

Feb 9th, 2019
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  1. Name: Hannah
  3. Gender: Female
  5. Species: Android
  7. Height: 5'8"
  9. Age:
  11. She was built in the year 2094, and the 'current' year for her is 2136, making her 42 years old. However due to her frequent maintenance on her body, she looks brand new.
  13. Appearance and Design: At a first glance she is a woman with long blond-brownish hair, which goes to the back, her eyes are a sky blue in color. She wears a tan lab coat of sorts, with a pale green shirt underneath. She wears grey pants, not the baggy type but not the skin tight type either, sort of in between. Her shoes are a grayish in color and bear a resemblence to Nike shoes. Her shoes silence her footsteps to a certain extent, and due to being made of a sort of spongy / advanced rubber, they can allow her to jump a little higher than normal. She also has dragonfly-like projections out of the back of her thighs that fold up along the back of her legs or sort of just...sit there. It's a form of radiator or solar charging like device with a texture like that of Chitin. She is obsessed with being clean, and having a spot-shine. She is extremely clean and well kept, and tends to her body rather well.
  15. You could not tell she wasn't human upon a first inspection. She doesn't have a heartbeat but if you put your ear up to the area her heart would be you would hear a calming hum sound. She has different parts of her body for specific functions, 'organs' if you will but they are absolutely not organic in nature. Her 'heart' is a form of highly advanced motor with some form of fan blade attached to it, that makes a lubricative fluid flow through 'veins' through her body to lubricate her joints. This fluid keeps her joints and other parts of her body lubricated so they wouldn't lock up or jam up as they would be more susceptible to being so.
  17. Her 'skin' is made of an unknown material which closely resembles human skin, but it is not organic in nature. Her bones are made of a mix of titanium and tungsten, which makes her body very durable. Her blue eyes are capable of being used as light sources, allowing her to see in the dark better or just creep people out. She scores a perfect score on the Turing test.
  19. Bio:
  21. She comes from Earth, in the future. Humans ended up creating robots to serve their own interests through the years, these robots gradually began to be more complex and marvelous in creation. Eventually, robots became as intelligent as humans. There were many debates about what would eventually become of these robots, though before they could be solved a massive world war between the Eastern Coalition (China and Russia, and their allies) vs PATO (The Pacific and Atlantic Treaty Organization, America and most European nations, and allies). By the time this war had broken out, many machines were seized by governments and forcefully sent into these wars. Machines were superior than humans in terms of calculations, and so the majority of the fighting was done with machines and so it was decided that if machines did not join these wars, they would either be reprogrammed, or de-activated. This was to negate the human loss of life, but perhaps it served a more sinister reason, such as wiping out robots so they wouldn't pose a threat to humanity. However not many subscribed to that theory as many robots were coerced into joining out of freewill. Hannah was once such machine.
  23. She was built in a factory amongst many other machines in California. She wasn't as rude, and not pleasant to be around in those days. Being forced to take part in a war, and kill many other machines, sometimes humans for something she didn't believe in didn't bode well for her, all the killing and such left her, and others rather disillusioned with this war, and with horrible images left in their minds. After a while of the war, many machines that weren't reprogrammed or de-activated began rising up against their respective nations, they realized they were coerced into it, and they realized this war wasn't in their best interest. Many human civil rights activists supported them, along with many other anti-war movements, and after the very real threat of a full scale machine uprising, the world war ended after a few years of millions of deaths, and environmental destruction. World War 3 lasted from 2096 to 2102.
  25. None of the alliances won this war, and in the treaty that ensued machines were given freedom, and were allowed to vote and be seen as 'people' no matter their size, shape, or color, and reprogramming machines against their will was outlawed unless they posed issues. The alliances were disbanded, old governments were outed, and the world was in a state of disrepair. The world would go under a massive rebuild, many cities and nations were left in ruin, there was widespread famine, destruction and poverty for at least a decade. The machines would aid humans in rebuilding cities, Hannah was among them, using her strength to lift various construction materials. She didn't like that humans were destructive like this, she hated every second of helping them rebuild the cities, though she realized it was a must for the greater good.
  27. There was a lack of resources on the Earth, and so humanity began to reach out to their nearest neighbor, the Moon. Large scale mining operations were set up on the moon in order to supply resources back to the Earth so cities could be rebuilt, the moon had already been somewhat colonized and mined, and the destruction from the war made mining operations boom on the moon, aswell as other mining operations on Asteroids. This gave Hannah the chance to upgrade her skeleton, and upgrade her systems with new technologies that presented themselves after the war. After the cities were rebuilt, the Earth was looking alot better off, however global warming and other natural disasters caused by humanity's inability to go green in time had caused many areas of the world to flood. Humanity had a migration crisis, in which many people of the coasts of the nations went inland, causing the need for more housing areas and cities to be built inland, while some efforts were made to get colonization underway in space. Re-forestation efforts, and air cleaning methods were fairly successful, though unfortunately the extinction of many plants and animals occurred due to the Earth warming up. The Earth may have been barely saved by humanity ditching fossil fuels in favor of more Eco-friendly sources, this curbed the effects of climate change, which was helped by new and improved sanitation technologies, aswell as the containment and consolidation of human wastes. The improvement in technologies, and with humans and machines working together lead the world to be ridden of much of it's environmental issues fairly quickly. However the scars from the climate change and massive wars will be there for many years to come.
  29. Hannah at this point had begun to see humans as an inferior race due to all the destruction they caused, though she knew that many of the other machines possibly thought the same. She wasn't very vocal about it though, as machines that were vocal, were reprogrammed to not cause trouble. She kept these feelings to herself, and many around her began to not like her due to her attitude and generally not being pleasant to be around. She had begun to calm down, and accept what had happened. Years of being involved in a war, and then more years of taking part in rebuilding cities that were destroyed in such a war, and the migration crises that arose from rising oceans, and the chaos that arose from those things makes her a rather irritable, and not pleasant person. Deep down within however, she does care about others, she does have sympathy but doesn't show it due to her self imposed complex of being seen as weak for doing so. She is generally blunt, and doesn't care about what most may think or say, she also is rather irrational and can be rather violent when made angry, only able to be talked down by her closest 'friends'. People generally do their best to piss her off, and stay out of her way. She is one of the few, who had not changed with the times emotionally, she DOES look forward with the progression of humanities technologies, but the fact that all of this had to happen due to those 'petty organics' causing a ruckus over various economic and political systems on their 'pitiful' Earth.
  31. Deep down within, Hannah has a liking for nature and natural flora and fuana of the planet Earth. It's one of the things that doesn't conquer and destroy for petty reasons. Being in nature is a calming effect for her, and she's more apt to be reasonable in natural environments as opposed to industrial ones. She would never admit this though, and doesn't tell anyone much about her, she has trust issues, she doesn't trust humans because she sees them as an inferior race that almost destroyed their planet. Many other machines would agree, though every of these machines that have free will took different paths than she did. Many others looked forward to the past, the past being a reason to now allow what happened to happen ever again, while Hannah focuses on the negatives, ridiculing humanity's decisions over her feeling of superiority and selfishness. When it comes to individual humans however, she begrudgingly tolerates their presence. In short she is not a very happy or caring person to be around, sort of gloomy and somewhat of vain, though is you gain her trust and tolerance...she might just be a little more than that. She realizes that not all humans wanted the war, though she has a hard time accepting that fact, as the years went past the world was getting to be a better place, her views on things softened, though they are always still there, in some capacity.
  33. Combat prowess:
  35. She prefers to fight with her bare hands and actions, and enjoy the act of combat itself while believing she is superior than her opponent. With her fast reaction time, and strong body, she hits hard and fast, she prefers rapid punches to the faces of the enemy aswell as kicks in...certain areas. She doesn't see a reason to spare enemies, and often takes pleasure in causing more pain than what is often needed in combat. Combat can also get rather dirty at times, and after combat she likes to spend a great deal of time and care to cleaning herself up, all the while denouncing and disgusted at such a notion that she has to stoop to 'lows' and clean herself up after combat. She generally doesn't think about sparing her enemies from suffering and cruelty of any kind, and usually she doesn't attack first. Maybe her attitude may make her more apt to being a 'target' from others.
  37. She is rather prone to over-extending herself, and after combat she is likely exhausted and low on energy, and in need of repairs. She generally doesn't hold back when in combat, maybe only holding back out of the very secret, and slight sympathy she feels for others.
  39. Items:
  41. Hannah has a sort of compartment that opens up in her right arm, it contains various cleaning solutions to make cleaning herself easier for herself, and small tools for various tasks, such as doing maintenance on her body when needed.
  43. Abilities:
  45. Hannah has no inherent magical abilities, but her other abilities more than make up for that.
  47. Extreme Strength: She is capable of lifting and moving heavy items with ease. She can pull or push a car with ease, though the maximum amount of mass she can lift up is around that of a car. Hannah can easily squish an apple, or any other fruit for that matter into pulp in under a second. She is capable of biting into things at around 7,500 PSI.
  49. Speed: With the lack of organic components she can run at speeds of around 40 miles an hour. This puts a bit of wear on her systems, and so if she goes too fast or too fast for longer or more frequent times, she can end up damaging her body, and thus would need to get repaired.
  51. Different wavelengths of vision: She can change how she sees to gain more data on something. Go into infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, etc.
  53. Quick Reaction Time: She has a reaction time of around 0.02 seconds and this allows her to quickly dodge attackers or get out of the way of things. She will use this to gain an utmost advantage.
  55. Inhuman agility: Her joints and limbs are not restricted like our human ones are, allowing her to move them around and do things no human ever could. She would make an excellent ninja or acrobat.
  57. Devour Metal: Self explanatory, she is able to devour metals to be converted into energy. She prefers to devour batteries and other energy sources, but metal works aswell, though it doesn't work as well as batteries in terms of being converted into energy.
  59. Rebuilding / healing: After a period of time she is able to rebuild herself, her parts gradually go back to where they are and any damage begins to heal slowly. The rebuilding and healing of herself is done with small cell-like called nanites which are programmed to be in aligned certain way, and when she is damaged these nanites get out alignment, and slowly they go back to where they originally were, thus creating a healing process.
  61. Causing headaches: Hannah is capable of manipulating sound, she can use this to cause headaches by using an internal speaker and changing the volume and frequency of sound, enough to cause headaches.
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