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a guest
Oct 14th, 2017
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  1. @echo off
  2. if NOT EXIST WrongUserName.txt echo( > WrongUserName.txt
  3. if NOT EXIST WrongPassWord.txt echo( > WrongPassword.txt
  4. title Project VK
  5. start C:\MyBatchFiles\FOX.bat
  6. ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  7. :StartingLogin
  8. set LoginUsername=Username
  9. set /p LoginUsername=Username:
  10. if %LoginUsername% == XDDDDD goto fail
  11. if %LoginUsername% == VilkasKettu goto pass
  12. if %LoginUsername% == Niko goto pass
  13. :fail
  14. echo echo Guy named %LoginUsername% tried to use this program with wrong Username! >> WrongUserName.txt
  15. cls
  16. echo Username was incorrect. Please try again.
  17. pause >nul
  18. goto StartingLogin
  19. :pass
  20. if %LoginUsername% == VilkasKettu set Password=ketuttaa
  21. if %LoginUsername% == Niko set Password=nikoh123
  22. set LoginPassword=Password
  23. set /p LoginPassword=Password:
  24. if %LoginPassword% == XDDDDDD goto fail1
  25. if %LoginPassword% == %Password% goto StartMenu
  26. :fail1
  27. echo %LoginUsername% tried to use this program with wrong password! (The Password was: %LoginPassword%) >> WrongPassWord.txt
  28. cls
  29. echo Password was incorrect. Please try again.
  30. pause >nul
  31. goto pass
  32. :StartMenu
  33. cls
  34. echo Welcome Back, %LoginUsername%. Type any command belove to use this program.
  35. echo Type YT to open Youtube (If u type anything like asd it will go to Youtube.)
  36. echo Type 9gag to open 9gag
  37. echo Type Google to open Google
  38. echo Type Games to open the game folder
  39. echo Type Music to open the music folder
  40. echo Type Roblox to open Roblox Website
  41. echo Type RBLXGAMES to open Roblox Games Site
  42. echo Type Calc to open the Calculator
  43. echo Type Color to change the color of the fonts.
  44. echo Type Clock to see the date and the time.
  45. echo Type Credits to see the credits
  46. echo Type Exit to close this program
  47. set /p menu=
  48. if %menu% == 1847293847 goto Lullipop
  49. if %menu% == YT goto YT
  50. if %menu% == yt goto YT
  51. if %menu% == 9gag goto 9gag
  52. if %menu% == 9GAG goto 9gag
  53. if %menu% == google goto google
  54. if %menu% == GOOGLE goto google
  55. if %menu% == Google goto google
  56. if %menu% == Exit goto exit
  57. if %menu% == EXIT goto exit
  58. if %menu% == exit goto exit
  59. if %menu% == Games goto games
  60. if %menu% == games goto games
  61. if %menu% == GAMES goto games
  62. if %menu% == music goto music
  63. if %menu% == Music goto music
  64. if %menu% == MUSIC goto music
  65. if %menu% == roblox goto rublux
  66. if %menu% == ROBLOX goto rublux
  67. if %menu% == Roblox goto rublux
  68. if %menu% == Calc goto CALCULATOR1
  69. if %menu% == CALC goto CALCULATOR1
  70. if %menu% == calc goto CALCULATOR1
  71. if %menu% == color goto color
  72. if %menu% == COLOR goto color
  73. if %menu% == Color goto color
  74. if %menu% == color goto clock
  75. if %menu% == clock goto clock
  76. if %menu% == CLOCK goto clock
  77. if %menu% == Clock goto clock
  78. if %menu% == credits goto credits
  79. if %menu% == Credits goto credits
  80. if %menu% == CREDITS goto credits
  81. :Lullipop
  82. cls
  83. echo Please try again.
  84. Pause >nul
  85. cls
  86. goto StartMenu
  87. :YT
  88. SET BROWSER=chrome.exe
  90. START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""
  91. @ping -n %WAIT_TIME% -w 1000 > nul
  92. cls
  93. goto StartMenu
  94. :9gag
  95. SET BROWSER=chrome.exe
  97. START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""
  98. @ping -n %WAIT_TIME% -w 1000 > nul
  99. cls
  100. goto StartMenu
  101. :Google
  102. SET BROWSER=chrome.exe
  103. SET WAIT_TIME=2
  104. START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""
  105. @ping -n %WAIT_TIME% -w 1000 > nul
  106. cls
  107. goto StartMenu
  108. :games
  109. start Pelit
  110. cls
  111. goto StartMenu
  112. :music
  113. start Musiikkia
  114. cls
  115. goto StartMenu
  116. :rublux
  117. SET BROWSER=chrome.exe
  118. SET WAIT_TIME=2
  119. START %BROWSER% -new-tab ""
  120. @ping -n %WAIT_TIME% -w 1000 > nul
  121. cls
  123. cls
  124. set /p MATH=Equation?
  126. set /a RESULT=%MATH%
  128. echo The Answer is %RESULT%. This calculator is still W.I.P (Work In Progress)
  129. pause
  130. cls
  131. goto StartMenu
  132. :color
  133. cls
  134. echo 1=Blue 2=Green 3=Aqua 4=Red 5=Purple 6=Yellow 7=White 8=Gray 9=Light Blue 10=Light Green 11=Light Aqua 12=Light Red
  135. echo 13=Light Purple 14=Light Yellow 15=Bright White
  136. set /p color=
  137. if %color% == 1 goto Blue
  138. if %color% == 2 goto Green
  139. if %color% == 3 goto Aqua
  140. if %color% == 4 goto Red
  141. if %color% == 5 goto Purple
  142. if %color% == 6 goto Yellow
  143. if %color% == 7 goto White
  144. if %color% == 8 goto Gray
  145. if %color% == 9 goto LightBlue
  146. if %color% == 10 goto LightGreen
  147. if %color% == 11 goto LightAqua
  148. if %color% == 12 goto LightRed
  149. if %color% == 13 goto LightPurple
  150. if %color% == 14 goto LightYellow
  151. if %color% == 15 goto BrightWhite
  152. :Blue
  153. color 1
  154. cls
  155. goto StartMenu
  156. :Green
  157. color 2
  158. cls
  159. goto StartMenu
  160. :Aqua
  161. color 3
  162. cls
  163. goto StartMenu
  164. :Red
  165. color 4
  166. cls
  167. goto StartMenu
  168. :Purple
  169. color 5
  170. cls
  171. goto StartMenu
  172. :Yellow
  173. color 6
  174. cls
  175. goto StartMenu
  176. :White
  177. color 7
  178. cls
  179. goto StartMenu
  180. :Gray
  181. color 8
  182. cls
  183. goto StartMenu
  184. :LightBlue
  185. color 9
  186. cls
  187. goto StartMenu
  188. :LightGreen
  189. color A
  190. cls
  191. goto StartMenu
  192. :LightAqua
  193. color B
  194. cls
  195. goto StartMenu
  196. :LightRed
  197. color C
  198. cls
  199. goto StartMenu
  200. :LightPurple
  201. color D
  202. cls
  203. goto StartMenu
  204. :LightYellow
  205. color E
  206. cls
  207. goto StartMenu
  208. :BrightWhite
  209. color F
  210. cls
  211. goto StartMenu
  212. :clock
  213. call C:\MyBatchFiles\CLOCK.bat
  214. goto StartMenu
  215. :credits
  216. cls
  217. echo Everything By VilkasKettu
  218. echo Press anything to continue back to Menu
  219. pause >nul
  220. cls
  221. goto StartMenu
  222. :exit
  223. exit
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