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MW3 Chaos Deobfuscated Authorization System

a guest
Nov 24th, 2012
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  1. Loop While num4 > 0U
  2. Dim struct7 As Struct47
  3. <Module>.smethod_61(struct7)
  4. If <Module>.smethod_65(struct7, CType(ptr7, __Pointer(Of Byte)), 762205) <> -1365507099 Then
  5. Me.lblStatus.Text = "Invalid username or subscription expired."
  6. <Module>._63(CType(ptr3, __Pointer(Of Void)))
  7. Process.Start("")
  8. Return
  9. End If
  10. Me.lblStatus.Text = "Authentication successful!"
  11. If <Module>._52(CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct18_3), __Pointer(Of SByte)), CType((AddressOf struct4), __Pointer(Of SByte)), 4U) < 0 Then
  12. Me.lblStatus.Text = "You have: v" + "2.40" + " Server has: v" + New String(CType((AddressOf struct4), __Pointer(Of SByte)))
  13. If MessageBox.Show("Your version of MW3 Chaos is outdated. The current" & vbLf & "version is " + New String(CType((AddressOf struct4), __Pointer(Of SByte))) + ". Would you like to download the latest version?", "Update Available", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question).Equals(DialogResult.Yes) Then
  14. Process.Start("")
  15. End If
  16. <Module>._63(CType(ptr3, __Pointer(Of Void)))
  17. Application.[Exit]()
  18. Return
  19. End If
  20. If Not <Module>.bool_9 Then
  21. <Module>._67(CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct9_2), __Pointer(Of SByte)), CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct23_0), __Pointer(Of SByte)), 0U, CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct4_0), __Pointer(Of SByte)))
  22. Dim pStruct37_ As __Pointer(Of Struct37) = <Module>._51(CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct22_1), __Pointer(Of SByte)), CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct5_7), __Pointer(Of SByte)))
  23. Dim pStruct37_2 As __Pointer(Of Struct37) = <Module>._51(CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct4_0), __Pointer(Of SByte)), CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct5_8), __Pointer(Of SByte)))
  24. Dim num5 As Integer = 0
  25. Dim struct8 As Struct57
  26. Dim num6 As Integer = <Module>._50(CType((AddressOf struct8), __Pointer(Of Void)), 1U, 512U, pStruct37_)
  27. If <Module>._49(pStruct37_) Is Nothing Then
  28. Do
  29. Dim num7 As Integer = 0
  30. If0 < num6 Then
  31. Do
  32. If num5 >= 2 Then
  33. __Dereference((num7 + struct8)) = (__Dereference(CType((ptr7 + CType(num5, IntPtr) / __SizeOf(SByte) - 2 / __SizeOf(SByte)), __Pointer(Of Byte))) + __Dereference(CType((ptr7 + CType(num5, IntPtr) / __SizeOf(SByte) - 1 / __SizeOf(SByte)), __Pointer(Of Byte))) + __Dereference(CType((CType(num5, IntPtr) / __SizeOf(SByte) + ptr7), __Pointer(Of Byte))) Xor __Dereference((num7 + struct8)))
  34. num5 += 1
  35. Else
  36. __Dereference((num7 + struct8)) = (__Dereference(CType((CType(num5, IntPtr) / __SizeOf(SByte) + ptr7), __Pointer(Of Byte))) Xor __Dereference((num7 + struct8)))
  37. num5 += 1
  38. End If
  39. If num5 = 762205 Then
  40. num5 = 0
  41. End If
  42. num7 += 1
  43. Loop While num7 < num6
  44. End If
  45. <Module>._48(CType((AddressOf struct8), __Pointer(Of Void)), 1U, CUInt(num6), pStruct37_2)
  46. num6 = <Module>._50(CType((AddressOf struct8), __Pointer(Of Void)), 1U, 512U, pStruct37_)
  47. If <Module>._49(pStruct37_) IsNot Nothing Then
  48. Exit Do
  49. End If
  50. Loop While <Module>._49(pStruct37_) Is Nothing
  51. End If
  52. <Module>._47(pStruct37_)
  53. <Module>._47(pStruct37_2)
  54. File.SetAttributes(New String(CType((AddressOf <Module>.struct4_0), __Pointer(Of SByte))), FileAttributes.Hidden Or FileAttributes.System)
  55. End If
  56. Me.button1.Enabled = False
  57. Me.ddzxxy.Enabled = True
  58. <Module>.bool_9 = True
  59. <Module>._63(CType(ptr3, __Pointer(Of Void)))
  60. If Me.xx.Checked Then
  61. <Module>.smethod_79()
  62. Return
  63. End If
  64. Return
  65. IL_6AA:
  66. Me.lblStatus.Text = "Unauthorized system. Please de-authorize the first system."
  67. <Module>._63(CType(ptr3, __Pointer(Of Void)))
  68. Return
  69. IL_6C3:
  70. Me.lblStatus.Text = "Invalid username or subscription expired."
  71. <Module>._63(CType(ptr3, __Pointer(Of Void)))
  72. Process.Start("")
  73. End If
  74. End If
  75. Else
  76. MessageBox.Show("DNS Lookup of authentication server error. Your connection" & vbLf & "may be problematic or your DNS server is currently offline." & vbLf & "Please try again later." & vbLf, "Lookup error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
  77. <Module>._63(CType(ptr3, __Pointer(Of Void)))
  78. End If
  79. Else
  80. MessageBox.Show("You need to enter a valid username and password!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand)
  81. End If
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