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ACNH EventFlow 1.8.0/1.9.0 diff

a guest
Sep 24th, 2021
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Diff 108.67 KB | None | 0 0
  1. diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Dream.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Dream.evfl.txt
  2. 9c9
  3. <         MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'System_Player_DreamPGhost', 'Root', '', false, false)
  4. ---
  5. >         MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'System_Player_DreamPGhost', '', false, false, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  6. 11c11
  7. <         MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Dream', 'NNPC_Dream', '', false, false)
  8. ---
  9. >         MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Dream', 'NNPC_Dream', '', false, false, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  10. diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_MysteryTour.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_MysteryTour.evfl.txt
  11. 12c12
  12. <     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Spot_MysteryTour', '', '', false, false)
  13. ---
  14. >     MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Spot_MysteryTour', '', false, false, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  15. diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt
  16. 170c170
  17. <                     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', '', '', '', false, true)
  18. ---
  19. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  20. 187c187
  21. <                         MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', '', '', '', false, true)
  22. ---
  23. >                         MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  24. 239c239
  25. <                                 MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', '', '', '', false, true)
  26. ---
  27. >                                 MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  28. 261c261
  29. <                     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', '', '', '', false, true)
  30. ---
  31. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  32. 265a266,270
  33. > flow Easter2021():
  34. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Easter', 'cMainOnly', false):
  35. >         MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cEasterWanderWait', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', 'Root', '', false, true)
  36. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  37. >
  38. 300c305
  39. <                     MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
  40. ---
  41. >                     MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  42. 527a533
  43. >     run Easter2021()
  44. diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Rcm_Shop.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Rcm_Shop.evfl.txt
  45. 52a53
  46. >     MainNpc.NpcAISetting(19, true)
  47. diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Rco.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Rco.evfl.txt
  48. 132a133
  49. >         MainNpc.NpcAISetting(20, true)
  50. 271c272
  51. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.IsSharePlay(0):
  52. ---
  53. >         if (EventFlowSystemActor.IsSharePlay(0)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.DuringTransitionByUIStage()):
  54. diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Rct_Shop.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Rct_Shop.evfl.txt
  55. 41a42
  56. >     MainNpc.NpcAISetting(19, true)
  57. diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn.evfl.txt
  58. 4c4
  59. <     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_31_CmnNewsBday::Root()
  60. ---
  61. >     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_26_CmnNewsBday::Root()
  62. 95c95
  63. <     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_30_CmnNewsGreet::Root()
  64. ---
  65. >     run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_25_CmnNewsGreet::Root()
  66. diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt
  67. 5a6
  68. >             run CmnEvCount()
  69. 10a12
  70. >             run CmnEvCount()
  71. 17a20
  72. >             run CmnEvCount()
  73. 21a25
  74. >             run CmnEvCount()
  75. 43a48
  76. >                     run CmnEvCount()
  77. 52a58
  78. >                     run CmnEvCount()
  79. 62c68
  80. <         SubflowResults[4] = 1
  81. ---
  82. >         run Sub_Event57()
  83. 65c71
  84. <         SubflowResults[4] = 1
  85. ---
  86. >         run Sub_Event57()
  87. 74a81
  88. >                     run CmnEvCount()
  89. 83a91
  90. >                         run CmnEvCount()
  91. 94a103
  92. >                         run CmnEvCount()
  93. 121a131
  94. >             run CmnEvCount()
  95. 125a136,141
  96. > flow CmnEvCount():
  97. >     if SubflowResults@2[18] == 0:
  98. >         SubflowResults[18] = 1
  99. >     else:
  100. >         SubflowResults[18] = 2
  101. >
  102. 139a156
  103. >         run CmnEvCount()
  104. 152a170,175
  105. > flow CmnRegulationChk():
  106. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.TodayChangeRegulation() in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
  107. >         SubflowResults[17] = 1
  108. >         SubflowResults[18] = 1
  109. >         SubflowResults[4] = 1
  110. >
  111. 154c177,179
  112. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest']):
  113. ---
  114. >     if not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false):
  115. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest'] = false
  116. >     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest']:
  117. 167a193,196
  118. > local flow Sub_Event57():
  119. >     SubflowResults[4] = 1
  120. >     run CmnEvCount()
  121. >
  122. 170a200
  123. >     run CmnEvCount()
  124. Only in 1.9.0: Demo_PublicAnnouncement_25_CmnNewsGreet.evfl.txt
  125. Only in 1.9.0: Demo_PublicAnnouncement_26_CmnNewsBday.evfl.txt
  126. Only in 1.8.0: Demo_PublicAnnouncement_30_CmnNewsGreet.evfl.txt
  127. Only in 1.8.0: Demo_PublicAnnouncement_31_CmnNewsBday.evfl.txt
  128. diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_32_CmnNewsMoveIn.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_32_CmnNewsMoveIn.evfl.txt
  129. 0a1,4
  130. > flow NewsConnectMoveIn():
  131. >     if (SubflowResults@2[0] == 1) and (SubflowResults@2[14] == 1):
  132. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:030', false)
  133. >
  134. diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt
  135. 245a246
  136. > entrypoint Event117:
  137. 305a307,353
  138. >
  139. > flow SzaNoNews_Normal_SmallTalk():
  140. >     run Event117()
  141. >
  142. > flow SzaNoNews_VisitorSnpcTalk():
  143. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.NowVisitSpNpc():
  144. >         case 0:
  145. >             run SzaNoNews_Normal_SmallTalk()
  146. >         case 1:
  147. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:651', false)
  148. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  149. >         case 2:
  150. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:652', false)
  151. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  152. >         case 3:
  153. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:653', false)
  154. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  155. >         case 4:
  156. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:654', false)
  157. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  158. >         case 5:
  159. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:655', false)
  160. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  161. >         case 6:
  162. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:656', false)
  163. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  164. >         case 7:
  165. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:657', false)
  166. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  167. >         case 8:
  168. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvDayOfWeek() in (`Sunday`, `Monday`, `Tuesday`, `Wednesday`, `Thursday`, `Friday`):
  169. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:658_02', false)
  170. >             else:
  171. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:658_01', false)
  172. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  173. >         case 9:
  174. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:659', false)
  175. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  176. >         case 10:
  177. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:660', false)
  178. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  179. >         case 11:
  180. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:661', false)
  181. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  182. >         case 12:
  183. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:662', false)
  184. >             run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
  185. diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt
  186. 113a114
  187. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceEaster'] = true
  188. 118a120
  189. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceEasterReady'] = true
  190. 124a127
  191. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceEaster'] = true
  192. 129a133
  193. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceEasterReady'] = true
  194. diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement.evfl.txt
  195. 70c70
  196. <             run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_30_CmnNewsGreet::NewYearEveHurry()
  197. ---
  198. >             run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_25_CmnNewsGreet::NewYearEveHurry()
  199. diff -r 1.8.0/Ftr_Bromide.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Ftr_Bromide.evfl.txt
  200. 6,8c6,13
  201. <         Ftr.FtrSetTagBromideInfo()
  202. <         # This is a photo of <115:1:cd00>.
  203. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_Bromide:001', false)
  204. ---
  205. >         if Ftr.IsTargetFtr(14255):
  206. >             Ftr.FtrSetTagBromideInfo()
  207. >             # This is a photo of Timmy and Tommy.
  208. >             Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_Bromide:010', false)
  209. >         else:
  210. >             Ftr.FtrSetTagBromideInfo()
  211. >             # This is a photo of <115:1:cd00>.
  212. >             Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_Bromide:001', false)
  213. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_AN_Conv_OT.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_AN_Conv_OT.evfl.txt
  214. 43c43
  215. <         # YOU WHAT?! Alright, listen up <110:31:cd01> 'cause I don't wanna have to repeat myself. <50:3>ISLAND's just about perfect how it is. Around here, som…
  216. ---
  217. >         # YOU WHAT?! Listen close, <110:31:cd01>, 'cause I don't wanna have to repeat myself. <50:3>ISLAND's just about perfect how it is. Around here, some fo…
  218. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_ApproachC_Want.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_ApproachC_Want.evfl.txt
  219. 111c111
  220. <             # I've been looking all over, but…um, nobody's got any <125:0:0000>. Haaang on… Is that really [a|an]<125:0:0000>?! Would ya, um, maybe be willing to s…
  221. ---
  222. >             # I've been looking all over, but…um, nobody's got [a|an] <125:0:0000>. Haaang on… Do you really have [a|an]<125:0:0000>?! Wouldja, um, maybe be willin…
  223. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_ApproachG_Easter.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_ApproachG_Easter.evfl.txt
  224. 0a1,22
  225. > flow EasterNpc_GetEgg():
  226. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] < 1:
  227. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12514, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  228. >     else:
  229. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12513, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  230. >     MainNpc.SetItemName(0, 1, 0)
  231. >     # Guess what? I was digging in my couch, and I found a whooole lotta <125:0:0200>! A WHOLE lot. But now I'm bored of the taste, and I don't know what t…
  232. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:013', false)
  233. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  234. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  235. >         MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  236. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  237. >         # I wonder if anyone else wants some. I'm gonna go ask around!
  238. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:014', false)
  239. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] += 1
  240. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterGetRecipeFlag'] = true
  241. >     else:
  242. >         # Oh! Your pockets are full. Sooo, uh… this is awkward. Can you maybe go make some space and come back?
  243. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:015', false)
  244. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = true
  245. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = true
  246. >
  247. 6a29
  248. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag'] = true
  249. 21a45
  250. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag'] = true
  251. 33c57,66
  252. <     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] < 1:
  253. ---
  254. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] >= 1:
  255. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12447, ''):
  256. >             run EasterNpc_GetEgg()
  257. >         else:
  258. >             # Look! Some bugs brought me a DIY recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bag. Aren't they the best? Here, take it.
  259. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:010', false)
  260. >             run GetEasterRecipe2()
  261. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12445, ''):
  262. >         run EasterNpc_GetEgg()
  263. >     else:
  264. 37,40d69
  265. <     else:
  266. <         # Look! Some bugs brought me a DIY recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bag. Aren't they the best? Here, take it.
  267. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:010', false)
  268. <         run GetEasterRecipe2()
  269. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_BO_Conv_HA.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_BO_Conv_HA.evfl.txt
  270. 10c10
  271. <         # "<110:5>" …My catchphrase? Huh huh! You think so? I've never been told that before! If you like "<110:6>" so much, you can use  it too, <110:31:cd01>…
  272. ---
  273. >         # "<50:3><110:5>." …My catchphrase? Huh huh! You think so? I've never been told that before! If you like "<110:6>" so much, you can use it too, <110:31…
  274. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt
  275. 106c106
  276. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  277. ---
  278. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
  279. 125a126,129
  280. >             case 3:
  281. >                 # Guess what? Guess what? Guess whaaat? I caught a fish…except it wasn't a fish. It was a candy egg! It was so salty and tasty that I tried to catch mo…
  282. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Easter:103', false)
  283. >                 run Sub_Event46()
  284. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_GE_Conv_HA.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_GE_Conv_HA.evfl.txt
  285. 58c58
  286. <         # I play just<20:2:cd04> about everything, but the one I'm super amped about right now…is <135:6:cd00>!
  287. ---
  288. >         # I do just<20:2:cd04> about everything, but the thing I'm super amped about right now…is <135:6:cd00>!
  289. 61c61
  290. <         # Le coolsies!<20:2:cd03> I'll come to your next match and cheer you on! <20:2:cd06>I've been practicing cheerleading as part of my pop-star training!
  291. ---
  292. >         # Le coolsies!<20:2:cd03> I'll come to your next match or whatevs and cheer you on! <20:2:cd06>I've been practicing cheerleading as part of my pop-star…
  293. 88c88
  294. <                 # …Uhhh, I won't be able to focus on the match then, will I?
  295. ---
  296. >                 # …Uhhh, I won't be able to focus on my form then, will I?
  297. 91c91
  298. <                 # Hey, what about my match?!
  299. ---
  300. >                 # Hey, what about my thing?!
  301. 94c94
  302. <                 # I gotta train hard so I can win my match while watching your routine!
  303. ---
  304. >                 # I gotta train hard so I can still win while watching your routine!
  305. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayP_H.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayP_H.evfl.txt
  306. 11c11
  307. <                 # Alright, do it in one blow with ! Don't worry—you're gonna get spit on the cake. We all do it. It's cool.
  308. ---
  309. >                 # Alright, do it in one blow with ! Don't worry—you're gonna nail it.
  310. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_GEvent_Easter.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_GEvent_Easter.evfl.txt
  311. 0a1,14
  312. > flow AAA():
  313. >     if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterTalkOutdoorFlag']:
  314. >         # RANDOM: HOORAY AND YAY FOR BUNNY DAAAY! I'm gon… // I love Bunny Day. Someday I'm gonna mee…
  315. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:110', false)
  316. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterTalkOutdoorFlag'] = true
  317. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  318. >     elif (MainNpc.HaveExchangeEgg()) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterExchangeEggFlag']) and (not ((MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterExchangeEggTalkFlag']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(60)))):
  319. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterExchangeEggTalkFlag'] = true
  320. >         run EasterNpc_ExchangeEgg()
  321. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  322. >     else:
  323. >         run EasterNpc_Chat()
  324. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  325. >
  326. 5a20,121
  327. > flow EasterNpc_Chat():
  328. >     if MainNpc.CheckNpcTool() not in (0, 1, 2, 4, 5):
  329. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3) in (0, 1):
  330. >             run GeneralTalk1()
  331. >         else:
  332. >             run WaterEgg()
  333. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  334. >         run GeneralTalk1()
  335. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(10):
  336. >         run WaterEgg()
  337. >     else:
  338. >         switch MainNpc.CheckNpcLook():
  339. >             case 0:
  340. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  341. >                     run EarthEgg()
  342. >                 else:
  343. >                     run SkyEgg()
  344. >             case 1:
  345. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  346. >                     run WoodEgg()
  347. >                 else:
  348. >                     run LeafEgg()
  349. >             case 2:
  350. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  351. >                     run SkyEgg()
  352. >                 else:
  353. >                     run LeafEgg()
  354. >             case 3:
  355. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  356. >                     run StoneEgg()
  357. >                 else:
  358. >                     run LeafEgg()
  359. >             case 4:
  360. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  361. >                     run EarthEgg()
  362. >                 else:
  363. >                     run WoodEgg()
  364. >             case 5:
  365. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  366. >                     run StoneEgg()
  367. >                 else:
  368. >                     run WoodEgg()
  369. >             case 6:
  370. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  371. >                     run EarthEgg()
  372. >                 else:
  373. >                     run StoneEgg()
  374. >             case 7:
  375. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  376. >                     run SkyEgg()
  377. >                 else:
  378. >                     run LeafEgg()
  379. >
  380. > flow EasterNpc_ExchangeEgg():
  381. >     MainNpc.SetEasterExchangeEgg()
  382. >     MainNpc.SetItemNameUpdate('cEasterExchangeEgg', 'cItem', 0)
  383. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  384. >         # Oh! Hey, I gotta talk to you about something. It's important. Almost as important as breakfast. Here goes… You've got lotsa different kinds of eggs, …
  385. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:111', false)
  386. >     else:
  387. >         # You gotta help me! I wanted to find eggs, so I found eggs, but now I got too many of the same kind of eggs! Can I trade you for some different eggs? …
  388. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:112', false)
  389. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  390. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  391. >             # Whew! That's a relief. I was really getting worried. OK, which eggs do you wanna trade?
  392. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:113', false)
  393. >         else:
  394. >             # Whoa, really? REALLY really? YES! I thought I was gonna be stuck with those. Which eggs do I get?
  395. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:114', false)
  396. >         EventFlowSystemActor.UIItemSelectWindowHandling(65534, '', 'cItemSelect', '', 'cEasterExchangeEgg', false)
  397. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
  398. >             MainNpc.SetItemName(1, 4, 0)
  399. >             # That sounds good! OK, so 3 of my <125:0:0200> for 3 of your <125:0:0201>?
  400. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:120', false)
  401. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  402. >                 if MainNpc.EasterCanExchangeEgg():
  403. >                     # Yesss! C'mon, let's do it!
  404. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:121', false)
  405. >                     MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  406. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(4, false)
  407. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.DeleteSelectUIItem(3)
  408. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(0, '"Default"')
  409. >                     MainNpc.NpcSetRewardEasterExchangeEgg()
  410. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  411. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, '"Default"')
  412. >                     MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterExchangeEggFlag'] = true
  413. >                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  414. >                         # You saved the day! I really wasn't sure what I was gonna do. You're the best, <110:6>!
  415. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:116', false)
  416. >                     else:
  417. >                         # So pretty! And no food stains on 'em or nothin', <110:6>. Oh, uh…try not to look too hard at the ones I gave you, OK? Thanks!
  418. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:117', false)
  419. >                 else:
  420. >                     # Yaaay! Alright, let's tra— Hang on. You, uh…don't have enough room in your pockets, <110:6>. Aaaw…
  421. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:122', false)
  422. >             else:
  423. >                 run Sub_grp_Event87()
  424. >         else:
  425. >             run Sub_grp_Event87()
  426. >     else:
  427. >         run Sub_grp_Event87()
  428. >
  429. 43,94c159,160
  430. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cField')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Easter') == 1):
  431. <         if MainNpc.CheckNpcTool() not in (0, 1, 2, 4, 5):
  432. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3) in (0, 1):
  433. <                 run GeneralTalk1()
  434. <             else:
  435. <                 run WaterEgg()
  436. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  437. <             run GeneralTalk1()
  438. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(10):
  439. <             run WaterEgg()
  440. <         else:
  441. <             switch MainNpc.CheckNpcLook():
  442. <                 case 0:
  443. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  444. <                         run EarthEgg()
  445. <                     else:
  446. <                         run SkyEgg()
  447. <                 case 1:
  448. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  449. <                         run WoodEgg()
  450. <                     else:
  451. <                         run LeafEgg()
  452. <                 case 2:
  453. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  454. <                         run SkyEgg()
  455. <                     else:
  456. <                         run LeafEgg()
  457. <                 case 3:
  458. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  459. <                         run StoneEgg()
  460. <                     else:
  461. <                         run LeafEgg()
  462. <                 case 4:
  463. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  464. <                         run EarthEgg()
  465. <                     else:
  466. <                         run WoodEgg()
  467. <                 case 5:
  468. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  469. <                         run StoneEgg()
  470. <                     else:
  471. <                         run WoodEgg()
  472. <                 case 6:
  473. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  474. <                         run EarthEgg()
  475. <                     else:
  476. <                         run StoneEgg()
  477. <                 case 7:
  478. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  479. <                         run SkyEgg()
  480. <                     else:
  481. <                         run LeafEgg()
  482. ---
  483. >     if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cField')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Easter') in (1, 2)):
  484. >         run AAA()
  485. 115a182,189
  486. >
  487. > local flow Sub_grp_Event87():
  488. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
  489. >         # No? But…b-but I just… Aaaw…
  490. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:118', false)
  491. >     else:
  492. >         # Well, if you don't wanna trade, then you don't wanna trade. Except I do wanna trade, so I'll ask around. Bye!
  493. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:119', false)
  494. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_HA_Conv_GE.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_HA_Conv_GE.evfl.txt
  495. 17c17
  496. <         # You like it that much? Yeah, sure, use it all you like! That sounds awesome, <110:5>!
  497. ---
  498. >         # You like it that much? Yeah, sure, use it all you want! That sounds awesome, <110:5>!
  499. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_KO_Conv_AN.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_KO_Conv_AN.evfl.txt
  500. 96c96
  501. <                 # Hey! Say it, don't spray it, <110:31:cd00>! And why would you say "consarn it" after you sneezed, anyway?
  502. ---
  503. >                 # Hey! You should cover up when you sneeze, <110:31:cd00>! And why would you say "consarn it" afterward, anyway?
  504. 102c102
  505. <                 # Ew, watch where you're sneezing, would ya? And what's the deal with yelling "tarnation" after you sneeze?
  506. ---
  507. >                 # Ew, watch where you're sneezing, wouldja? And what's the deal with yelling "tarnation" after you sneeze?
  508. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_End.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_End.evfl.txt
  509. 92c92
  510. <             # A gift? For me? What is it?<10:4> [A|An]<125:0:0000>?<10:4> From <115:1:cd01>?! Huh. I wonder why? And why ask you to do it? Man, so many surprises a…
  511. ---
  512. >             # A gift? For me? [A|An]<125:0:0000>? From <115:1:cd01>?! Huh. I wonder why? And why ask you to do it? Man, so many surprises and mysteries!
  513. 140c140
  514. <                 # I'm thankful for the gift. I just feel, like, I dunno…Like, not much effort went into it? But… Ah, whatever! It's the thought that counts! And, hey, …
  515. ---
  516. >                 # I'm thankful for the gift. I just feel like…I dunno, like not much effort went into it? But… Ah, whatever! It's the thought that counts! And, hey, it…
  517. 169c169
  518. <                 # Here you go! A huh huh huh, it's the <125:0:0000> that I just got back!
  519. ---
  520. >                 # A huh huh! I gave you <50:1> <125:0:0000> I just got back!
  521. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Give.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Give.evfl.txt
  522. 27c27
  523. <             # Is this the same one I let <115:1:cd01> borrow?
  524. ---
  525. >             # Oh! I wonder if this is what I let <115:1:cd01> borrow…
  526. 31c31
  527. <                     # Oh man! It's wrapped up real pretty! Feels kinda like I'm getting a gift, a huh huh! Hang on… Is this really the one that I lent her?
  528. ---
  529. >                     # Oh man! It's wrapped up real pretty! Feels kinda like I'm getting a gift, a huh huh! Hang on… Is this really the thing that I lent her?
  530. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Report.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Report.evfl.txt
  531. 131c131
  532. <                     # You opened it? Man, you shouldn't have done that! It was a present for <115:1:cd00>! Folks who do bad stuff get ate up by Snowsquatches! I want you t…
  533. ---
  534. >                     # You opened it? Man, you shouldn't have done that! It was a package for <115:1:cd00>! Folks who do bad stuff get ate up by Snowsquatches! I want you t…
  535. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Quest_Sick_End.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_Sick_End.evfl.txt
  536. 98c98
  537. <             # Medicine?! Did you bring this for me? Thank you!
  538. ---
  539. >             # Medicine?! Did you bring that for me? Thank you!
  540. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Reaction_Moving.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Reaction_Moving.evfl.txt
  541. 60,80c60,66
  542. <         if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkMoveOut']:
  543. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  544. <                 if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  545. <                     # Huh? A new face! I don't know you, but I'm <110:10>! I used to live on this island, but I'm moving out tomorrow. <50:3>ISLAND is a real neat place, b…
  546. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:005', false)
  547. <                     run HaveAcquaintance()
  548. <                     run Sub_Event29()
  549. <                 elif (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:NextMoveOutTalk']) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChokeOffMoveOut']):
  550. <                     switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  551. <                         case 0:
  552. <                             # <50:3><110:4>! Hey. I've been waiting for ya! I wanted to say goodbye… And thanks for the advice when I couldn't decide if I wanted to move or not. I…
  553. <                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:001', false)
  554. <                             run Sub_Event29()
  555. <                         case 1:
  556. <                             # Thanks for listening to me talk about moving! I'm all packed up and ready to go! But I've been waiting for you. On TV, nobody says "goodbye."<10:4> W…
  557. <                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:002', false)
  558. <                             run Sub_Event29()
  559. <                         case 2:
  560. <                             # Hey, <110:4>. Look! I'm all ready to move out now! Are you here to see me off? Aw, <110:3>! I'm gonna miss ya!
  561. <                             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:003', false)
  562. <                             run Sub_Event29()
  563. ---
  564. >         if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkMoveOut']:
  565. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) != 0:
  566. >                 run Free_Moveout()
  567. >             elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  568. >                 if MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  569. >                     # I'm gonna shove all my snacks, and my bug friends, and my memories of this island in a sack… And I'm gonna go have an adventure!
  570. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:102', false)
  571. 82,95c68,107
  572. <                     # Hey, <110:3>! Sorry everything is so messy! I'm packing up to move! Oh, right, I didn't tell you yet. I'm moving out tomorrow! I dunno where I'm goin…
  573. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:004', false)
  574. <                     run Sub_Event29()
  575. <             elif MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  576. <                 if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  577. <                     # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Nice to meet you! I know we just met, but I'm moving tomorrow! That's right, I'm leaving this island! Huh huh…
  578. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007', false)
  579. <                     run HaveAcquaintance()
  580. <                     run Sub_Event29()
  581. <                 elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableInviteMoveoutNPC']) and (not MainNpc.NpcInviteCheck(0)):
  582. <                     # Hey, it's <110:4>! You came to visit ISLAND again! I can't play right now, though! I'm getting ready to move! I dunno where I'm going yet. I'm just g…
  583. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:006', false)
  584. <                     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  585. <                         run Scout()
  586. ---
  587. >                     MainNpc.NpcSetMoveLandWord()
  588. >                     # Oh yeeeaah, I got some news!<10:4> I'm gonna move to <115:2:cd00>! Pretty surprising, huh? You gotta come visit if you ever wanna share some snacks!
  589. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:101', false)
  590. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  591. >             elif MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() not in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  592. >                 run MoveOut_Acquaintance()
  593. >             elif MainNpc.IsSanrioNpc():
  594. >                 run Free_Moveout()
  595. >             elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableInviteMoveoutNPC']:
  596. >                 run Free_Moveout()
  597. >             elif MainNpc.NpcInviteCheck(0):
  598. >                 run Free_Moveout()
  599. >             elif not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailFlag']:
  600. >                 # I love this island, but I feel like I oughta explore. Like the wind. I saw a thing on TV about the wind. Did you know the wind goes all over the worl…
  601. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:200', false)
  602. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  603. >                     run Scout()
  604. >                 else:
  605. >                     # Yeahhh. It's not gonna be so easy to find a good island, huh? No worries! I'll roam around the world until I find somewhere with yummy food!
  606. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:203', false)
  607. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  608. >             elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailVillagerMax']:
  609. >                 # Your island must be a really fun place if it has too many new friends to add more! It's a shame I can't move in, but I hope we get to meet again!
  610. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:213', false)
  611. >                 run Sub_grp_Event79()
  612. >             elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailSellPlaceNothing']:
  613. >                 # Man, your island almost has a city if it has so many houses that it can't fit more! Ah, well. No worries! Thanks for inviting me! I hope we get to sn…
  614. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:214', false)
  615. >                 run Sub_grp_Event79()
  616. >         elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  617. >             if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  618. >                 # Huh? A new face! I don't know you, but I'm <110:10>! I used to live on this island, but I'm moving out tomorrow. <50:3>ISLAND is a real neat place, b…
  619. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:005', false)
  620. >                 run HaveAcquaintance()
  621. >                 run Sub_Event29()
  622. >             elif (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:NextMoveOutTalk']) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChokeOffMoveOut']):
  623. >                 switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
  624. >                     case 0:
  625. >                         # <50:3><110:4>! Hey. I've been waiting for ya! I wanted to say goodbye… And thanks for the advice when I couldn't decide if I wanted to move or not. I…
  626. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:001', false)
  627. 97,99c109,111
  628. <                     else:
  629. <                         # Aw, thanks, <110:3>. I think I'm gonna follow the clouds for now. I've always wanted to see where they go after they blow away!
  630. <                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:008', false)
  631. ---
  632. >                     case 1:
  633. >                         # Thanks for listening to me talk about moving! I'm all packed up and ready to go! But I've been waiting for you. On TV, nobody says "goodbye."<10:4> W…
  634. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:002', false)
  635. 100a113,125
  636. >                     case 2:
  637. >                         # Hey, <110:4>. Look! I'm all ready to move out now! Are you here to see me off? Aw, <110:3>! I'm gonna miss ya!
  638. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:003', false)
  639. >                         run Sub_Event29()
  640. >             else:
  641. >                 # Hey, <110:3>! Sorry everything is so messy! I'm packing up to move! Oh, right, I didn't tell you yet. I'm moving out tomorrow! I dunno where I'm goin…
  642. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:004', false)
  643. >                 run Sub_Event29()
  644. >         elif MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  645. >             if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  646. >                 if MainNpc.IsSanrioNpc():
  647. >                     # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Well, this is kinda awkward. See, I'm heading home tomorrow. I just REALLY miss home cooking… Nobody ever get…
  648. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007_02', false)
  649. 102,104c127,135
  650. < entrypoint Event63:
  651. <                     # Oh, hey, <110:3>! Didja come to visit ISLAND again? Sorry, I can't hang out right now. I'm busy getting ready to move! Dunno where I'm going, but onc…
  652. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:006_01', false)
  653. ---
  654. >                     # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Nice to meet you! I know we just met, but I'm moving tomorrow! That's right, I'm leaving this island! Huh huh…
  655. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007', false)
  656. >                 run HaveAcquaintance()
  657. >                 run Sub_Event29()
  658. >             elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableInviteMoveoutNPC']) and (not MainNpc.NpcInviteCheck(0)) and (not MainNpc.IsSanrioNpc()):
  659. >                 # Hey, it's <110:4>! You came to visit ISLAND again! I can't play right now, though! I'm getting ready to move! I dunno where I'm going yet. I'm just g…
  660. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:006', false)
  661. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  662. >                     run Scout()
  663. 106,108d136
  664. <             else:
  665. <                 if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  666. <                     run MoveOut_Acquaintance()
  667. 110,113c138,139
  668. <                     MainNpc.NpcSetMoveLandWord()
  669. <                     # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Well, this is kinda awkward. See, I already decided to move away tomorrow. A huh huh huh… Oh! You could come …
  670. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007_01', false)
  671. <                     run HaveAcquaintance()
  672. ---
  673. >                     # Aw, thanks, <110:3>. I think I'm gonna follow the clouds for now. I've always wanted to see where they go after they blow away!
  674. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:008', false)
  675. 115,120d140
  676. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) != 0:
  677. <             run Free_Moveout()
  678. <         elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  679. <             if MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  680. <                 # I'm gonna shove all my snacks, and my bug friends, and my memories of this island in a sack… And I'm gonna go have an adventure!
  681. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:102', false)
  682. 122,136c142,148
  683. <                 MainNpc.NpcSetMoveLandWord()
  684. <                 # Oh yeeeaah, I got some news!<10:4> I'm gonna move to <115:2:cd00>! Pretty surprising, huh? You gotta come visit if you ever wanna share some snacks!
  685. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:101', false)
  686. <             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  687. <         elif MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() not in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  688. <             run MoveOut_Acquaintance()
  689. <         elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableInviteMoveoutNPC']:
  690. <             run Free_Moveout()
  691. <         elif MainNpc.NpcInviteCheck(0):
  692. <             run Free_Moveout()
  693. <         elif not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailFlag']:
  694. <             # I love this island, but I feel like I oughta explore. Like the wind. I saw a thing on TV about the wind. Did you know the wind goes all over the worl…
  695. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:200', false)
  696. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  697. <                 run Scout()
  698. ---
  699. > entrypoint Event63:
  700. >                 # Oh, hey, <110:3>! Didja come to visit ISLAND again? Sorry, I can't hang out right now. I'm busy getting ready to move! Dunno where I'm going, but onc…
  701. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:006_01', false)
  702. >                 run Sub_Event29()
  703. >         else:
  704. >             if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
  705. >                 run MoveOut_Acquaintance()
  706. 138,148c150,154
  707. <                 # Yeahhh. It's not gonna be so easy to find a good island, huh? No worries! I'll roam around the world until I find somewhere with yummy food!
  708. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:203', false)
  709. <             EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  710. <         elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailVillagerMax']:
  711. <             # Your island must be a really fun place if it has too many new friends to add more! It's a shame I can't move in, but I hope we get to meet again!
  712. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:213', false)
  713. <             run Sub_grp_Event79()
  714. <         elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailSellPlaceNothing']:
  715. <             # Man, your island almost has a city if it has so many houses that it can't fit more! Ah, well. No worries! Thanks for inviting me! I hope we get to sn…
  716. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:214', false)
  717. <             run Sub_grp_Event79()
  718. ---
  719. >                 MainNpc.NpcSetMoveLandWord()
  720. >                 # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Well, this is kinda awkward. See, I already decided to move away tomorrow. A huh huh huh… Oh! You could come …
  721. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007_01', false)
  722. >                 run HaveAcquaintance()
  723. >                 run Sub_Event29()
  724. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Reaction_Napping.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Reaction_Napping.evfl.txt
  725. 50a51,52
  726. >     MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
  727. >     MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, false, false)
  728. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Reaction_Receive.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Reaction_Receive.evfl.txt
  729. 46,50c46,48
  730. <     else:
  731. <         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] < 1:
  732. <             # Back for the <item>Bunny Day crown recipe? Or did you wanna hang out with ants?
  733. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:001', false)
  734. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12445, false)
  735. ---
  736. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] >= 1:
  737. >         if (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12447, '')) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag']):
  738. >             run EasterNpc_GetEgg_Recieve()
  739. 55,66c53,83
  740. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  741. <             # Huh? Are your pockets still fulla snacks? A huh huh! It's OK. Mine are too, <110:5>. But still, you should go clear some pocket space for the recipe!
  742. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:011', false)
  743. <         else:
  744. <             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
  745. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
  746. <             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  747. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  748. <             # I bet all the bugs'll love what you do with that, <110:5>!
  749. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:010', false)
  750. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] += 1
  751. <             MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterGetRecipeFlag'] = true
  752. ---
  753. >             run Sub_grp_Event2()
  754. >     elif (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12445, '')) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag']):
  755. >         run EasterNpc_GetEgg_Recieve()
  756. >     else:
  757. >         # Back for the <item>Bunny Day crown recipe? Or did you wanna hang out with ants?
  758. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:001', false)
  759. >         MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12445, false)
  760. >         run Sub_grp_Event2()
  761. >
  762. > flow EasterNpc_GetEgg_Recieve():
  763. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] < 1:
  764. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12514, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  765. >     else:
  766. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12513, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  767. >     MainNpc.SetItemName(0, 1, 0)
  768. >     # Hi again, <110:3>! Back for my <125:0:0200>?
  769. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:200', false)
  770. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  771. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
  772. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
  773. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  774. >         MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  775. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  776. >         # Whew! I'm so glad to get rid of those. Plus I bet you'll do something cool with them. Like eat 'em!
  777. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:201', false)
  778. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] += 1
  779. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterGetRecipeFlag'] = true
  780. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  781. >     else:
  782. >         # Uh…this is still awkward, 'cause your pockets are still too full. You gotta make room for 5 of these! C'mooon!
  783. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:202', false)
  784. 133a151,166
  785. >
  786. > local flow Sub_grp_Event2():
  787. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  788. >         # Huh? Are your pockets still fulla snacks? A huh huh! It's OK. Mine are too, <110:5>. But still, you should go clear some pocket space for the recipe!
  789. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:011', false)
  790. >     else:
  791. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
  792. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag'] = false
  793. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
  794. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  795. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  796. >         # I bet all the bugs'll love what you do with that, <110:5>!
  797. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:010', false)
  798. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] += 1
  799. >         MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterGetRecipeFlag'] = true
  800. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  801. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Select_Furniture.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Select_Furniture.evfl.txt
  802. 72c72
  803. <     # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's Valentine's Day! Riiiiiiiight… Sorry, I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised. Lik…
  804. ---
  805. >     # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's a Valentine's Day gift! Riiiiiight… Sorry—I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised.…
  806. 101c101
  807. <     # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's Valentine's Day! Riiiiiiiight… Sorry, I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised. Lik…
  808. ---
  809. >     # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's a Valentine's Day gift! Riiiiiight… Sorry—I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised.…
  810. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Select_Sell_Gift.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Select_Sell_Gift.evfl.txt
  811. 45,54c45,56
  812. <     switch MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel():
  813. <         case 0, 1:
  814. <             MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(0, 0)
  815. <             MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(3)
  816. <         case 2, 3:
  817. <             MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(1, 0)
  818. <             MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
  819. <         case 4, 5:
  820. <             MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(2, 0)
  821. <             MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(1)
  822. ---
  823. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.UISelectedItemPrice('cItemSelect') >= 3000:
  824. >         run Sub_Event7()
  825. >     else:
  826. >         switch MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel():
  827. >             case 0, 1:
  828. >                 MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(0, 0)
  829. >                 MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(3)
  830. >             case 2, 3:
  831. >                 MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(1, 0)
  832. >                 MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
  833. >             case 4, 5:
  834. >                 run Sub_Event7()
  835. 58a61,64
  836. >
  837. > local flow Sub_Event7():
  838. >     MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(2, 0)
  839. >     MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(1)
  840. diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_ZK_Conv_KO.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_ZK_Conv_KO.evfl.txt
  841. 133c133
  842. <                         # There you go! I knew you'd come through for this old silver <110:15>, <110:3>. Gahaha!
  843. ---
  844. >                         # There you go! I knew you'd come through for me, <110:3>. You're the best! Gahaha!
  845. 229c229
  846. <                         # Yeah! It's that in the grand scheme of things, havin' good hair just ain't that important. It's kindness and goodwill to your fellow <110:15>, kiddo.
  847. ---
  848. >                         # Yeah! It's that, in the grand scheme of things, havin' good hair just ain't that important. It's kindness and goodwill to your fellow neighbor, kiddo.
  849. diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_RcoMachine_Amiibo.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_RcoMachine_Amiibo.evfl.txt
  850. 108a109
  851. >     EventFlowSystemActor.SetUnlockFlagCollaboAmiiboNPC()
  852. diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_RcoMachine.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_RcoMachine.evfl.txt
  853. 24a25,28
  854. > flow ChkMydesignPro2():
  855. >     if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuUnlockMydesingPro']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() == `ResServiceBuilding`):
  856. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AddHowtoBookMydesignPro2'] = true
  857. >
  858. 99a104,114
  859. > flow ExplainMydesignPro2AndRcoSelSeq():
  860. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMachineExplainMydesignPro2']:
  861. >         run RcoSelSeq()
  862. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AddHowtoBookMydesignPro2']:
  863. >         # System Notification You can now redeem Nook Miles to expand the features of your Custom Design Pro Editor app.
  864. >         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:582', false)
  865. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMachineExplainMydesignPro2'] = true
  866. >         run RcoSelSeq()
  867. >     else:
  868. >         run RcoSelSeq()
  869. >
  870. 299a315
  871. >         run ChkMydesignPro2()
  872. 310c326
  873. <             run RcoSelSeq()
  874. ---
  875. >             run ExplainMydesignPro2AndRcoSelSeq()
  876. 317c333
  877. <             run RcoSelSeq()
  878. ---
  879. >             run ExplainMydesignPro2AndRcoSelSeq()
  880. 319c335
  881. <             run RcoSelSeq()
  882. ---
  883. >             run ExplainMydesignPro2AndRcoSelSeq()
  884. diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt
  885. 17c17
  886. <     if SubflowResults@3[2] in (0, 1):
  887. ---
  888. >     if SubflowResults@4[2] in (0, 1, 3):
  889. 67,68c67,71
  890. <     if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(9221, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect')) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']):
  891. <         run RcoMachine_Cmn_NoDIY()
  892. ---
  893. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(9221, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  894. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  895. >             run Sub_Event79()
  896. >         else:
  897. >             run RcoMachine_Cmn_NoDIY()
  898. 70,106c73,74
  899. <         # Redeem <90:40:cd00> for [a|an]<125:0:0000>?
  900. <         Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:012', false)
  901. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  902. <             EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  903. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SonkatsuBuyDone(false)
  904. <             switch SubflowResults@3[2]:
  905. <                 case 0:
  906. <                     run Cmn_PrintOutDemo()
  907. <                     # Your order has been printed.
  908. <                     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:031', true)
  909. <                     Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketTake')
  910. <                     switch SubflowResults@10[1]:
  911. <                         case 0:
  912. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Pop')
  913. <                         case 1:
  914. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Cool')
  915. <                         case 2:
  916. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Color')
  917. <                         case 3:
  918. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Pocket30')
  919. <                         case 4:
  920. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Pocket40')
  921. <                         case 5:
  922. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ItemRing')
  923. <                         case 6:
  924. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Body_Color')
  925. <                         case 7:
  926. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Eye_Color')
  927. <                         case 8:
  928. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Rock')
  929. <                         case 9:
  930. <                             EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ReactionSet1')
  931. <                     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  932. <                 case 1:
  933. <                     run MileExchange_GetApp_MyDesignPRO()
  934. <                 case 2:
  935. <                     run MileExchange_Get_ToolRecipesData()
  936. ---
  937. >         if SubflowResults@5[2] in (0, 1, 2, 3):
  938. >             run Sub_Event79()
  939. 108c76
  940. <             run ReChangeItem()
  941. ---
  942. >             run MileExchange_MyDesignShowcase()
  943. 157a126,131
  944. > flow MileExchange_MyDesignPRO2():
  945. >     run Cmn_AppUpdateDemo()
  946. >     run RecipeReceiveing2_End()
  947. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerMutterDemo('Get_MydesignPRO2', 'cNowDemoEnd', 'Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', true)
  948. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  949. >
  950. 158a133
  951. >     # This adds Custom Designs Portal access to the NookPhone's Custom Designs app. An active Nintendo Switch Online membership is required to use the Cust…
  952. 243a219,261
  953. >
  954. > local flow Sub_Event79():
  955. >     # Redeem <90:40:cd00> for [a|an]<125:0:0000>?
  956. >     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:012', false)
  957. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  958. >         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  959. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SonkatsuBuyDone(false)
  960. >         switch SubflowResults@4[2]:
  961. >             case 0:
  962. >                 run Cmn_PrintOutDemo()
  963. >                 # Your order has been printed.
  964. >                 Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:031', true)
  965. >                 Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketTake')
  966. >                 switch SubflowResults@10[1]:
  967. >                     case 0:
  968. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Pop')
  969. >                     case 1:
  970. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Cool')
  971. >                     case 2:
  972. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Color')
  973. >                     case 3:
  974. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Pocket30')
  975. >                     case 4:
  976. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Pocket40')
  977. >                     case 5:
  978. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ItemRing')
  979. >                     case 6:
  980. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Body_Color')
  981. >                     case 7:
  982. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Eye_Color')
  983. >                     case 8:
  984. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Rock')
  985. >                     case 9:
  986. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ReactionSet1')
  987. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  988. >             case 1:
  989. >                 run MileExchange_GetApp_MyDesignPRO()
  990. >             case 2:
  991. >                 run MileExchange_Get_ToolRecipesData()
  992. >             case 3:
  993. >                 run MileExchange_MyDesignPRO2()
  994. >     else:
  995. >         run ReChangeItem()
  996. diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange_Process.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange_Process.evfl.txt
  997. 25a26,29
  998. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13195, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  999. >         SubflowResults[2] = 3
  1000. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(14158, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
  1001. >         SubflowResults[2] = 4
  1002. diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_Snowman.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_Snowman.evfl.txt
  1003. 191c191
  1004. <                     # All snowfolks melt sooner or later. Might as well enjoy the ride…and do it all again next year!
  1005. ---
  1006. >                     # All snowfolks melt sooner or later. Might as well enjoy the ride…and do it all again next winter!
  1007. 217c217
  1008. <                     # OK. Here's my last wish of the year: Next time you make me, try to make me look a little more…cool.
  1009. ---
  1010. >                     # OK. Here's my last wish…for now. Next time you make me, try to make me look a little more…cool.
  1011. 276c276
  1012. <                     # Well, I hope to see you next year, but I guess that depends on whether or not you build me again!
  1013. ---
  1014. >                     # Well, I hope to see you next winter, but I guess that depends on whether or not you build me again!
  1015. diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery_01_MainScene.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery_01_MainScene.evfl.txt
  1016. 32,33c32,33
  1017. <     if EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsDreaming():
  1018. <         EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:MyDesignExchangeInDream')
  1019. ---
  1020. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:EnterSceneByMydesignShowcaseApp']:
  1021. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ReturnStage('', 'cMyDesignAppBack', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cBlack', 0.5, 0.5)
  1022. 35,36c35,39
  1023. <         EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:MyDesignExchange')
  1024. <     EventFlowSystemActor.ReturnStage('', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cBlack', 0.5, 0.5)
  1025. ---
  1026. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsDreaming():
  1027. >             EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:MyDesignExchangeInDream')
  1028. >         else:
  1029. >             EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:MyDesignExchange')
  1030. >         EventFlowSystemActor.ReturnStage('', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cBlack', 0.5, 0.5)
  1031. diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery.evfl.txt
  1032. 27a28,41
  1033. > flow EntryPoint_CheckMydesignApp():
  1034. >     SubflowResults[0] = 0
  1035. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MydesignExchangeTalkAboutMobile']:
  1036. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuMydesignShowcase']:
  1037. >             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MydesignExchangeTalkAboutMobile'] = true
  1038. >         else:
  1039. >             run EntryPoint_ExplainMydesignApp()
  1040. >
  1041. > flow EntryPoint_ExplainMydesignApp():
  1042. >     SubflowResults[0] = 1
  1043. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MydesignExchangeTalkAboutMobile'] = true
  1044. >     # Welcome to the Custom Designs Portal! By the way, the NookPhone's Custom Designs app can now be upgraded to access the Custom Designs Portal. Visit y…
  1045. >     EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:101', false)
  1046. >
  1047. 39a54,91
  1048. > flow EntryPoint_SkipFirstAccess():
  1049. >     run EntryPoint_CheckMydesignApp()
  1050. >     if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
  1051. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasDesignerID():
  1052. >             # A world of creativity awaits within the Custom Designs Portal! Are you ready to access it online?
  1053. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:030', false)
  1054. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  1055. >                 case 0:
  1056. >                     run EntryPoint_SignIn()
  1057. >                 case 1:
  1058. >                     run EntryPoint_AuthorID()
  1059. >                 case 2:
  1060. >                     run EntryPoint_Cancel()
  1061. >         else:
  1062. >             # A world of creativity awaits here at the Custom Designs Portal! Would you like to access this internet kiosk?
  1063. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:011', false)
  1064. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  1065. >                 run EntryPoint_SignIn()
  1066. >             else:
  1067. >                 run EntryPoint_Cancel()
  1068. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasDesignerID():
  1069. >         # Are you ready to access the Custom Designs Portal online?
  1070. >         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:103', false)
  1071. >         switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  1072. >             case 0:
  1073. >                 run EntryPoint_SignIn()
  1074. >             case 1:
  1075. >                 run EntryPoint_AuthorID()
  1076. >             case 2:
  1077. >                 run EntryPoint_Cancel()
  1078. >     else:
  1079. >         # Are you ready to access the Custom Designs Portal online?
  1080. >         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:102', false)
  1081. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  1082. >             run EntryPoint_SignIn()
  1083. >         else:
  1084. >             run EntryPoint_Cancel()
  1085. >
  1086. 70c122,124
  1087. <     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MyDesignExchangeFirstAccess']:
  1088. ---
  1089. >     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MyDesignExchangeFirstAccess']:
  1090. >         run EntryPoint_SkipFirstAccess()
  1091. >     else:
  1092. 73,76c127,129
  1093. <         # A world of creativity awaits via the Custom Designs Portal! You can download custom designs from creators all over the world and even share your own …
  1094. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:010', false)
  1095. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  1096. <             run EntryPoint_SignIn()
  1097. ---
  1098. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MydesignExchangeTalkAboutMobile'] = true
  1099. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuMydesignShowcase']:
  1100. >             run EntryPoint_SkipFirstAccess()
  1101. 78,83c131,133
  1102. <             run EntryPoint_Cancel()
  1103. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasDesignerID():
  1104. <         # A world of creativity awaits within the Custom Designs Portal! Are you ready to access it online?
  1105. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:030', false)
  1106. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
  1107. <             case 0:
  1108. ---
  1109. >             # A world of creativity awaits via the Custom Designs Portal! You can download custom designs from creators all over the world and even share your own …
  1110. >             EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:100', false)
  1111. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  1112. 85,87c135
  1113. <             case 1:
  1114. <                 run EntryPoint_AuthorID()
  1115. <             case 2:
  1116. ---
  1117. >             else:
  1118. 89,95d136
  1119. <     else:
  1120. <         # A world of creativity awaits here at the Custom Designs Portal! Would you like to access this internet kiosk?
  1121. <         EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:011', false)
  1122. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
  1123. <             run EntryPoint_SignIn()
  1124. <         else:
  1125. <             run EntryPoint_Cancel()
  1126. diff -r 1.8.0/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt
  1127. 119a120,129
  1128. > flow Get_MydesignPRO2():
  1129. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:UnlockMydesignPro2'] = true
  1130. >     # Now I can make even more items with Pro custom designs! I can't wait to start creating lots of new designs!
  1131. >     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_12', false)
  1132. >
  1133. > flow Get_MydesignShowcase():
  1134. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuMydesignShowcase'] = true
  1135. >     # Yes! Now I can access the Custom Designs Portal from my Custom Designs app!
  1136. >     Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_15', false)
  1137. >
  1138. Only in 1.9.0: Player_MydesignShowcaseApp.evfl.txt
  1139. diff -r 1.8.0/Player_StartGamePhoneCall.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Player_StartGamePhoneCall.evfl.txt
  1140. 198,200c198
  1141. <     if SubflowResults@2[5] == 0:
  1142. <         run PhoneTalkEnd2()
  1143. <     else:
  1144. ---
  1145. >     if SubflowResults@2[5] != 0:
  1146. 205c203
  1147. <         run PhoneTalkEnd2()
  1148. ---
  1149. >     run PhoneTalkEnd2()
  1150. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_alp_01_Studio.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_alp_01_Studio.evfl.txt
  1151. 111,126c111,124
  1152. <         # You've done a lot for us, squirt. We really appreciate it. Here, this is somethin' the two of us worked on. It's a DIY recipe for a <item>wedding wan…
  1153. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:020', false)
  1154. <         EventFlowSystemActor.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12695, false)
  1155. <         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1156. <             # Just a sec. You do know your way around DIY, don'tcha? So, basically, DIY is makin' tools and furniture and such, and it's pretty fun once you get a …
  1157. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:024', false)
  1158. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1159. <             if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
  1160. <                 MainNpc.SetEventRewardToPlayerBaggage('cFree')
  1161. <                 # I went ahead and stuck it in your pockets. Hope you don't mind. Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
  1162. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:023', false)
  1163. <             else:
  1164. <                 MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1165. <                 MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1166. <                 # Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
  1167. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
  1168. ---
  1169. >         run tst()
  1170. >
  1171. > flow tst():
  1172. >     # You've done a lot for us, squirt. We really appreciate it. Here, this is somethin' the two of us worked on. It's a DIY recipe for a <item>wedding wan…
  1173. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:020', false)
  1174. >     EventFlowSystemActor.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12695, false)
  1175. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1176. >         # Just a sec. You do know your way around DIY, don'tcha? So, basically, DIY is makin' tools and furniture and such, and it's pretty fun once you get a …
  1177. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:024', false)
  1178. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1179. >         if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
  1180. >             MainNpc.SetEventRewardToPlayerBaggage('cFree')
  1181. >             # I went ahead and stuck it in your pockets. Hope you don't mind. Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
  1182. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:023', false)
  1183. 128,129c126,127
  1184. <             # Hm! I don't think I can give it to you on account of your pockets bein' full.<10:4> Not to worry. I'll just mail it to ya!
  1185. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:022', false)
  1186. ---
  1187. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1188. >             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1189. 132,134c130,137
  1190. <             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAlw_Alp', 'MAIL_SNpc_alw_JuneBride', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 4)
  1191. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideGetStickFrag'] = true
  1192. <         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1193. ---
  1194. >     else:
  1195. >         # Hm! I don't think I can give it to you on account of your pockets bein' full.<10:4> Not to worry. I'll just mail it to ya!
  1196. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:022', false)
  1197. >         # Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
  1198. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
  1199. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAlw_Alp', 'MAIL_SNpc_alw_JuneBride', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 4)
  1200. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideGetStickFrag'] = true
  1201. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1202. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_hgh_10_Mydesign.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_hgh_10_Mydesign.evfl.txt
  1203. 88c88
  1204. <         # Oh! It looks like you saved over the design you're wearing now. Don't worry. The design you have on now will stay right where it is until you want to…
  1205. ---
  1206. >         # Oh! It looks like you saved over the design you're using now. Don't worry. The design you have now will stay right where it is until you want to chan…
  1207. 210c210
  1208. <         # Hey, didja know that the design you're taking with you is what we call a pro custom design? On a normal custom design, it's one picture on the front …
  1209. ---
  1210. >         # Hey, didja know that the design you're taking with you is what we call a Pro custom design? On a normal custom design, it's one picture on the front …
  1211. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_hgh.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_hgh.evfl.txt
  1212. 2a3
  1213. >     run Regulation()
  1214. 24a26
  1215. >     run Regulation()
  1216. 34a37
  1217. >     run Regulation()
  1218. 186a190,194
  1219. >
  1220. > flow Regulation():
  1221. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1222. >         default:
  1223. >             return
  1224. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_owl_00_Common.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_owl_00_Common.evfl.txt
  1225. 136,137d135
  1226. <     else:
  1227. <         return
  1228. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_owl_24_Museum_StampRally.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_owl_24_Museum_StampRally.evfl.txt
  1229. 46a47
  1230. >                     run QuestJoin()
  1231. 54c55
  1232. <                 run QuestJoin()
  1233. ---
  1234. >                     run QuestJoin()
  1235. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_pyn_01_EasterPreVisit.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_pyn_01_EasterPreVisit.evfl.txt
  1236. 69,72c69,74
  1237. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1238. <             # Also, I have something for ya. Wait a minute! Your pockets are full. Come talk to me when you have less stuff in there. But make sure it's before the…
  1239. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:018', false)
  1240. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = true
  1241. ---
  1242. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12414, ''):
  1243. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12514, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1244. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1245. >                 run Sub_Event23()
  1246. >             else:
  1247. >                 run Sub_Event4()
  1248. 74,81c76,79
  1249. <             # And here's a little something I made for you too!
  1250. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
  1251. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12414, false)
  1252. <             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1253. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1254. <             # That's a recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bed. You can craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I've hi…
  1255. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017', false)
  1256. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetPreVisitRecipeFlag'] = true
  1257. ---
  1258. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1259. >                 run Sub_Event4()
  1260. >             else:
  1261. >                 run Sub_Event23()
  1262. 84,86c82,88
  1263. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1264. <             # Well? Didja make room in your pockets or what? Look, kid, I can't give you your present if you don't make some room.
  1265. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:020', false)
  1266. ---
  1267. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12414, ''):
  1268. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12514, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1269. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1270. >                 run Sub_Event32()
  1271. >             else:
  1272. >                 # Well? Didja make room in your pockets or what? Look, kid, I can't give you your present if you don't make some room.
  1273. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:020', false)
  1274. 88,96c90,94
  1275. <             # Hey! Look at you! Ya freed up those pockets of yours. Here you go then!
  1276. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:019', false)
  1277. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12414, false)
  1278. <             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1279. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1280. <             # That's a recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bed. You can craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I've hi…
  1281. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017', false)
  1282. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = false
  1283. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetPreVisitRecipeFlag'] = true
  1284. ---
  1285. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1286. >                 # Well? Didja make room in your pockets or what? Look, kid, I can't give you your present if you don't make some room.
  1287. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:020', false)
  1288. >             else:
  1289. >                 run Sub_Event32()
  1290. 98c96,97
  1291. <     elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynExplainEasterDateFlag']:
  1292. ---
  1293. >     else:
  1294. >         if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynExplainEasterDateFlag']:
  1295. 100,118c99,149
  1296. <         switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
  1297. <             case 0:
  1298. <                 # You won't find eggs… inside any buildings. I haven't hidden them there. Outside's the place! Go there to search… for all my eggy fare! Check trees an…
  1299. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:022', false)
  1300. <                 return
  1301. <             case 1:
  1302. <                 # Don't forget to look for the Bunny Day DIY recipes I've hidden around the island. I LOVE hiding stuff, and I'll hide more recipes every day until it'…
  1303. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:023', false)
  1304. <                 return
  1305. <             case 2:
  1306. <                 MainNpc.NpcStartAS('NpcSpPynDance', false, false)
  1307. <                 # The time has come! Let's look for eggs! That's my bunny plan!<10:8:00780000> They're here! They're there! They're everywhere! Find them if you can!<1…
  1308. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:024_01', false)
  1309. <                 MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, true, false)
  1310. <                 # …Hey! Aren't you gonna go find 'em?
  1311. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:024_02', false)
  1312. <                 return
  1313. <             case 3:
  1314. <                 run Sub_Event49()
  1315. ---
  1316. >             switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
  1317. >                 case 0:
  1318. >                     # You won't find eggs… inside any buildings. I haven't hidden them there. Outside's the place! Go there to search… for all my eggy fare! Check trees an…
  1319. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:022', false)
  1320. >                     return
  1321. >                 case 1:
  1322. >                     # Don't forget to look for the Bunny Day DIY recipes I've hidden around the island. I LOVE hiding stuff, and I'll hide more recipes every day until it'…
  1323. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:023', false)
  1324. >                     return
  1325. >                 case 2:
  1326. >                     MainNpc.NpcStartAS('NpcSpPynDance', false, false)
  1327. >                     # The time has come! Let's look for eggs! That's my bunny plan!<10:8:00780000> They're here! They're there! They're everywhere! Find them if you can!<1…
  1328. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:024_01', false)
  1329. >                     MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, true, false)
  1330. >                     # …Hey! Aren't you gonna go find 'em?
  1331. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:024_02', false)
  1332. >                     return
  1333. >                 case 3:
  1334. >                     run Sub_Event49()
  1335. >         else:
  1336. >             run Sub_Event49()
  1337. >
  1338. > local flow Sub_Event23():
  1339. >     # And here's a little something I made for you too!
  1340. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
  1341. >     MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1342. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12414, ''):
  1343. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1344. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1345. >         # There's 10 <item>water eggs, all for you. Simple as that, your egg collection just grew! «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I'…
  1346. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017_01', false)
  1347. >     else:
  1348. >         MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12414, false)
  1349. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1350. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1351. >         # That's a recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bed. You can craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I've hi…
  1352. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017', false)
  1353. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1354. >             # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
  1355. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
  1356. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetPreVisitRecipeFlag'] = true
  1357. >
  1358. > local flow Sub_Event32():
  1359. >     # Hey! Look at you! Ya freed up those pockets of yours. Here you go then!
  1360. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:019', false)
  1361. >     MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1362. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12414, ''):
  1363. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1364. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1365. >         # There's 10 <item>water eggs, all for you. Simple as that, your egg collection just grew! «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I'…
  1366. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017_01', false)
  1367. 120c151,165
  1368. <         run Sub_Event49()
  1369. ---
  1370. >         MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12414, false)
  1371. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1372. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1373. >         # That's a recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bed. You can craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I've hi…
  1374. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017', false)
  1375. >         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1376. >             # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
  1377. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
  1378. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = false
  1379. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetPreVisitRecipeFlag'] = true
  1380. >
  1381. > local flow Sub_Event4():
  1382. >     # Also, I have something for ya. Wait a minute! Your pockets are full. Come talk to me when you have less stuff in there. But make sure it's before the…
  1383. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:018', false)
  1384. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = true
  1385. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt
  1386. 6,7c6,27
  1387. <                 # That look on your face says it all… Did you really complete my tasks, both big and small?! You crafted the <item>wobbling Zipper toy too? Yippee-yaho…
  1388. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:204', false)
  1389. ---
  1390. >                 run Sub_Event127()
  1391. >         elif (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsMadeCraftRecipe('cAND', 12398, 12414, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMadeCraftUnlockRecipe('EasterNpc', 'cAND')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMadeCraftUnlockRecipe('EasterRand', 'cAND')):
  1392. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12412, ''):
  1393. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
  1394. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsMadeCraftRecipe('cAND', 12412, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534):
  1395. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCompleteDiyMissionFlag'] = true
  1396. >                     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12578, ''):
  1397. >                         # That look on your face says it all… Did you really make all my recipes, both big and small?! Yippee-yahoo! I knew I could count on you! And I promise…
  1398. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:204_01', false)
  1399. >                         run DiyCompleteReward_2()
  1400. >                     else:
  1401. >                         run Sub_Event127()
  1402. >                 else:
  1403. >                     # What now? Did I HARE you correctly? You crafted all the recipes I hid around the island?! There's one final challenge. It fills me with glee. You got…
  1404. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:200_01', true)
  1405. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1406. >             else:
  1407. >                 # What now? Did I HARE you correctly? You crafted all the recipes I hid around the island?! My oh my! I knew you'd try! But you really finished the tas…
  1408. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:200', true)
  1409. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  1410. >                 # <10:12>«EXCEPT THIS ONE OTHER THING!» Did you really think it'd be that easy? Ugh, kids today have it so good. That's right, I need you to do ONE mor…
  1411. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:201', false)
  1412. 9,10c29,30
  1413. <                     # Uh-oh. I'm afraid your pockets are full to the brim… Come back after you've found some items to trim!
  1414. <                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:208', false)
  1415. ---
  1416. >                     # Looks like your pockets are full, my friend. Make some room, and we can try again.
  1417. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:203', false)
  1418. 14,33c34,41
  1419. <                     run DiyCompleteReward()
  1420. <         elif (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsMadeCraftRecipe('cAND', 12398, 12414, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMadeCraftUnlockRecipe('EasterNpc', 'cAND')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMadeCraftUnlockRecipe('EasterRand', 'cAND')):
  1421. <             # What now? Did I HARE you correctly? You crafted all the recipes I hid around the island?! My oh my! I knew you'd try! But you really finished the tas…
  1422. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:200', true)
  1423. <             EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
  1424. <             # <10:12>«EXCEPT THIS ONE OTHER THING!» Did you really think it'd be that easy? Ugh, kids today have it so good. That's right, I need you to do ONE mor…
  1425. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:201', false)
  1426. <             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1427. <                 # Looks like your pockets are full, my friend. Make some room, and we can try again.
  1428. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:203', false)
  1429. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = true
  1430. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1431. <             else:
  1432. <                 MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12412, false)
  1433. <                 MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1434. <                 MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1435. <                 # This final challenge fills me with glee. You gotta craft a toy that looks… like ME! Yessirree! It's a <item>wobbling Zipper toy! Craft this recipe an…
  1436. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:202', false)
  1437. <                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
  1438. <                 EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1439. ---
  1440. >                     MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1441. >                     MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12412, false)
  1442. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1443. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1444. >                     # This final challenge fills me with glee. You gotta craft a toy that looks… like ME! Yessirree! It's a <item>wobbling Zipper toy! Craft this recipe an…
  1445. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:202', false)
  1446. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
  1447. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1448. 42,54c50,53
  1449. <     MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12578, false)
  1450. <     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1451. <     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1452. <     # It's a wonderfully wonderful recipe for a <item>Bunny Day wand! What do you mean, "Just another recipe?" Sheesh. Lookin' for a little gratitude here.…
  1453. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:205', false)
  1454. <     MainNpc.NpcStartAS('NpcSpPynDance', false, false)
  1455. <     # You're the winner! Yes you are! Congratulations! You're a star!<10:7:00820000>
  1456. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:206', false)
  1457. <     MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, true, false)
  1458. <     # Hippity hop! The fun doesn't have to stop! The Bunny Day festivities will continue all day today, so go have a hoppin' good time! And thanks for jump…
  1459. <     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:207', false)
  1460. <     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCompleteDiyMissionFlag'] = true
  1461. <     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1462. ---
  1463. >     run Event220()
  1464. >
  1465. > flow DiyCompleteReward_2():
  1466. >     run Event345()
  1467. 192,193c191,216
  1468. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1469. <             run Sub_Event24()
  1470. ---
  1471. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
  1472. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12510, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1473. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1474. >                 # Ya know what, I also have a surprise for someBUNNY very special…
  1475. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:107', false)
  1476. >                 MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1477. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
  1478. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1479. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1480. >                     # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's 10 <item>stone eggs to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find each and …
  1481. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108_01', false)
  1482. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1483. >                 else:
  1484. >                     MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
  1485. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1486. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1487. >                     # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find…
  1488. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108', false)
  1489. >                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1490. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1491. >                     else:
  1492. >                         # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
  1493. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
  1494. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1495. >             else:
  1496. >                 run Sub_Event24()
  1497. 195,202c218,241
  1498. <             # Ya know what, I also have a surprise for someBUNNY very special…
  1499. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:107', false)
  1500. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
  1501. <             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1502. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1503. <             # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find…
  1504. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108', false)
  1505. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1506. ---
  1507. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1508. >                 run Sub_Event24()
  1509. >             else:
  1510. >                 # Ya know what, I also have a surprise for someBUNNY very special…
  1511. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:107', false)
  1512. >                 MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1513. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
  1514. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1515. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1516. >                     # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's 10 <item>stone eggs to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find each and …
  1517. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108_01', false)
  1518. >                     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1519. >                 else:
  1520. >                     MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
  1521. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1522. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1523. >                     # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find…
  1524. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108', false)
  1525. >                     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1526. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1527. >                     else:
  1528. >                         # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
  1529. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
  1530. >                         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1531. 220,221c259,281
  1532. <         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1533. <             run Sub_Event24()
  1534. ---
  1535. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
  1536. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12510, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1537. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1538. >                 # And here's a little something I made for you too!
  1539. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
  1540. >                 MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1541. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
  1542. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1543. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1544. >                     # There's 10 <item>stone eggs for you to use. If you craft with 'em, there's no way you can lose! «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, ki…
  1545. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113_01', false)
  1546. >                 else:
  1547. >                     MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
  1548. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1549. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1550. >                     # That's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Go ahead and craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, kid? Whatever.…
  1551. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113', false)
  1552. >                     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1553. >                         # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
  1554. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
  1555. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1556. >             else:
  1557. >                 run Sub_Event24()
  1558. 223,230c283,303
  1559. <             # And here's a little something I made for you too!
  1560. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
  1561. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
  1562. <             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1563. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1564. <             # That's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Go ahead and craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, kid? Whatever.…
  1565. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113', false)
  1566. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1567. ---
  1568. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1569. >                 run Sub_Event24()
  1570. >             else:
  1571. >                 # And here's a little something I made for you too!
  1572. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
  1573. >                 MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1574. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
  1575. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1576. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1577. >                     # There's 10 <item>stone eggs for you to use. If you craft with 'em, there's no way you can lose! «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, ki…
  1578. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113_01', false)
  1579. >                 else:
  1580. >                     MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
  1581. >                     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1582. >                     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1583. >                     # That's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Go ahead and craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, kid? Whatever.…
  1584. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113', false)
  1585. >                     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1586. >                         # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
  1587. >                         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
  1588. >                 System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1589. 282c355
  1590. <             # Outside's the place! Go there to search… for all my eggy fare! Check trees and rocks! Check the water too. And look up in the air!
  1591. ---
  1592. >             # Outside's the place! Go there to search… for all my eggy fare! Check trees and rocks! Go fish some up. And look up in the air!
  1593. 434,436c507,513
  1594. <     elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1595. <         # … Maybe you didn't HARE me the first time, but your pockets are full. Go make some room, and then come back and see me again.
  1596. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:220', false)
  1597. ---
  1598. >     elif (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, '')):
  1599. >         EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12510, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1600. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
  1601. >             run Sub_Event250(EggNum=EggNum)
  1602. >         else:
  1603. >             # … Maybe you didn't HARE me the first time, but your pockets are full. Go make some room, and then come back and see me again.
  1604. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:220', false)
  1605. 438,453c515,517
  1606. <         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = false
  1607. <         # EGGScuse me?<10:4> Oh! Right! You're back for the thing I promised. Alright, here you go!
  1608. <         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:221', false)
  1609. <         if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag']:
  1610. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
  1611. <             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1612. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1613. <             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynTalkPreVisitDayFlag']:
  1614. <                 # It's the <item>Bunny Day arch recipe I told ya about. Now, I'm HOPPY to see you jumping into the Bunny Day fun, but there's lots more that needs to b…
  1615. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:222', false)
  1616. <             else:
  1617. <                 # That's the <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Sorry, I couldn't give it to you earlier. Craft one with the eggs you find. «And now, listen up!«» You need t…
  1618. <                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:223', false)
  1619. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1620. <         elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag']:
  1621. <             run DiyCompleteReward()
  1622. ---
  1623. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1624. >             # … Maybe you didn't HARE me the first time, but your pockets are full. Go make some room, and then come back and see me again.
  1625. >             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:220', false)
  1626. 455,460c519
  1627. <             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12412, false)
  1628. <             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1629. <             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1630. <             # It's the recipe for the wonderful <item>wobbling Zipper toy I couldn't give you earlier. Like I said, kid, a fantastic reward awaits if you craft it.…
  1631. <             MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:224', false)
  1632. <             System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
  1633. ---
  1634. >             run Sub_Event250(EggNum=EggNum)
  1635. 468a528,551
  1636. > local flow Sub_Event127():
  1637. >     # That look on your face says it all… Did you really complete my tasks, both big and small?! You crafted the <item>wobbling Zipper toy too? Yippee-yaho…
  1638. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:204', false)
  1639. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1640. >         run Sub_Event171()
  1641. >     else:
  1642. > entrypoint Event345:
  1643. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12578, ''):
  1644. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12578, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
  1645. >             if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
  1646. >                 run Sub_Event171()
  1647. >             else:
  1648. >                 run Sub_Event333()
  1649. >         else:
  1650. > entrypoint Event220:
  1651. >             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12578, false)
  1652. >             run Sub_Event333()
  1653. >
  1654. > local flow Sub_Event171():
  1655. >     # Uh-oh. I'm afraid your pockets are full to the brim… Come back after you've found some items to trim!
  1656. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:208', false)
  1657. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = true
  1658. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1659. >
  1660. 472a556,618
  1661. >
  1662. > local flow Sub_Event250(EggNum: int):
  1663. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = false
  1664. >     # EGGScuse me?<10:4> Oh! Right! You're back for the thing I promised. Alright, here you go!
  1665. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:221', true)
  1666. >     if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag']:
  1667. >         MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1668. >         if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
  1669. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1670. >             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1671. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynTalkPreVisitDayFlag']:
  1672. >                 # It's the 10 <item>stone eggs I told ya about. So let's have a smile and put away that pout! Now, I'm HOPPY to see you jumping into the Bunny Day fun,…
  1673. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:222_01', false)
  1674. >             else:
  1675. >                 # That's 10 <item>stone eggs! Sorry that I couldn't give 'em to you earlier, either face-to-face or by courier. «And now, listen up!«» You need to HARE…
  1676. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:223_01', false)
  1677. >                 if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1678. >                     # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
  1679. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
  1680. >         else:
  1681. >             MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
  1682. >             MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1683. >             MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1684. >             if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynTalkPreVisitDayFlag']:
  1685. >                 # It's the <item>Bunny Day arch recipe I told ya about. Now, I'm HOPPY to see you jumping into the Bunny Day fun, but there's lots more that needs to b…
  1686. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:222', false)
  1687. >             else:
  1688. >                 # That's the <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Sorry, I couldn't give it to you earlier. Craft one with the eggs you find. «And now, listen up!«» You need t…
  1689. >                 MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:223', false)
  1690. >                 if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
  1691. >                     # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
  1692. >                     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
  1693. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
  1694. >     elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag']:
  1695. >         MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12412, false)
  1696. >         MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1697. >         MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1698. >         # It's the recipe for the wonderful <item>wobbling Zipper toy I couldn't give you earlier. Like I said, kid, a fantastic reward awaits if you craft it.…
  1699. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:224', false)
  1700. >         System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
  1701. >     elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12578, ''):
  1702. >         run DiyCompleteReward_2()
  1703. >     else:
  1704. >         run DiyCompleteReward()
  1705. >
  1706. > local flow Sub_Event333():
  1707. >     MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
  1708. >     MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
  1709. >     MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
  1710. >     if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12578, ''):
  1711. >         # Here it is—your <item>Bunny Day wand! It's my gift to you for going above and beyond. After all this EGGScellent crafting, I think one more Bunny Day…
  1712. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:205_01', false)
  1713. >     else:
  1714. >         # It's a wonderfully wonderful recipe for a <item>Bunny Day wand! What do you mean, "Just another recipe?" Sheesh. Lookin' for a little gratitude here.…
  1715. >         MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:205', false)
  1716. >     MainNpc.NpcStartAS('NpcSpPynDance', false, false)
  1717. >     # You're the winner! Yes you are! Congratulations! You're a star!<10:7:00820000>
  1718. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:206', false)
  1719. >     MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, true, false)
  1720. >     # Hippity hop! The fun doesn't have to stop! The Bunny Day festivities will continue all day today, so go have a hoppin' good time! And thanks for jump…
  1721. >     MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:207', false)
  1722. >     System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCompleteDiyMissionFlag'] = true
  1723. >     EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1724. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell.evfl.txt
  1725. 6c6
  1726. <         # Ah… My apologies, but… We cannot accept any fake works of art… I'm sorry for the hassle, but please reselect what you'd like to sell.
  1727. ---
  1728. >         # Ah… My apologies, but…we cannot accept any fake works of art… I'm sorry for the hassle, but can we start over exactly where we were and pretend this …
  1729. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Groceries.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Groceries.evfl.txt
  1730. 6a7
  1731. >     run SNPC_rcm::Regulation()
  1732. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rcm_13_BuyMultipleItems.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm_13_BuyMultipleItems.evfl.txt
  1733. 19c19
  1734. <     # <50:3><125:0:0000>? I can sell in singles or in bulk. How many would you like?
  1735. ---
  1736. >     # <50:3><125:0:0200>? I can sell in singles or in bulk. How many would you like?
  1737. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rcm.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm.evfl.txt
  1738. 2a3
  1739. >     run Regulation()
  1740. 61a63,67
  1741. > flow Regulation():
  1742. >     switch EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
  1743. >         default:
  1744. >             return
  1745. >
  1746. 63a70
  1747. >     run Regulation()
  1748. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt
  1749. 38c38
  1750. <                                 EventFlowSystemActor.NotifyUseNSOAppli('cNotifyUseNSOAppli', true)
  1751. ---
  1752. >                                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(false, false)
  1753. 42,43c42,47
  1754. <                                     EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1755. <                                     run WebSetting_Activate_Success()
  1756. ---
  1757. >                                     EventFlowSystemActor.NotifyUseNSOAppli('cNotifyUseNSOAppli', true)
  1758. >                                     if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  1759. >                                         run WebSetting_Activate_Failed()
  1760. >                                     else:
  1761. >                                         EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
  1762. >                                         run WebSetting_Activate_Success()
  1763. 110c114,118
  1764. <                                 run WebSetting_Upload_Success()
  1765. ---
  1766. >                                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(false, false)
  1767. >                                 if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  1768. >                                     run WebSetting_Upload_Failed()
  1769. >                                 else:
  1770. >                                     run WebSetting_Upload_Success()
  1771. diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_sza_00_Common.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_sza_00_Common.evfl.txt
  1772. 138c138
  1773. <             run SNPC_sza_01_Sonmin::Root()
  1774. ---
  1775. >             run SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager::Root()
  1776. 151c151
  1777. <             run SNPC_sza_01_Sonmin::Root()
  1778. ---
  1779. >             run SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager::Root()
  1780. Only in 1.9.0: SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager_01_ResetHabit.evfl.txt
  1781. Only in 1.9.0: SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager_02_ResetCloth.evfl.txt
  1782. Only in 1.9.0: SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager.evfl.txt
  1783. diff -r 1.8.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt
  1784. 37a38
  1785. >     System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_9'] = true
  1786. 83a85,87
  1787. > flow IsJoinNSO():
  1788. >     EventFlowSystemActor.CheckAoCWithEnsureNSO('AOC_EventFlag_002', false, 'AOC_EventFlag_001', true)
  1789. >
  1790. 94a99
  1791. >         run IsJoinNSO()
  1792. 103a109
  1793. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(true, true)
  1794. diff -r 1.8.0/System_GrowUp_GameProcess.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_GrowUp_GameProcess.evfl.txt
  1795. 88d87
  1796. <     run EasterFlagChk()
  1797. diff -r 1.8.0/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt
  1798. 32a33,34
  1799. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() == 2:
  1800. >                     EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(true, true)
  1801. diff -r 1.8.0/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt
  1802. 77a78,83
  1803. >             else:
  1804. >                 EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(true, false)
  1805. >                 if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  1806. >                     SubflowResults[0] = 1
  1807. >                     if Terminate:
  1808. >                         EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
  1809. 99a106,109
  1810. >                         else:
  1811. >                             EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(true, false)
  1812. >                             if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
  1813. >                                 SubflowResults[0] = 1
  1814. diff -r 1.8.0/System_SharePlay_Controller.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_SharePlay_Controller.evfl.txt
  1815. 43a44,49
  1816. >     if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsReserve']:
  1817. >         EventFlowSystemActor.BroadcastDemoStart()
  1818. >         if (System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOffice']) and (not System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOfficeToday']):
  1819. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cGrowUpTalk', 'cCircle', 'cNormalFader', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
  1820. >         else:
  1821. >             EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cGrowUpTalkEventPlaza', 'cCircle', 'cNormalFader', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
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