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- diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Dream.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Dream.evfl.txt
- 9c9
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'System_Player_DreamPGhost', 'Root', '', false, false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'System_Player_DreamPGhost', '', false, false, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- 11c11
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Dream', 'NNPC_Dream', '', false, false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Dream', 'NNPC_Dream', '', false, false, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_MysteryTour.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_MysteryTour.evfl.txt
- 12c12
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Spot_MysteryTour', '', '', false, false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Spot_MysteryTour', '', false, false, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Outdoor.evfl.txt
- 170c170
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', '', '', '', false, true)
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- 187c187
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', '', '', '', false, true)
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- 239c239
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', '', '', '', false, true)
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- 261c261
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', '', '', '', false, true)
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- 265a266,270
- > flow Easter2021():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GlobalEventNow('Easter', 'cMainOnly', false):
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cEasterWanderWait', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', 'Root', '', false, true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 300c305
- < MainNpc.NpcChangeAIState('cBlockWander', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', '', false, true)
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcChangeBlockWanderState('cBlockWander', 'Root', 'NNPC_Talk_Sequence', '', false, true, false, 0, 1, 0, 0)
- 527a533
- > run Easter2021()
- diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Rcm_Shop.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Rcm_Shop.evfl.txt
- 52a53
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(19, true)
- diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Rco.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Rco.evfl.txt
- 132a133
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(20, true)
- 271c272
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.IsSharePlay(0):
- ---
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.IsSharePlay(0)) or (EventFlowSystemActor.DuringTransitionByUIStage()):
- diff -r 1.8.0/AI_NPC_Rct_Shop.evfl.txt 1.9.0/AI_NPC_Rct_Shop.evfl.txt
- 41a42
- > MainNpc.NpcAISetting(19, true)
- diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_00_Cmn.evfl.txt
- 4c4
- < run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_31_CmnNewsBday::Root()
- ---
- > run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_26_CmnNewsBday::Root()
- 95c95
- < run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_30_CmnNewsGreet::Root()
- ---
- > run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_25_CmnNewsGreet::Root()
- diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_21_CmnEvChk.evfl.txt
- 5a6
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 10a12
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 17a20
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 21a25
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 43a48
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 52a58
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 62c68
- < SubflowResults[4] = 1
- ---
- > run Sub_Event57()
- 65c71
- < SubflowResults[4] = 1
- ---
- > run Sub_Event57()
- 74a81
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 83a91
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 94a103
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 121a131
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 125a136,141
- > flow CmnEvCount():
- > if SubflowResults@2[18] == 0:
- > SubflowResults[18] = 1
- > else:
- > SubflowResults[18] = 2
- >
- 139a156
- > run CmnEvCount()
- 152a170,175
- > flow CmnRegulationChk():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.TodayChangeRegulation() in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
- > SubflowResults[17] = 1
- > SubflowResults[18] = 1
- > SubflowResults[4] = 1
- >
- 154c177,179
- < if (EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false)) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest']):
- ---
- > if not EventFlowSystemActor.CheckNearEvent(5, 'HarvestFestival', 1, false):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest'] = false
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceBeforeHarvest']:
- 167a193,196
- > local flow Sub_Event57():
- > SubflowResults[4] = 1
- > run CmnEvCount()
- >
- 170a200
- > run CmnEvCount()
- Only in 1.9.0: Demo_PublicAnnouncement_25_CmnNewsGreet.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.9.0: Demo_PublicAnnouncement_26_CmnNewsBday.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.8.0: Demo_PublicAnnouncement_30_CmnNewsGreet.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.8.0: Demo_PublicAnnouncement_31_CmnNewsBday.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_32_CmnNewsMoveIn.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_32_CmnNewsMoveIn.evfl.txt
- 0a1,4
- > flow NewsConnectMoveIn():
- > if (SubflowResults@2[0] == 1) and (SubflowResults@2[14] == 1):
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:030', false)
- >
- diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_40_CmnNoNews.evfl.txt
- 245a246
- > entrypoint Event117:
- 305a307,353
- >
- > flow SzaNoNews_Normal_SmallTalk():
- > run Event117()
- >
- > flow SzaNoNews_VisitorSnpcTalk():
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.NowVisitSpNpc():
- > case 0:
- > run SzaNoNews_Normal_SmallTalk()
- > case 1:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:651', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 2:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:652', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 3:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:653', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 4:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:654', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 5:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:655', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 6:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:656', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 7:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:657', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 8:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.EnvDayOfWeek() in (`Sunday`, `Monday`, `Tuesday`, `Wednesday`, `Thursday`, `Friday`):
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:658_02', false)
- > else:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:658_01', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 9:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:659', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 10:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:660', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 11:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:661', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- > case 12:
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/PublicAnnouncement/SP_PublicAnnouncement_01_Sza:662', false)
- > run Finish_SzaNoNews_Normal()
- diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement_50_CmnGEventInfo.evfl.txt
- 113a114
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceEaster'] = true
- 118a120
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceEasterReady'] = true
- 124a127
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceEaster'] = true
- 129a133
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AnnounceEasterReady'] = true
- diff -r 1.8.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Demo_PublicAnnouncement.evfl.txt
- 70c70
- < run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_30_CmnNewsGreet::NewYearEveHurry()
- ---
- > run Demo_PublicAnnouncement_25_CmnNewsGreet::NewYearEveHurry()
- diff -r 1.8.0/Ftr_Bromide.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Ftr_Bromide.evfl.txt
- 6,8c6,13
- < Ftr.FtrSetTagBromideInfo()
- < # This is a photo of <115:1:cd00>.
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_Bromide:001', false)
- ---
- > if Ftr.IsTargetFtr(14255):
- > Ftr.FtrSetTagBromideInfo()
- > # This is a photo of Timmy and Tommy.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_Bromide:010', false)
- > else:
- > Ftr.FtrSetTagBromideInfo()
- > # This is a photo of <115:1:cd00>.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkFtr/FTR_Bromide:001', false)
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_AN_Conv_OT.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_AN_Conv_OT.evfl.txt
- 43c43
- < # YOU WHAT?! Alright, listen up <110:31:cd01> 'cause I don't wanna have to repeat myself. <50:3>ISLAND's just about perfect how it is. Around here, som…
- ---
- > # YOU WHAT?! Listen close, <110:31:cd01>, 'cause I don't wanna have to repeat myself. <50:3>ISLAND's just about perfect how it is. Around here, some fo…
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_ApproachC_Want.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_ApproachC_Want.evfl.txt
- 111c111
- < # I've been looking all over, but…um, nobody's got any <125:0:0000>. Haaang on… Is that really [a|an]<125:0:0000>?! Would ya, um, maybe be willing to s…
- ---
- > # I've been looking all over, but…um, nobody's got [a|an] <125:0:0000>. Haaang on… Do you really have [a|an]<125:0:0000>?! Wouldja, um, maybe be willin…
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_ApproachG_Easter.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_ApproachG_Easter.evfl.txt
- 0a1,22
- > flow EasterNpc_GetEgg():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] < 1:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12514, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12513, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > MainNpc.SetItemName(0, 1, 0)
- > # Guess what? I was digging in my couch, and I found a whooole lotta <125:0:0200>! A WHOLE lot. But now I'm bored of the taste, and I don't know what t…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:013', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # I wonder if anyone else wants some. I'm gonna go ask around!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:014', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] += 1
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterGetRecipeFlag'] = true
- > else:
- > # Oh! Your pockets are full. Sooo, uh… this is awkward. Can you maybe go make some space and come back?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:015', false)
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = true
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = true
- >
- 6a29
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag'] = true
- 21a45
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag'] = true
- 33c57,66
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] < 1:
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] >= 1:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12447, ''):
- > run EasterNpc_GetEgg()
- > else:
- > # Look! Some bugs brought me a DIY recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bag. Aren't they the best? Here, take it.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:010', false)
- > run GetEasterRecipe2()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12445, ''):
- > run EasterNpc_GetEgg()
- > else:
- 37,40d69
- < else:
- < # Look! Some bugs brought me a DIY recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bag. Aren't they the best? Here, take it.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Approach/BO_ApproachG_Easter:010', false)
- < run GetEasterRecipe2()
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_BO_Conv_HA.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_BO_Conv_HA.evfl.txt
- 10c10
- < # "<110:5>" …My catchphrase? Huh huh! You think so? I've never been told that before! If you like "<110:6>" so much, you can use it too, <110:31:cd01>…
- ---
- > # "<50:3><110:5>." …My catchphrase? Huh huh! You think so? I've never been told that before! If you like "<110:6>" so much, you can use it too, <110:31…
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_FreeEF.evfl.txt
- 106c106
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
- ---
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
- 125a126,129
- > case 3:
- > # Guess what? Guess what? Guess whaaat? I caught a fish…except it wasn't a fish. It was a candy egg! It was so salty and tasty that I tried to catch mo…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/Free/BO_FreeF_Easter:103', false)
- > run Sub_Event46()
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_GE_Conv_HA.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_GE_Conv_HA.evfl.txt
- 58c58
- < # I play just<20:2:cd04> about everything, but the one I'm super amped about right now…is <135:6:cd00>!
- ---
- > # I do just<20:2:cd04> about everything, but the thing I'm super amped about right now…is <135:6:cd00>!
- 61c61
- < # Le coolsies!<20:2:cd03> I'll come to your next match and cheer you on! <20:2:cd06>I've been practicing cheerleading as part of my pop-star training!
- ---
- > # Le coolsies!<20:2:cd03> I'll come to your next match or whatevs and cheer you on! <20:2:cd06>I've been practicing cheerleading as part of my pop-star…
- 88c88
- < # …Uhhh, I won't be able to focus on the match then, will I?
- ---
- > # …Uhhh, I won't be able to focus on my form then, will I?
- 91c91
- < # Hey, what about my match?!
- ---
- > # Hey, what about my thing?!
- 94c94
- < # I gotta train hard so I can win my match while watching your routine!
- ---
- > # I gotta train hard so I can still win while watching your routine!
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayP_H.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_GEvent_BirthdayP_H.evfl.txt
- 11c11
- < # Alright, do it in one blow with ! Don't worry—you're gonna get spit on the cake. We all do it. It's cool.
- ---
- > # Alright, do it in one blow with ! Don't worry—you're gonna nail it.
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_GEvent_Easter.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_GEvent_Easter.evfl.txt
- 0a1,14
- > flow AAA():
- > if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterTalkOutdoorFlag']:
- > # RANDOM: HOORAY AND YAY FOR BUNNY DAAAY! I'm gon… // I love Bunny Day. Someday I'm gonna mee…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:110', false)
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterTalkOutdoorFlag'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > elif (MainNpc.HaveExchangeEgg()) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterExchangeEggFlag']) and (not ((MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterExchangeEggTalkFlag']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(60)))):
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterExchangeEggTalkFlag'] = true
- > run EasterNpc_ExchangeEgg()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > else:
- > run EasterNpc_Chat()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 5a20,121
- > flow EasterNpc_Chat():
- > if MainNpc.CheckNpcTool() not in (0, 1, 2, 4, 5):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3) in (0, 1):
- > run GeneralTalk1()
- > else:
- > run WaterEgg()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run GeneralTalk1()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(10):
- > run WaterEgg()
- > else:
- > switch MainNpc.CheckNpcLook():
- > case 0:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run EarthEgg()
- > else:
- > run SkyEgg()
- > case 1:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run WoodEgg()
- > else:
- > run LeafEgg()
- > case 2:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run SkyEgg()
- > else:
- > run LeafEgg()
- > case 3:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run StoneEgg()
- > else:
- > run LeafEgg()
- > case 4:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run EarthEgg()
- > else:
- > run WoodEgg()
- > case 5:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run StoneEgg()
- > else:
- > run WoodEgg()
- > case 6:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run EarthEgg()
- > else:
- > run StoneEgg()
- > case 7:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > run SkyEgg()
- > else:
- > run LeafEgg()
- >
- > flow EasterNpc_ExchangeEgg():
- > MainNpc.SetEasterExchangeEgg()
- > MainNpc.SetItemNameUpdate('cEasterExchangeEgg', 'cItem', 0)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > # Oh! Hey, I gotta talk to you about something. It's important. Almost as important as breakfast. Here goes… You've got lotsa different kinds of eggs, …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:111', false)
- > else:
- > # You gotta help me! I wanted to find eggs, so I found eggs, but now I got too many of the same kind of eggs! Can I trade you for some different eggs? …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:112', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > # Whew! That's a relief. I was really getting worried. OK, which eggs do you wanna trade?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:113', false)
- > else:
- > # Whoa, really? REALLY really? YES! I thought I was gonna be stuck with those. Which eggs do I get?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:114', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.UIItemSelectWindowHandling(65534, '', 'cItemSelect', '', 'cEasterExchangeEgg', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.UIResultMenuDecide():
- > MainNpc.SetItemName(1, 4, 0)
- > # That sounds good! OK, so 3 of my <125:0:0200> for 3 of your <125:0:0201>?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:120', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > if MainNpc.EasterCanExchangeEgg():
- > # Yesss! C'mon, let's do it!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:121', false)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(4, false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.DeleteSelectUIItem(3)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(0, '"Default"')
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardEasterExchangeEgg()
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, '"Default"')
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterExchangeEggFlag'] = true
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > # You saved the day! I really wasn't sure what I was gonna do. You're the best, <110:6>!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:116', false)
- > else:
- > # So pretty! And no food stains on 'em or nothin', <110:6>. Oh, uh…try not to look too hard at the ones I gave you, OK? Thanks!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:117', false)
- > else:
- > # Yaaay! Alright, let's tra— Hang on. You, uh…don't have enough room in your pockets, <110:6>. Aaaw…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:122', false)
- > else:
- > run Sub_grp_Event87()
- > else:
- > run Sub_grp_Event87()
- > else:
- > run Sub_grp_Event87()
- >
- 43,94c159,160
- < if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cField')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Easter') == 1):
- < if MainNpc.CheckNpcTool() not in (0, 1, 2, 4, 5):
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3) in (0, 1):
- < run GeneralTalk1()
- < else:
- < run WaterEgg()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run GeneralTalk1()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.PercentChoice(10):
- < run WaterEgg()
- < else:
- < switch MainNpc.CheckNpcLook():
- < case 0:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run EarthEgg()
- < else:
- < run SkyEgg()
- < case 1:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run WoodEgg()
- < else:
- < run LeafEgg()
- < case 2:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run SkyEgg()
- < else:
- < run LeafEgg()
- < case 3:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run StoneEgg()
- < else:
- < run LeafEgg()
- < case 4:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run EarthEgg()
- < else:
- < run WoodEgg()
- < case 5:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run StoneEgg()
- < else:
- < run WoodEgg()
- < case 6:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run EarthEgg()
- < else:
- < run StoneEgg()
- < case 7:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- < run SkyEgg()
- < else:
- < run LeafEgg()
- ---
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.SystemCheckNowStage('cField')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.EventCheck('Easter') in (1, 2)):
- > run AAA()
- 115a182,189
- >
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event87():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) == 0:
- > # No? But…b-but I just… Aaaw…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:118', false)
- > else:
- > # Well, if you don't wanna trade, then you don't wanna trade. Except I do wanna trade, so I'll ask around. Bye!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/GEvent/BO_GEvent_Easter:119', false)
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_HA_Conv_GE.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_HA_Conv_GE.evfl.txt
- 17c17
- < # You like it that much? Yeah, sure, use it all you like! That sounds awesome, <110:5>!
- ---
- > # You like it that much? Yeah, sure, use it all you want! That sounds awesome, <110:5>!
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_KO_Conv_AN.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_KO_Conv_AN.evfl.txt
- 96c96
- < # Hey! Say it, don't spray it, <110:31:cd00>! And why would you say "consarn it" after you sneezed, anyway?
- ---
- > # Hey! You should cover up when you sneeze, <110:31:cd00>! And why would you say "consarn it" afterward, anyway?
- 102c102
- < # Ew, watch where you're sneezing, would ya? And what's the deal with yelling "tarnation" after you sneeze?
- ---
- > # Ew, watch where you're sneezing, wouldja? And what's the deal with yelling "tarnation" after you sneeze?
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_End.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_End.evfl.txt
- 92c92
- < # A gift? For me? What is it?<10:4> [A|An]<125:0:0000>?<10:4> From <115:1:cd01>?! Huh. I wonder why? And why ask you to do it? Man, so many surprises a…
- ---
- > # A gift? For me? [A|An]<125:0:0000>? From <115:1:cd01>?! Huh. I wonder why? And why ask you to do it? Man, so many surprises and mysteries!
- 140c140
- < # I'm thankful for the gift. I just feel, like, I dunno…Like, not much effort went into it? But… Ah, whatever! It's the thought that counts! And, hey, …
- ---
- > # I'm thankful for the gift. I just feel like…I dunno, like not much effort went into it? But… Ah, whatever! It's the thought that counts! And, hey, it…
- 169c169
- < # Here you go! A huh huh huh, it's the <125:0:0000> that I just got back!
- ---
- > # A huh huh! I gave you <50:1> <125:0:0000> I just got back!
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Give.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Give.evfl.txt
- 27c27
- < # Is this the same one I let <115:1:cd01> borrow?
- ---
- > # Oh! I wonder if this is what I let <115:1:cd01> borrow…
- 31c31
- < # Oh man! It's wrapped up real pretty! Feels kinda like I'm getting a gift, a huh huh! Hang on… Is this really the one that I lent her?
- ---
- > # Oh man! It's wrapped up real pretty! Feels kinda like I'm getting a gift, a huh huh! Hang on… Is this really the thing that I lent her?
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Report.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_Delivery_Report.evfl.txt
- 131c131
- < # You opened it? Man, you shouldn't have done that! It was a present for <115:1:cd00>! Folks who do bad stuff get ate up by Snowsquatches! I want you t…
- ---
- > # You opened it? Man, you shouldn't have done that! It was a package for <115:1:cd00>! Folks who do bad stuff get ate up by Snowsquatches! I want you t…
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Quest_Sick_End.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Quest_Sick_End.evfl.txt
- 98c98
- < # Medicine?! Did you bring this for me? Thank you!
- ---
- > # Medicine?! Did you bring that for me? Thank you!
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Reaction_Moving.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Reaction_Moving.evfl.txt
- 60,80c60,66
- < if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkMoveOut']:
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
- < if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
- < # Huh? A new face! I don't know you, but I'm <110:10>! I used to live on this island, but I'm moving out tomorrow. <50:3>ISLAND is a real neat place, b…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:005', false)
- < run HaveAcquaintance()
- < run Sub_Event29()
- < elif (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:NextMoveOutTalk']) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChokeOffMoveOut']):
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
- < case 0:
- < # <50:3><110:4>! Hey. I've been waiting for ya! I wanted to say goodbye… And thanks for the advice when I couldn't decide if I wanted to move or not. I…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:001', false)
- < run Sub_Event29()
- < case 1:
- < # Thanks for listening to me talk about moving! I'm all packed up and ready to go! But I've been waiting for you. On TV, nobody says "goodbye."<10:4> W…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:002', false)
- < run Sub_Event29()
- < case 2:
- < # Hey, <110:4>. Look! I'm all ready to move out now! Are you here to see me off? Aw, <110:3>! I'm gonna miss ya!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:003', false)
- < run Sub_Event29()
- ---
- > if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:TalkMoveOut']:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) != 0:
- > run Free_Moveout()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
- > if MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
- > # I'm gonna shove all my snacks, and my bug friends, and my memories of this island in a sack… And I'm gonna go have an adventure!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:102', false)
- 82,95c68,107
- < # Hey, <110:3>! Sorry everything is so messy! I'm packing up to move! Oh, right, I didn't tell you yet. I'm moving out tomorrow! I dunno where I'm goin…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:004', false)
- < run Sub_Event29()
- < elif MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
- < if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
- < # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Nice to meet you! I know we just met, but I'm moving tomorrow! That's right, I'm leaving this island! Huh huh…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007', false)
- < run HaveAcquaintance()
- < run Sub_Event29()
- < elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableInviteMoveoutNPC']) and (not MainNpc.NpcInviteCheck(0)):
- < # Hey, it's <110:4>! You came to visit ISLAND again! I can't play right now, though! I'm getting ready to move! I dunno where I'm going yet. I'm just g…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:006', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- < run Scout()
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcSetMoveLandWord()
- > # Oh yeeeaah, I got some news!<10:4> I'm gonna move to <115:2:cd00>! Pretty surprising, huh? You gotta come visit if you ever wanna share some snacks!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:101', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > elif MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() not in (0, 1, 2, 3):
- > run MoveOut_Acquaintance()
- > elif MainNpc.IsSanrioNpc():
- > run Free_Moveout()
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableInviteMoveoutNPC']:
- > run Free_Moveout()
- > elif MainNpc.NpcInviteCheck(0):
- > run Free_Moveout()
- > elif not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailFlag']:
- > # I love this island, but I feel like I oughta explore. Like the wind. I saw a thing on TV about the wind. Did you know the wind goes all over the worl…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:200', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run Scout()
- > else:
- > # Yeahhh. It's not gonna be so easy to find a good island, huh? No worries! I'll roam around the world until I find somewhere with yummy food!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:203', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailVillagerMax']:
- > # Your island must be a really fun place if it has too many new friends to add more! It's a shame I can't move in, but I hope we get to meet again!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:213', false)
- > run Sub_grp_Event79()
- > elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailSellPlaceNothing']:
- > # Man, your island almost has a city if it has so many houses that it can't fit more! Ah, well. No worries! Thanks for inviting me! I hope we get to sn…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:214', false)
- > run Sub_grp_Event79()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
- > if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
- > # Huh? A new face! I don't know you, but I'm <110:10>! I used to live on this island, but I'm moving out tomorrow. <50:3>ISLAND is a real neat place, b…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:005', false)
- > run HaveAcquaintance()
- > run Sub_Event29()
- > elif (MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:NextMoveOutTalk']) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:ChokeOffMoveOut']):
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious3(true, 3):
- > case 0:
- > # <50:3><110:4>! Hey. I've been waiting for ya! I wanted to say goodbye… And thanks for the advice when I couldn't decide if I wanted to move or not. I…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:001', false)
- 97,99c109,111
- < else:
- < # Aw, thanks, <110:3>. I think I'm gonna follow the clouds for now. I've always wanted to see where they go after they blow away!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:008', false)
- ---
- > case 1:
- > # Thanks for listening to me talk about moving! I'm all packed up and ready to go! But I've been waiting for you. On TV, nobody says "goodbye."<10:4> W…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:002', false)
- 100a113,125
- > case 2:
- > # Hey, <110:4>. Look! I'm all ready to move out now! Are you here to see me off? Aw, <110:3>! I'm gonna miss ya!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:003', false)
- > run Sub_Event29()
- > else:
- > # Hey, <110:3>! Sorry everything is so messy! I'm packing up to move! Oh, right, I didn't tell you yet. I'm moving out tomorrow! I dunno where I'm goin…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:004', false)
- > run Sub_Event29()
- > elif MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
- > if not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
- > if MainNpc.IsSanrioNpc():
- > # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Well, this is kinda awkward. See, I'm heading home tomorrow. I just REALLY miss home cooking… Nobody ever get…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007_02', false)
- 102,104c127,135
- < entrypoint Event63:
- < # Oh, hey, <110:3>! Didja come to visit ISLAND again? Sorry, I can't hang out right now. I'm busy getting ready to move! Dunno where I'm going, but onc…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:006_01', false)
- ---
- > # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Nice to meet you! I know we just met, but I'm moving tomorrow! That's right, I'm leaving this island! Huh huh…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007', false)
- > run HaveAcquaintance()
- > run Sub_Event29()
- > elif (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableInviteMoveoutNPC']) and (not MainNpc.NpcInviteCheck(0)) and (not MainNpc.IsSanrioNpc()):
- > # Hey, it's <110:4>! You came to visit ISLAND again! I can't play right now, though! I'm getting ready to move! I dunno where I'm going yet. I'm just g…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:006', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run Scout()
- 106,108d136
- < else:
- < if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
- < run MoveOut_Acquaintance()
- 110,113c138,139
- < MainNpc.NpcSetMoveLandWord()
- < # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Well, this is kinda awkward. See, I already decided to move away tomorrow. A huh huh huh… Oh! You could come …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007_01', false)
- < run HaveAcquaintance()
- ---
- > # Aw, thanks, <110:3>. I think I'm gonna follow the clouds for now. I've always wanted to see where they go after they blow away!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:008', false)
- 115,120d140
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious2(2, true) != 0:
- < run Free_Moveout()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
- < if MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() in (0, 1, 2, 3):
- < # I'm gonna shove all my snacks, and my bug friends, and my memories of this island in a sack… And I'm gonna go have an adventure!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:102', false)
- 122,136c142,148
- < MainNpc.NpcSetMoveLandWord()
- < # Oh yeeeaah, I got some news!<10:4> I'm gonna move to <115:2:cd00>! Pretty surprising, huh? You gotta come visit if you ever wanna share some snacks!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:101', false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- < elif MainNpc.NpcMoveOutState() not in (0, 1, 2, 3):
- < run MoveOut_Acquaintance()
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EnableInviteMoveoutNPC']:
- < run Free_Moveout()
- < elif MainNpc.NpcInviteCheck(0):
- < run Free_Moveout()
- < elif not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailFlag']:
- < # I love this island, but I feel like I oughta explore. Like the wind. I saw a thing on TV about the wind. Did you know the wind goes all over the worl…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:200', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- < run Scout()
- ---
- > entrypoint Event63:
- > # Oh, hey, <110:3>! Didja come to visit ISLAND again? Sorry, I can't hang out right now. I'm busy getting ready to move! Dunno where I'm going, but onc…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:006_01', false)
- > run Sub_Event29()
- > else:
- > if MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:HasAcquaintanceship']:
- > run MoveOut_Acquaintance()
- 138,148c150,154
- < # Yeahhh. It's not gonna be so easy to find a good island, huh? No worries! I'll roam around the world until I find somewhere with yummy food!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:203', false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- < elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailVillagerMax']:
- < # Your island must be a really fun place if it has too many new friends to add more! It's a shame I can't move in, but I hope we get to meet again!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:213', false)
- < run Sub_grp_Event79()
- < elif MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:InduceFailSellPlaceNothing']:
- < # Man, your island almost has a city if it has so many houses that it can't fit more! Ah, well. No worries! Thanks for inviting me! I hope we get to sn…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:214', false)
- < run Sub_grp_Event79()
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcSetMoveLandWord()
- > # Uhhh… Have we met before? I'm <110:10>! Well, this is kinda awkward. See, I already decided to move away tomorrow. A huh huh huh… Oh! You could come …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_MoveOut:007_01', false)
- > run HaveAcquaintance()
- > run Sub_Event29()
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Reaction_Napping.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Reaction_Napping.evfl.txt
- 50a51,52
- > MainNpc.SetDefaultWaitAs('cDefault')
- > MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, false, false)
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Reaction_Receive.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Reaction_Receive.evfl.txt
- 46,50c46,48
- < else:
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] < 1:
- < # Back for the <item>Bunny Day crown recipe? Or did you wanna hang out with ants?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:001', false)
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12445, false)
- ---
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] >= 1:
- > if (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12447, '')) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag']):
- > run EasterNpc_GetEgg_Recieve()
- 55,66c53,83
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- < # Huh? Are your pockets still fulla snacks? A huh huh! It's OK. Mine are too, <110:5>. But still, you should go clear some pocket space for the recipe!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:011', false)
- < else:
- < MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # I bet all the bugs'll love what you do with that, <110:5>!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:010', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] += 1
- < MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterGetRecipeFlag'] = true
- ---
- > run Sub_grp_Event2()
- > elif (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12445, '')) and (not MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag']):
- > run EasterNpc_GetEgg_Recieve()
- > else:
- > # Back for the <item>Bunny Day crown recipe? Or did you wanna hang out with ants?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:001', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12445, false)
- > run Sub_grp_Event2()
- >
- > flow EasterNpc_GetEgg_Recieve():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] < 1:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12514, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12513, 5, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > MainNpc.SetItemName(0, 1, 0)
- > # Hi again, <110:3>! Back for my <125:0:0200>?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:200', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # Whew! I'm so glad to get rid of those. Plus I bet you'll do something cool with them. Like eat 'em!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:201', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] += 1
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterGetRecipeFlag'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > else:
- > # Uh…this is still awkward, 'cause your pockets are still too full. You gotta make room for 5 of these! C'mooon!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:202', false)
- 133a151,166
- >
- > local flow Sub_grp_Event2():
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > # Huh? Are your pockets still fulla snacks? A huh huh! It's OK. Mine are too, <110:5>. But still, you should go clear some pocket space for the recipe!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:011', false)
- > else:
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterCannotGetNnpcIsRecipeFlag'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterCannotGetNnpcRecipeFlag'] = false
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # I bet all the bugs'll love what you do with that, <110:5>!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkNNpc/B1_Bo/React/BO_React_Receive_Easter:010', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:EasterNnpcRecipeCount'] += 1
- > MainNpc.EventFlags['cNpcMemory:EasterGetRecipeFlag'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Select_Furniture.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Select_Furniture.evfl.txt
- 72c72
- < # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's Valentine's Day! Riiiiiiiight… Sorry, I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised. Lik…
- ---
- > # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's a Valentine's Day gift! Riiiiiight… Sorry—I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised.…
- 101c101
- < # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's Valentine's Day! Riiiiiiiight… Sorry, I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised. Lik…
- ---
- > # Huh? But why would you get me [a|an]<125:0:0000>? Oh! It's a Valentine's Day gift! Riiiiiight… Sorry—I was just surprised. But it's a good surprised.…
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_Select_Sell_Gift.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_Select_Sell_Gift.evfl.txt
- 45,54c45,56
- < switch MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel():
- < case 0, 1:
- < MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(0, 0)
- < MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(3)
- < case 2, 3:
- < MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(1, 0)
- < MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
- < case 4, 5:
- < MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(2, 0)
- < MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(1)
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.UISelectedItemPrice('cItemSelect') >= 3000:
- > run Sub_Event7()
- > else:
- > switch MainNpc.CheckNpcFavorLevel():
- > case 0, 1:
- > MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(0, 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(3)
- > case 2, 3:
- > MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(1, 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(2)
- > case 4, 5:
- > run Sub_Event7()
- 58a61,64
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event7():
- > MainNpc.NpcDecideGeneralQuestReward(2, 0)
- > MainNpc.NpcAddFriendship(1)
- diff -r 1.8.0/NNPC_ZK_Conv_KO.evfl.txt 1.9.0/NNPC_ZK_Conv_KO.evfl.txt
- 133c133
- < # There you go! I knew you'd come through for this old silver <110:15>, <110:3>. Gahaha!
- ---
- > # There you go! I knew you'd come through for me, <110:3>. You're the best! Gahaha!
- 229c229
- < # Yeah! It's that in the grand scheme of things, havin' good hair just ain't that important. It's kindness and goodwill to your fellow <110:15>, kiddo.
- ---
- > # Yeah! It's that, in the grand scheme of things, havin' good hair just ain't that important. It's kindness and goodwill to your fellow neighbor, kiddo.
- diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_RcoMachine_Amiibo.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_RcoMachine_Amiibo.evfl.txt
- 108a109
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SetUnlockFlagCollaboAmiiboNPC()
- diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_RcoMachine.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_RcoMachine.evfl.txt
- 24a25,28
- > flow ChkMydesignPro2():
- > if (System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuUnlockMydesingPro']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.OfficeLevel() == `ResServiceBuilding`):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AddHowtoBookMydesignPro2'] = true
- >
- 99a104,114
- > flow ExplainMydesignPro2AndRcoSelSeq():
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMachineExplainMydesignPro2']:
- > run RcoSelSeq()
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AddHowtoBookMydesignPro2']:
- > # System Notification You can now redeem Nook Miles to expand the features of your Custom Design Pro Editor app.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:582', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:RcoMachineExplainMydesignPro2'] = true
- > run RcoSelSeq()
- > else:
- > run RcoSelSeq()
- >
- 299a315
- > run ChkMydesignPro2()
- 310c326
- < run RcoSelSeq()
- ---
- > run ExplainMydesignPro2AndRcoSelSeq()
- 317c333
- < run RcoSelSeq()
- ---
- > run ExplainMydesignPro2AndRcoSelSeq()
- 319c335
- < run RcoSelSeq()
- ---
- > run ExplainMydesignPro2AndRcoSelSeq()
- diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange.evfl.txt
- 17c17
- < if SubflowResults@3[2] in (0, 1):
- ---
- > if SubflowResults@4[2] in (0, 1, 3):
- 67,68c67,71
- < if (EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(9221, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect')) and (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']):
- < run RcoMachine_Cmn_NoDIY()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(9221, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > run Sub_Event79()
- > else:
- > run RcoMachine_Cmn_NoDIY()
- 70,106c73,74
- < # Redeem <90:40:cd00> for [a|an]<125:0:0000>?
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:012', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SonkatsuBuyDone(false)
- < switch SubflowResults@3[2]:
- < case 0:
- < run Cmn_PrintOutDemo()
- < # Your order has been printed.
- < Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:031', true)
- < Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketTake')
- < switch SubflowResults@10[1]:
- < case 0:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Pop')
- < case 1:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Cool')
- < case 2:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Color')
- < case 3:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Pocket30')
- < case 4:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Pocket40')
- < case 5:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ItemRing')
- < case 6:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Body_Color')
- < case 7:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Eye_Color')
- < case 8:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Rock')
- < case 9:
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ReactionSet1')
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- < case 1:
- < run MileExchange_GetApp_MyDesignPRO()
- < case 2:
- < run MileExchange_Get_ToolRecipesData()
- ---
- > if SubflowResults@5[2] in (0, 1, 2, 3):
- > run Sub_Event79()
- 108c76
- < run ReChangeItem()
- ---
- > run MileExchange_MyDesignShowcase()
- 157a126,131
- > flow MileExchange_MyDesignPRO2():
- > run Cmn_AppUpdateDemo()
- > run RecipeReceiveing2_End()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerMutterDemo('Get_MydesignPRO2', 'cNowDemoEnd', 'Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 158a133
- > # This adds Custom Designs Portal access to the NookPhone's Custom Designs app. An active Nintendo Switch Online membership is required to use the Cust…
- 243a219,261
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event79():
- > # Redeem <90:40:cd00> for [a|an]<125:0:0000>?
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:012', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SonkatsuBuyDone(false)
- > switch SubflowResults@4[2]:
- > case 0:
- > run Cmn_PrintOutDemo()
- > # Your order has been printed.
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_RcoMachine:031', true)
- > Player.PlayerChangeDemoState('cTicketTake')
- > switch SubflowResults@10[1]:
- > case 0:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Pop')
- > case 1:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Cool')
- > case 2:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Color')
- > case 3:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Pocket30')
- > case 4:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Pocket40')
- > case 5:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ItemRing')
- > case 6:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Body_Color')
- > case 7:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Eye_Color')
- > case 8:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_Hair_Rock')
- > case 9:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReservePlayerTicketGetDemo('Player_GetDemo_MileExchange', 'Get_ReactionSet1')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > case 1:
- > run MileExchange_GetApp_MyDesignPRO()
- > case 2:
- > run MileExchange_Get_ToolRecipesData()
- > case 3:
- > run MileExchange_MyDesignPRO2()
- > else:
- > run ReChangeItem()
- diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange_Process.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_RcoMachine_MileExchange_Process.evfl.txt
- 25a26,29
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(13195, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > SubflowResults[2] = 3
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.MultiItemSelectInclude(14158, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 'cItemSelect'):
- > SubflowResults[2] = 4
- diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_Snowman.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_Snowman.evfl.txt
- 191c191
- < # All snowfolks melt sooner or later. Might as well enjoy the ride…and do it all again next year!
- ---
- > # All snowfolks melt sooner or later. Might as well enjoy the ride…and do it all again next winter!
- 217c217
- < # OK. Here's my last wish of the year: Next time you make me, try to make me look a little more…cool.
- ---
- > # OK. Here's my last wish…for now. Next time you make me, try to make me look a little more…cool.
- 276c276
- < # Well, I hope to see you next year, but I guess that depends on whether or not you build me again!
- ---
- > # Well, I hope to see you next winter, but I guess that depends on whether or not you build me again!
- diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery_01_MainScene.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery_01_MainScene.evfl.txt
- 32,33c32,33
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsDreaming():
- < EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:MyDesignExchangeInDream')
- ---
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayerTemp:EnterSceneByMydesignShowcaseApp']:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReturnStage('', 'cMyDesignAppBack', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cBlack', 0.5, 0.5)
- 35,36c35,39
- < EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:MyDesignExchange')
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ReturnStage('', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cBlack', 0.5, 0.5)
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.NetIsDreaming():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:MyDesignExchangeInDream')
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.CameraReserveFirstStateCommand('Talk:MyDesignExchange')
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ReturnStage('', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cMyDesignBack', 'cBlack', 0.5, 0.5)
- diff -r 1.8.0/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Obj_WorldMyDesignGallery.evfl.txt
- 27a28,41
- > flow EntryPoint_CheckMydesignApp():
- > SubflowResults[0] = 0
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MydesignExchangeTalkAboutMobile']:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuMydesignShowcase']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MydesignExchangeTalkAboutMobile'] = true
- > else:
- > run EntryPoint_ExplainMydesignApp()
- >
- > flow EntryPoint_ExplainMydesignApp():
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MydesignExchangeTalkAboutMobile'] = true
- > # Welcome to the Custom Designs Portal! By the way, the NookPhone's Custom Designs app can now be upgraded to access the Custom Designs Portal. Visit y…
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:101', false)
- >
- 39a54,91
- > flow EntryPoint_SkipFirstAccess():
- > run EntryPoint_CheckMydesignApp()
- > if SubflowResults@2[0] == 0:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasDesignerID():
- > # A world of creativity awaits within the Custom Designs Portal! Are you ready to access it online?
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:030', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- > case 0:
- > run EntryPoint_SignIn()
- > case 1:
- > run EntryPoint_AuthorID()
- > case 2:
- > run EntryPoint_Cancel()
- > else:
- > # A world of creativity awaits here at the Custom Designs Portal! Would you like to access this internet kiosk?
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:011', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run EntryPoint_SignIn()
- > else:
- > run EntryPoint_Cancel()
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasDesignerID():
- > # Are you ready to access the Custom Designs Portal online?
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:103', false)
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- > case 0:
- > run EntryPoint_SignIn()
- > case 1:
- > run EntryPoint_AuthorID()
- > case 2:
- > run EntryPoint_Cancel()
- > else:
- > # Are you ready to access the Custom Designs Portal online?
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:102', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- > run EntryPoint_SignIn()
- > else:
- > run EntryPoint_Cancel()
- >
- 70c122,124
- < elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MyDesignExchangeFirstAccess']:
- ---
- > elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MyDesignExchangeFirstAccess']:
- > run EntryPoint_SkipFirstAccess()
- > else:
- 73,76c127,129
- < # A world of creativity awaits via the Custom Designs Portal! You can download custom designs from creators all over the world and even share your own …
- < EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:010', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- < run EntryPoint_SignIn()
- ---
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MydesignExchangeTalkAboutMobile'] = true
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuMydesignShowcase']:
- > run EntryPoint_SkipFirstAccess()
- 78,83c131,133
- < run EntryPoint_Cancel()
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.NetHasDesignerID():
- < # A world of creativity awaits within the Custom Designs Portal! Are you ready to access it online?
- < EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:030', false)
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice3():
- < case 0:
- ---
- > # A world of creativity awaits via the Custom Designs Portal! You can download custom designs from creators all over the world and even share your own …
- > EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:100', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- 85,87c135
- < case 1:
- < run EntryPoint_AuthorID()
- < case 2:
- ---
- > else:
- 89,95d136
- < else:
- < # A world of creativity awaits here at the Custom Designs Portal! Would you like to access this internet kiosk?
- < EventFlowSystemActor.OpenMessageWindow('TalkObj/OBJ_WorldMyDesignGallery:011', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.GeneralTalkChoice2() == 0:
- < run EntryPoint_SignIn()
- < else:
- < run EntryPoint_Cancel()
- diff -r 1.8.0/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Player_GetDemo_MileExchange.evfl.txt
- 119a120,129
- > flow Get_MydesignPRO2():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:UnlockMydesignPro2'] = true
- > # Now I can make even more items with Pro custom designs! I can't wait to start creating lots of new designs!
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_12', false)
- >
- > flow Get_MydesignShowcase():
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuMydesignShowcase'] = true
- > # Yes! Now I can access the Custom Designs Portal from my Custom Designs app!
- > Player.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSys/SYS_Player:210_15', false)
- >
- Only in 1.9.0: Player_MydesignShowcaseApp.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.8.0/Player_StartGamePhoneCall.evfl.txt 1.9.0/Player_StartGamePhoneCall.evfl.txt
- 198,200c198
- < if SubflowResults@2[5] == 0:
- < run PhoneTalkEnd2()
- < else:
- ---
- > if SubflowResults@2[5] != 0:
- 205c203
- < run PhoneTalkEnd2()
- ---
- > run PhoneTalkEnd2()
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_alp_01_Studio.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_alp_01_Studio.evfl.txt
- 111,126c111,124
- < # You've done a lot for us, squirt. We really appreciate it. Here, this is somethin' the two of us worked on. It's a DIY recipe for a <item>wedding wan…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:020', false)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12695, false)
- < if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- < # Just a sec. You do know your way around DIY, don'tcha? So, basically, DIY is makin' tools and furniture and such, and it's pretty fun once you get a …
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:024', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- < if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
- < MainNpc.SetEventRewardToPlayerBaggage('cFree')
- < # I went ahead and stuck it in your pockets. Hope you don't mind. Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:023', false)
- < else:
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
- ---
- > run tst()
- >
- > flow tst():
- > # You've done a lot for us, squirt. We really appreciate it. Here, this is somethin' the two of us worked on. It's a DIY recipe for a <item>wedding wan…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:020', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12695, false)
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > # Just a sec. You do know your way around DIY, don'tcha? So, basically, DIY is makin' tools and furniture and such, and it's pretty fun once you get a …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:024', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- > if MainNpc.NpcIsSitting() in (0, 1, 2, 3, 5):
- > MainNpc.SetEventRewardToPlayerBaggage('cFree')
- > # I went ahead and stuck it in your pockets. Hope you don't mind. Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:023', false)
- 128,129c126,127
- < # Hm! I don't think I can give it to you on account of your pockets bein' full.<10:4> Not to worry. I'll just mail it to ya!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:022', false)
- ---
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- 132,134c130,137
- < EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAlw_Alp', 'MAIL_SNpc_alw_JuneBride', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 4)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideGetStickFrag'] = true
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- ---
- > else:
- > # Hm! I don't think I can give it to you on account of your pockets bein' full.<10:4> Not to worry. I'll just mail it to ya!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:022', false)
- > # Be sure to think of us when you're makin' it, ya hear?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/alp/GEvent/SP_alp_GEvent_JuneBride:021', false)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemMailSend('cAlw_Alp', 'MAIL_SNpc_alw_JuneBride', 'cFastTomorrow', 'cReward', 'cNone', false, 4)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:AlpJuneBrideGetStickFrag'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_hgh_10_Mydesign.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_hgh_10_Mydesign.evfl.txt
- 88c88
- < # Oh! It looks like you saved over the design you're wearing now. Don't worry. The design you have on now will stay right where it is until you want to…
- ---
- > # Oh! It looks like you saved over the design you're using now. Don't worry. The design you have now will stay right where it is until you want to chan…
- 210c210
- < # Hey, didja know that the design you're taking with you is what we call a pro custom design? On a normal custom design, it's one picture on the front …
- ---
- > # Hey, didja know that the design you're taking with you is what we call a Pro custom design? On a normal custom design, it's one picture on the front …
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_hgh.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_hgh.evfl.txt
- 2a3
- > run Regulation()
- 24a26
- > run Regulation()
- 34a37
- > run Regulation()
- 186a190,194
- >
- > flow Regulation():
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
- > default:
- > return
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_owl_00_Common.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_owl_00_Common.evfl.txt
- 136,137d135
- < else:
- < return
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_owl_24_Museum_StampRally.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_owl_24_Museum_StampRally.evfl.txt
- 46a47
- > run QuestJoin()
- 54c55
- < run QuestJoin()
- ---
- > run QuestJoin()
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_pyn_01_EasterPreVisit.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_pyn_01_EasterPreVisit.evfl.txt
- 69,72c69,74
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- < # Also, I have something for ya. Wait a minute! Your pockets are full. Come talk to me when you have less stuff in there. But make sure it's before the…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:018', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = true
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12414, ''):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12514, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- > run Sub_Event23()
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event4()
- 74,81c76,79
- < # And here's a little something I made for you too!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12414, false)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # That's a recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bed. You can craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I've hi…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetPreVisitRecipeFlag'] = true
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > run Sub_Event4()
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event23()
- 84,86c82,88
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- < # Well? Didja make room in your pockets or what? Look, kid, I can't give you your present if you don't make some room.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:020', false)
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12414, ''):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12514, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- > run Sub_Event32()
- > else:
- > # Well? Didja make room in your pockets or what? Look, kid, I can't give you your present if you don't make some room.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:020', false)
- 88,96c90,94
- < # Hey! Look at you! Ya freed up those pockets of yours. Here you go then!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:019', false)
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12414, false)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # That's a recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bed. You can craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I've hi…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = false
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetPreVisitRecipeFlag'] = true
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > # Well? Didja make room in your pockets or what? Look, kid, I can't give you your present if you don't make some room.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:020', false)
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event32()
- 98c96,97
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynExplainEasterDateFlag']:
- ---
- > else:
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynExplainEasterDateFlag']:
- 100,118c99,149
- < switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
- < case 0:
- < # You won't find eggs… inside any buildings. I haven't hidden them there. Outside's the place! Go there to search… for all my eggy fare! Check trees an…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:022', false)
- < return
- < case 1:
- < # Don't forget to look for the Bunny Day DIY recipes I've hidden around the island. I LOVE hiding stuff, and I'll hide more recipes every day until it'…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:023', false)
- < return
- < case 2:
- < MainNpc.NpcStartAS('NpcSpPynDance', false, false)
- < # The time has come! Let's look for eggs! That's my bunny plan!<10:8:00780000> They're here! They're there! They're everywhere! Find them if you can!<1…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:024_01', false)
- < MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, true, false)
- < # …Hey! Aren't you gonna go find 'em?
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:024_02', false)
- < return
- < case 3:
- < run Sub_Event49()
- ---
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.RandomChoiceExcludePrevious4(4, true):
- > case 0:
- > # You won't find eggs… inside any buildings. I haven't hidden them there. Outside's the place! Go there to search… for all my eggy fare! Check trees an…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:022', false)
- > return
- > case 1:
- > # Don't forget to look for the Bunny Day DIY recipes I've hidden around the island. I LOVE hiding stuff, and I'll hide more recipes every day until it'…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:023', false)
- > return
- > case 2:
- > MainNpc.NpcStartAS('NpcSpPynDance', false, false)
- > # The time has come! Let's look for eggs! That's my bunny plan!<10:8:00780000> They're here! They're there! They're everywhere! Find them if you can!<1…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:024_01', false)
- > MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, true, false)
- > # …Hey! Aren't you gonna go find 'em?
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:024_02', false)
- > return
- > case 3:
- > run Sub_Event49()
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event49()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event23():
- > # And here's a little something I made for you too!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12414, ''):
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # There's 10 <item>water eggs, all for you. Simple as that, your egg collection just grew! «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I'…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017_01', false)
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12414, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # That's a recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bed. You can craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I've hi…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017', false)
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetPreVisitRecipeFlag'] = true
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event32():
- > # Hey! Look at you! Ya freed up those pockets of yours. Here you go then!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:019', false)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12414, ''):
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # There's 10 <item>water eggs, all for you. Simple as that, your egg collection just grew! «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I'…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017_01', false)
- 120c151,165
- < run Sub_Event49()
- ---
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12414, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # That's a recipe for a <item>Bunny Day bed. You can craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a big announcement! I sure hope you like this…» I've hi…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:017', false)
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = false
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetPreVisitRecipeFlag'] = true
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event4():
- > # Also, I have something for ya. Wait a minute! Your pockets are full. Come talk to me when you have less stuff in there. But make sure it's before the…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:018', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = true
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_pyn_02_EasterDay.evfl.txt
- 6,7c6,27
- < # That look on your face says it all… Did you really complete my tasks, both big and small?! You crafted the <item>wobbling Zipper toy too? Yippee-yaho…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:204', false)
- ---
- > run Sub_Event127()
- > elif (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsMadeCraftRecipe('cAND', 12398, 12414, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMadeCraftUnlockRecipe('EasterNpc', 'cAND')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMadeCraftUnlockRecipe('EasterRand', 'cAND')):
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12412, ''):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsMadeCraftRecipe('cAND', 12412, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCompleteDiyMissionFlag'] = true
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12578, ''):
- > # That look on your face says it all… Did you really make all my recipes, both big and small?! Yippee-yahoo! I knew I could count on you! And I promise…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:204_01', false)
- > run DiyCompleteReward_2()
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event127()
- > else:
- > # What now? Did I HARE you correctly? You crafted all the recipes I hid around the island?! There's one final challenge. It fills me with glee. You got…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:200_01', true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- > else:
- > # What now? Did I HARE you correctly? You crafted all the recipes I hid around the island?! My oh my! I knew you'd try! But you really finished the tas…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:200', true)
- > EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
- > # <10:12>«EXCEPT THIS ONE OTHER THING!» Did you really think it'd be that easy? Ugh, kids today have it so good. That's right, I need you to do ONE mor…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:201', false)
- 9,10c29,30
- < # Uh-oh. I'm afraid your pockets are full to the brim… Come back after you've found some items to trim!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:208', false)
- ---
- > # Looks like your pockets are full, my friend. Make some room, and we can try again.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:203', false)
- 14,33c34,41
- < run DiyCompleteReward()
- < elif (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerIsMadeCraftRecipe('cAND', 12398, 12414, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534, 65534)) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMadeCraftUnlockRecipe('EasterNpc', 'cAND')) and (EventFlowSystemActor.IsMadeCraftUnlockRecipe('EasterRand', 'cAND')):
- < # What now? Did I HARE you correctly? You crafted all the recipes I hid around the island?! My oh my! I knew you'd try! But you really finished the tas…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:200', true)
- < EventFlowSystemActor.WaitFrame(10)
- < # <10:12>«EXCEPT THIS ONE OTHER THING!» Did you really think it'd be that easy? Ugh, kids today have it so good. That's right, I need you to do ONE mor…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:201', false)
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- < # Looks like your pockets are full, my friend. Make some room, and we can try again.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:203', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = true
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- < else:
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12412, false)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # This final challenge fills me with glee. You gotta craft a toy that looks… like ME! Yessirree! It's a <item>wobbling Zipper toy! Craft this recipe an…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:202', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- ---
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12412, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # This final challenge fills me with glee. You gotta craft a toy that looks… like ME! Yessirree! It's a <item>wobbling Zipper toy! Craft this recipe an…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:202', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- 42,54c50,53
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12578, false)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # It's a wonderfully wonderful recipe for a <item>Bunny Day wand! What do you mean, "Just another recipe?" Sheesh. Lookin' for a little gratitude here.…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:205', false)
- < MainNpc.NpcStartAS('NpcSpPynDance', false, false)
- < # You're the winner! Yes you are! Congratulations! You're a star!<10:7:00820000>
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:206', false)
- < MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, true, false)
- < # Hippity hop! The fun doesn't have to stop! The Bunny Day festivities will continue all day today, so go have a hoppin' good time! And thanks for jump…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:207', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCompleteDiyMissionFlag'] = true
- < EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- ---
- > run Event220()
- >
- > flow DiyCompleteReward_2():
- > run Event345()
- 192,193c191,216
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- < run Sub_Event24()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12510, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- > # Ya know what, I also have a surprise for someBUNNY very special…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:107', false)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's 10 <item>stone eggs to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find each and …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108_01', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108', false)
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- > else:
- > # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event24()
- 195,202c218,241
- < # Ya know what, I also have a surprise for someBUNNY very special…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:107', false)
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > run Sub_Event24()
- > else:
- > # Ya know what, I also have a surprise for someBUNNY very special…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:107', false)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's 10 <item>stone eggs to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find each and …
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108_01', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # And that someBUNNY is you! Here's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe to say thanks for all you do. Well then! You better hop to it if you're going to find…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:108', false)
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- > else:
- > # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- 220,221c259,281
- < if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- < run Sub_Event24()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12510, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- > # And here's a little something I made for you too!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # There's 10 <item>stone eggs for you to use. If you craft with 'em, there's no way you can lose! «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, ki…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113_01', false)
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # That's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Go ahead and craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, kid? Whatever.…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113', false)
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event24()
- 223,230c283,303
- < # And here's a little something I made for you too!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # That's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Go ahead and craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, kid? Whatever.…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > run Sub_Event24()
- > else:
- > # And here's a little something I made for you too!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:016', false)
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # There's 10 <item>stone eggs for you to use. If you craft with 'em, there's no way you can lose! «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, ki…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113_01', false)
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # That's a <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Go ahead and craft it with the eggs you find. «And now, a grand announcement! Are you listening, kid? Whatever.…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:113', false)
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- 282c355
- < # Outside's the place! Go there to search… for all my eggy fare! Check trees and rocks! Check the water too. And look up in the air!
- ---
- > # Outside's the place! Go there to search… for all my eggy fare! Check trees and rocks! Go fish some up. And look up in the air!
- 434,436c507,513
- < elif EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- < # … Maybe you didn't HARE me the first time, but your pockets are full. Go make some room, and then come back and see me again.
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:220', false)
- ---
- > elif (not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag']) and (EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, '')):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12510, 10, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.ShoppingCapacity('cReward', 65534):
- > run Sub_Event250(EggNum=EggNum)
- > else:
- > # … Maybe you didn't HARE me the first time, but your pockets are full. Go make some room, and then come back and see me again.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:220', false)
- 438,453c515,517
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = false
- < # EGGScuse me?<10:4> Oh! Right! You're back for the thing I promised. Alright, here you go!
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:221', false)
- < if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag']:
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynTalkPreVisitDayFlag']:
- < # It's the <item>Bunny Day arch recipe I told ya about. Now, I'm HOPPY to see you jumping into the Bunny Day fun, but there's lots more that needs to b…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:222', false)
- < else:
- < # That's the <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Sorry, I couldn't give it to you earlier. Craft one with the eggs you find. «And now, listen up!«» You need t…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:223', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- < elif System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag']:
- < run DiyCompleteReward()
- ---
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > # … Maybe you didn't HARE me the first time, but your pockets are full. Go make some room, and then come back and see me again.
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:220', false)
- 455,460c519
- < MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12412, false)
- < MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- < MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- < # It's the recipe for the wonderful <item>wobbling Zipper toy I couldn't give you earlier. Like I said, kid, a fantastic reward awaits if you craft it.…
- < MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:224', false)
- < System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
- ---
- > run Sub_Event250(EggNum=EggNum)
- 468a528,551
- > local flow Sub_Event127():
- > # That look on your face says it all… Did you really complete my tasks, both big and small?! You crafted the <item>wobbling Zipper toy too? Yippee-yaho…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:204', false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > run Sub_Event171()
- > else:
- > entrypoint Event345:
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12578, ''):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SelectRewardItemDirect(12578, 1, 'cVillageRemakePattern', 0)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.SystemBaggageSpace('cPocketBag') < 1:
- > run Sub_Event171()
- > else:
- > run Sub_Event333()
- > else:
- > entrypoint Event220:
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12578, false)
- > run Sub_Event333()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event171():
- > # Uh-oh. I'm afraid your pockets are full to the brim… Come back after you've found some items to trim!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:208', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- >
- 472a556,618
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event250(EggNum: int):
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCannotGetItemFlag'] = false
- > # EGGScuse me?<10:4> Oh! Right! You're back for the thing I promised. Alright, here you go!
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:221', true)
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag']:
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12398, ''):
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynTalkPreVisitDayFlag']:
- > # It's the 10 <item>stone eggs I told ya about. So let's have a smile and put away that pout! Now, I'm HOPPY to see you jumping into the Bunny Day fun,…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:222_01', false)
- > else:
- > # That's 10 <item>stone eggs! Sorry that I couldn't give 'em to you earlier, either face-to-face or by courier. «And now, listen up!«» You need to HARE…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:223_01', false)
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
- > else:
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12398, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynTalkPreVisitDayFlag']:
- > # It's the <item>Bunny Day arch recipe I told ya about. Now, I'm HOPPY to see you jumping into the Bunny Day fun, but there's lots more that needs to b…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:222', false)
- > else:
- > # That's the <item>Bunny Day arch recipe! Sorry, I couldn't give it to you earlier. Craft one with the eggs you find. «And now, listen up!«» You need t…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:223', false)
- > if not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:MainmenuRecipe']:
- > # What's this? What's that? It's caught my eye… You don't know how to DIY! That's a super-di-diddly problem. You can't experience the magic of Bunny Da…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:230', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFirstRecipeEasterDayFlag'] = true
- > elif not System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag']:
- > MainNpc.NpcSetRewardRecipe(12412, false)
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > # It's the recipe for the wonderful <item>wobbling Zipper toy I couldn't give you earlier. Like I said, kid, a fantastic reward awaits if you craft it.…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:224', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynGetFinalMissionRecipeFlag'] = true
- > elif EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12578, ''):
- > run DiyCompleteReward_2()
- > else:
- > run DiyCompleteReward()
- >
- > local flow Sub_Event333():
- > MainNpc.MessageSuspend()
- > MainNpc.SetDeliveryItem(1, true)
- > MainNpc.NpcDelivery(1, 'Default')
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.PlayerHasCraftRecipe(12578, ''):
- > # Here it is—your <item>Bunny Day wand! It's my gift to you for going above and beyond. After all this EGGScellent crafting, I think one more Bunny Day…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:205_01', false)
- > else:
- > # It's a wonderfully wonderful recipe for a <item>Bunny Day wand! What do you mean, "Just another recipe?" Sheesh. Lookin' for a little gratitude here.…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:205', false)
- > MainNpc.NpcStartAS('NpcSpPynDance', false, false)
- > # You're the winner! Yes you are! Congratulations! You're a star!<10:7:00820000>
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:206', false)
- > MainNpc.CharacterEmoticonAction('EmotEnd', '', 0, true, false)
- > # Hippity hop! The fun doesn't have to stop! The Bunny Day festivities will continue all day today, so go have a hoppin' good time! And thanks for jump…
- > MainNpc.OpenMessageWindow('TalkSNpc/pyn/SP_pyn:207', false)
- > System.EventFlags['cPlayer:PynCompleteDiyMissionFlag'] = true
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Common_Sell.evfl.txt
- 6c6
- < # Ah… My apologies, but… We cannot accept any fake works of art… I'm sorry for the hassle, but please reselect what you'd like to sell.
- ---
- > # Ah… My apologies, but…we cannot accept any fake works of art… I'm sorry for the hassle, but can we start over exactly where we were and pretend this …
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Groceries.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm_00_Groceries.evfl.txt
- 6a7
- > run SNPC_rcm::Regulation()
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rcm_13_BuyMultipleItems.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm_13_BuyMultipleItems.evfl.txt
- 19c19
- < # <50:3><125:0:0000>? I can sell in singles or in bulk. How many would you like?
- ---
- > # <50:3><125:0:0200>? I can sell in singles or in bulk. How many would you like?
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rcm.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rcm.evfl.txt
- 2a3
- > run Regulation()
- 61a63,67
- > flow Regulation():
- > switch EventFlowSystemActor.IsMyVillage():
- > default:
- > return
- >
- 63a70
- > run Regulation()
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_rco_93_BlancoSettings.evfl.txt
- 38c38
- < EventFlowSystemActor.NotifyUseNSOAppli('cNotifyUseNSOAppli', true)
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(false, false)
- 42,43c42,47
- < EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
- < run WebSetting_Activate_Success()
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NotifyUseNSOAppli('cNotifyUseNSOAppli', true)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > run WebSetting_Activate_Failed()
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.MessageSuspend()
- > run WebSetting_Activate_Success()
- 110c114,118
- < run WebSetting_Upload_Success()
- ---
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(false, false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > run WebSetting_Upload_Failed()
- > else:
- > run WebSetting_Upload_Success()
- diff -r 1.8.0/SNPC_sza_00_Common.evfl.txt 1.9.0/SNPC_sza_00_Common.evfl.txt
- 138c138
- < run SNPC_sza_01_Sonmin::Root()
- ---
- > run SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager::Root()
- 151c151
- < run SNPC_sza_01_Sonmin::Root()
- ---
- > run SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager::Root()
- Only in 1.9.0: SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager_01_ResetHabit.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.9.0: SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager_02_ResetCloth.evfl.txt
- Only in 1.9.0: SNPC_sza_70_AboutVillager.evfl.txt
- diff -r 1.8.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_GrowUp.evfl.txt
- 37a38
- > System.EventFlags['cLand:GrowUpAfterPatch1_9'] = true
- 83a85,87
- > flow IsJoinNSO():
- > EventFlowSystemActor.CheckAoCWithEnsureNSO('AOC_EventFlag_002', false, 'AOC_EventFlag_001', true)
- >
- 94a99
- > run IsJoinNSO()
- 103a109
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(true, true)
- diff -r 1.8.0/System_GrowUp_GameProcess.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_GrowUp_GameProcess.evfl.txt
- 88d87
- < run EasterFlagChk()
- diff -r 1.8.0/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_SaveGameClose.evfl.txt
- 32a33,34
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.NetMode() == 2:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(true, true)
- diff -r 1.8.0/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_ServerRegistration.evfl.txt
- 77a78,83
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(true, false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- > if Terminate:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.ExitFlowchart()
- 99a106,109
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.NetUploadRewardUnlock(true, false)
- > if EventFlowSystemActor.CheckErrorType(2):
- > SubflowResults[0] = 1
- diff -r 1.8.0/System_SharePlay_Controller.evfl.txt 1.9.0/System_SharePlay_Controller.evfl.txt
- 43a44,49
- > if System.EventFlags['cPlayer:TownNewsReserve']:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.BroadcastDemoStart()
- > if (System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOffice']) and (not System.EventFlags['cLand:BuiltTownOfficeToday']):
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cGrowUpTalk', 'cCircle', 'cNormalFader', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
- > else:
- > EventFlowSystemActor.SystemRequestChangeStage('cGrowUpTalkEventPlaza', 'cCircle', 'cNormalFader', 'cBlack', 1.0, 1.0)
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