
Anonpencil Writes Drunk: A Singular Tale (oneshit)

Jun 5th, 2017
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  1. >Rarity gazes at you across the counter of her little boutique with an expression of both amusement and confusion.
  2. “I beg your pardon?” she says lightly. “I’m not entirely sure what you’re referring to.”
  3. >You feel a brief push of frustration and nerves get the better of you for a moment, but you quickly steady yourself, and again lean closer to her ear so she can hear you somewhat. This shouldn’t be so hard, but you remind yourself of the potential rewards. This is for a good, and very alluring cause.
  4. “I said,” you hiss out, a little louder this time. “I was wondering if you had any attire that was more… specialized. You know. More ‘fun.”
  5. >She leans back away from you and studies your face, bewildered as ever. After a minute of silent contemplation, she shakes her head at you and shrugs her pale shoulders.
  6. “I’m afraid I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you’re looking for, Darling. If it’s work clothes, I have a variety, but if you’d prefer something for a certain occasion, simply let me know and I’ll be happy to draw up some…”
  7. “No,” you hiss again, the frustration building. “That’s not what I mean.”
  8. “Then what do you mean?”
  9. “I mean,” you say, then falter for words. Saying this to her is much more difficult than you had previously thought it would be, and it was never quite so embarrassing back on earth. “I mean… do you have anything more fetishy.”
  10. >She blinks at you, as if you’ve flicked her in her boopable little snout. Her cheeks redden a bit in an unexpected blush.
  11. “Why… you don’t mean!”
  12. “Look,” you say quickly as you hold up your hands in a defensive posture. “I’m not trying to come onto you or proposition you or anything like that. I just need to know if you have any of that stuff here.”
  13. >She practically bristles at the implication, and the redness in her cheeks deepens considerably. You see her searching for words, and instead, a series of short, girlish, guttural noises of indignation burst from her lips. Yeah, this was exactly what you were worried about in the first place. Maybe you should have asked Twilight after all, she seemed the kinky type.
  14. “Look,” you say again, a little louder in order to quiet her outbursts. “I’ll be straight with you. I just got this new girlfrie… er… marefriend I guess, and I finally got up the courage to tell her some of my various fetishes and kinks. Luckily, she’s into them too, and was totally down to try some of the human ones she’s never heard of. But I can’t do any of them if I don’t have the right equipment, so I wanted to ask for help on either where to buy or make stuff, okay? A simple no would be fine.”
  15. “Well I never!” Rarity cries with a stamp of one of her hooves. “To think that I, a refined lady, would make such lewd and inappropriate attire, or that I’d be willing to sell it to you at all even if I did! That is completely out of the question, such an insulting notion I-“
  16. >You hoped it wouldn’t come to this, but apparently this is your last option. With a sigh, you lift a sack of a hundred bits onto the counter. It makes a tinkling crunching noise of metal sliding against metal as you set it down heavily onto the counter with a thunk. Rarity goes silent, looking from it, then back to you, her eyes narrowing as her mouth slowly shuts.
  17. “I can pay,” you say bluntly. “A lot. Would that make a difference?”
  18. >Quiet hangs heavy between you as Rarity continues to look from the sack of money, then back to you. At long last, she shuts her eyes and gives a long sigh.
  19. “Come with me,” she says softly, then turns from you without a second glance.
  20. >In surprise, you watch as she lifts the sack with her magic and deposits it in a chest beside the wall. Well, this seems to have at least done something. Then, when you step forward, she leads you wordlessly to the back wall of the boutique, where rolls of fabric are neatly stacked side by side. Right before your eyes, the pony lowers her head, and her horn emits a soft blue glow. A portion of the wall also starts to glow with that color, and its outline becomes a defined square, seams and hinges growing out of the sides. A small knob at last forms to one edge, a transparent blue glass-like thing that’s shaped like…
  21. >You go very still, and squint at the knob as it continues to emerge out of the wall. Yep, that sure is a butt plug alright. A glass or acrylic, transparent, glittery blue butt plug. As the edge of the door stops radiating a blue glow, three white diamonds appear in the center of the clear plug, blooming from the inside out like flowers. Then the magic stops, and Rarity finally turns to face you. You gape at her as a knowing smile crawls across her features, and she reaches up with one hoof to dramatically push the door open.
  22. “Welcome,” she says in an inviting but ominous tone, “to Rarity’s real boutique.”
  23. >You swallow hard and step inside.
  24. >As a light inside the room flicks on, you cannot help but gasp as you see the selection of items strewn across the walls. To one side of the circular room is a small dressing room, lined with pony mannequins in black leather harnesses. One wears a frilly pink outfit, obviously meant for a maid, and has a ruffled white collar with a bell on it around the neck. There is a table completely covered with panties, striped, printed, lace, and barely there at all. One, you’re pretty sure, is just meant to go around the base of the tail, and nothing else. Dildos in all sorts of animal shapes line shelves, standing tall and proud, announcing their silicone masculinity in a variety of brilliant colors and patterns.
  25. >But what catches your eye the most, is the very back part of the wall. There, you see a selection of impact play instruments. There are canes with ornate handles, short floggers and long ones with braided red leather woven into the base. One appears to be made of leather roses, complete with little black thorns. There are dragon tongue whips with glistening, pressed scales on them, and so many riding crops of lengths and colors that you cannot even count. To one side stands a gloriously well-maintained and oiled single tail whip that’s practically shrieking to be picked up and flicked.
  26. >In your mind’s eye, you catch a glimpse of your mare friend, cowering with her rear up, her head down and with a bit in her mouth. You can see a flush in her cheeks as her chest heaves in and out with heavy breaths, and the way her back legs shiver with anticipation as you threaten to strike her, but don’t offer the satisfaction. Not yet. Her pink thighs quake as you run a hand along them, all the way up to the base of her golden tail which you brush over her back to give you better access. You can see and smell the glisten hiding beneath it, and a soft, wilting moan of desire escapes her lips. Still savoring the sight of her cowering like that, you step back and raise the single tail, a smirk spreading over you. You know how much she wants this. You flinch, and she flinches, still trying to anticipate when it will come. You chuckle as her legs twitch, and she glances back over her shoulder at you. You flinch again, and then, as she’s still in the midst of relaxing from your little head-fake, you bring the single tail up sharply and…
  27. >Down penis. Save that for later.
  28. >You clear your throat and adjust your pants slightly as you break your gaze away from the whip to the side of the display. As you do, you find Rarity again looking at you, a smirk of her own now pressed firmly on her mouth.
  29. “I take it you approve?” she says smoothly.
  30. “Rarity,” you say with a shake of your head. “This is… this selection is absolutely incredible. You’d have to go to New York or San Francisco to find a little shop that has this much selection!”
  31. “I do endeavor to only get the best.” She winks as she speaks, then saunters over towards the many dildos. “I get shipments in from Canterlot every so often, and I select each toy by hoof to be sure it’s the best quality. The costumes, however, I make myself, as well as much of the leatherworked toys.”
  32. “Wait, you make these whips?”
  33. “I do indeed,” she says with a sigh. “And I test them all out before they’re used. Just to be sure their of decent enough quality.”
  34. >You emit a low whistle of appreciation.
  35. “You do impeccable work! I’m not sure what I’m getting yet, but I am sure my partner and I are going to have a great time.”
  36. “Ah, that reminds me,” she says abruptly, then turns to face you. “I was curious, if you don’t mind divulging, but who is this new mare friend of yours? I’ve seen just about every face in Ponyville come to my back room, when they have the bits to spare, so no need to worry about their privacy. Just want to help cater to the customer.”
  37. >You hesitate, but Rarity really seems to know her stuff. There’s probably not much harm in telling.
  38. “Lily,” you say, still loving the way her name feels in your mouth. “We’ve been together a few weeks now, and it’s going great. We’re just ready to take our relationship to that next level.”
  39. >Rarity furrows her brow.
  40. “Lily? Why Darling,” she says haltingly. “Are you sure you can keep up?”
  41. >It’s such an unexpected response that you’re not sure what to say at first. Keep up? What’s that supposed to mean. Is Lily like really hardcore, moreso even than you? Should you be looking at straight edge razors and violet wands or something?
  42. “Er…” you stutter out.
  43. >Rarity seems to sense your discomfort, because she rushes to you to pat your arm, quickly speaking in a much more comforting voice.
  44. “That’s not to say that I doubt your abilities, Anon! I just haven’t seen what you’ve got to offer, and I know where Lily’s tastes lie. I’m sure you two will work it out through negotiation, of course, but I wonder if you know what you’re getting into.”
  45. “I can handle myself,” you say, pulling your arm away. You find you’re feeling a little insulted by this line of questioning, implying that you can’t be a good enough dom for Lily! “I had plenty of practice back on Earth, and I was in plenty of demos. I even know my way around a single tail, I know what they can do.”
  46. >Rarity seems to brighten suddenly, like something has occurred to her. Her smile returns.
  47. “Do you really!” she cries, clapping her front hooves together. “Why, it’s been so long since I’ve done anything with one. To be honest, most ponies around here think they can handle one, but it’s more difficult than you’d believe. So many of them get it wrong, right out of the gate.”
  48. “Well, I have lots of experience there. In fact, I was thinking of getting one for Lily and I.”
  49. “Lily and me, Darling.”
  50. “Whatever, you know what I mean.”
  51. “Oh yes, of course I do,” she says with a thoughtful nod. Then, her expression softens even further. Her cheeks flush again, and she approaches you, smiling coyly. “I don’t suppose you’d like to try one out before you take it home, would you?”
  52. >Again, the unexpected curveball comes across the plate before you can even swing at it. You try to be sure you’re understanding her right. Is she… is she asking for you to try out one of the single tail whips on her? Does… does Rarity want you to whip her? By the blush on her cheeks, the way she bats her eyes, and the way she sways her hips, it seems pretty obvious what the answer it.
  53. “I, uh,” you say quickly, again adjusting your pants. “I have a marefriend waiting at home for me, if you remember.”
  54. “Oh my dear,” Rarity says with a ripple of musical laughter. “I’m not implying we go to bed, goodness me no! I’m just offering to do a demo with you, see where your skills lie. And, to be honest, have some fun, even if this particular kinkiness isn’t directly sexual. It’s been so long since I’ve had a proper scene, Darling, I’ve been craving one for quite a while. I’ll give you quite the discount if you’re up for it, just so I can make sure my merchandise is up to snuff.”
  55. >You swallow hard. You won’t be touching her anywhere naughty, you won’t be penetrating her or even getting off. If you explained this to Lily, you’re pretty sure she’d laugh it off as just Rarity being a sly business pony. Is it wrong to whip her? The more you think about it, the more you’re certain that this is a great idea, and you’re not just thinking with your dick here either.
  56. “You know what,” you say, with a mischievous chuckle, “I think I would be up for that after all. But only if you let us dress the part, I’d love to see if any of your gear fits me.”
  57. “Splendid!” Rarity cries with another clap of her hooves. “I’ll just go in this dressing room, you go in that one. Then we’ll do a big reveal when we’re all done, and we’ll have a bit of fun before I send you on your way!”
  58. “Sounds like a plan to me.”
  59. >With another laugh of delight, Rarity rushes to the mannequins, and tosses you a few items to slide on. You catch them, quickly snatching them out of the air, not even caring what she’s throwing your way. Then, a magical light surrounds a few boxes, and they follow her, floating, into the dressing room. You hear the door click shut behind her, and then rush to your own dressing room to try some things on.
  60. >As you sort through the clothes, you find a harness that looks like it might fit, and some small stretchy shorts in a black glistening fabric. Its pretty feminine for what you usually like, but it’s probably just about the only stuff that will fit you well. Because stretchy. You tug on the shorts, noticing that they do nothing to hide your now persistent boner, and look through the other items. Most are very pony-like or girly, which you suppose is Rarity’s style, but there are a few collars. Nothing you’d like for you, but the thought of Lily in one makes your shorts all the tighter. At last, you decide to give the harness a try after all, and though it fits, you can’t help feel more… Equine like this. Not exactly dom attire, but it’s better than nothing.
  61. >Pretty well satisfied with how you look, you push open the door, and wander over to where the single tail whip is resting against the wall. You can hear Rarity humming to herself as she changes, hopefully into something skimpy and restrictive, and you take the opportunity to lift the whip and turn it over in your hand. The leather is soft, but has a firm core to the handle, with just a touch of cushioning. You squeeze it in your hand, and it responds easily, like it was always meant to be there. You flick your wrist lightly, and the tail of the whip undulates with the motion, sensing exactly what you want it to do. To be honest, you’ve never felt something quite so responsive in your grasp.
  62. >Yeah, this is going to be fun.
  63. “Are you ready Darling?” you hear Rarity call.
  64. “Yep,” you call back, again giving the whip a practice flick. “All set out here. Though I don’t know about you calling me Darling right now.”
  65. “Ah, quite right, I think it would be much more appropriate if I were to call you…”
  66. >The door opens and you turn to face her as her voice trails off into nothing. Before you, Rarity stands wearing a tightly-tied corset that comes up to her chest from under her belly. Her hair is pulled back into a bun, a spiked band around the base, and a small lace mask surrounds her eyes. Her hooves are a glossy black, in some form of PVC shoes, and her tail is bound from the dock to about half way in a strip of tightly wound leather. Her lips are painted black, nethers are covered by a sleek lacy set of panties.
  67. >She’s glorious, but you can’t help notice that her look isn’t that of a sub. No. She looks much more like a…
  68. >Then you spot the single tail whip hovering at her side, encased in blue light, and there’s no mistaking it.
  69. “Rarity?” you say haltingly. “What were you going to say you should call me?”
  70. >You stare into each other’s eyes, beginning to understand the situation. You glance at each other’s whips, at the clothes, and the body language.
  71. “Uh…” she says slowly. “Bitch?”
  72. >You gawk at her. Welp, boner gone.
  73. >Yep, there’s no denial now. You’re both dressed like doms. Hardcore leather-wearing domes, and you’re both holding whips.
  74. “Wait, did you think that you… that you were going to whip me?!” You say in an almost shout.
  75. “Well of course!” she says, glaring at you. “What, did you have some notion that you were going to be whipping me?
  76. “Well yeah, I said I wanted to use the whip on Lily, so it stands to reason that…”
  77. “But Lily likes to be the top,” she says, cutting you off. “She loves wearing outfits almost exactly like this, has quite a little collection of floggers too!”
  78. “But she always talked about me hitting her in the scenarios we discussed!”
  79. “Well then, I guess the filly is a scheming little switch then, but that still doesn’t solve our problem!”
  80. “What problem!” you say, actually shouting now.
  81. “I got all dressed up for the occasion,” she says in a whining pout, and another stamp of her hoof. “And I’m all warmed up to whip someone, so by heavens, I am going to whip someone!”
  82. >You can't help but scoff.
  83. “Like hell you are going to be hitting me you crazy Pony!”
  84. “Oh come on, you’ll like it, I promise I’m good at it!”
  85. “That’s besides the point!”
  86. “But Anoooooon…”
  87. >You don’t even SOUND like a domme! You sound like a mewling brat sub!”
  88. >She stops pouting, and raises an eyebrow at you. You really don’t like that thoughtful, evil little gleam in her eye.
  89. “Oh, you want me to talk like a domme do you?” she says, her tone steely.
  90. “Th-that’s not what I meant.”
  91. “Oh,” she says, slowly walking towards you, the whip continuing to hover above her head. “But I think that is what you mean. You want someone to overpower you, don’t you? Someone to put you in your place.”
  92. “I, uh…”
  93. “Well,” she says, darkness continuing to fill her tone. “You’ve been very very cruel, my darling Anon. You’ve lead me on, offered me money for my services, and spoken so rudely to me. I do believe you need a good punishment for being so insolent, don’t you agree?”
  94. >Your mouth works, but nothing comes out. You’re not used to being on the receiving end of this, it’s hard to know what to say when the girl isn’t the one whimpering and cowering.
  95. “I said, don’t you agree!” she barks at you.
  96. >You stumble back, tripping over an errant dildo box lying on the ground. You’re like a deer caught in the headlights, still unable to speak. This is so not your kink.
  97. “Then I suppose I will have to teach you to speak,” she says with an exaggerated sigh. The whip hovers in front of her, raised, and her eyes narrow at you. “En guard!”
  98. >Suddenly, you remember that you too are holding a whip. You raise it yourself, sensing a battle is at hand, and quickly flick it in her direction, hard. Not pulling any punches, she cracks hers expertly over her head, the sound echoing like a gunshot in the room. It comes down across the back of your hand, but you manage to hang onto your only defense.
  99. “Rarity what the shit!” you shout as you scramble to your feet and try to run.
  100. “Now now, Anon, such language!” she cackles as you feel blood spring from the biting cut across the back of your hand.
  101. >You back away quickly, trying to make for the door, but find that it has now dissolved into the wall. Only the butt plug doorknob remains.
  102. “Did you lock us in?” you cry.
  103. “Yes, and there’s only one way to get that door open without my magic, and I don’t think you’ll be willing to do it. You’re stuck here.”
  104. >The whip cracks again as she gets closer, and you crack yours back, trying to keep her at bay like a lion. Still, she walks forward, not seeming to care about the way it lashes her shoulder and foreleg. She continues to smile at you.
  105. >You throw a hasty glance at the door, then at the knob, and the idea strikes you (but not as hard as Rarity’s next attack). The shape of the doorknob, the purpose of it. The height for ponies….
  106. >Oh my god. You have to put it up your butt to open it.
  107. >Quickly, you debate your best option. Face crazy dominatrix Rarity or, well, take one for the team. Up the ass. Neither option is good, but a brief poke by your own choice sounds better than falling under Rarity’s whip until she's satisfied. Who knows how long that could take.
  108. >With a groan of fear and frustration, you let go of the whip, run to the door, and pull down your shorts. You let out a battle cry of anguish as you crouch a little and turn your puckered starhole towards the door.
  109. “FOR LILY!” you bellow, then plunge your torso backwards to impale yourself on the cute blue butt plug doorknob.
  110. >You’ve never done this before, and going in dry feels like a very small rock-man is punching your anus. You wheeze out a pained cry, lamenting your lack of lubrication. A short shock of pain shoots through you, but then it subsides a little. Honestly, the knob is smallish, it’s not that bad. In other circumstances this might even be a little enjoyalbe if you had a little lube and…
  111. >Your brain stops working as you spot Rarity again. She’s staring at you, mouth open in apparent disgust, frozen in her tracks. As you watch, she drops the whip and takes a slow step away from you, her face somehow even more pale than its usual white. You smile at her triumphantly, but she just shakes her head.
  112. “Anon… what in all of Equestria are you doing?!”
  113. “Getting out of here you crazy cunt!” you shout, the vibrations of it rippling all the way to your penetrated rectum. Really, it's not that bad. “I know you thought I wouldn’t do it bu-”
  114. “N-no!” she cries, looking like she may vomit. “I meant that you had to say ‘yes Mistress,’ why the fuck would you stuff my doorknob up your ass!?”
  115. >You blink at her.
  116. “But I…”
  117. “You know what? No,” she says, shaking her head violently now. “I’m done. I can’t even deal with this right now. Just… just get out, and take your money with you, and… just… no.”
  118. >She turns from you towards the dressing room, and the door behind you pops open, abruptly uncorking your anus. You yelp, but then quickly pull up your pants, grab your clothes, and get the fuck out of there as fast as you can. You’re still not sure what just happened, but you’re pretty sure that you just unnecessarily took a sparkly blue plug up the ass. And that you’re bleeding from a few different places now.
  120. ——
  122. >Lily looks up at you from her reading as you walk though the front door.
  123. “Oh hi sweetie! Where have you been?” she coos, walking over to embrace you.
  124. >You hold up a hand to stop her, and she goes still, frowning slightly.
  125. “Lily…” you say, your voice husky and shaking. “I have something very important to ask you.”
  126. >She sits back down in her chair and cocks her head at you quizzically, and you're glad she's taking your tone so seriously. You’re sure she can see you sweating, and you’re sure your face is flushed with all these distressing thoughts swirling through your mind. But you have to know.
  127. “Do you,” you say, barely able to get the words out, “do you happen to have a collection of sex toys already?”
  128. “Why yes I do,” she says brightly.
  129. “And… do those toys include butt plugs?”
  130. >She hesitates, but then nods.
  131. “Um, yes. Why do you ask?”
  132. >You stare into her eyes, shuddering slightly, then turn away and begin to trudge into the bedroom.
  133. “Good,” you say in a croak, “because there’s some stuff I want to try. Just… bring some lube. I’ve had a rather… frictional day.”
  135. -END-
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