
Frog Girl Double Pregnancy Bug

Feb 5th, 2020
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  1. ​You curl up, planning to sleep for seven hours.
  3. Your HP maxes out at 709.
  6. Your gut churns, and with a squelching noise, a torrent of transparent slime gushes from your slavering twat. You immediately fall to your knees, landing wetly amidst the slime. The world around briefly flashes with unbelievable colors, and you hear someone giggling.
  8. After a moment, you realize that it’s you. Against your twat, the slime feels warm and cold at the same time, coaxing delightful tremors from your tiny clitty. Seated in your own slime, you moan softly, unable to keep your hands off yourself.
  10. Your rest is somewhat troubled with dirty dreams.
  12. You shudder as you feel the familiar tingle of stimulant slime running down your thighs.
  14. As your swollen belly churns, the instinctive need for water ripples through you.
  16. You hustle to the banks of the campside stream as quickly as your pregnant belly will allow, splashing down waist-deep in the water. The coolness eases your urgency as you shift your nice rump against the smooth stones of the riverbed. Groaning, you close your eyes and clutch at your stomach, a sharp ache throbbing between your legs.
  18. Before the pain can fully blossom, you feel a coolness at your pussy. The familiar tingle of frog slime slathers itself over your vagina. Breathing easy once more, you look down to see the head of the frog girl just below the water. Pink hair drifting lazily in the current, she bobs her head up and down between your thighs. You let out a sigh as you feel more of her mind-bending goo adhere to your nethers.
  20. As the slime begins to numb your pussy, her head bobs up out of the water.
  22. “I don’t often lay eggs this way,” she says, slurping her tongue back into her mouth. “So I wanted to come by to make sure things were all right.”
  24. You’re able to thank her, briefly, before you feel an immense pressure just below your hips. You toss your head back, surprised to find the frog girl’s hand there, cupping against your obscenely long, blonde hair.
  26. “Easy there, love,” she mutters, leaning across to press her lips against yours. You blink in surprise as her tongue slides into your mouth. The muscular organ writhes between your lips as her other hand rubs gently against your throat.
  28. You swallow reflexively, gulping down a load of her slime. Immediately lightheaded, you moan softly, feeling a familiar weakness in your limbs. Her tongue snakes out of your mouth, leaving you with a trickle of goo running down your chin.
  30. “Let’s relax your muscles and free your mind, dear,” says the frog girl with a smile. You try to focus on her, but yours eyes just seem to cross and uncross on their own. Her slick lips press against yours once more, and you feel a massive load of her slime force its way into your mouth, her muscular tongue right behind it.
  32. Lacking the muscle control to resist, you swallow, your vision brightening with dancing motes of light and swirls of color. You barely feel her lips pull away, but you feel the trickle of slime as it runs down your chin and onto your hand-filling tits.
  34. The forest around you turns upside down as you lean forward and giggle, trying to make sense of what’s going on. You feel your pussy stretch wider and wider, but there’s no pain, just a warm numbness and happy clouds at the corners of your eyes. Between your legs you catch sight of the frog girl’s fingertips pushing between your lips, gently cradling large, grapefruit-sized eggs as they squish out of your body.
  36. You lose count of the squishy eggs passing through your vagina, distracted by the mesmerizing way they bob along in the water, anchored to the frog girl’s side.
  38. You don’t even remember passing out, only awaking to the familiar sound of humming. A chorus of alluring chirrups suffuses the air as you open your eyes. Blinking to clear your vision, you find yourself lying atop a patch of riverbank ferns.
  40. “Sorry, did we wake you up?” queries the voice of the frog girl. You push yourself up, seeing her floating mid-stream, surrounded by a half-dozen frog girl nymphs. From the waist-up, they’re miniature versions of their mother with varying haircolors, but from the waist down, they resemble large tadpoles. No more than few feet long, they bob along next to their mother as she conducts their song.
  42. “I was just sticking around to make sure you were all right,” she says.
  44. The nymphs in the water all turn to you, their large eyes wide, ribbiting excitedly.
  46. “And to make sure you had a proper thank you,” she says. “Girls?”
  48. “Thank you, Miss!” they chant in unison, dissolving into giggles afterward.
  50. You smile weakly, wondering if the frog slime is still affecting you.
  52. “Right then! Time for us to be off,” says the frog girl. She seems much more put together with young ones in her charge.
  54. To you, she says with a wink, “They won’t take long to grow up, you know - so feel free to stop by the swamp and help out with the next batch!”
  56. With a splash, she dives beneath the water, her brood following suit. The ripples of their passage follow them downstream until they’re out of sight.
  58. You shake your head wearily as you sit up, your head still spinning slightly.
  60. With a wince, you head back to camp, hoping that the frog slime hasn’t affected you permanently. There’s an extra thickness to your flared, voluptuous hips as well.
  61. Your gut churns, and with a squelching noise, a torrent of transparent slime gushes from your ass. You immediately fall to your knees, landing wetly amidst the slime. The world around briefly flashes with unbelievable colors, and you hear someone giggling.
  63. After a moment, you realize that it’s you. Against your slavering pussy, the slime feels warm and cold at the same time, coaxing delightful tremors from your button. Seated in your own slime, you moan softly, unable to keep your hands off yourself.
  64. Oh no...
  65. You groan, feeling a shudder from deep inside, a churning from your gut. A trickle of slime leaks from your roomy backdoor down your legs and you feel a pressure from deep inside.
  67. Water - you need to be near water! The instinct is sudden and clear, and you stagger toward the small creek near your camp. You crouch low on the river bank, hands on the ground, and knees angled up in an oddly frog-like pose.
  69. Slime pools beneath you, running down into the water as he first egg begins shoving out of you. It feels... weird. The pressure isn’t as intense as some of the things you’ve encountered in Mareth, but it’s still incredibly large. Your asshole stretches wide, numbed a bit by the slime, but still far larger than you would have thought possible. As the egg squelches to the ground, you realize that the eggs are jelly-like, and pliant enough to give you some leeway in laying them.
  71. The first egg rolls down into the water, anchored by the pooling slime, but you can’t spare it more than a moment’s glance. The next egg pushes against you, and you groan, shuddering and panting as you try to force it out. Your asshole aches with every lurch of your body, but finally, the second watermelon-sized egg wobbles free from your ass. You’re already exhausted as you feel the next one coming, but you manage to force this one out, too, collapsing face-forward onto the ground.
  73. Nature pushes onward, though, and your body works to push the next egg out. You moan, only half conscious, the frog slime on your skin once again lifting you into a state of hazy awareness as egg after egg pushes out of your body.
  75. Later, you wake up to the sound of splashing...
  76. In the river are a dozen tiny figures, each no more than a foot long, and each one a mirror of the frog girl from the waist-up, but oddly featureless from the waist-down. Their lower halves ending in vaguely-finned tails, like tadpoles.
  78. The tadgirls splash each other, playing in the water, but take notice as you wake up. It seems that they were waiting for you - displaying a level of concern that their original mother lacked. Maybe they got that from you? They wave and swim away downstream, and you notice that a few of them have a few unusual splashes of color in their hair and skin, looking a bit more like you than their mother.
  80. You nod to yourself, happy to be finished with that ordeal. As you stand, you notice a bit of heaviness to your hips, and some added slickness to your asshole.
  83. The sky begins to grow brighter as the moon descends over distant mountains, casting a few last ominous shadows before they burn away in the light.
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