
FE:AR Nation Lore

Oct 26th, 2015 (edited)
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  1. Kingdom of Vernin
  3. Vernin, a kingdom that has its roots in the beginnings of civilization! Or so it claims. An expansionist nation that once had its kingdom touch from one end of the continent to the other, poor rulers have shrunk it almost back to its capital. In the last few generations however, it has been expanding outwards again under a new name and flag in an attempt to recapture old times, although setbacks has halted its advance. First the failure of their conquest of Uxanin, in their attempt to use its fragmented nature against it they instead learned they do indeed have a cause to unite at times.
  5. The current ruler, King Ostrik Vernin, is considered to be a just ruler and the kingdom has prospered under his reign. He has three sons and a daughter, his wife having passed away in childbirth to give him his fourth child. The young royals seem to be growing up in proper fashion, following their father's noble footsteps. Many agree that King Ostrik is among those who have attained the title of "Philosopher King," the man well spoken and wise, deft with blade and rule. It is a pleasant change of air from the past kings, many who are considered corrupt and vile, having attributed to the death of their precursor nation. It isn't uncommon to see the king wander the capital with little retinue, so loved is he.
  7. Due to its expansionist agenda and roots, the militaristic history of Vernin is proud and varied, calling itself the "Forge of Heroes" and being surprisingly individualistic despite its practices. There is an intense dislike both culturally and militaristic of the use of mercenaries, considered vultures and pariahs who couldn't hack it in a true army. There may be some truth in this, as the region is often plagued by mercenary groups turned bandit, but most often due to lack of work. Troop wise, Vernin has a heavy emphasis on horsed troops and magical support, with horse archers and cavalry often doing runs on enemy troops while a core of footmen backed by priests and mages act as a solid fallback point for the ride-by assaults.
  9. Culturally, Vernin is rich and ancient in its traditions and methods, some rites going back as far as the birth of their precursor. There is a large societal pressure to join the military, with roles--even merely logistic--considered the pinnacle of showing one's worth to society and the king. Frequently it is said in Vernin that heroes are born in the military and that there is no better place to find the heroic courage within. Many are encouraged that even if one isn't in the military, they are to be the best of their profession as they can attempt, slackers being seen as distasteful wastes of talent. This has led to many skilled engineers and craftsmen, and surprisingly clean streets due to the pride even the most menial of jobs are taken with. With as hard workers as the Verninians though, many say that neither is there anywhere else that knows how to celebrate as well.
  11. Due to these practices, Vernin's relations to its neighbors are rather strained.
  12. - The Republic of Grednar had succeeded from Vernin a mere fifty years ago and the Kingdom is still feeling stung by the apparent betrayal. While trade exists, it is reluctant.
  13. - Prior to the rebellion of Grednar, the Kingdom of Vernin was at war with the Empire of Tavo and had been for the past several decades. Technically there was never a call for peace, but the fighting had stopped. The only trade between Vernin and Tavo is by using Grednar as a middle man.
  14. - The relations between Vernin and Calsif is quite friendly. While there are rivalries, there is no hostility. Trade is healthy and full, a large portion of the kingdom's wealth comes from its export of grain to the city state.
  15. - Trade exists between Vernin and Uxanin, but it is fragmented and heavily mired in regulation and bureaucracy due to the split nature of the nation. Relations are slightly strained due to a failed attempt at expansion into Uxanin.
  16. - Vernin just now learned that Free Tavo exists, and is attempting to get in contact with them to aid their rebellion. If they can aid the fledgling nation, it could present a permanent thorn in their enemy's side.
  18. Republic of Grednar
  20. The Republic of Grednar is a recent country, having carved itself out of the mountains by a bloody succession from the Kingdom of Vernin. A story of desperation and men brought to their limits, the nation is little more than a collection of small city states located in the mountain that runs through the middle of the continent, cutting off the Kingdom of Vernin from the Empire of Tavo and being a major land trade hub for the entire continent due to both its location and many rivers rolling forth. Having had enough of destabilization and death in their homes from the war between Vernin and Tavos, each city almost brought to its knees, they committed to a revolution. The rebellion lasted a year, and on one dark and bloody night, ended with a finality that has made it the subject of taboo in most of the other nations.
  22. The Republic of Grednar is lead by several Grand Merchants, each the leader of their city and each seeking out what is best for their respective cities and nations. Below them are several councils and guilds that elect the Grand Merchants in turn. While corruption is a possibility, its visibility is at the least not present. All of the current Grand Merchants are rather uneasy with their position due to how all of the other prior Grand Merchants died. An unknown ritual held on the night they could of lost the whole rebellion, where all Grand Merchants met and agreed that there was only one course left. The specifications are unknown, but all of the original have died, their throats slit from suicide and the deed done.
  24. The military has a heavy emphasis on defense and using the terrain against invaders, the Republic more interested in keeping what it has than expanding due to potential enemies on both of its borders. There is a heavy note of dark magic within the ranks, both from shamans and even some of the melee troops, with the core often being the heavy steel of knights backed by spellswords and shamans. The uniform of its soldiers are heavy and exceedingly concealing, often making it hard to discern one soldier from the other due to cloths and plating. This isn't all that separates this strange nation from the others though, as the ritual's effects are known by the entire continent. Those born of the soil of Grednar, who die on the soil of Grednar, are to rise again in the aid of its nation. Aware once again from death, if fleeting and slowly loosing individuality and personality until all that is left is a mindless but obedient husk. It is rumored a majority of the armies of Grednar are undead, but due to the uniform and lack of comment from the republic, exact numbers are unknown.
  26. Due to the fell curse that affects all born Grednars, and the recent memory of the bloody rebellion that almost spelled their doom and death, the culture of Grednar is rather morbid. Masks are considered a societal norm, both in respect for the dead who still serve and to show unified cause despite who or what they are. It is, if nothing else, a nation of a people who wish for nothing more than to survive and prosper as well as they can, and in a way that they wish and choose. Trade and mercantilism is of heavy emphasis, the phrase "haggle like a Grendar" starting to come into popular usage in the other nations due to the infamous determination Grednars take to the art of trading. Celebrations are few in the nation, with the only major one of note being that of the personal celebrations of birth, age, death, and national celebration of their rebellion, a quite boisterous affair.
  28. To say that Grednar is a topic of unease with the other nations is to make an understatement.
  29. - The relations between the Republic of Grednar and Vernin are strained for obvious reasons, the rebellion so fresh in memory and in the faces of their still loved dead. Despite this, if Grednar is to survive, they must trade however they can.
  30. - Often being the focal point of the Empire of Tavo's many raids against the Kingdom of Vernin, there is still a dislike between the two nations but trade is rather more free than between Grednar and Vernin.
  31. - Grednar and Calsif have an uneasy relationship, with healthy trade existing at unbelievable rates largely because researchers from Calsif often want little more than to study the people of Grednar to try and determine the origin and exact specifications of their odd curse.
  32. - Trade between Uxanin and Grednar is, surprisingly, quite healthy and free of regulation due to a concerted and focused effort to exact trade agreements from the three major factions of Uxanin. These trade agreements are often the envy of other nations.
  33. - Grednar learned of Free Tavo existence recently, but despite their similar background of rebellion, the Republic is reluctant to assist the newly born nation due to its location and strained ties between Tavosans and Grednars.
  35. Empire of Tavo
  37. Tavo, a massive nation that almost takes up half the continent, is arguably the most foreign of the nations present. Originally a vast multitude of warring micro-factions and mini-nations inhabiting the land of Tavo, a group of outsiders swept into the continent along the shores in many large and strange boats, the first of suck sight in many ages. The natives met them with caution, well founded as the outsiders were more invaders. While bearing no magic and little armor, what the invaders brought changed the face of Ven Collsus forever: gunpowder. The sea invaders swept through the small factions one by one until soon it had subsumed a vast quantity. The invaders, now a bulk of their forces comprised of the natives, charged forth only to meed the precursor state of Vernin, marking the end of their conquest. Instead of leaving with their riches, the invaders surprised everyone by instead settling down and founding the Empire of Tavo.
  39. The Empire of Tavo is ruled by a council of nobles, the great Empire portioned up and given to a noble to oversee. While there is no rule stating that a native of Tavo could be a noble, the nobility of the Empire of Tavo hasn't been of non-invader blood from its inception to the current day and doesn't look to be changing this anytime soon. The nobles are an odd lot, speaking little of their home beyond their need to leave and annoyance at having to stay in Ven Collsus. Despite having now lived in Ven Collsus long enough that no one among the nobles have been born outside of its shores, the nobles still hold strong to the culture of their strange homeland and take a great disdain to the culture and way of life of those below them. Despite this, one cannot say that the lands of Tavo have ever been this peaceful or prosperous before the invaders, a land of constant war and famine now arguably the greatest nation on the continent.
  41. Despite its massive size and population, if the Empire of Tavo were to shore up the whole of its military might in one spot, the most likely outcome wouldn't be a continent conquering force but rather a massive civil war against all sides. Thus, its military is often forces of highly trained soldiers armed with firearms from the nobles, backed by a multitude of tithe soldiers given sub par guns from the indigenous population. Use of magic is largely left to the tithe soldiers, the invaders finding it strange, with some even claiming it false or demon worship. This would normally leave a nation at a severe disadvantage against its neighbors, but with guns partially being limited to the Empire of Tavo along with the wonder of gunpowder, they've managed to hold their own to a frightening degree.
  43. In the Empire of Tavo, there are two layers to the culture. The first layer is that of the nobles, with their foreign ways (by now often watered down or twisted from what they used to be), and the second layer being that of the governed. The nobles seem to prefer extravagant designs in both clothing and architecture, the nobles themselves almost completely dressed head to toe in colorful and garish clothes. While their refusal to assimilate to Ven Collsus has caused tension between the governors and the governed, their understanding of the Grand Craftsman (if under a different name) has helped ease some of the tension. Those of the governed were a proud people who were often at war with their immediate neighbors, and to now be forced to work with those they once called enemies for generations is still a raw spot with them even after all this time. Divisions based upon location is still ongoing, but less visible to their rulers lest they be forced a punishment. Rebellions were many at first, but with the brutality that each was put down, they soon dwindled in number. So overall, the governed aren't sure who to hate more: each other or the people who tell them what to do.
  45. Due to their rather sudden entrance and denial of the basis of culture in Ven Collsus, the Empire of Tavo isn't on the best terms with its neighbors.
  46. - There is still a hatred towards the Kingdom of Vernin for their role in stopping the advance of the empire many years ago, but for now the fighting has stopped due to the dark night of Grednar. Trade exists, but only through middle men.
  47. - Tensions between Grednar and the Empire of Tavo is tense. Grednar were often the target of raids due to their proximity to the border while under the rule of Vernin, but during their rebellion the Empire of Tavo was surprisingly not present, seeming fit to simply watch the division form. While trade exists, it is reluctant due to past events and the disgust the nobles feel towards the dark night of Grednar.
  48. - The Empire of Tavo and Calsif don't exactly get along well. Calsif has a heavy basis on magic, which many nobles rebuke, themselves having never seen it until arriving in Ven Collsus. Despite this, trade is frequent due to shared borders and the wealth to be gained through trade of food to the city state.
  49. - Uxanin is poorly understood by the Empire of Tavo, seeing it as little more than the split nations they had once conquered before. However there hasn't been any hostilities between the two nations, although trade is often heavily mired due to the nature of Uxanin.
  50. - The Empire of Tavo feel an amused pity for Free Tavo. They are simply another rebellion to put down for the good of the empire. Shouldn't they see this in their fellows even rebuking them for having to give up so much for so little gain?
  52. Free Tavo
  54. Free Tavo is a recent nation. Very recent. It started with a leader, a woman who couldn't take the invaders holding the land of her ancestors any longer. She rallied forth in a rebellion and was summarily crushed. But she survived. And she rallied again, and again, and again. Consumed with the need to take her land back, she did whatever was necessary. Threats, intimidation, diplomacy, she started amassing power and uniting once-disparate tribes inspired by her determination. The work of years went into the planning and finally, through blood, sweat, tears, and the will to split the heavens, Free Tavo was carved out of the Empire of Tavo. Resolute, pragmatic, utilitarian, and utterly abandoned of the reason they first rallied. For the land they had gained, they had lost that which they held dear, their culture and ways that they cherished given way to sheer purpose. Freedom.
  56. Free Tavo is a very small nation, holding only one keep situated on top of a mountain that has been overdeveloped during the years of buildup into essentially a bunker set into the mountains with tunnels that drill deep into the earth. The one who sits upon the throne as its leader, the autocrat Hvelta Keotoar, the one who made Free Tavo a possibility and arguably the most wanted person in the Empire of Tavo. She is a hard woman with none of the trappings of her station, more often dressed for war than leadership. However, her determination has made her almost legendary among her subjects who aspire in her likeness. It is unknown how succession will go as nothing has been laid out. It could be that Hvelta is confident she won't perish yet, or that she doesn't think her nation will last long after her death in its current state.
  58. Free Tavo's military is fanatic. A force that will refuse to yield land, give a town, even an inch if they can help it. They are a force resolute in their defense of the first, and possibly last, hope of the natives of Tavo. Possessing the shamanistic wonders of their past as anima users and the firearms of their conquerors, Free Tavo shows that the blend of science and magic isn't one of dichotomy. There have even been seen those who take the blend of science and magic literal, with guns that spit magical flame and lightning the likes of which none have yet seen. It is the hope of Free Tavo that this advancement in warfare may yet see them through this upmountain battle against the empire.
  60. Despite all their gain however, it is not without cost. That which made them native Tavosans has been stripped of them by necessity and replaced with pure pragmatism. A people in drab, colorless clothes who focus more on making weapons of war than love and peace. But, arguably, they need to be, for to be soft is to present weakness to the empire. Everyone in Free Tavo seem to be holding a breath they're afraid to let go, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. They've carved out their nation, but now can they keep it? That is the question in everyone's mind, both in and outside of Free Tavo. The citizens of Free Tavo try to convince other native Tavosans in the surrounding areas to join the cause, but few jump for the opportunity. They see the cost as too high, to soon. Is freedom worth giving up that which makes one themselves?
  62. Free Tavo is a recent nation, no more than a year old. Nations outside of the Empire of Tavo are just now learning of its existence. As such, trade is nonexistent at the moment.
  63. - There are rumors in Free Tavo of possibly aid from the Kingdom of Vernin, but it is unknown if Hvelta will accept the offer.
  64. - Some look up to the Republic of Grednar for their example of a rebellion turning successful, but the lack of response from the republic as made them turn their eyes elsewhere.
  65. - The Empire of Tavo may plot all they like, they won't take the keep as long as there are Free Tavosans to stand behind its walls.
  66. - A few scholars from Calsif have managed to make their way into Free Tavo and seem to be taking interest, but otherwise there has been no comment from the city state.
  67. - Uxanin is too busy with its own internal wars to make note of Free Tavo.
  69. Split Uxanin
  71. While the Kingdom of Vernin may have its roots in the first nations to arise in Ven Collsus, Uxanin is without dispute the oldest nation on Ven Collsus. It was said to have started with a single man, Uxanin, who carved out a kingdom for himself through his mastery of the art of war, taking out entire armies with little more than a blade, an axe, and a lance. Having been satisfied, he settled down with the land he had won and had three children. To each, he gave a part of himself, and one of his weapons. Ux, given the axe, able to split mountains with the heft of his blow yet having the empathy to not wish unneeded harm. An, with the deftness of the sword being able to run across Ven Collsus and back within a day yet having the selflessness to instead focus his talents elsewhere. And finally, In, given the lance, said to be able simply reach up and touch the very stars if he wished yet had the wisdom not to. Its universally agreed that these stories are horribly embellished.
  73. As can be guessed, when Uxanin passed away his children fought for the realm, having grown greedy with their limited domain split between them. This war has been waged since their death, and has been ongoing until even the current day. While large scale battles are no longer frequent, minor skirmishes inside the nation are very frequent. While no longer alive, the descendants of Ux, An, and In still fight the wars, with the same names. For on ascending to join the fight, they take up the weapon of their ancestor and shed their name, to show dedication to their role and take up the flag. It is speculated that someday one may eventually win, but for the moment the internal conflict has become something of the butt of many jokes oft related to failed marriages.
  75. Due to the constant war, the military of Uxanin is always in sharp condition, with every soldier often having more experience than many other soldiers of the other lands. However, true to the role of the side they serve, their range of weaponry is severely limited. Those who serve Ux use axes, those who serve An use swords, and those who serve In use lances. This has lead to an extreme dedication in the art of the individual weapon, but has also let the split nation an easily observable weakness. They try to make up for this with mercenaries, who are not bound by the choice of weapon, which has lead to Uxanin becoming a sort of prime spot for mercenary groups to congregate due to the multitude of frequent jobs. Assuming they can get through the wall of contracts that are thrown around.
  77. Uxanin is as contentious in culture as it is creed. The people are highly fragmented, each opposing those who deny their leader's right to rule. Each of the three factions are heavily based in three colors, with people identifying with one or the other donning those colors in either clothing or at the least a band of cloth around one's shoulder. There are a few towns that are considered neutral ground, the largest cities of the nation Uxanin and the ones that outsiders most often interact with. It is always a strange sight to see the dirty looks one gets for having the accident of donning the wrong color and talking to the wrong person. Often, these neutral towns have a different liaison for each faction, with each role taken up by three people who try to compete with the other two. It has lead in a horrid quagmire of bureaucracy where forgetting the right color might cause one to have to restart the whole process. But the people are hearty and invested in the war despite its length.
  79. Due to its fragmented and heavily bureaucratic nature, most of the other nations tend to leave Uxanin alone.
  80. - Tensions between Uxanin and the Kingdom of Vernin are alive, if faint, due to an attempt of the Kingdom of Vernin to invade a few decades ago. All the Verninians got for their trouble was seeing how well the three nations can work together to fight off an outside force if need be.
  81. - Trade is actually healthy and lucrative between the Split nation of Uxanin and the Republic of Grednar, due to part of the many hoops Grednar diplomats jumped through and the writs of trade each faction had agreed to. Attempts at replicating this trade agreement has met with failure from the other nations however.
  82. - The Empire of Tavo hasn't paid too much attention to Uxanin, due to issues with the Kingdom of Vernin, but now that the dark night has seemed to cease the fighting between Vernin and Tavo, Uxanin watches its borders.
  83. - The grand city state of Calsif and Uxanin have been bordering nations since Calsif's inception, although one often ignores the other. Calsif has in the past attempted to cease the constant hostilities between the three factions, but to little effect. Calsif has long since given up, beyond sending the odd diplomat to at least look like its trying.
  84. - Uxanin has too much to worry about to think about Free Tavo.
  86. City State of Calsif
  88. The grand city state of Calsif is considered to be the gem of intellectualism and culture in all of Ven Collsus. At least to those who live in Calsif. Regardless, it is a truly massive city that engulfs the whole of a cove, with the city stretching from one end of the cove to the next, the natural harbor aiding in the growth and trade. No where else in all of Ven Collsus will you find a city as massive, nor as extravagant. Built by two dissatisfied brothers, one a priest of the Great Craftsman and the other an Archmage, they went forth to seek a place they could show the world that magic and religion is not to be a force that is separate but rather combined in blessed harmony. One where the pursuit of learning is the goal of all, and to aid all nations in Ven Collsus. Or so the stories go.
  90. Calsif, in rules set down by the two brothers who founded the city, have two rulers who work together to ensure a properly run government. A meritocracy where two are chosen, as the tops of their fields and in politics, where one with his hand upon the hammer of the Great Craftsman and the other upon the Rod of the Archmage. Politics being politics, however, this has largely devolved into a monarchy that occasionally hops and sometimes delves into true meritocracy for periods of time. But the rules set down by the two founders are the law by which all politics in Calsif is debated upon, and they cannot be denied. Provisions have been made to ensure that the two roles would never fall upon a single person, to avoid any possible corruption, and these same provisions echo down the chain of politics.
  92. Indeed this provision echoes down even into the citizenry of the giant city of Calsif. What had been done to ensure against corruption has become a cultural phenomenon and has worked against the cities original meaning to show the ability for magic and religion to blend peacefully and closely, causing a separation in almost all fields. There are those who are quick to point out the hypocrisy in this result, but few are willing to go against the laws as laid out by the founders. Divisions delve even further in the great city however, as it is of no surprise that those with a talent for magic often find themselves an easier time elevating themselves in their status than those without, although attempts have been made to make education in magic more available for all with some limited success. It isn't uncommon to see citizens know at least some small cantrip.
  94. The military of Calsif is what would at best be called a militia, but an effective one. After all, when the whole of your scholastic occupation within the massive city can hold up arms in defense of the city with fire, light, dark and thunder, traditional arms and methods fall by the wayside. Assuming they can even get past the walls, over-engineered to a tee to be truly massive. What originally started as an engineering project, over the generations it had grown to its present state. During its entire reign, Calsif's walls have only been breached once, and the enemy paid for it dearly, the effort losing them the siege outright. While it mainly relies on its militia, it does have a small but dedicated traditional force that it uses to maintain order within the city and what land lies outside. True to the city and its roots however, one would be hard pressed to find a member who cannot use magic, if not now then eventually.
  96. Due to its burgeoning nature, the city state of Calsif needs food. Lots and lots of food. This is, actually, its main import and often the greatest amount of trade done in Ven Collsus.
  97. - The Kingdom of Vernin is regarded as backwards if well-meaning, due to its governmental structure and emphasis on expansion, but Vernin is also one of its biggest contributor of outside food imported into the giant city state.
  98. - The Empire of Tavo and Calsif have a rough past together, Tavo having breached its walls in the futile effort at conquering the city state, but this seems to have been water under the bridge as they often compete with the Kingdom of Vernin for export of food to Calsif in an attempt to garner a more lucrative trade agreement.
  99. - Calsif considers the Republic of Grednar a fascinating nation, both in its government structure and its similarities to its own, and in the curse that seems to affect all those born on Grednar soil. With permission from the Grand Merchants, scholars from Calsif have ran some tests on the citizens of Grednar but so far few results have been found.
  100. - Uxanin is considered taboo of a subject to those of Calsif, the city state considering the nation an embarrassment to having been their neighbors for so long and their efforts of diplomatic help rebuked, sometimes with force. Regardless however, trade has been lucrative for Uxanin in the export of grain.
  101. - Most of Clasif know little of Free Tavo, although word has been reaching back of scholars investigating more about the potential new nation.
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