
Call my name Moon Jihye

May 28th, 2019
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  1. ━━━「GENERAL」
  2. username: GlisteningHobi
  3. birth name: Moon Jihye
  4. other name(s): n/a
  5. stage name: Jihye
  6. birthdate: 4th November 1992
  7. height: 165cm
  8. weight: 50kg
  9. birthplace: Ilsan, South Korea
  10. hometown: Ilsan, South Korea
  11. ethnicity: Korean
  12. nationality: Korean
  13. blood type: O
  14. face claim: Hyelin (EXID)
  15. back up: Heize
  17. ━━━「OTHER」
  19. + Maths
  20. + Eating lemons
  21. + Cooking
  22. + Nighttime
  23. + Talking with friends
  24. + Prettymuch (an American-Canadian group)
  26. dislikes:
  27. + Cereal
  28. + Seeing people get hurt
  29. + High heels
  30. + Fish; she has a fear of fish
  31. + Bad hygiene
  33. skills:
  34. + Maths
  35. + Acting
  36. + Piano
  38. languages:
  39. + Conversational English
  41. background: She grew up with very strict parents who always wanted her to achieve really high. It was due to this that she couldn't make many friends since she was always in her room studying. She constantly got high grades in school which made her parents happy. Her favourite subject in school was maths because she found it easy and excelled in it. It was when she turned 16 that she realised that she truly loved music and wanted to pursue a career in music. However, her parents weren't so quick to accept it. The only way that her parents would allow her to pursue a career in music, was if she got an A or above in all of her subjects. Luckily she was able to achieve this and this made her parents more accepting of her decision. She started writing lyrics in her songbook since she ould constantly think of interesting. By the age of 19, she had already composed 23 songs.
  43. personality: She is intelligent and has a very wise side of her so she is a really good person to go to if you need advice. She is welcoming and inclusive since she doesn't like leaving people out of things. Jihye is one of the most loyal and trustworthy people you could meet. She is very honest so she will tell you if you are doing something wrong. She is good at making witty comebacks so people call her sassy all the time. Jihye is very passionate about music and spends hours upon hours writing lyrics for her group. She has a caring nature towards people she is close with.
  46. ━━━「PERFORMANCE」
  47. company: Fantagio
  48. backup company: Cube
  49. years trained: 4.5 years
  50. main skill: Dance
  51. weakest skill: Rap
  52. rap: 3/20
  53. vocal: 15/20
  54. dance: 20/20
  55. visual: 12/20
  56. duality: 18/20
  57. stage presence: 13/20
  58. overall: 80/80 (you can not go over 80 points, even though the max is technically 120, this is to ensure fair play)
  60. ━━━「EXTRA」
  61. winning speech: Thank you to all the contestants for helping me make my best better and to all friends and family that supported me and lifted up my spirits when I was feeling down. I really don't know what to say. Thank you, everyone.
  63. elimination speech: Unfortunately, I did not meet your standards. I am sorry for disappointing you and I am sorry to all the fans that believed in me. I will do better next time.
  65. self-introduction: "My name is Moon Jihye of Fantagio Entertainment. I hope we make some great memories on this journey."
  66. anything else?: Nope
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