
Syndicate 4 (These are not In order)

Dec 18th, 2019
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  1. [01:10] On Solons patrol he wondered all over the north to somehow end up far south. He did quite the trip around around Esshar.
  3. He notices that the group of people are mostly knights. He sees that one of them look like a Syndicate member. He runs up to the group of them drawing his blade. Getting ready to pursue... if he wasn't too late.
  5. He doesn't stop to talk to his allies... they have it I'm sure... Well hopefully.
  6. (Solon Tofusin )
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [01:10] read me RP
  10. (Raven)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [01:10] Zachary Retinea exclaims, "You bastard!"
  14. [01:10] He chases into the darkness and shit.
  15. (Cristóvan)
  16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. [01:11] He follows the mist... in the forest.
  19. (Solon Tofusin )
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [01:11] After a quick look at Grella's vitals, he can tell she will live. Not so say she wasn't in great pain on the floor. On his right foot he would shoot off at Raven. Top speed, Rapier drawn!
  23. (Zachary Retinea)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [01:16] For all the reason he had to flee, there was something that truly called him to stay. The one he had heard, the Blood Knight, Cristovan. Halfway through his transformation into mist, he shot a round at him. It'd whiz by to get his attention, but that's about it.
  28. "Cristovan. I've heard of you before, and your magic."
  30. With a wave of his hand, the blood he had splattered on the ground springs into life; darts of blood rushing towards his position while he continued to fire.
  32. "Show me how you've mastered our art! Show me your skill!"
  34. The blood-edge is drawn, still dripping in gore.
  36. "Show me your motivation!"
  37. (Raven)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [01:20] In the night there's trouble for knights. No one said the dark was a safe place; a time for certain people to lurk for pray.
  42. As Juri made his rounds he found something far more amusing than normal trips. Knights running off and two people left winded and injured. The servant leaned forward, inspecting the two with a cant of his head.
  44. What injuries were visible? What injuries were not. Through the glasses.
  46. "There will be a time and place to ask questions." The youth taps his chin. Do you two want to soak in your wounds or shall I drag you off?"
  47. (Juri)
  48. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  50. [01:25] Raven snaps his fingers.
  51. (Raven)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [01:28] Raven whispers something.
  55. [01:28] Zachary grabs raven and makes out with his covered face.
  56. (Zachary Retinea)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [01:45] To fight another blood magi in combat like this; Raven has never experience such a thrill in combat. A fight where both defenses are laid bare, and the risk has heightened.
  61. Cristovan's use of Blood Magic was far more physical than Ravens, augmenting his blows with a sanguined edge. Raven, however, saw through this clever tactic after nearly losing a limb.
  63. He took to the side of the field, shooting him down with his revolver and opening more wounds than he could close. Yet, with each injury, he was only increasing the capacity he could draw blood.
  65. There was only one way to end this; to dominate the blood in his body and force him to kneel. A parting shot to the leg gave him just enough time to grapple with his very mana, piercing a thinned veil between him and his body.
  67. But, with Raven's condition, he eventually grabs ahold of the very arteries and veins that Cristovan draws his magic from, ripping and tearing them down until he layexhausted.
  69. He would look like a bloody mess on the ground, Raven covered just as thoroughly, yet looking far more energetic. The dagger was pointed at the other Knights;
  71. "Who's next?"
  72. (Raven)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [02:10]
  76. {LOAD GAME}
  78. [02:25] Zachary Retinea says, "dude hates me guys ;-;_"
  79. [02:26] He was approaching his limit.
  81. Zachary was dispatched without the relative ease he was touting earlier. The energetic swordsman was able to weather the storm of blood-bolts and whips, retorting with earth-shattering slashes and powerful blows.
  83. Through all of this, Raven fought. Not worried about getting home, or worried about the fight after. No; each swipe, each shot was made in the moment. Surrounded by blood, bathed in the red ichor of his foes.
  85. Gripping the open wounds that Zachary had, he reached into his body through his veins, crushing his hand out and gripping his heart. Enough to stop him, causing a fall and attacking the organ directly.
  87. The red eyes of the mask moved to the final challenger, with a haggard breath coming from beyond the visage. He was tired, he knew it. So very, very tired.
  89. But how could he be tired, when there was work to be done.
  91. " also approach."
  93. A groan, and the pistol is raised towards him. This plain coated in cruor will not be his tomb.
  95. It will his opponent's grave.
  96. (Raven)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [02:26] One by one each of the knights before him fell to this man. Everyone getting injured. This is the first time Solon might be able to do something. He need to take this man down. No matter what.
  101. With that in mind his flames violently exploded around him. His flames glowing bright than ever with his everlasting rage towards his opponent. He is aiming to kill.
  103. This man must die for making his friends suffer and this will be the first of many people he must defeat to get revenge for the mockery done at Gala. To him everything is on the line.
  105. He charges the Blood magi with lifeless eyes, and a evil smile on his face.
  107. (Solon Tofusin )
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [02:30] ** Solon Tofusin has inflicted an injury upon Raven. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  111. [02:35] Zachary put all his might and spirit into his technique at the sake of his friend's lives. They were precise and sure would leave their marks. Though his recklessness would once again come into play.
  113. Diving head first and enraged, the knight would find himself ensnared! His beating heart, literally at the whim of another. His heart was disturbed in its function and damaged. What raven had done to it was weaken the heart and sporadically alter it's function.
  115. At that time Zachary simply fainted and stumble to the ground. He was unconscious now.
  116. (Zachary Retinea)
  117. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. [02:42] His anger lead him to violently rush the Syndicate member. Completely aiming to kill him. Though his opponent was skilled enough to not get fully wounded.
  121. Even though Solon had little to no experience fighting a blood mage he was able to pull through. His explosions were able to overwhelm Raven during most of the fight. Though he did land some heavy hits on Solon he was able to endure.
  123. The fight was like a light show. An array of spells being sent around the forest. Trees burning, and chucks of logs everywhere. It looked like a war took place.
  125. He was able to end the fight with a well placed explosion under his right arm. Burning it, though not strong enough to do anything permanent. The pain will last a while however.
  127. His opponent was sent quite far away from him... making it easy to escape sadly... But Solon had friends he needed to tend to.
  129. "I finish you next time...." He grunts at Raven. He sounds like he really means it.
  130. (Solon Tofusin )
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [02:51] He was tired.
  135. Mistakes became more apparent as the fighting piled up. There was no end to the knights that came for him; the blood that had spilt on the ground making the arena look more like Helhiem than Osrona.
  137. Shots missed wide, strikes became haggard and his ability to see was fading. The world began to spin as the heat rushed towards him, and the final blow send him flying off into the rest off the forest.
  139. A pyrrhic victory; Solon would have to pick up the remains of his squad. The very spot soaked in both Raven's blood, and the blood of all who has opposed him.
  141. There was no words; he simply vanished into the night while he still had the chance.
  142. (Raven)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [02:56] Sophie came seconds late. She wasn't actually approaching for a battle, but she heard the sounds of clashing, which had her approach a scene of multiple wounded comrades, and blood splattered on the ground. The fleeing presence of Raven is noticed, but he is too far for her to keep up, especially without putting herself at serious risk. Wounded comrades are more important in this moment anyways.
  147. "What happened here?!" Sophie askes, landing with her cape flowing behind her. She's just moments away from rushing toward whoever needs aid the most.
  148. (Sophie cos Duran)
  149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. [02:57] KINGHT after KNIGHT fell by Ravens hand. One only finally defeated him after he had exhausted himself. This proved to Iorandis. The order was weak,it's soldiers worthless. It's values flawed and it's existence disgusting.
  153. However as trace amounts of Blood trickled from his nose and his ribs cracked from being kicked. He couldn't help but smile. Raven's display was utter ecstasy! From battle to battle crushing the hopes and dreams of his foes. Iorandis had to continue his path if he wished to equal such a seemingly invincible path.
  155. After all a path was what he was promised prior to this little overtly-dramatic scuffle .
  157. With a huge grin in tone and eyes filled to the brim with sadistic pleasure. Iorandis begins to walk away with his sword in hand.
  159. If anybody attempts to stop him they might be met with a violent response.
  160. (Iorandis Endore)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [02:57] Zachary looked calm and okay, aside from the fact he was covered in a crimson liquid, not entirely of his own. Though aside from a few cuts around his limbs, he seemed fine.
  165. The only worry some fact was that he was unconscious and unresponsive.
  166. (Zachary Retinea)
  167. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  169. [02:58] Only a glimpse of a person fleeing and the magics fired off. Deflecting numerous pursuers except one, a question for another day.
  171. For now the felled warriors, ones not in their graves but licking their wounds. Who was one that the servant knew? Cristovan. He goes off to collect, the man by his collar.
  173. Another appeared and Juri shrugged. "They can explain better. Chased someone off. Many injured as you can see."
  174. (Juri)
  175. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  177. [03:01] He was able to do one job here. Albeit it took a while before he was able to end the fight he did. Coming in that late caused a massive issue. None the knights before were able to best him.
  179. Solon takes a deep breath, calming himself down. His flames disappear, and he sheathes his blade.
  181. "We all fought a Syndicate member. Everyone was bested by him. I was only able to send him packing. I got here to late to stop this from happening."
  183. "We need to get them to the church... or a Medic in general." He says turning to Sophie. His battered and bloodied apparel explains quite a lot.
  184. (Solon Tofusin )
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [03:02] While his wounds were rather permanent, they weren't deadly. He hadn't been sliced opened nor had he been bleeding anywhere excessively, but he was wearing this harmed body quite difficult like.
  189. Moving at all seemed to harm him, though he doesn't try and reflect this. Perhaps the most harmed thing today is pride. So much time, so much effort only to be thwarted by one single Syndicate member? What was it all, then?
  191. And by a magick in which I am a student of.
  193. He was by no means a top tier blood master, but he considered himself quite good. So then what does that say about his skill when he loses to someone else? He can feel remorse on his back like a weight, yet Juri seems to handle him quite easily enough.
  195. "Syndicate member. He was strong, but. . .," Well, Solon seems to recap the story precisely. He offers no further word and attempts to help Juri by moving along.
  196. (Cristóvan)
  197. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. [03:06] Sophie looks between Cristovan, Juri, and Zachary. It became clear who needed aid the most. The individual who is unconscious and unresponsive. Sophie darts in toward him, flaring with holy might as energies press into him to aid in stabilization.
  201. "A syndicate." The word presses out with simple acknowledgment and understanding. An attack. She hefts Zachary up, and nods. "The Church is probably the wisest place."
  202. (Sophie cos Duran)
  203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. [03:07] Sophie laughs as she now has Zachary's life in her hands.
  206. (Sophie cos Duran)
  207. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  209. [03:08] "Aye. Do you have Critovan? Or Can I grab him" He asked the stranger, while rushing over.
  210. (Solon Tofusin )
  211. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. [03:10] Was there an argument about it? "Not at all. If you want to carry him you can." Less weight on the butler's shoulders, more fatigue for one that fought; but he offered Juri.
  215. "Odd... Needs more information from that girl or the other boy that ran off. Any clue about that person?" He shrug.
  216. (Juri)
  217. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  219. [03:12] He quickly helps Cristovan to his feet and carefully leads him his shoulder. "Lets get going!"
  221. He looks over to Juri, "I have no idea who your talking about... To be honest."
  222. (Solon Tofusin )
  223. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. [03:13] Juri says, "... it should be obvi- the one you fought."
  226. [03:13] Solon Tofusin asks, "I was more talking about the girl... you mean Grella?"
  227. [03:13] Juri says, "Yes, if that's her name."
  228. [03:13] Solon Tofusin says, "The knight."
  229. [03:16] Sophie cos Duran finds where the bed are and throws Zachary in one so that he may be tended to by a NPC until a PC healer arrives.
  230. (Sophie cos Duran)
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [03:17] Cristóvan setas himself on a nearby bench while they do all of that. He's not in dire need.
  234. (Cristóvan)
  235. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. [03:17] {ITEM} Traded 1300 coins to Zachary Retinea
  238. [03:18] Zachary rests in that bed he was tossed in for awhile.
  239. (Zachary Retinea)
  240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242. [03:18] Sophie cos Duran says, "I should have stuck with the lot of you shouldn't I. . ."
  243. [03:18] Sophie cos Duran asks, "You look like you're in bad pain. What happened to you?"
  244. [03:19] He manages to scoot over, though with crippling effort. She can sit if she wants, "Blood Magi. He was. . a Blood Magi." And he lost to him. Cristovan hangs his head.
  245. (Cristóvan)
  246. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  248. [03:20] {Item} You drop Order Chestplate.
  249. [03:20] {Item} You picked up Order Chestplate. Dropped by Solon Tofusin . .
  250. [03:20] {Item} You drop Order Legplate.
  251. [03:20] {Item} You picked up Order Legplate. Dropped by Solon Tofusin . .
  252. [03:20] Sophie grips a hand onto Cristovan's shoulder, descending on the bench beside him. She understood what Cristovan meant by this. He was bested at his own magic. That, is a blow to one's pride.
  254. Instead of poking at it, she askes again, "How badly did he hurt you, Cristovan?"
  255. (Sophie cos Duran)
  256. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  258. [03:22] Solon moves to seat on the bench in front of them both. He just watches since he knows what happened and he wasn't getting spoken to.
  259. (Solon Tofusin )
  260. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  262. [03:25] It is a touch he doesn't shrug off. Perhaps the only touch he wouldn't at the given moment.
  264. From one person to the next there was an unspoken thing between them, a bond of sorts. He felt he didn't have to hide away, "He. . ruined my circuits. My veins, I can tell when I try to call on my mana. It hurts."
  266. Cristovan groans, "It's like I'm starting all over again with my control."
  267. (Cristóvan)
  268. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. [03:32] Zachary Retinea whispers something.
  271. [03:32] "I'll get Victoria to look you over. That should help you." Sophie offers. She wasn't sure there was much she could offer Cristovan right now, beside presence beyond that. There probably wasn't evil details to pick out of what had happened.
  273. A member of the syndicate did this. A member of the faction who was hurting Sophie's comrades.
  275. The holy essence of Sophie is constrained, yet at the same time, she exudes enough that her healing magics provide a sort of soothing effect. As time went on, she's starting to get better at soothing and healing; mending.
  276. (Sophie cos Duran)
  277. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  279. [03:37] He's thankful she doesn't try to leave, he'd have stopped her no matter how much it'd hurt in the moment. The inner wounds were fresh but with time they would fade, they would dull. And his control? Would be regained, it was as simple as that.
  281. "No. . I don't want her to look over me. Please, let it remain as is for now." And while it's as crazy as anything else, that is all he leaves it at. Because in his mind, in his heart--he had failed them. And to simply heal from such a failure was not permitted. He had to retain this, absorb it even. Learn from it.
  283. A cruel reminder of what happens when you venture unprepared, when you believe yourself far too high to fall. The crash on the way down is a painful project that teaches humbleness.
  285. "Promise me?"
  287. He risks a look to the Duran and attempts to meet the green eyes that had once terrified him.
  288. (Cristóvan)
  289. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  291. [03:42] Roran exclaims, "NEED A DOCTOR!"
  292. [03:42] Solon Tofusin says, "Yea we need one too."
  293. [03:42] Roran asks, "Are you the people with the busted skull?"
  294. [03:42] Roran says, "Fuckin' I guess I will go check town square."
  295. [03:43] Solon Tofusin says, "Best of luck."
  296. [03:45] Paca Kuma asks, "Medic!... Anyone here a medic?"
  297. [03:47] Sophie could just feel the damage done. Not whatever the syndicate had done to Cristovan's mana circuits. From his request, it was clear it really did tear its fangs deeper. She holds her hand there, feeling through it.
  299. Eye to eye, Sophie after long silence, nods. Then she smiles at him, small but warmingly.
  300. "It's painful, but as you understand. It serves as a reminder. So long as we can keep moving, and breathing, we grow from these agonies." Sophie speaks. Words partly tugged from a text, she still embraced them.
  302. "I am glad that all of you are. . . okay, in the context of things."
  303. The syndicate take lives, after-all. They had taken from the Duran.
  305. Before Sophie could continue, another presses in, calling for a medic. She spins about, standing up quickly.
  306. "What happened? There are no medics available right now here, but I can try to help."
  307. (Sophie cos Duran)
  308. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. [03:47] Solon Tofusin says, "We don't have a medic... Sadly... WE currently have twp injuried."
  311. [03:49] Kuma lets out a defeated sigh as the noble woman spoke. "I'm not sure anything apart from the best doctor the city has can help really..." He'd say with exhausted breath. "Super bad..." He'd say again before he sat himself down on the carpet. The boy wasn't sweating too much as he came in. But with his body now relaxing a little, all the sighs of excretion would show. With the sweat built up, the boy took a few more deep breaths before swallowing. "Right... So someone's like insanely injured, like you'd be surprised they are alive injured... At the Messaris hospital... Need a medic there right now."
  312. (Paca Kuma)
  313. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  315. [03:49] Paca Kuma says, "I'm talking worse than the kind of injuries the Corruptor gives..."
  316. [03:49] Muriel says, "Kuma, I want to watch, where is the Messaris hospital."
  317. [03:50] Paca Kuma says, "This isn't really a good time for watching... Need help right now..."
  318. [03:50] Paca Kuma asks, "Are you a medic in training Muriel?"
  319. [03:50] Muriel says, "You could say that, Kuma."
  320. [03:52] Solon shakes his head. All these people injured at a time like this. What is going on... Their is no way this is a coincidence. Perhaps a planned event?
  322. "Man what's going on at least five people are injured then... This is crazy..."
  323. (Solon Tofusin )
  324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. [03:52] Muriel says, "Five...."
  327. [03:52] Paca Kuma says, "This is older than just this evening..."
  328. [03:52] Paca Kuma says, "But it's acting up right now."
  329. [03:53] Paca Kuma asks, "Medic...!?"
  330. [03:53] Roran says, "Aight I brought a doctor."
  331. [03:53] Roran asks, "How many of you fuckin' people are injured?"
  332. [03:53] Solon Tofusin says, "Thank Leonaus..."
  333. [03:53] Paca Kuma asks, "Wait... Lord Claude... Please... Are you sober?"
  334. [03:53] Roran shook his head negative towards Paca in reply to what he had just asked.
  335. (Roran)
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