
Rough Draft Eckhart Krauter Blood Elf/Human Paladin

Aug 20th, 2016
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  1. Optional History Spoilers
  3. Eckhart Krauter born into a Mercenary guild known as <Last Laugh> that served no one but the tidings of gold. His mother a Blood Elf and, for lack of a better term a 'Paladin' known simply as Sorrowbane. Sorrowbane willed the light to her in the most terrifying displays of retribution.
  5. His father a brutal half human,half elf, fury warrior, known simply as Invader. Trained in the arts of Fury and Rampage. Invader spent most of his life outside of the conflicts of Orcs and men; unless there was profit to be made. He was only dedicated to his wife, his son and his guild. He owed no men an Allegiance of any kind. Invader being the bastard son of a human sire had little love for the race of men.
  7. Eckhart is named after two comrades of his parents. Both no longer with the living. Eckhart was a night elf and a druid that served the Mercenary guild for many years. Krauter was a crazy eyed, Human Arms Warrior with a streak for adventure and lust for gold. Two very dear friends of his parents...That passed away many years ago and long before Eckhart was ever a part of Azeroth.
  9. <Last Laugh> never stayed anywhere for long; usually at sea for lengthy periods of time between the various conflicts their services were paid to enter.
  11. Though his parents were truly ruthless Mercenaries by trade, they raised Eckhart well. Eckhart was trained in the disciplines of his father but it become apparent he was more like his mother.
  13. By the time Eckhart was a young elf it was clear that he would not follow in his fathers footsteps, but his mothers. His mother would take over his training with the support of his father. Eckhart would become a Paladin.
  15. As the world become more complicated and division lines being drawn at an ever increasing rate. His mothers people join the Horde in a shocking alliance.
  17. This changed little for the family and <Last Laugh> as they had always been mercenaries...At first glance; all was well then the cracks started to show. An ever increasing occurrence of nasty conflicts with the Alliance had colored most of the guilds attitudes about where their allegiances should lie. The guilds makeup consisted of a handful of seasoned human mercenaris and numerous Blood Elves.
  19. Eventually they would start serving the horde in full service. The guild, disbanded, the members scattered to other guilds and halls. All of the human members would join the Alliance in the following weeks and months.
  21. Eckhart had a problem. Eckhart looked more human than he did elf. Though he was perfectly willing to serve the horde. This would not come to pass. His father looked blood elf. How Eckhart seemed to pick up every single human trait his fathers genes carried was now simply just bad luck.
  23. The Third War falls upon Outland and Azeroth. The times become turbulent and, the racial tensions grow in the ranks of the now blood elf horde battalions. Eckhart is not well liked by his fellow soldiers. He can see how much they hate him just for the way he looks. How quickly things can change in an instant. From accepted ally to suspected Alliance spy.
  25. Then one night during a dream the light shows Eckhart a vision of the Alliance banner. A proud and noble lion. Sitting on a throne of gold. Then the light shows him in service of an Alliance guild in a stand off with a blood elf battalion. The same battalion his mother and father are a part of.
  27. Then he sees his mother and father die in a volley of spells and arrows. Eckhart is powerless to spare them as he is not close enough to call off the attack of the defeated battalion. Then the light shows him what he must do to save them. What he now has to do to save them. He must leave and never return.
  29. Eckhart awakens from the dream and in the dead of night departs silently. A week later he finds himself in Stormwind looking for the Alliance banner that he was fighting under during his dream. He searches and searches and then he sees it. A horse-shoe, a black horse shoe upon a bright pink backdrop. A mercenary guild in service of the Alliance known as <My Little Pony>. Eckhart confused about the oddness of the name shrugs it off and follows his vision.
  31. Eckhart had grown close with several members of his new guild. Eckhart was accepted for who he is and, here looking human is acceptable. A place to fit in.
  33. One night during a guild meeting, Eckhart explains what lead him to the guild. A few members raised suspicious eyebrows at first but, everyone was drunk enough at this point during the meeting practically anything was acceptable. The rest of the events of that night are not talked about. Booze never leads to good decision making in social settings.
  35. With his vision explained Eckhart and his guild make out for Outland; where the battle was supposed to take place according to Eckharts vision. Near a blood elf out post in Hellfire.
  37. Eckharts vision was as foretold. A blood elf battalion was in full march towards Alliance territory claims when <My Little Pony> would intercept and have an easy victory. At least according to Eckharts vision...
  39. Then to the dismay of Eckhart and his friends. The vision was miss-interpreted. They suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of the skilled blood elf battalion.
  41. Eckhart glimpses across the field of bodies, the bodies of his comrades. Comrades that he had lead to the their possible death and for many; death did greet them on this day. Eckhart laying on his back, wounded, but not mortally. Eckhart rolls his head the best he can without being noticed and then he sees his father and mother; as they start to travel the battle field looking for any soldiers that yet breathed. When they reach Eckhart. The pause and look upon him and then his father thrusts a spear tiped polearm deep into the ground just under Eckharts armpit.
  43. An observer would think he had put the blade square into his heart. Tears stream down Invaders face as Sorrowbane turns away from the pitiful scene. As if making sure no one is watching...
  45. Eckhart opens his eyes as his fathers tears drip down upon his face. Invader whispers “you will live, I’ve seen to it and so will your new family”. Invader continues to whisper and says “Your mother had a vision as well and for now and forever, we must be enemies so that you can live. The day will come when you will have to kill us both. You must do it, you poor child, my Torn-Heart…" With that Invader produces a pouch of thick blood like dye, drops to the ground where his spear is resting and quickly bust the bag open. Giving the spear tip the appearance of being soaked in blood. Sorrowbane turns around, looks at Eckhart and with a subtle nod. She says goodbye. Invader steps softly across Eckharts chest as Sorrowbane awaits him with her back now turned. Then they rally their troops to move out.
  47. The battalion leaves quickly under the command of Sorrowbane and Invader. Shortly afterward a horde mercenary guild by the name <Tides of War> shows up and gives aid to the fallen soldiers. Taking them from the field quickly and quietly and escorts them closely to an Alliance outpost. Where they bid them farewell and quickly leave the area...
  49. Many years have passed since this day and Eckhart has yet to face his parents in battle again….
  51. Eckhart finds himself in strange times but in good company. His family, his new family has stayed together since the events of The Third War and beyond. The banners have changed but the faces have remained mostly the same with a few new additions to the circle here and there.
  53. The family has found a new home under the banner of <Craft>
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