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FFXI Bumba V25 Notes

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Oct 22nd, 2024
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  1. BUMBA V25 Overview:
  3. KI1 - The melee burn.
  5. Overview: Target for KI1 is under 75% but obviously the lower the better. The fight will be relatively short and we will ultimately die. One minute into the fight, Bumba enters fetter mode after his next TP move. This is where a lot of runs will end, but he can randomly be proc'd by crits, simultaneous WS's, SCs, or multiple magic bursts. We won't really be targeting any of these and will just consider ourselves lucky if we get proc. BST will time unleash to start right before fetter mode, in hopes that we can absorb TP and keep it from WSing for a bit of extra time (some groups use SMN + perfect defense here). At 75% he will use a SP ability. PD, Invincible, Yaegasumi bad, Brazen Rush Elemental Sforzo good. If its a bad one, chances are we won't make it far past 75%. Bumba also absorbs a random element and if you make a SC that he absorbs, he immediately enters fetter mode and this is a run ender. Our KI1 strat will look to use WS that don't make SCs. We could look to refine this later but it is risky.
  7. KI2 - Kaustra does the heavy lifting
  9. Overview: This part of the fight is very standardized. Bumba has the same mechanics as above, but this is a TP denial strategy where the BLU tanks bumba with various MDT buffs (and hopefully never gets damaged). So he should never go into fetter mode. Everyone else is there mainly to buff the SCH to applying 4 monster Kaustras and debuff Bumba to hell so he takes as much damage as possible. Once we have the strategy down, this is essentially the "luck" part of the run. Get MAB/MACC down aura? Its over. WC doesn't give SP 1 resets? Its over. If our BLU can consistently hold bumba and not feed it TP and we get our buffs/debuffs etc down, we will eventually get the right aura and win.
  12. BUMBA V25 KI#1 Detailed:
  14. KI1 - The melee burn.
  16. Overview: Target for KI1 is under 75% but obviously the lower the better. The fight will be relatively short and we will ultimately die. One minute into the fight, Bumba enters fetter mode after his next TP move. This is where a lot of runs will end, but he can randomly be proc'd by crits, simultaneous WS's, SCs, or multiple magic bursts. We won't really be targeting any of these and will just consider ourselves lucky if we get proc. BST will time unleash to start right before fetter mode, in hopes that we can absorb TP and keep it from WSing for a bit of extra time (some groups use SMN + perfect defense here). At 75% he will use a SP ability. PD, Invincible, Yaegasumi bad, Brazen Rush Elemental Sforzo good. If its a bad one, chances are we won't make it far past 75%. Bumba also absorbs a random element and if you make a SC that he absorbs, he immediately enters fetter mode and this is a run ender. Our KI1 strat will look to use WS that don't make SCs. We could look to refine this later but it is risky.
  18. KI#1 Roles
  19. WHM - The usual. Haste everyone, normal buffs, bar-whatever really, regens, etc. Be ready to use huge curagas in fetter mode. Pull with Dia2 to eat absorb. Can asylum leading up to fetter mode
  20. BST - Enters with Generous Arthur, applies Purulent Ooze immediately to take 10% of its HP off and then Corrosive Ooze for a strong att/def debuff (33%). Swap to leech pet and around the 1 min mark unleash and spam TP drain.
  21. WAR - Provoke (position) tomahawk at start, warcry/MS and Calamity spam
  22. DRG - Angon (dunno if this stacks with corrosive ooze?) Savage spam
  23. MNK - Dragon kick spam
  24. BRD - SV/CC MIN MIN MIN HM Aria (Herc Etude) - SB spam
  26. Frontier Sodas because why not
  28. Alt setup - Swap MNK with THF - Larcenry SP ability at 75 to push through. Shark bite to break up wall, Conspirator
  29. Bumba V25 KI#2 Detailed:
  32. COR - Loaded Deck 5/5 merits (RD is important here). I like sticking Monk's/Magus on the BLU at the start to make their life easier. The most important rolls though are Warlocks and crooked Wizard's, which 100% need to be up for the first Kaustra cast, so we may have to see if we can fit all 4 rolls in. Between first and second Kaustra, RD (needs to hit everyone, so we will call it and everyone will gather). Between second/third Kaustra, WC everyone. Between third/fourth Kaustra, RD again on everyone. Optionally we could try and fit in Distortion > Leaden Salute (with some blizz nukes) at the end if we feel like we need a bit of extra damage. You may need to reup wiz/warlocks near the end so watch for that.
  34. GEO - In lobby, Entrust focus to both SCH/RDM (they may not stand by each other). Entrust Barrier on RUN. Malaise on BLU, Languor on COR I guess. In the fight, Bolster after SCH starts SC. You want bolstered GEO-INT and Indi-Acumen up for all 4 SC. Before first SC, entrust Malaise on BLU again. Get RD to reset entrust and between SC1/2 entrust Focus on SCH. Get WC to reset Bolster/Entrust. Bolster after SCH starts second tabula. Entrust Malaise on BLU again. Get RD to reset entrust between SC3/4 and entrust focus on SCH. Essentially for every SC we should have Geo-INT, Indi-Acumen, and then entrusted indi-focus/malaise since you are alternating. Will want either RDM or GEO to Impact.
  36. RUN - Holds adds. Don't get too much hate especially at start or add/bumba will swap targets. RDM can CC adds so they aren't constantly beating on you. Gambit on Bumba before all 4 SC, and Rayke on SC2/4. Make sure to run in for all RD/WC resets. We could choose to just use both on all SC and hope for RD resets... probably a gametime decision.
  38. SCH - I'll handle this - 5-step SC to start and BLU will close with Chain Affinity Quad Cont. with me nuking Kaustra after. Me and the BLU will practice ahead of time to make sure timing works. I'll stick a helix on after and then embrava everyone then redo Kaustra right near the end of tabula timer.
  40. RDM - Buffs at start, prioritizing BLU stuff. Immediately on pull stop buffs and debuff. On bumba, Frazzle > Silence > Slow/Para > Distract > Addle. Resume buffing. Once everyone has appropriate buffs can CC the add and keep an eye on silence or other debuffs wearing. We may also have you dia on pull to bring add out if its not out on pull. Priority here remains keeping bumba silenced, so that it can't generat TP from casting. Will want either RDM or GEO to Impact.
  42. BLU - This is probably the most important job with the most going on. Not only do you have to worry about holding Bumba, but you need to manage his TP, have the right buffs up to not get hit for anything other than 0 (saline coat + magic barrier). Not only that but you have some important buffs for SCH and Debuffs that need to be aplied before Kaustra goes off. Mid SC you will need to Pen. Embrace (or Diffusion Momento Mori) the SCH. Also need Tearing Gust (Unbridled Learning) / Searing Tempest up. You also need to perform the 6th step of the SC to make darkness (Chain Affinity > Quad Contin). Will practice this before real runs to make sure you can fit all the buffs/debuffs in and still have time to close the SC. Though all this you need to be using reaving/feather for tp management and actnic burst/fantod for hate. BLU will make or break this, and it will require some practice to get right.
  44. Notes on automated-losses or Luck-based outcomes:
  45. It may be possible to overcome the negative outcomes below with future updates, power creep or newer gear. However, as of 10/22/2024, you should just exit and re-enter/re-attempt the fight if you see any of these random outcomes:
  47. In KI1: if you notice that Bumba absorbs the corrosive ooze, he is water-aligned and you have to exit and come back. (No defense down effect granted).
  48. In KI2, Aura #1 is either M.Acc or MAB down.
  49. In KI2, Aura #2 is either M.Acc or MAB down.
  50. In KI2, Wild Card fails to reset 1hr for another round of Kaustra.
  51. In KI2, Bumba's aligned elemental absorption is DARKNESS (no Kaustra damage).
  53. Thanks to Chaosblast, Felgar, Crazycunak, Sleepynite, MagicSnake and Kalikal.
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