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a guest
Sep 25th, 2011
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  1. names:
  2. item0: Air
  3. item1: Stone
  4. item2: Grass
  5. item3: Dirt
  6. item4: Cobblestone
  7. item5: Wooden Plank
  8. item6: Sapling
  9. item7: Bedrock
  10. item8: Flowing Water
  11. item9: Stationary Water
  12. item10: Flowing Lava
  13. item11: Stationary Lava
  14. item12: Sand
  15. item13: Gravel
  16. item14: Gold Ore
  17. item15: Iron Ore
  18. item16: Coal Ore
  19. item17:
  20. - Oak Log
  21. - Pine Log
  22. - Birch Log
  23. item18: Leaves
  24. item19: Sponge
  25. item20: Glass
  26. item21: Lapis Lazuli Ore
  27. item22: Lapis Lazuli Block
  28. item23: Dispenser
  29. item24: Sandstone
  30. item25: Note Block
  31. item26: Bed
  32. item27: Powered Rail
  33. item28: Detector Rail
  34. item29: Sticky Piston
  35. item30: Cobweb
  36. item31: Tall Grass
  37. item32: Dead Bush
  38. item33: Piston
  39. item35:
  40. - White Wool
  41. - Orange Wool
  42. - Magenta Wool
  43. - Light Blue Wool
  44. - Yellow Wool
  45. - Lime Wool
  46. - Pink Wool
  47. - Gray Wool
  48. - Light Gray Wool
  49. - Cyan Wool
  50. - Purple Wool
  51. - Blue Wool
  52. - Brown Wool
  53. - Green Wool
  54. - Red Wool
  55. - Black Wool
  56. item37: Dandelion
  57. item38: Rose
  58. item39: Mushroom
  59. item40: Toadstool
  60. item41: Gold Block
  61. item42: Iron Block
  62. item43:
  63. - Double Stone Slab
  64. - Double Sandstone Slab
  65. - Double Wood Slab
  66. - Double Cobblestone Slab
  67. item44:
  68. - Stone Slab
  69. - Sandstone Slab
  70. - Wood Slab
  71. - Cobblestone Slab
  72. - Brick Slab
  73. - Stone Brick Slab
  74. item45: Brick Block
  75. item46: TNT
  76. item47: Bookshelf
  77. item48: Moss Stone
  78. item49: Obsidian
  79. item50: Torch
  80. item51: Fire
  81. item52:
  82. - Pig Spawner
  83. - Chicken Spawner
  84. - Cow Spawner
  85. - Sheep Spawner
  86. - Squid Spawner
  87. - Creeper Spawner
  88. - Ghast Spawner
  89. - Zombie Pigman Spawner
  90. - Skeleton Spawner
  91. - Spider Spawner
  92. - Zombie Spawner
  93. - Slime Spawner
  94. - Human Spawner
  95. - Giant Spawner
  96. - Wolf Spawner
  97. - Mob Spawner
  98. - Enderman Spawner
  99. item53: Wooden Stairs
  100. item54: Chest
  101. item55: Redstone Wire
  102. item56: Diamond Ore
  103. item57: Diamond Block
  104. item58: Crafting Table
  105. item59: Crops
  106. item60: Farmland
  107. item61: Furnace
  108. item62: Burning Furnace
  109. item63: Sign Post
  110. item64: Wooden Door Block
  111. item65: Ladder
  112. item66: Rails
  113. item67: Cobblestone Stairs
  114. item68: Wall Sign
  115. item69: Lever
  116. item70: Stone Pressure Plate
  117. item71: Iron Door Block
  118. item72: Wooden Pressure Plate
  119. item73: Redstone Ore
  120. item74: Glowing Redstone Ore
  121. item75: Unlit Redstone Torch
  122. item76: Redstone Torch
  123. item77: Button
  124. item78: Snow
  125. item79: Ice
  126. item80: Snow Block
  127. item81: Cactus
  128. item82: Clay Block
  129. item83: Sugar Cane Block
  130. item84: Jukebox
  131. item85: Fence
  132. item86: Pumpkin
  133. item87: Netherrack
  134. item88: Soul Sand
  135. item89: Glowstone
  136. item90: Portal
  137. item91: Jack-o-lantern
  138. item92: Cake Block
  139. item93: Unlit Redstone Repeater Block
  140. item94: Redstone Repeater Block
  141. item95: Locked Chest
  142. item96: Trapdoor
  143. item98: Stone Bricks
  144. item101: Iron Bars
  145. item102: Glass Pane
  146. item103: Melon
  147. item106: Vines
  148. item107: Fence Gate
  149. item108: Brick Stairs
  150. item109: Stone Brick Stairs
  151. item111: Lily Pad
  152. item112: Nether Brick
  153. item113: Nether Brick Fence
  154. item114: Nether Brick Stairs
  155. item115: Nether Wart
  156. item256: Iron Shovel
  157. item257: Iron Pickaxe
  158. item258: Iron Axe
  159. item259: Flint and Steel
  160. item260: Apple
  161. item261: Bow
  162. item262: Arrow
  163. item263:
  164. - Coal
  165. - Charcoal
  166. item264: Diamond
  167. item265: Iron Ingot
  168. item266: Gold Ingot
  169. item267: Iron Sword
  170. item268: Wooden Sword
  171. item269: Wooden Shovel
  172. item270: Wooden Pickaxe
  173. item271: Wooden Axe
  174. item272: Stone Sword
  175. item273: Stone Shovel
  176. item274: Stone Pickaxe
  177. item275: Stone Axe
  178. item276: Diamond Sword
  179. item277: Diamond Shovel
  180. item278: Diamond Pickaxe
  181. item279: Diamond Axe
  182. item280: Stick
  183. item281: Bowl
  184. item282: Mushroom Stew
  185. item283: Golden Sword
  186. item284: Golden Shovel
  187. item285: Golden Pickaxe
  188. item286: Golden Axe
  189. item287: String
  190. item288: Feather
  191. item289: Gunpowder
  192. item290: Wooden Hoe
  193. item291: Stone Hoe
  194. item292: Iron Hoe
  195. item293: Diamond Hoe
  196. item294: Golden Hoe
  197. item295: Seeds
  198. item296: Wheat
  199. item297: Bread
  200. item298: Leather Cap
  201. item299: Leather Tunic
  202. item300: Leather Pants
  203. item301: Leather Boots
  204. item302: Chainmail Helmet
  205. item303: Chainmail Chestplate
  206. item304: Chainmail Leggings
  207. item305: Chainmail Boots
  208. item306: Iron Helmet
  209. item307: Iron Chestplate
  210. item308: Iron Leggings
  211. item309: Iron Boots
  212. item310: Diamond Helmet
  213. item311: Diamond Chestplate
  214. item312: Diamond Leggings
  215. item313: Diamond Boots
  216. item314: Gold Helmet
  217. item315: Gold Chestplate
  218. item316: Gold Leggings
  219. item317: Gold Boots
  220. item318: Flint
  221. item319: Raw Porkchop
  222. item320: Cooked Porkchop
  223. item321: Painting
  224. item322: Golden Apple
  225. item323: Sign
  226. item324: Wooden Door
  227. item325: Bucket
  228. item326: Water Bucket
  229. item327: Lava Bucket
  230. item328: Minecart
  231. item329: Saddle
  232. item330: Iron door
  233. item331: Redstone
  234. item332: Snowball
  235. item333: Boat
  236. item334: Leather
  237. item335: Milk
  238. item336: Brick
  239. item337: Clay
  240. item338: Sugar Canes
  241. item339: Paper
  242. item340: Book
  243. item341: Slimeball
  244. item342: Minecart with Chest
  245. item343: Minecart with Furnace
  246. item344: Egg
  247. item345: Compass
  248. item346: Fishing Rod
  249. item347: Clock
  250. item348: Glowstone Dust
  251. item349: Raw Fish
  252. item350: Cooked Fish
  253. item351:
  254. - Ink Sac
  255. - Rose Red
  256. - Cactus Green
  257. - Cocoa Beans
  258. - Lapis Lazuli
  259. - Purple Dye
  260. - Cyan Dye
  261. - Light Gray Dye
  262. - Gray Dye
  263. - Pink Dye
  264. - Lime Dye
  265. - Dandelion Yellow
  266. - Light Blue Dye
  267. - Magenta Dye
  268. - Orange Dye
  269. - Bone Meal
  270. item352: Bone
  271. item353: Sugar
  272. item354: Cake
  273. item355: Bed
  274. item356: Redstone Repeater
  275. item357: Cookie
  276. item358: Map
  277. item359: Shears
  278. item360: Melon (Slice)
  279. item361: Pumpkin Seeds
  280. item362: Melon Seeds
  281. item363: Raw Beef
  282. item364: Steak
  283. item365: Raw Chicken
  284. item366: Cooked Chicken
  285. item367: Rotten Flesh
  286. item368: Ender Pearl
  287. item369: Blaze Rod
  288. item370: Ghast Tear
  289. item371: Gold Nugget
  290. item372: Nether Wart
  291. item2256: Gold Music Disc
  292. item2257: Green Music Disc
  293. variants:
  294. item17:
  295. type0:
  296. - oak
  297. type1:
  298. - pine
  299. - red
  300. - redwood
  301. type2:
  302. - birch
  303. - white
  304. item35:
  305. type0:
  306. - white
  307. type1:
  308. - orange
  309. type2:
  310. - magenta
  311. - lightpurple
  312. type3:
  313. - lightblue
  314. - blue
  315. type4:
  316. - yellow
  317. - dandelion
  318. type5:
  319. - lime
  320. - lightgreen
  321. type6:
  322. - pink
  323. - lightred
  324. type7:
  325. - gray
  326. - grey
  327. - darkgrey
  328. - darkgray
  329. type8:
  330. - silver
  331. - lightgray
  332. - lightgrey
  333. type9:
  334. - cyan
  335. type10:
  336. - purple
  337. - darkpurple
  338. type11:
  339. - navy
  340. - darkblue
  341. - lapis
  342. - lazuli
  343. - lapislazuli
  344. type12:
  345. - brown
  346. - cocoa
  347. - chocolate
  348. type13:
  349. - green
  350. - darkgreen
  351. - cactus
  352. type14:
  353. - red
  354. - darkred
  355. - rose
  356. type15:
  357. - black
  358. item43:
  359. type0:
  360. - stone
  361. type1:
  362. - sandstone
  363. type2:
  364. - wood
  365. - wooden
  366. type3:
  367. - cobble
  368. - cobblestone
  369. item44:
  370. type0:
  371. - stone
  372. type1:
  373. - sandstone
  374. type2:
  375. - wood
  376. - wooden
  377. type3:
  378. - cobble
  379. - cobblestone
  380. type4:
  381. - brick
  382. type5:
  383. - stonebrick
  384. item52:
  385. type0:
  386. - pig
  387. type1:
  388. - chicken
  389. - duck
  390. type2:
  391. - cow
  392. type3:
  393. - sheep
  394. type4:
  395. - squid
  396. type5:
  397. - creeper
  398. type6:
  399. - ghast
  400. - nethersquid
  401. type7:
  402. - pigzombie
  403. - zombiepigman
  404. type8:
  405. - skeleton
  406. type9:
  407. - spider
  408. type10:
  409. - zombie
  410. type11:
  411. - slime
  412. type12:
  413. - giant
  414. - giantzombie
  415. - zombiegiant
  416. - bigzombie
  417. type13:
  418. - human
  419. - monster
  420. type14:
  421. - enderman
  422. item351:
  423. type0:
  424. - black
  425. - ink
  426. type1:
  427. - rose
  428. - red
  429. - darkred
  430. type2:
  431. - cactus
  432. - green
  433. - darkgreen
  434. type3:
  435. - brown
  436. - cocoa
  437. - chocolate
  438. type4:
  439. - navy
  440. - darkblue
  441. - lapis
  442. - lazuli
  443. - lapislazuli
  444. type5:
  445. - purple
  446. - darkpurple
  447. type6:
  448. - cyan
  449. type7:
  450. - silver
  451. - lightgray
  452. - lightgrey
  453. type8:
  454. - gray
  455. - grey
  456. - darkgrey
  457. - darkgray
  458. type9:
  459. - pink
  460. - lightred
  461. type10:
  462. - lime
  463. - lightgreen
  464. type11:
  465. - dandelion
  466. - yellow
  467. type12:
  468. - lightblue
  469. - blue
  470. type13:
  471. - magenta
  472. - lightpurple
  473. type14:
  474. - orange
  475. type15:
  476. - white
  477. hooks:
  478. block:
  479. gold: '41'
  480. iron: '42'
  481. diamond: '57'
  482. lapis: '22'
  483. lazuli: '22'
  484. lapislazuli: '22'
  485. snow: '80'
  486. clay: '82'
  487. glowstone: '89'
  488. glow: '89'
  489. ore:
  490. gold: '14'
  491. iron: '15'
  492. diamond: '56'
  493. lapis: '21'
  494. lazuli: '21'
  495. lapislazuli: '21'
  496. redstone: '73'
  497. red: '73'
  498. glowstone: '89'
  499. glow: '89'
  500. coal: '16'
  501. pick:
  502. gold: '285'
  503. wood: '270'
  504. stone: '274'
  505. iron: '257'
  506. diamond: '278'
  507. admin: 278/-1562
  508. axe:
  509. gold: '286'
  510. wood: '271'
  511. stone: '275'
  512. iron: '258'
  513. diamond: '279'
  514. admin: 279/-1562
  515. hoe:
  516. gold: '294'
  517. wood: '290'
  518. stone: '291'
  519. iron: '292'
  520. diamond: '293'
  521. admin: 293/-1562
  522. shovel:
  523. gold: '284'
  524. wood: '269'
  525. stone: '273'
  526. iron: '256'
  527. diamond: '277'
  528. admin: 277/-1562
  529. sword:
  530. gold: '283'
  531. wood: '268'
  532. stone: '272'
  533. iron: '267'
  534. diamond: '276'
  535. admin: 276/-1562
  536. helm:
  537. gold: '314'
  538. leather: '298'
  539. chain: '302'
  540. iron: '306'
  541. diamond: '310'
  542. admin: 310/-272
  543. plate:
  544. gold: '315'
  545. leather: '299'
  546. chain: '303'
  547. iron: '307'
  548. diamond: '311'
  549. admin: 311/-385
  550. pants:
  551. gold: '316'
  552. leather: '300'
  553. chain: '304'
  554. iron: '308'
  555. diamond: '312'
  556. admin: 312/-368
  557. boots:
  558. gold: '317'
  559. leather: '301'
  560. chain: '305'
  561. iron: '309'
  562. diamond: '313'
  563. admin: 313/-320
  564. bucket:
  565. lava: '327'
  566. water: '326'
  567. milk: '335'
  568. empty: '325'
  569. dust:
  570. redstone: '331'
  571. red: '331'
  572. glowstone: '348'
  573. glow: '348'
  574. ball:
  575. snow: '332'
  576. clay: '337'
  577. slime: '341'
  578. record:
  579. gold: '2256'
  580. green: '2257'
  581. aliases:
  582. None: '0'
  583. 'Null': '0'
  584. Nil: '0'
  585. Nothing: '0'
  586. Empty: '0'
  587. SmoothStone: '1'
  588. SmeltedStone: '1'
  589. Cobble: '4'
  590. Plank: '5'
  591. WoodPlank: '5'
  592. WoodenPlank: '5'
  593. WPlank: '5'
  594. Tree: '6'
  595. Adminium: '7'
  596. Admincrete: '7'
  597. Unobtainium: '7'
  598. Neutronium: '7'
  599. FWater: '8'
  600. FlowWater: '8'
  601. FlowingWater: '8'
  602. MovingWater: '8'
  603. StillWater: '9'
  604. SWater: '9'
  605. Spring: '9'
  606. FLava: '10'
  607. FlowLava: '10'
  608. FlowingLava: '10'
  609. MovingLava: '10'
  610. StillLava: '22'
  611. SLava: '11'
  612. LavaSpring: '11'
  613. Oak: 17/0
  614. Pine: 17/1
  615. Redwood: 17/1
  616. Birch: 17/2
  617. Leaf: '18'
  618. LapisLazuliOre: '21'
  619. LazuliOre: '21'
  620. LapisLazuliBlock: '22'
  621. LazuliBlock: '22'
  622. Trap: '23'
  623. Sandstone: '24'
  624. MidiBlock: '25'
  625. Bed: '26'
  626. PoweredRail: '27'
  627. DetectorRail: '28'
  628. StickyPiston: '29'
  629. Cobweb: '30'
  630. TallGrass: '31'
  631. DeadBush: '32'
  632. Piston: '33'
  633. Cloth: '35'
  634. Fabric: '35'
  635. Dandelion: '37'
  636. YellowDandelion: '37'
  637. Rose: '38'
  638. RedFlower: '38'
  639. Mushroom: '39'
  640. Toadstool: '40'
  641. BlockOfGold: '41'
  642. BlockOfIron: '42'
  643. DoubleSlab: '43'
  644. DStep: '43'
  645. DSlab: '43'
  646. Slab: '44'
  647. Half: '44'
  648. HalfBlock: '44'
  649. BrickBlock: '45'
  650. BrickWall: '45'
  651. Bricks: '45'
  652. Dynamite: '46'
  653. Bomb: '46'
  654. Boom: '46'
  655. Bookcase: '47'
  656. Moss: '48'
  657. MossStone: '48'
  658. MossRock: '48'
  659. MossCobble: '48'
  660. MossCobblestone: '48'
  661. MossyStone: '48'
  662. MossyRock: '48'
  663. MossyCobble: '48'
  664. Flame: '51'
  665. Flames: '51'
  666. Conflagration: '51'
  667. MonsterSpawner: '52'
  668. MonsterSpawn: '52'
  669. MobSpawn: '52'
  670. Spawn: '52'
  671. Spawner: '52'
  672. Mob: '52'
  673. Monster: '52'
  674. WoodenStairs: '53'
  675. WStairs: '53'
  676. Box: '54'
  677. BlockOfDiamond: '57'
  678. CraftingTable: '58'
  679. Toolbench: '58'
  680. Farmland: '60'
  681. Oven: '61'
  682. Kiln: '61'
  683. LitFurnace: '62'
  684. Rail: '66'
  685. Track: '66'
  686. Tracks: '66'
  687. TrainTrack: '66'
  688. TrainRail: '66'
  689. TrainTracks: '66'
  690. TrainRails: '66'
  691. MinecartTrack: '66'
  692. MinecartRail: '66'
  693. MinecartTracks: '66'
  694. MinecartRails: '66'
  695. CartTrack: '66'
  696. CartTracks: '66'
  697. CartRails: '66'
  698. CartRail: '66'
  699. MineTrack: '66'
  700. MineTracks: '66'
  701. MineRail: '66'
  702. MineRails: '66'
  703. StoneStairs: '67'
  704. Stairs: '67'
  705. CobbleStairs: '67'
  706. CStairs: '67'
  707. RockStairs: '67'
  708. SStairs: '67'
  709. StonePressurePlate: '70'
  710. RockPlate: '70'
  711. PressurePlate: '70'
  712. SPressurePlate: '70'
  713. SPlate: '70'
  714. WoodenPressurePlate: '72'
  715. WoodPressurePlate: '72'
  716. WPressurePlate: '72'
  717. WoodenPlate: '72'
  718. WPlate: '72'
  719. RedstoneTorch: '76'
  720. RedTorch: '76'
  721. Button: '77'
  722. Snowfall: '78'
  723. SurfaceSnow: '78'
  724. BlockOfSnow: '80'
  725. Cacti: '81'
  726. ClayBlock: '82'
  727. Radio: '84'
  728. Juke: '84'
  729. Musicbox: '84'
  730. RecordPlayer: '84'
  731. Turntable: '84'
  732. Pole: '85'
  733. PumpkinOff: '91'
  734. Netherwrack: '87'
  735. Netherstone: '87'
  736. RedMossyCobblestone: '87'
  737. Nether: '87'
  738. Netherrock: '87'
  739. Bloodstone: '87'
  740. SoulMud: '88'
  741. SoulDirt: '88'
  742. SlowSand: '88'
  743. SlowMud: '88'
  744. SlowDirt: '88'
  745. QuickSand: '88'
  746. QuickMud: '88'
  747. QuickDirt: '88'
  748. BrittleGold: '89'
  749. Lightstone: '89'
  750. GlowRock: '89'
  751. GlowingRock: '89'
  752. GlowstoneBlock: '89'
  753. GlowstoneOre: '89'
  754. Jack'o'lantern: '91'
  755. LitPumpkin: '91'
  756. Jack: '91'
  757. PumpkinLit: '91'
  758. PumpkinLight: '91'
  759. WaterLantern: '91'
  760. Cake: '92'
  761. Trapdoor: '96'
  762. StoneBricks: '98'
  763. IronBars: '101'
  764. GlassPane: '102'
  765. Melon: '103'
  766. Vines: '106'
  767. FenceGate: '107'
  768. BrickStair: '108'
  769. StoneBrickStair: '109'
  770. LilyPad: '111'
  771. NetherBrick: '112'
  772. NetherBrickFence: '113'
  773. NetherBrickStairs: '114'
  774. NetherWart: '115'
  775. WoodenShovel: '269'
  776. WoodenSpade: '269'
  777. WoodShovel: '269'
  778. WShovel: '269'
  779. WSpade: '269'
  780. StoneShovel: '273'
  781. SShovel: '273'
  782. SSword: '272'
  783. IronShovel: '256'
  784. IShovel: '256'
  785. ISpade: '256'
  786. DiamondShovel: '277'
  787. DShovel: '277'
  788. DSpade: '277'
  789. GoldenShovel: '284'
  790. GoldenSpade: '284'
  791. GoldShovel: '284'
  792. GShovel: '284'
  793. GSpade: '284'
  794. WoodenPickaxe: '270'
  795. WoodenPick: '270'
  796. WoodPick: '270'
  797. WPickaxe: '270'
  798. WPick: '270'
  799. StonePick: '274'
  800. SPickaxe: '274'
  801. SPick: '274'
  802. IronPick: '257'
  803. IPickaxe: '257'
  804. IPick: '257'
  805. DiamondPick: '278'
  806. DPickaxe: '278'
  807. DPick: '278'
  808. GoldenPickaxe: '285'
  809. GoldenPick: '285'
  810. GoldPick: '285'
  811. GPickaxe: '285'
  812. GPick: '285'
  813. WoodenAxe: '271'
  814. WoodenHatchet: '271'
  815. WoodHatchet: '271'
  816. WAxe: '271'
  817. WHatchet: '271'
  818. StoneHatchet: '275'
  819. SAxe: '275'
  820. SHatchet: '275'
  821. IronHatchet: '258'
  822. IAxe: '258'
  823. IHatchet: '258'
  824. DiamondHatchet: '279'
  825. DAxe: '279'
  826. DHatchet: '279'
  827. GoldenAxe: '286'
  828. GoldenHatchet: '286'
  829. GoldHatchet: '286'
  830. GAxe: '286'
  831. GHatchet: '286'
  832. WoodenSword: '268'
  833. WSword: '268'
  834. ISword: '267'
  835. DSword: '276'
  836. GoldenSword: '283'
  837. GSword: '283'
  838. WoodenHoe: '290'
  839. WHoe: '290'
  840. SHoe: '291'
  841. IHoe: '292'
  842. DHoe: '293'
  843. GoldenHoe: '294'
  844. GHoe: '294'
  845. WaterBucket: '326'
  846. BucketOfWater: '326'
  847. WBucket: '326'
  848. LavaBucket: '327'
  849. BucketOfLava: '327'
  850. LBucket: '327'
  851. Milk: '335'
  852. BucketOfMilk: '335'
  853. MBucket: '335'
  854. Lighter: '259'
  855. SteelAndFlint: '259'
  856. Arrows: '262'
  857. FishingPole: '346'
  858. Rod: '346'
  859. Fishing: '346'
  860. Tackle: '346'
  861. Clock: '347'
  862. Time: '347'
  863. Fruit: '260'
  864. MushroomStew: '282'
  865. Stew: '282'
  866. Soup: '282'
  867. BowlWithSoup: '282'
  868. BowlWithStew: '282'
  869. Loaf: '297'
  870. BreadLoaf: '297'
  871. LoafOfBread: '297'
  872. RawPorkchop: '319'
  873. RawPork: '319'
  874. Meat: '319'
  875. CookedPorkchop: '320'
  876. GrilledPorkchop: '320'
  877. RoastedPorkchop: '320'
  878. CookedPork: '320'
  879. RoastedPork: '320'
  880. CookedMeat: '320'
  881. RoastedMeat: '320'
  882. GrilledMeat: '320'
  883. Restore: '322'
  884. GoldApple: '322'
  885. GApple: '322'
  886. GoldenFruit: '322'
  887. GoldFruit: '322'
  888. GFruit: '322'
  889. Fish: '349'
  890. RoastedFish: '350'
  891. GrilledFish: '350'
  892. Coal: 263/0
  893. Charcoal: 263/1
  894. DiamondCrystal: '264'
  895. DiamondIngot: '264'
  896. DiamondBar: '264'
  897. IronBar: '265'
  898. GoldBar: '266'
  899. SoupBowl: '281'
  900. WoodBowl: '281'
  901. WBowl: '281'
  902. Yarn: '287'
  903. Web: '287'
  904. Rope: '287'
  905. Silk: '287'
  906. Twine: '287'
  907. Feathers: '288'
  908. Quill: '288'
  909. Quills: '288'
  910. Sulfur: '289'
  911. Gunpowder: '289'
  912. Seed: '295'
  913. Grain: '296'
  914. RedstoneDust: '331'
  915. RDust: '331'
  916. Skin: '334'
  917. Pelt: '334'
  918. Brick: '336'
  919. ClayBrick: '336'
  920. ClayBalls: '337'
  921. SugarCanes: '338'
  922. Reed: '338'
  923. Reeds: '338'
  924. Papyrus: '339'
  925. SlimeOrb: '341'
  926. LightstoneDust: '348'
  927. GlowDust: '348'
  928. LightDust: '348'
  929. BrittleGoldDust: '348'
  930. LeatherCap: '298'
  931. LeatherHelm: '298'
  932. LeatherHat: '298'
  933. LHelmet: '298'
  934. LHelm: '298'
  935. LCap: '298'
  936. LHat: '298'
  937. ChainHelmet: '302'
  938. ChainHelm: '302'
  939. ChainCap: '302'
  940. ChainHat: '302'
  941. MailHelmet: '302'
  942. MailHelm: '302'
  943. MailCap: '302'
  944. MailHat: '302'
  945. ChainmailHelm: '302'
  946. ChainmailCap: '302'
  947. ChainmailHat: '302'
  948. CHelmet: '302'
  949. CHelm: '302'
  950. CCap: '302'
  951. CHat: '302'
  952. IronHelm: '306'
  953. IronCap: '306'
  954. IronHat: '306'
  955. IHelmet: '306'
  956. IHelm: '306'
  957. ICap: '306'
  958. IHat: '306'
  959. DiamondHelm: '310'
  960. DiamondCap: '310'
  961. DiamondHat: '310'
  962. DHelmet: '310'
  963. DHelm: '310'
  964. DCap: '310'
  965. DHat: '310'
  966. GoldenHelmet: '314'
  967. GoldenHelm: '314'
  968. GoldenCap: '314'
  969. GoldenHat: '314'
  970. GoldHelm: '314'
  971. GoldCap: '314'
  972. GoldHat: '314'
  973. GHelmet: '314'
  974. GHelm: '314'
  975. GCap: '314'
  976. GHat: '314'
  977. LeatherTunic: '299'
  978. LeatherPlate: '299'
  979. LeatherBody: '299'
  980. LChestplate: '299'
  981. LPlate: '299'
  982. LTunic: '299'
  983. LBody: '299'
  984. ChainChestplate: '303'
  985. ChainPlate: '303'
  986. ChainTunic: '303'
  987. ChainBody: '303'
  988. MailChestplate: '303'
  989. MailPlate: '303'
  990. MailTunic: '303'
  991. MailBody: '303'
  992. ChainmailPlate: '303'
  993. ChainmailTunic: '303'
  994. ChainmailBody: '303'
  995. CChestplate: '303'
  996. CPlate: '303'
  997. CTunic: '303'
  998. CBody: '303'
  999. IronPlate: '307'
  1000. IronTunic: '307'
  1001. IronBody: '307'
  1002. IChestplate: '307'
  1003. IPlate: '307'
  1004. ITunic: '307'
  1005. IBody: '307'
  1006. DiamondPlate: '311'
  1007. DiamondTunic: '311'
  1008. DiamondBody: '311'
  1009. DChestplate: '311'
  1010. DPlate: '311'
  1011. DTunic: '311'
  1012. DBody: '311'
  1013. GoldenChestplate: '315'
  1014. GoldenPlate: '315'
  1015. GoldenTunic: '315'
  1016. GoldenBody: '315'
  1017. GoldPlate: '315'
  1018. GoldTunic: '315'
  1019. GoldBody: '315'
  1020. GChestplate: '315'
  1021. GPlate: '315'
  1022. GTunic: '315'
  1023. GBody: '315'
  1024. LeatherPants: '300'
  1025. LeatherLegs: '300'
  1026. LLeggings: '300'
  1027. LLegs: '300'
  1028. LPants: '300'
  1029. ChainLeggings: '304'
  1030. ChainLegs: '304'
  1031. ChainPants: '304'
  1032. MailLeggings: '304'
  1033. MailLegs: '304'
  1034. MailPants: '304'
  1035. ChainmailLegs: '304'
  1036. ChainmailPants: '304'
  1037. CLeggins: '304'
  1038. CLegs: '304'
  1039. CPants: '304'
  1040. IronLegs: '308'
  1041. IronPants: '308'
  1042. ILeggings: '308'
  1043. ILegs: '308'
  1044. IPants: '308'
  1045. DiamondLegs: '312'
  1046. DiamondPants: '312'
  1047. DLeggings: '312'
  1048. DLegs: '312'
  1049. DPants: '312'
  1050. GoldenLeggings: '316'
  1051. GoldenLegs: '316'
  1052. GoldenPants: '316'
  1053. GoldLegs: '316'
  1054. GoldPants: '316'
  1055. GLeggins: '316'
  1056. GLegs: '316'
  1057. GPants: '316'
  1058. LeatherShoes: '301'
  1059. LBoots: '301'
  1060. LShoes: '301'
  1061. ChainBoots: '305'
  1062. ChainShoes: '305'
  1063. MailBoots: '305'
  1064. MailShoes: '305'
  1065. ChainmailShoes: '305'
  1066. CBoots: '305'
  1067. CShoes: '305'
  1068. IronShoes: '309'
  1069. IBoots: '309'
  1070. IShoes: '309'
  1071. DiamondShoes: '313'
  1072. DBoots: '313'
  1073. DShoes: '313'
  1074. GoldenBoots: '317'
  1075. GoldenShoes: '317'
  1076. GoldShoes: '317'
  1077. GBoots: '317'
  1078. GShoes: '317'
  1079. Paintings: '321'
  1080. Picture: '321'
  1081. Door: '324'
  1082. WoodenDoor: '324'
  1083. WDoor: '324'
  1084. IDoor: '330'
  1085. MetalDoor: '330'
  1086. RedstoneRepeater: '356'
  1087. RedstoneDelay: '356'
  1088. RedstoneDiode: '356'
  1089. Repeater: '356'
  1090. Delay: '356'
  1091. GoldMusicDisc: '2256'
  1092. GoldDisc: '2256'
  1093. GoldenMusicDisc: '2256'
  1094. GoldenRecord: '2256'
  1095. GoldenDisc: '2256'
  1096. GoldCD: '2256'
  1097. GoldenCD: '2256'
  1098. GreenMusicDisc: '2257'
  1099. GreenDisc: '2257'
  1100. GreenCD: '2257'
  1101. Cart: '328'
  1102. Barge: '333'
  1103. MinecartWithChest: '342'
  1104. FreightMinecart: '342'
  1105. ChestMinecart: '342'
  1106. CartWithChest: '342'
  1107. FreightCart: '342'
  1108. StorageCart: '342'
  1109. ChestCart: '342'
  1110. Freight: '342'
  1111. MinecartWithFurnace: '343'
  1112. EngineMinecart: '343'
  1113. FurnaceMinecart: '343'
  1114. AutoMinecart: '343'
  1115. CartWithFurnace: '343'
  1116. PoweredCart: '343'
  1117. EngineCart: '343'
  1118. FurnaceCart: '343'
  1119. AutoCart: '343'
  1120. Engine: '343'
  1121. Dye: '351'
  1122. InkSac: 351/0
  1123. InkSack: 351/0
  1124. RoseRed: 351/1
  1125. CactusGreen: 351/2
  1126. CocoaBeans: 351/3
  1127. CocoBeans: 351/3
  1128. LapisLazuli: 351/4
  1129. Lapis: 351/4
  1130. Lazuli: 351/4
  1131. DandelionYellow: 351/11
  1132. BoneMeal: 351/15
  1133. Bleach: 351/15
  1134. Fertilizer: 351/15
  1135. SignBlock: '63'
  1136. WoodenDoorBlock: '64'
  1137. WoodDoorBlock: '64'
  1138. WDoorBlock: '64'
  1139. WallSign: '68'
  1140. WallSignBlock: '68'
  1141. IDoorBlock: '71'
  1142. MetalDoorBlock: '71'
  1143. RedstoneOreGlow: '74'
  1144. RedstoneOreAlt: '74'
  1145. UnlitRedstoneTorch: '75'
  1146. UnlitRedTorch: '75'
  1147. RedTorchOff: '75'
  1148. ReedBlock: '83'
  1149. Bone: '352'
  1150. Sugar: '353'
  1151. Cake: '354'
  1152. Cookie: '357'
  1153. Map: '358'
  1154. Shears: '359'
  1155. MelonSlice: '360'
  1156. PumpkinSeeds: '361'
  1157. MelonSeeds: '362'
  1158. RawBeef: '363'
  1159. Steak: '364'
  1160. RawChicken: '365'
  1161. CookedChicken: '366'
  1162. RottenFlesh: '367'
  1163. EnderPEarl: '368'
  1164. BlazeRod: '369'
  1165. GhastTear: '370'
  1166. GoldNugget: '371'
  1167. NetherWart: '372'
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