
Gaelan and Lukas Barfight (Gaelan)

Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. [21:20] A glance shot to Gaelan.
  3. "Try and stab me in the kidney and I'll grind your face on the bar counter then dunk your head in a barrel of beer." Again, they flicked Gaelan on the forehead, not really afraid to have a little bar fight with the boy. Weren't things like that common in Theria anyway?
  5. Besides, it was a mere jest.. Unless?
  7. Sparkling ocean eyes landed back on Elias.
  9. "I've seen you high off your ass but not drunk. I'm sure you hold your liquor better than I do. Once I got home I threw up on Andras and then passed out. Even if I can't handle it well.. It's preeeeettty fun." They grin at the man hoping he wouldn't police their drinking in the future.
  10. (Lukas)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [21:20] Elias exclaims, "Good with tools- Royal!"
  14. [21:20] Royal Corvinus says, "Be friends with yer dealers... Ain't no harm in it."
  15. [21:20] Royal Corvinus says, "-- Y'know what I mean, crimson addict."
  16. [21:21] Ita Waters says, "Always been edgy around the red stuff...I dunno."
  17. [21:21] Ita Waters says, "Got a funny smell to it."
  18. [21:21] Lumi Fenrir says, "i'm fiiiiiiineeeee..."
  19. [21:21] Dun says, "Ohohohohohoho."
  20. [21:22] Sarasha Fenrir says, "Damn Ita, you got good ears! Hearing them from all the way over there."
  21. [21:22] Dun says, "Sometimes, a man needs to simply take off all his clothes but for his mask, do a line of Sylvannum, and run into the frigid wilderness to throw hands with everything in sight."
  22. [21:22] Ita Waters says, "-Yeah? Well, uh. Thanks, I think."
  23. [21:22] Ita Waters says, "My eyes ain't always been so good. So guess my ears tried to make up for it."
  24. [21:22] Sarasha Fenrir says, "Goddamn Dun. Just stick a straw through the mask instead. "
  25. [21:23] Grinning from ear to ear the Valmasian cackles, slapping down an emerald before Lumi. It wasn't more than one could fit in their hand-- It's help, probably, with the sickness though...
  27. When the fuck did I start playing a crystal healer?"Suck it up 'n jus' drink 'em on their own from now on. Y'learn through drinkin' the bad shit-- Jus'... Don't mix wine unless it's with somethin' fruity."
  28. (Royal Corvinus)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [21:23] Ita Waters says, "..."
  32. [21:23] Sarasha Fenrir says, "Though I haven't touched that stuff since I was much much younger"
  33. [21:23] Ita Waters says, "I hear those silly straws work real good."
  34. [21:23] Ita Waters says, "Don't know if they'd work for snortables."
  35. [21:23] Royal Corvinus says, "They do if y'try hard enough."
  36. [21:24] Ita Waters says, "I ain't think I'll ever touch that Sylv stuff."
  37. [21:24] Ita Waters says, "Hearing about it gives me the heebie-jeebies."
  38. [21:24] Lucia takes another laaarge sip of her bottle, and another hiccup, still looking to Tanya as the Ardent Warlord is, apparently, comatose.
  40. "Wwwellllll?"
  42. She does not realize this.
  43. (Lucia)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [21:24] Dun says, "Ohohohohoho."
  47. [21:24] "Ex-crimson addict!"
  49. He'd loudly declare! "Definitely'll hold it better then you will. Got no complaints, but no vomitin' on me." Grimacing at the thoughts. Could be inferred, Elias wasn't keen on policing anyone's drinking! Especially not Lukas'
  51. Grinning wryly, holding up one of the blood-wine bottles..
  53. "Cheers, Lukas!" Also
  55. Sylvanum for the future.
  56. (Elias)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [21:24] Dun exclaims, "I don't want to waste a single ounce of powder in the straws!"
  60. [21:25] Elias asks, "Where could you find Sylvanum 'round?"
  61. [21:25] "You do realize you not that strong right? All this trash your talk'n is wasted breath. Your all bark no bite." I mean the teen did already stab him once, what makes him think he won't do it again.
  63. He takes a few more sips of his drink. A yawn is let out as well.
  65. Gaelan had no plans to beat Lukas' shit in. He could though. That was all on him.
  67. The teen continues to relax.
  68. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [21:25] Ita Waters says, "Well...I got four of these bottles of blood wine."
  72. [21:25] Ita Waters says, "I figure that'll do me just fine for now anyhow."
  73. [21:26] Dun asks, "Where Elias?"
  74. [21:27] Sarasha sashayed over to Lucia and leaned over the counter to her. From here, Dun might have a better view.
  76. "Lucia, she's my closest friend. Yet at times she just trances out." She says as a bar fight is about to break out.
  78. "Take it outside!" She scolded them.
  79. (Sarasha Fenrir)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [21:27] Ita Waters asks, "-Ah, shit. C'mon. You heard her. Outside, please?"
  83. [21:28] Tanya Weiss says, "I'm here."
  84. [21:28] Lucia says, "Ooh. Lotsa people do that, I think."
  85. [21:28] Ita takes a long pull from the bottle of blood wine. And, as she finds some sort of release in the torpor alcohol brings, someone just
  87. Has. To go.
  89. And ruin it.
  91. She grumbles and starts reaching into her coat.
  93. "So uh. Yeah. Outside...please?"
  94. (Ita Waters)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [21:28] There was a short hiccup from Lumi before staring at Royal as the poor boy took another swig of the mixed drink before shrugging and giggling a tad. "Fuc' youuu...I can drinkss..."
  99. There was a small hiccup from them again before they took another few heavy swigs and stared at the table for a second. "Areent..ya' gonna...fiiinish ya' driink?"
  100. (Lumi Fenrir)
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [21:29] Lukas took their blood wine bottle from their cloak and to the counter. Sharpened eyes settled on Gaelan.
  105. Unlike those Therian boys, they weren't all bark no bite. Tendrils of water burst from behind them and they grab their trident.
  107. "I warned you~"
  109. With that, they lunged at the boy. Shit talk will not be tolerated.
  110. (Lukas)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [21:29] Lucia follows that very wise, totally not drunk statement, by...taking a biiiig gulp of her sake, her cheeks already showing a good amount of ruddiness.
  115. "This feels greeeat. Wonder why my parents didn't want m'to drink. Boring."
  116. (Lucia)
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. [21:31] Yawns a bit not really caring for the drink but seeing as so many other people were doing so he would roll his eyes not wanting to be the odd one left out now.
  121. He would take the glass pouring himself a drink and just chugs it but unlike his cousin he didn't really seem affected by it at first. However he did want to ignore the petty squabbling of Lukas and gaelan so he kind of slumped over into his seat bearing his face into the counter.
  122. (Einar Fenrir)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [21:31] Snickering away he'd just shake his head back and forth slowly. Tipping his sake bottle upside down not a drip of alcohol comes forth. "Already bone dry in m'bottle, but I figure I'll do some more later on back in m'room."
  127. Raising a brow he'd lean back in his seat, kicking his feet up onto the table. "'n take it slow, bud. Fuckin' guzzlin'... Whatever kinda' drink y'jus' made ain't goin' to sit well."
  128. (Royal Corvinus)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [21:32] Gaelan would hope off his seat right as Lukas lunged at him."Take it outside, dumbass." He walks outside it was up to him to follow or not. He would start to whistle.
  133. He makes his way outside.
  134. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. [21:32] Lukas followed cause they aren't a BITCH.
  138. (Lukas)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [21:33] Sajid says, "Hi."
  142. [21:33] Blake Augustus asks, "You wanted to talk to me about something?"
  143. [21:33] Sajid says, "...why do you two look-"
  144. [21:33] Sajid says, "..."
  145. [21:33] Lemuria Augustus says, "Do not ask questions."
  146. [21:33] Lemuria Augustus says, "It was not my idea."
  147. [21:33] Sajid says, "I have to ask these questions."
  148. [21:34] Blake Augustus says, "You're the one who bought me my first dress, Lemi."
  149. [21:34] Sajid says, "Oh."
  150. [21:34] Sajid says, "..."
  151. [21:34] Lemuria Augustus says, "Technically true."
  152. [21:35] Blake casually glances at Lemuria. Then back at Sajid. Then back at Lemuria.
  153. (Blake Augustus)
  154. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. [21:36] Sajid looks at Lemuria, then back at Blake. Only to look at Lemuria.
  157. (Sajid)
  158. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. [21:36] Blake Augustus whispers something.
  161. [21:36] Sajid whispers something.
  162. [21:36] Blake Augustus whispers something.
  163. [21:37] Lemuria Augustus whispers something.
  164. [21:38] Sajid whispers something.
  165. [21:39] Sajid whispers something.
  166. [21:39] Lemuria Augustus whispers something.
  167. [21:49] At least outside Lukas wouldn't murder Elias. They supposed the others would die as well but, most importantly, Elias would drown as well.
  169. So, over a few more mere words, the hungover Lukas went at it with Gaelan near the Fenrir house. Being outside meant more room to use their newfound skill with water. The area around them became less of a mountain and more of a flooded mess. It clung to the ankles of the two, and those around.
  171. From it, formed large tendrils, akin to those of a sea beast of legend. Giant tentacles that whisked around the area, adding a bit of defense and offense to the water magi.
  173. The two went at it. Water and ice. Colliding
  175. Lukas didn't expect to beat his ass and be done with it. These Fenrir kids trained and trained and trained. He showed his training and growth since the last time. Blinding them and forcing them to reside and lay off the offensive while an illusion of Gaelan entered the range of their tentacles, landing blow upon blow on them.
  177. His ice proved to be a problem as well, restricting their movement once they got close, tearing at their cloak and drawing a bit of blood. Gaelan's strength made them grin. Their offense resumed. Growing used to their new skills took longer than they thought.
  179. Waters crashed against the teen. He'd feel the difference in raw strength, even if Lukas wasn't the best fighter, they at least had spells that would leave quite the mark.
  181. As they left the 'safety' of their few giant tentacles, the blood on their hand coiled into a thin whip that lashed at him, followed by one of water. Lukas reached out at Gaelan, grabbing him by the shirt and flinging him into the range of their giant tentacles. Immediately, they crashed against him with such force that left him on the ground.
  183. They huffed.
  185. "That's the first damn time we speak and we get into a damn fight." Lukas couldn't help but laugh.
  186. (Lukas)
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. [22:07] Gaelan took Lukas outside to battle. The idiot wanted to battle inside of the bar. The first time he takes a step into the bar he gets into a fight. In true Fenrir fashion. He didn't want the others to take part in the fight. This was dumb anyway. The fact that Lukas actually went along with it was surprising to him.
  191. Once the battle started Lukas covered the hold area in a sea of... tendrils? Uhh okay then. Gaelan did his normal thing. The around was also shrouded in a thick dense mist that hid most everything that the kid did. His form had become mist itself, he was one with the illusionary mist around them.
  193. Gaelan didn't fully expect to win against the older male. However his trash talking was insane. It was just sorta funny all in all.
  195. They fought around this strange conditions they both set on each other. Lukas had to fight with a lack of sight, Gaelan a lack of movement. The Ice he made was used to get around the fight. Sliding across the water that he forged in the near center of the cliff. How annoying.
  197. The overall skill of the teen and his new spells greatly assisted him in this battle. Seeing as he was able to get him close to going down. He even made Lukas stubble around a bit. He was all so close.
  199. He moved in after dazing him attempting to end it, as it was his mistake. He evoked the shadow that he has been working on controlling. This time he wasn't ready for the repercussions. It didn't come out in time. He didn't pour enough mana in it. Then a wave crashed into the teen throwing him back.
  201. Lukas moved in as Gaelan got back to his feet the battle continued. Or so he thought. Not long afterwards he was assaulted with multiple attack from him. As he was falling back in his weakened state Lukas grabbed him by the collar and threw him into the sea of tentacles. A large slam of force was made into his back. Making him fall to the ground.
  203. The boy coughed up a bit of blood. "Tsk... Yea really. The second male outside of the family I speak to I get into a bar fight with. How annoying." He still held his calm tone.
  205. "Well regardless your not that strong anymore. You'll be defeated by me in no time." He boasted.
  206. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [22:13] "That's bold of you."
  211. Lukas forced those big tendrils to return to just water. Most of it slid down the mountain and out to the sea, some of on the poor souls at the bottom of this side of the cliff.
  213. "Fighting is all about feeling. You feel bad, you fight bad." Lukas was hungover as fuck.
  215. "When you open your mouth you sure do talk a lot of shit. I'm not a man nor a woman. I dislike both of them and would rather be neither." They turned east, to where the bar was. More than ever, they hated explaining these things. People rarely really got it and let it go one ear and out the other. They expected so much with Gaelan and began walking back to the bar.
  217. "I'm pretty strong, not as skilled with combat. There's a difference.".. Whatever his name was. He never told them.
  218. (Lukas)
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