
Worst players ive ever played with

Aug 23rd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. RoKeII (projecting)
  2. N1 VP92VFTJ (robot darius player)
  3. Sijal
  4. Phoenixþ
  5. I Spread Cancer (self explanatory)
  6. Jhineric ADC (duos with twis)
  7. Twis (jesus christ classic support)
  8. Side Kit (worst ahri ive ever seen)
  9. Sertra
  10. Zac Gonna Gank U (idk)
  11. Charpoooco (super retarded)
  12. Rola Misaki (classic toplaner no fundamental knowledge)
  13. Namdur (worst zoe ive ever seen)
  14. Lokidosi (most retarded adc ive seen) (afk)
  15. I SIMP 4 HEMANLY (afk)
  16. ARocking Carry (janna otp no hands at all or eyes dont know how they can remember to breathe)
  17. Dua Lissa NYC (lissandra otp that goes aftershock and clicks 1 time a minute)
  18. Audacitize (worst pyke otp ever)
  19. Unholy Knight (ruins team comp by picking ad mid when all ad then alt f4s after dying 4 times in 7 mins)
  20. Dad Dmien (target inted me)
  21. user 102 (built frozen heart on alistar and alt f4ed. find his real ign and update)
  22. OddBox (loses lane then takes jg camps to troll)
  23. BillyBlowJew (self explanatory
  24. BillyBobJew (above)
  25. zerbazerbazerb (boosted egirl)
  26. 9Lives (worst fucking palhyer ive ever seen he duoqs and picks senna vayne into cait thresh absolute diseased plaguerat)
  27. Saskio (duoqs with plague rats int on sight if duoq)
  28. Euphoríc | this duo draft all ad for no reason
  29. CIeanse |^
  30. FakerConSkin
  31. Lol Coach Mike
  32. mangnani
  33. Det Ret
  34. Rainbow Brick
  35. Warnedjacka
  36. OoAyrialoO
  37. KmageKris
  38. Boing Vert
  39. 1025 remix
  40. KR JingGingJhin
  41. sad peruvian (legit plays engage support like enchanter and whines and complains while queueing support. truly pathetic)
  42. ptalp (worst zoe ever legit threw up all over and he didnt even pay for my new keybaord lol)
  43. OSU Cyborg (how the fuck this creature is on a collegiate team is beyond me. truly pathetic must be depressed irl)
  44. Gold Chinchompa (fizz onetrick but so bad that i legit thought he was first time fizz when i searched his probbaly the worst onetrick to ever exist lol)
  45. Ruel / RueI (soft inting on support because he lost 1 game) idk why supp mains get so heated man its such an easy role they just cant handle when they lose
  46. teëmo on my lap
  47. 48484848484848
  48. ALittleOddish
  49. Discount Friend
  50. Treus Dayth
  51. infected dog
  52. zeramion
  53. AMGoat
  54. SNK xMikasax
  55. The best Steve (diamond veteran every single season with not a single braincell working. has too big of an ego from earlyseason challenger and is holding onto it til the day he fucking days. truly pathetic waste of flesh and air dear lord the fact he breathes the same air as me seriously makes me want to reconsider continuing to do the same.)
  56. juhtin fanboy / juhtin (picks maokai support to soft int and gets mad when i tell him to ward. really pathetic scumfuck loser XD
  57. Godric II (first time mandate ashe and soft ints. kayn otp elo inflated)
  58. Fauntleroy (first times kayle mid and dies to cassio 3 times without cassio burning anything at all.)
  59. You Get Carried (first times irelia into aatrox and has no idea how to play waves at all. no clue how this creature escaped gold)
  60. DarkNeoryn
  61. The Harem King
  62. Boxy (worst player of all time. boosted account and this creature is playing on his boosted account from daddies money in preseason. patheitc subhuman)
  63. hi im oreki (early season abuser then plays decay games. abuses akali very elo inflated. second champion is ahri which is weird because she has skillshots and akali doesnt. one of the worst of all time)
  64. eyemusician (picks imperial mandate swain support)
  65. Marx Lenin (one of the super insecure players who ints when they play bad so it looks like theyre doing it on purpose. obviously wasnt socialized as a child so hes super retarded now. sucks. soft int him even if in good mood because u will lose game anyway. diana jg pick prob)
  66. Storm Savior (support main queueing for other roles and saying "its just preseason)
  67. TheAbsoluteZer00 (elo inflated because of viktor buffs. legit handless kid i think that maybe is nam eis right. the absolute 0 stands for absolutely 0 skill. disgusting)
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