
hit by bear

Mar 1st, 2024
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  1. Brian pulled back a foot. “Hey — get out of there!” he yelled, and kicked the bear in the rear.
  2. He was not certain what he expected. Perhaps that the bear would turn and realize its mistake and then sheepishly trundle away. Or that the bear would just run off.
  3. With no hesitation, not even the smallest part of a second’s delay, the bear turned and ripped the entire log side off the shelter with one sweep of a front paw and a moist “whouuuff” out of its nostrils.
  4. Brian found himself looking up at the bear, turned now to look down on the boy, and with another snort the bear swung its left paw again and scooped Brian out of the hollow of the rock and flung him end over end for twenty feet. Then the bear slipped forward and used both front paws to pack Brian in a kind of ball and whap him down to the edge of the water, where he lay, dazed, thinking in some way that he was still back in the shelter.
  5. The bear stopped and studied Brian for a long minute, then turned back to ransacking the camp, looking for where that delicious smell had come from. It sat back on its haunches and felt the air with its nostrils, located another faint odor stream and followed it down to the edge of the water where the fish pool lay. It dug in the water — not more than ten feet from where Brian now lay, trying to figure out if his arms and legs were still all attached to where they had been before — and pulled up the rabbit skull, still with bits of meat on it, and swallowed it whole. It dug around in the water again and found the guts and ate them and went back to rummaging around in the pool, and when nothing more could be found the bear looked once more at Brian, at the camp, and then walked away without looking back.
  6. Other than some minor scratches where the bear’s claws had slightly scraped him — it was more a boxing action than a clawing one — Brian was in one piece. He was still jolted and confused about just exactly which end was up, but most of all he was grateful.
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