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Jun 5th, 2014
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  1. Konstantina 'Konnie' Kulik: The Wodnik's Chosen
  3. Appearance:
  5. ====
  7. Rock Kon!
  9. Misty Konnie!
  12. Water Konnie!
  15. ====
  17. Motivation: Proving Herself +4: Konnie has never been bad bad, she just… well, she got her powers from being like her fiery, independent, take no shit from anyone aunt if you need a picture. She has done what she has wanted to do because she wanted to do it, and fuck anyone who says different. Of course, deep down she does want to prove to them that she was right to go off and do it in the first place. Busha telling her that she sung like she had a toad in her throat is the main reason she is as fantastic as she is today, the first few gigs where Gypsy Widow got heckled to shit only made her more determined to make it, Rolling Stone fucking off on the interview was only ever going to see Konnie manage the fucking band better because nobody else would, and getting these damn powers and seeing her friends die means she won't stop practising with them until she knows she's the best there is. Responsibility, ain't it a bitch?
  19. Technique: (Singing): Konnie can sing, and not just your sunday morning choir, pre-processed popstar shit either. Konnie cansing. Give her a note and she'll belt the fucker so hard it'll regret ever being put to page. Now if only the rest of the band kept up with her they might get that damn Stone review already.
  21. Technique: (Intimidating): Konnie didn't get to where she is today by being meek, she stood up for herself at every turn and never backed down from something she believed in. She needed it to even be heard in her big family, let alone out in the city where she was even smaller than that. You're more likely to see the sharp end of a broken bottle before you see her take any shit from you, close friends excepted of course. She's called a bitch by some, but many more prefix that with 'a scary'. And that was before she got the power of a spirit primarily known for drowning people to steal their souls.
  23. Technique: (Networking): Konnie knows the Magik Frog never books in a gig on Thursdays in case Gypsy Widow decide to play. Konnie knows that bigwigs of the entertainment industry like fresh blood in a literal sense. Konnie knows that Girls Love Nerds are out of this world in more than one sense. Konnie knows where Aurialla's favourite vegetarian restaurant is and has hung out with Dominique in their mixing room. She may be a bitch sometimes, but when it comes to the music she shakes it with the best of them.
  25. Past: Poor-ass Immigrant +2: Her parents came across from Poland when it was still behind the Iron Curtain, she has two sisters and three brothers, and her Busha can't even speak a word of english. As far as stereotyped poor immigrants go they tick every damn box, and Konnie is proud as shit about her heritage. Especially after learning about her hero aunt. Being Polish Kon can drink like no ones business, tell you the difference between a kabanosy and a krakowska, and make better pierogi than you can buy anywhere. Thanks Busha. And being poor she never had much in the way of money, but she managed to make do. She never had much in the way of schooling, but she picked up what she needed to know. She knows the boroughs like the back of her hand, and the quickest ways home through the alleys if you pissed off the wrong kind of guy.
  27. Even though she's in a band now she… hasn't really strayed too far from her roots, except that now she can legally get piss-assed drunk and the pissed off guys are less cops and more robbers. The money they've started to make with live gigs and ad music is the most she's ever seen, and she still has to share a house with her Gypsy Widow bandmates Steph and Nat. But considering she's sharing her bed with Nat too that might be more of a choice than being forced too.
  29. Super-Powers:
  31. Wodnik's Chosen: +4: Szymona Kulik was a barmaid in a small but decidedly important Polish provinces that had been overrun by the forces on World War One. On her own she could do nothing, but when she made a pact with the ancient water spirit of the Wodnik she was able to help him answer the prayers for protection. Listening in on drunken officers she gave valuable information to the spirt to disseminate to his scions, and using her allure as a woman she plied many important generals with liquor and had them swim with her, easy victims for the Wodnik to take.
  33. But she was too successful, such was the impact of Szymona's aid to the Wodnik that the forces were determined and eventually found and killed her for it. The Wodnik had promised her any blessing within his power to give once she had finished her service, but with her death and her brother shunning him for causing it the Wodnik could not give this blessing.
  35. So he decided to wait until he found another with her spirit to pass on the boon so rightfully earned. A rebellious and fiery spirit, a quick thinker, strong and unwilling to bend to an authority she didn't agree with and unafraid to stand up to it. And that spirit was found thousands of miles and one hundred years from then and there in her great-great-granddaughter, Konstantina Kulik.
  37. Blessed with the power of the Wodnik, Konnie can now 'dissolve' her body into a fine cloud of water mist. She can keep herself tight enough to be just a misty visage of herself, or spread out to be nothing but fog over your ankles. She has also been granted power over the Wodnik's domains of water and ice, and is not afraid to use it against bitches who get in her way. Oh, she can also kinda fly a bit. It's about half-and-half her and air currents.
  39. Technique: (Wodnik's Wrath): Forming her mist into a maelstrom of jagged hail shards and bitterly freezing dropplets, Konnie can fire it and even crash herself into people she needs to fuck up with deadly consequences. For them.
  41. Technique: (Wodnik's Dominion): Made up was mist, Konnie can control more than just her watery arms and legs. With some concentration she can control free-standing water around her and bend it to her will, even crushing it down to it's colder, harder ice cousin.
  43. Technique: (Lissome Wodnik): It is very hard to hit something that is basically air. Wait, no. It's extremely easy to hit something that is basically air, it's just nearly impossible to actually damage it at all. Even if some jerk does level a gun at Kon, the odds of the bullet hitting something it can hurt are much lower than the odds of Kon finding something to hurt the shooter with.
  45. Eyes of the Wodnik: +2: Or as Konnie likes to call them, Frog Eyes. Though the Wodnik is now free, Konnie still has an ethereal connection as his chosen one that allows her to borrow the Wodnik's eyes and wisdom to see what is going around her as it really is happening. Those who wish to go unnoticed have a pretty hard time around Konnie when her eyes get all murky, she even gets that little tingle in the back of her eyes when something not quite right (or 'natural') is going on around her. Gives her one fuck of a headache after parties with Meg and the gang, too.
  47. Foibles:
  49. Lippy Bitch: -2 Konnie has an attitude problem, there's no getting around it. And while it plays in to the whole badass rock singer motif, and it did come from the spirit of her hero aunt, it kinda falls down in everything outside of rock'n'rollin. It takes exactly not a lot to push Kon's buttons and it's a short countdown from there until she blows her top off. This has lead to a few avoidable fights, a few more avoidable police visits, and one memorable case of Will needing stitches and Konnie needing bail money.
  51. Guilty Bitch: -2 With great power comes great responsibility, and Konnie's managed to fuck that up already. Meg should've been in hospital twice by now, Trevor and Danny ended up there in body bags, and she not only fucked up doing anything to stop that psycho Naroa but also released her mildly-homicidal Frog Dad into the world again. Sometime she wishes that Liana would just cut her head off. She's even told Steph and Nat about her Frog Powers because she couldn't deal with the thought of them getting caught up in this shit unawares because of her. She already has two dead friends, nobody needs to see more added to that tally.
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