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a guest
Apr 28th, 2020
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  1. Global Aliases:
  3. 401room => ;eq fput checkpcs.each { |pc| start_script('waggle', ['--cast-list=401',pc]); wait_while{running?('waggle')}}
  4. 406room => ;eq fput checkpcs.each { |pc| start_script('waggle', ['--cast-list=406',pc]); wait_while{running?('waggle')}}
  5. boun => bounty
  6. date => time
  7. disband => ;eq multifput("disband","group open")
  8. grab => ;e GameObj.pcs.each{|pc|;fput "hold ##{}"}
  9. gri => grin
  10. ha => ;eq silence_me ; hands = false; action = proc { |server_string| ; if server_string =~ /You are holding/ ; hands = true ; elsif server_string =~ /You are wearing/ ; if hands ; server_string = "" ; else ; server_string = "You have nothing in your hands." ; end ; elsif server_string =~ /Click .* for more options/ ; server_string = "" ; end ; server_string } ; DownstreamHook.add('newglance', action) ; fput "inventory" ; DownstreamHook.remove('newglance')
  11. han => ;eq silence_me ; hands = false; action = proc { |server_string| ; if server_string =~ /You are holding/ ; hands = true ; elsif server_string =~ /You are wearing/ ; if hands ; server_string = "" ; else ; server_string = "You have nothing in your hands." ; end ; elsif server_string =~ /Click .* for more options/ ; server_string = "" ; end ; server_string } ; DownstreamHook.add('newglance', action) ; fput "inventory" ; DownstreamHook.remove('newglance')
  12. hand => ;eq silence_me ; hands = false; action = proc { |server_string| ; if server_string =~ /You are holding/ ; hands = true ; elsif server_string =~ /You are wearing/ ; if hands ; server_string = "" ; else ; server_string = "You have nothing in your hands." ; end ; elsif server_string =~ /Click .* for more options/ ; server_string = "" ; end ; server_string } ; DownstreamHook.add('newglance', action) ; fput "inventory" ; DownstreamHook.remove('newglance')
  13. hands => ;eq silence_me ; hands = false; action = proc { |server_string| ; if server_string =~ /You are holding/ ; hands = true ; elsif server_string =~ /You are wearing/ ; if hands ; server_string = "" ; else ; server_string = "You have nothing in your hands." ; end ; elsif server_string =~ /Click .* for more options/ ; server_string = "" ; end ; server_string } ; DownstreamHook.add('newglance', action) ; fput "inventory" ; DownstreamHook.remove('newglance')
  14. herbs => ;e echo Room.current.tags
  15. i => inven
  16. in => inven
  17. inv => inven
  18. inve => inventory
  19. kshop => shop browse river 2
  20. leave => ;eq multifput("leave","group open")
  21. lo => loot
  22. loo => loot
  23. ls => look
  24. manabread => ;eq 5.times{multifput "get manna bread","gobb my bread","gobb my bread","eat my bread"}
  25. msmash => ;eq waitrt?; multifput "stance off","mstrike \?"; sleep 1; waitrt?; fput "stance def"
  26. peek => ;eq multifput("set description off", "set roomnames off"); checkpaths.each { |x| fput("peer "+x); sleep 0.2}; multifput("set description on", "set roomnames on", "look")
  27. sloot => ;eq start_script 'sloot'; wait_while { running?('sloot') }; fput "stance defensive"
  28. smash => ;execq waitrt?; multifput "stance off","stance off","attack \?"; sleep 1; waitrt?; fput "stance def"
  29. spam => ;eq 10.times{LNet.get_data("\?", 'locate')}
  30. surge => cman surge
  31. town => ;go2 town
  32. waggler => ;e loop{start_script 'waggle';sleep 600}
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