
Whorse and the princess

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. >be Morning Glory
  2. >also be homeless, starving, freezing cold and a desperate whore.
  3. >other than some river water your last customers parting gift is all you've eaten in over a day
  4. >the taste won't leave your mouth, and the scant 5 bits he threw in your face will buy nothing
  5. >its getting dark, you're fighting a losing battle to stay warm in your box under the bridge
  6. >winter is coming, and there is already a frost forming
  7. >you won't sleep tonight, you'll be shivering and hoping you die of exposure rather than just getting frostbite
  8. >tears well in the corner of your eyes, you're as low as you've ever been... there is no light at the end of this tunnel
  9. >wonder if anyone would find you here at the edge of the town, probably just be washed away...
  10. >curl up as tight as you can with you limbs tucked in hard, try to sleep before you're too cold to
  11. >hear a noise from outside, just somepony crossing the bridge
  12. >sound of wings as they land next to your box
  13. >of course, pegasi aren't bothered by the cold, hes going to rut you in the cold, make you suffer that little bit more, make you beg harder.
  14. "hello?"
  15. >not a stallions voice
  16. "Hello, are you in there?"
  17. >a mare ... Celestia must hate you more than you thought, stallions are mean but they are simple and fast, mares...
  18. >mares are normally take out alot more than just sexual tension on you, the worst beating you've taken are from mares looking for a release
  19. >you whimper, shivering from more than just the cold for a moment
  20. >but you need the bits
  21. >25 bits would buy you a small warm cider in the ponyville pub, if you nurse it long enough you might get half the night indoors
  22. >weakly you stand and open the flap of your box
  23. >"are you here for my services ma'am?"
  24. >you point your hoof at the poorly written price list, you've not moved enough to see her yet but you imagine her face screwing in disgust
  25. ".o..ooh"
  26. >sounds like she was expecting to pay less,
  27. >your muzzle dips with resignation to this being one you hope you're forget as you force yourself out of your box
  28. "i.. i don't think..."
  29. >the mare cuts off as you stand up. You're sure you must look bad but you hoped it wasn't so obvious
  30. >the mare is purple, her wings are half open, her eyes wide, but what causes your jaw to un-hinge is the horn on her forehead
  31. >a princess ... oh no
  32. >you've heard the talk behind you back since you were a foal
  33. >how there are no blank flanks, because they are "dealt with"
  34. >how homeless, talentless ponies are made to "disappear" thanks to the royal guard and princesses wishes
  35. >you fall to your knees, you're crying but only chocked breaths escape you fogging the air
  36. >princess Twilight Sparkle, you might live in a box but you're not on the moon, you are well aware of her and her power
  37. >the newest and supposedly most powerful princess must be out to clean up the filth
  38. >her horn starts to glow in the near darkness of the late evening
  39. >her expression is sad, only made worse from the shadows being cast
  40. >she mutters something, all you catch is "tolerated"
  41. >there is a burst of energy you wince and gasp as your world ends
  42. >still be Morning Glory
  43. >dry heave as your body comes back into being,
  44. >lay of the ground sobbing and choking in equal parts
  45. >the princess is saying something but you're in too much of a mess to hear it
  46. >blood so full of adrenaline you shake and eyes can barely focus
  47. >she's touching you, her hoof is on yours
  48. >you jump/roll/tumble backward slamming yourself into a wall you didn't know was there
  49. >the pain brings you a moment of clarity
  50. >you are no longer under the bridge.
  51. >floor boards, lights, windows, chairs, ceilings that seem so high
  52. >the princess is still talking
  53. "Calm down please, please, I know teleporting can be rough but like i said it'll pass"
  54. > what, where are.., whats going on?
  55. "... please i want to help but you need to calm down"
  56. >your rapid twitchy movements slow, the panic ebbs as your body burns out its surge of energy
  57. >you look at Princess Twilight her face is one of worry though it softens a little as she sees you focus on her
  58. "that's it, you're okay, you're safe, I'm sorry I was just trying to help I should have waned you"
  59. >you stutter a little before putting actual words out "ww wh wh, where are we what did you do?"
  60. > it comes out a as single shout
  61. >the princess tries to explain, she wanted to help, you looked bad she acted on impulse seeing something she could not tolerate, you are in her; castle
  62. >she's seems unhappy saying that
  63. >slowly trots over to you kneeling a leg length away
  64. "I want to help"
  65. >she sounds sincere
  66. >but you are just a broken whore,
  67. >you could have been helped a year ago maybe, when this fall to ruin was just a trip in the path
  68. >but now there's nothing left to help
  69. >sure she could give you bits to live the easy life, but an easy life won't replace what you've lost
  70. >shake your head slowly "you can't, I'm sorry princess"
  71. >manage to get your hooves back under you and slowly stand
  72. "You can't go back to that!"
  73. >there's anger in her voice but it's oddly not aimed at you
  74. >don't care you're not dealing with this well right now
  75. >"then maybe you should of helped me before I sold my body to anypony that would buy it for a few bits so I could just bucking eat"
  76. >forget this,
  77. >explode on the princess; yell about every night spent cold, alone and hungry
  78. >every time some barstard didn't pay, every time one of them beat you till you couldn't move
  79. >every time they choked you, every time you got dirty looks in town
  80. >every time you broke down in tears after you wiped the cum from your filthy body
  81. >you cry through it all, your voice breaking your throat burning, but it all spills out
  82. >the princess listens
  83. >a sad acceptance of everything you blame on her, Celestia, Luna, the world and the stars
  84. >a foreleg and wing wrap over you
  85. >the princess holds you tightly as you curse her and her kin to tartarus
  86. >stay like that for a lil while as you come down
  87. "I can't take the pain of the past away..."
  88. >you feel her tighten her hug
  89. "but I can and will stop more being caused"
  90. >she leads you to a doorway on the other side of the room
  91. >you follow the guidance still in her embrace you're just, empty
  92. >full autopilot
  93. >small bedroom tho its more plush than any you've seen in forever
  94. >four post bed with a duvet that screams of warm cosy nights
  95. >the princess helps you into the bed
  96. >a small voice whines of what your filthy body is going to do to the linen
  97. >she tucks you in as a mother would her foal
  98. >she whispers you a goodnight with a promise of better days
  99. >you don't believe it, you don't want to believe it
  100. >but maybe you won't have to sell yourself tomorrow, just maybe
  101. >you slip into the best night's sleep in over a year
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