

Aug 8th, 2018
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  1. Callouts before the 1st tentacle phase:
  2. Watch out for the shotguns and pop rocks.
  3. He is charging watch out
  4. --1st tentacle phase--
  5. Tentacle phase watch out for the paralyze shots
  6. --After the 1st tentacle phase--
  7. 1.He is doing big circles around the room, dont get sat on.
  8. 2. He is back in the middle, focus the boss and watch out for the rocks.
  9. --1st key phase--
  10. 1.Everybody hug the wall and wait for the key to come around.
  11. 2.Ok, the key is near the group so go fire at it.
  12. --After 1st key phase--
  13. Boss is charging the group, watch out and dont get confused.
  14. --2nd key phase--
  15. 1.Everybody hug the wall and wait for the keys to come around
  16. 2.Pallys and Priests make sure to dodge the grey pellets and heal the group
  17. 3.Key is coming soon so make sure to focus it.
  18. -- After 2nd key phase--
  19. Tentacle phase melees watch out Ranged deal damage
  20. --3rd key phase--
  21. Ranged focus the inner key and melees circle with the outer key
  22. --After 3rd key phase--
  23. 1.Priests use your puris and gebs now!
  24. 2.Everyone lets damage the boss.
  25. ->When boss is close to survival phase<-
  26. Melees get away from the boss survival is coming up soon
  27. --Survival phase--
  28. [As the survival phase starts im going to call which side of the tentacle we should take if the tentacles fires straight at the group. It is important that I as an RL look at the minimap and tell people when the key is coming around.]
  29. 1. Kill the pillar near the group
  30. 2. Key is coming around soon so please focus the key
  31. 3. Dive in for the middle key
  32. --Useless phase--
  33. During this phase RL should try to be funny.
  34. --Void phase--
  35. Yellow balls - Easily group tanked
  36. Yellow spaghetti - Easily group tanked dont get sat on
  37. Running around the room (not void) - dont get sat on
  38. Charging while shooting PATI! shots - Dont get sat on
  39. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. Void arrows(?) - watch your health priests keep us healed
  41. Void spaghetti - Group tank priests keep us healed
  42. Running around the room - Watch out for the petrifying shots dont get sat on
  43. Shooting the big shots - Avoid the big shots.
  45. Now wish people good luck and tell them to pop their clovers
  46. After that I as a Raid Leader will use Lani's bot to split groups into 2 (if not enough support classes) or 4 ( with enough supports) and then Ill tell the vial to pop and thank them.
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