaration of not giving in.
  22. "Well then, does that mean I'll be getting a challenge for once~?" Hands makes way to their usual place on his hips, customary grin stretching just enough for a glimpse of pearly fangs as Ferid prowls towards his surly companion. "Sounds delicious~" he adds as an afterthought, drags his tongue across pink lips, making sure the human could catch the lewd moment.
  23. Jul 21
  24. Guren Ichinose
  25. ( need to go so I'll continue next time )
  26. Jul 21
  27. Ferid Bathory
  28. (kk byeee! X333)
  29. Jul 21
  30. Guren Ichinose
  31. Guren frowns the entire time Ferid spoke or even moved, cautious of this Noble's every movement as he still kept one hand neatly rested on Mahiru-No-Yo, mentally and physically preparing himself even if he appeared so laid back.
  32. Even if he is no match for Ferid he could still try to escape, Guren never had been able to trust him; but these meetings used to be simply professional until they both found a something else with each other. That being Guren needing a stress relieving fuck and Ferid just needing to be fucked. One day the other may find him boring and dispose of him, just like the Hiragi would - even though they do have their...private meetings.
  34. Lazy purple eyes following the small lap of a tongue over well maintained fangs as he quickly looks elsewhere instead of focusing on his enemy, "Think what you like. You're the one with the crazy ideas."
  35. Jul 22
  36. Notices Guren's guarded body language the moment Ferid starts to approach the brunet; the way his hand naturally made its way on the hilt of his sword, how the muscles in his arms and shoulders tensed as if ready to be on the attack or defensive at any moment. Really now, was all that necessary? Yes, Ferid loves to toy with people, but he knows when to play nice and use honey instead of vinegar, preferring to watch in malicious amusement as his pets makes their way to the tragedy of their own doing. Guren, in fact, is one of his favourites with whom the noble could find respite from the constant boredom which plagues him, and he has no intentions of throwing the human away anytime soon (or ever, if he feels like entertaining that train of thought).
  37. Catching the movement of Guren's gaze as it flicks towards the lewd movement of his tongue then swiftly turns away from the noble as if to curb temptation, Ferid's smirk turns a degree slier as he pauses completely inside of the other male's personal space. "Always so difficult," he titters, brazenly plucking the brunet's chin with one hand so Guren is forced to meet the piercing carmine irises of the vampire. "Stubborn men like you-" Ferid continues, inching closer and dropping his voice to a husky purr. "-can only be tamed by the pain and pleasure inflicted on their body."
  38. He laughs briefly, a series of high lilting notes, backing away before the human could retaliate with something unpleasant, and effortlessly slides into one of his patented disarming grins. "Since you're so confident in your assertion, why not indulge me in a small wager between friends~?" Ferid proposes, laying out the taunt with an innocent expression of childish eagerness. What he has in mind was harmless - for the most part.
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