
Eat you out literally

Apr 21st, 2014
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  1. "Oh, darling, you just don't have the teeth for carnivorous eating."
  2. >She looks up at you with doe, disappointed eyes.
  3. >You flash her your canines.
  4. "Get yourself a set of these. Rip'n'tear!"
  5. >She unlatches herself from your forearm and runs her tongue over her own, rather blunt champers.
  6. >"There's probably a spell for that," she says, mostly talking to herself.
  7. >The pony trots away, muttering. Already, books are flying from her shelves and swirling around her like a literary tornado.
  8. >A single bead of sweat forms on your forehead.
  9. >The primitive, primal part of your brain begins to uncoil, commanding you to flee.
  10. >This can only end in bloodshed.
  11. >Sexy bloodshed.
  13. >You suddenly feel yourself forced to the ground, the all-too-familliar buzz of magic keeping you pinned
  14. >Twilight walks over you, bearing her new set of carnivorous teeth
  15. "T-Twilight"
  16. >Her hooves dig into the floor beside you now, each beside your head
  17. >You can smell the hunger... the lust radiating from her.
  18. >Twilight licks her canines, making sure you have a good view
  19. >Your heat beat increases twice over and Twilight brings over one of your arms, her eyes staring into yours the entire time
  20. >She opens her maw, her tongue giving your arm a good -slurp-, and her hot breath courses over the wet spot she left.
  21. >Finally, she goes in
  22. >"Aaah..."
  23. "Twilight!"
  24. >She pauses
  25. >"Yes, Anon?"
  26. "You're not supposed to eat meat when it's still alive..."
  27. >"Oh. So do I make you not alive then?"
  28. "No! You don't eat things that talk!"
  29. >Disappointment again grows on her face.
  30. >She closes her mouth, but not before giving your arm another slurp with her tongue
  32. "Sweetest, I have a solution."
  33. >Her voice is honeyed, distracted, layered with promise and distraction.
  34. >She sounds as though in the thrall of a remote force, a dark and ancient thing beyond your ken.
  35. >Her real attention is focused on somewhere else, the hypnotic pulse of the universe itself.
  36. >She's been away for hours, in the deep recesses of the library.
  37. >It goes down through the whole root system, expanding vertically and horizontally as far as the mind can conceive.
  38. >The soft scents of dust and earth mix with the smells of her exertion.
  39. >There's something else there too, the sweet and oft-missed stink of her arousal.
  40. >"What's that, darling?"
  41. "A promise in the dark."
  42. Pain courses through your body, sharp fangs piercing the skin of your shoulderblade, scraping the bone.
  43. >You tense up, trying to resist, trying to put distance between you and whatever creature has returned wearing your lover's face.
  44. >It is no use.
  45. >Like cotton wool on skinned teeth, your body goes numb, paralyzed.
  46. "A promise sealed with blood," she murmurs.
  47. >Then the chewing begins.
  48. >You can only listen, with growing horror and shrinking ability to react, as her new teeth begin to chew.
  49. >Her hunger, it seems, is only the start of it.
  51. >Drool and blood drips from her mouth, Twilight looking into your eyes again
  52. >Her face moves over towards you, her too-hot breath burns across your face
  53. >She licks your cheek, leaving a trail of blood
  54. >Your blood
  55. >And she holds your head still with her hoof
  56. >She forces your lips open with her own, and her tongue lets itself inside
  57. >It flicks around, toying with your stiff, trapped tongue
  58. >Her squishy, gorged tongue squishes against your teeth...
  59. >Feeling your Canines...
  60. >Then her own
  61. >She leaves you there for a few moments, not breaking the contact
  62. >Finally, she shifts her attention.
  63. >"Ahh..."
  64. >Air brushes against your body.
  65. >In a new place.
  66. >Your pants... wait, what?
  67. >Out of the corner of your eye, or whatever bit of your vision isn't filled with her visage. confirms your suspicion.
  68. >Twilight tests another spot...
  69. >Your neck.
  70. >Oh god no, not your jugular. Not here... you can't die like this!
  71. >Twilight chuckles at the fear in your face before moving on
  72. >It isn't long before your garments are gone completely, leaving you naked
  73. >Something wet drips onto your now exposed, now... hardening... member
  74. >"Good boy."
  75. >"Now... stay still..."
  76. >And she bites into your neck.
  78. >Dying wasn't so bad, in the end.
  79. >Unconsciousness is so rapid with such immediate and total loss of blood volume.
  80. >All you saw was a thin, frothy spray, then the sucking edges of your vision dimmed, and that was that.
  81. >What was bad was coming back.
  82. >Again, and again.
  83. >Her hunger was never truly sated.
  84. >Lust has many faces, many forms, and she expressed every ounce of her feral need on your battered, crippled form.
  85. >You phase in and out of existence, watching her bob up and down on your blooded penis, hard by twitch of her magic and whatever foul perversion lurks in her veins.
  86. >For every quivering morsel of flesh she scrapes from you, for every orgasm she draws from you, for every wild gasp of pleasure that escapes her throat, for every muffled scream of psychological torment that leaves yours, there is a thaumic cure.
  87. >Ruined body parts reappear from nothing.
  88. >Days blend into nights, nights to days.
  89. >Misery never felt so good.
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