
Yoshi and Co - Cake Party

Feb 9th, 2014
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  1. [17:03] <Zero_Atma> With that Yoshihiro high-tails it to the Storm Dragon estate to deliver the cake he had prepared for Blossom.
  2. [17:12] <Deedles> Once he reached it the door would be opened by Sanru who looked down at the Drunken Boxer with a raised brow before turning to head back to his office "She's in the kitchen." he muttered without looking back.
  3. [17:13] <Zero_Atma> "Thanks!" Yoshi calls after Shen's brother, grinning from ear to ear as he makes his way inside and toward the kitchen, carefully cradling the box close to his chest...but not too close.
  4. [17:22] <Deedles> As he approached the kitchen he could hear soft humming, and he found the source as he reached the doorway, seeing Blossom standing with her back towards him, in the middle of pouring water into a teapot.
  5. [17:28] <Zero_Atma> "Hey there!" Yoshi greets her, though not too suddenly, letting his footfalls mark his approach. "I brought you something."
  6. [17:33] <Deedles> Blossom still flinched slightly, having been lost in her own thoughts, though she didn't spill any of the water as she put down the kettle, turning to smile at him. "Yoshi!" she replied with a bright smile.
  7. [17:36] <Zero_Atma> "The one and only!" Yoshihiro replies, placing the box on the counter, carefully opening the container to reveal the tasty treat within. "I hope it tastes as good as it looks." he says while reaching for a knife to cut them each a piece. Blossom could likely smell it once it had been removed from the box.
  8. [17:39] <Deedles> She sniffed the air slightly and smiled "A strawberry cake." she stated before she went to get them a couple of plates, sniffing again, before adding "And vanilla, if I'm not mistaken."
  9. [17:41] <Zero_Atma> "That's right, master Leewan seends his regards." Yoshi tells her, placing a slice on each of the plates. "It was his idea to add the vanilla."
  10. [17:44] <Deedles> "Thank you." Blossom said as she found them a couple of spoons to eat the cake with, before she got a couple of cups out too. "And say thanks to Master Leewan too." she told him
  11. [17:47] <Zero_Atma> "I'll be sure to do that." Yoshi assures her, it's likely that she can also sense his excitement, almost anxiously waiting for her to take a bite!
  12. [17:48] <Deedles> She giggled softly as she picked up her plate and one of the spoons, getting a piece of the lovely cake before popping it into her mouth. Her lips curled into a sweet smile as she emitted a soft sound of delight.
  13. [17:51] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi has his hands clasped together when she takes the first bite, looking hopeful, then smiles as she seems to enjoy it. "How is it? good?" he asks, not expecting an answer right away as her mouth was full of cake, wanting to be absolutely sure.
  14. [17:53] <Deedles> Blossom swallowed the first taste of cake before she smiled at him "It tastes wonderful!" she declared happily "Thank you, Yoshi." she said, having another spoonful before she put her plate down so she could pour tea up for both of them.
  15. [17:54] <Zero_Atma> "My best work yet." Yoshi proclaims proudly, having a sip of tea in celebration followed by a big bite of cake.
  16. [17:56] <Deedles> She drank some of the tea she'd made before she returned to the cake, having a couple of more mouthfuls, before she asked "Is there enough to save a piece for Shen?"
  17. [17:59] <Zero_Atma> "There should be plenty to share, though I won't tell anyone if you want to have it all for yourself." Yoshi nudges her playfully. "They might not be dumplings, but I think Shen will still enjoy it."
  18. [18:00] <Deedles> "I think so too." Blossom said as she giggled "Just tell me if there's anything I can do in return sometime, okay?" she told him with a sweet smile.
  19. [18:02] <Zero_Atma> "Watching you enjoy the cake I made is payment enough." Yoshi assures her. "A 'thanks' and a cup of tea works just as well!" he insisted before taking a sip.
  20. [18:03] <Deedles> She was quiet for a moment before she nodded "Alright, if you say so." she answered before she ate one of the strawberries decorating the top of the cake.
  21. [18:05] <Zero_Atma> "If anything comes to mind I'll be sure to let you know." Yoshi tells her. "For now, just enjoy the cake!" he syas with a gron, popping a spoonful into his mouth.
  22. [18:07] <Deedles> "I will." Blossom smiled as she had another bite of the cake, the spoon gently resting against her bottom lip as she looked thoughtful. "Are you going with Shen to train in the mountain?" she wondered quietly as she lowered her hand.
  23. [18:11] <Zero_Atma> Yep! I asked Leewan to join us." Yoshi explains. "With enough hard work, and a little luck, we'll come back even stronger."
  24. [18:12] <Deedles> She nodded as she placed her spoon beside the half-eaten piece of cake "I know you will." she assured him with a smile
  25. [18:14] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi pauses a moment before finally speaking up once more. " is your Empress training been going?"
  26. [18:16] <Deedles> Blossom looked thoughtful briefly before she answered "I think it's going well, I feel like I'm learning a lot from the Elders, and from Master Tsula." she looked at him with a smile. "It's a lot of responsibility, but as long as I work hard and keep those I love near to me I know I can do it."
  27. [18:18] <Zero_Atma> "Glad to hear it." Yoshi replies. "Ya know, that's something I admire about you, you're always looking on the bright side."
  28. [18:19] <Deedles> She blushed faintly as she rubbed the back of her head "Think so? I always worry about being negative or worrying too much." she paused as she realized how backwards that sounded, unable to keep herself from laughing softly. "As you can see." she added inbetween laughs.
  29. [18:24] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi chuckles lightly, waving a dismissive hand. "Not at all, you're probably one of the most optimistic people I know!" he confesses. "Good thing, too, that sort of thing can be contagious."
  30. [18:25] <Deedles> "I hope so, I like it when others are happy." Blossom told him with a soft smile before she had another spoonful of the delicious cake.
  31. [18:29] <Zero_Atma> "Me too, that's why I enjoy cooking and drinking with my friends." Yoshi smiles. "I'll have to learn how to make some more of that sweet wine so we can share a drink together sometime!"
  32. [18:30] <Deedles> "That'd be nice. It was quite tasty, and not too strong either." She agreed, blushing faintly as she recalled nearly falling asleep against Taishin back in Yumu.
  33. [18:33] <Zero_Atma> "It's not every day you get to drink with royalty." Yoshi says in a somewhat teasing manor. "Maybe you should take lessons from Leewan." he says with chuckle.
  34. [18:35] <Deedles> Her blush deepened at his teasing, one of her hands fiddling slightly with her hair. "Maybe ... It still feels so strange. I know I am the Empress, but I have a hard time feeling like one. Everyone acts like being noble or royalty makes you more important than others." she shook her head "But I don't want to be, I could never consider myself such!" she stated firmly.
  35. [18:41] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi just smiles at her. "That's why you're the best person for the job." he insisted. "You put everyone else before yourself, especially in the most desperate times, that's the kind of leader this country needs."
  36. [18:43] <Deedles> Blossom bit back an objection as she thought of Taishin and everyone else in Jinlong, biting her lower lip before she smiled faintly at Yoshi "I just know that once the time comes I'll do my outmost to help everyone." she finally answered, her voice quiet before she drank some tea.
  37. [18:47] <Zero_Atma> "I know you will." Yoshi assures her. "You have a good heart, and a big one to boot, I have no doubt you'll be able to help them all."
  38. [18:48] <Deedles> She leaned in to hug him, her smile widening "Thank you, Yoshi. You're a great friend." she stated, giving him a light squeeze before she pulled away.
  39. [18:50] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi returns the hug with one arm, the other rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks, so are you, just being honest."
  40. [18:52] <Deedles> "I'm glad you think so." Blossom replied with a bright smile before having a bit more of the cake.
  41. [18:58] <Zero_Atma> "I don't think I'm alone in thinking that." Yoshi reminds her. "You've done a lot for Shen and Jian, and I know Taishin would be proud of you."
  42. [19:01] <Deedles> She lowered her face while she thought about them, a loving smile spreading across her lips as her thoughts ended on Shen, feeling warm and tingly as her free hand came to rest above her heart. "And I'll keep doing as much as I can... For all of you." she concluded softly.
  43. [19:06] <Zero_Atma> "And we'll be behind you every step of the way." Yoshi assures her. "That's what friends are for."
  44. [19:08] <Deedles> "I know, I'll be doing the same for all of you." Blossom looked up at him as her smile faded faintly "I'm sad I can't come with you while you train, but I have my own path to walk."
  45. [19:12] <Zero_Atma> "I'm sure the other mentors will keep you plenty busy." Yoshi assures her with a gentle pat on the shoulder. "You might even grow a bit stronger yourself while we're away."
  46. [19:13] <Deedles> "I will do." She stated as she gained a determined smile, lifting a hand as she clenched it "Because when you return I want to spar against Shen."
  47. [19:19] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro chuckles. "I like your enthusiasm! you may have a tough fight ahead of you when we come back."
  48. [19:21] <Deedles> "I know I'll probably lose against him, but it's something I really wish to do anyway." Blossom confessed with a soft smile
  49. [19:23] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi just shrugs. "I can't really make an honest judgement, I've never seen you fight before, but I'd still like to see it."
  50. [19:24] <Deedles> "You'll have to tell me what it looks like when you do." Blossom replied teasingly with a playful smile.
  51. [19:25] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi smacks his forehead lightly. "...of course I will."
  52. [19:25] <Deedles> She reached up to brush her fingers across his forehead "Don't worry, I'm only teasing." she said with a giggle.
  53. [19:29] <Zero_Atma> "I know, and you got me good." Yoshi admits, chuckling softly. "Nice to know you've got a sense of humor!"
  54. [19:30] <Deedles> "One can't be truly happy without one!" Blossom stated with a soft laugh as she flicked her hair slightly "Besides, people are often so easy to tease about my blindness so I can't resist." she admitted with a slight blush
  55. [19:34] <Zero_Atma> "Now that's what I call turning your biggest weakness into your biggest strength." Yoshi says with an amused smile.
  56. [19:35] <Deedles> "I'm glad you think so, I worry that it's kinda mean of me to joke about other people's awkwardness in regards to it, but... I can't help it, I wouldn't want to stop being blind even if there was a way to give me sight." Blossom told him honestly as she smiled.
  57. [19:42] <Zero_Atma> "Heh, well, the way I look at it that's perfectly fair." Yoshi replies, nudging her lightly. "You just don't want to give up the blind jokes, do you?"
  58. [19:42] <Deedles> She giggled as she nudged him back "Why would I? It makes for such good teasing."
  59. [19:51] <Zero_Atma> "Heh, can't argue with that, it's a lot more amusing when you're not on the recieving end." Yoshi concludes with a smile.
  60. [20:01] <Deedles> "I can stop if you want me to." Blossom said with a sweet smile, before she had another spoonful of cake, making a quiet noise of delight again.
  61. [20:05] <Zero_Atma> "And feel left out while you poke fun at the other non-blind people around here? not a chance!" Yoshi insisted with a big grin. "I'm not THAT sensitive, I can take a joke."
  62. [20:07] <Deedles> "You suuuure?" Blossom asked as her smile widened "I don't want to make you cry or anything, especially after you made me such a delicious cake." as if to emphasize her point she had another bite of the cake.
  63. [20:11] <Zero_Atma> "Hah! maybe cry laughing!" Yoshi retorts, dipping one of his fingers in the cake frosting before poking the tip of her nose with it. "Besides, you're just sweet and charming enough to get away with it, I'll forgive you."
  64. [20:13] <Deedles> Blossom laughed as he poked her nose, gently batting away his hand with hers "Unfair! I didn't see that coming!" she said with a playful pout, before using her finger to wipe off the frosting and lick it off her finger with a hapy smile.
  65. [20:18] <Zero_Atma> "That was the point!" Yoshi tells her, waggling his finger. "Bet you didn't see that coming either." he says with a good natured laugh. "You're a riot, Blossom, by far the most interesting blind person I've ever met." he admits before adding. "Except Shen, but I knew him before he was blind so it's not as fun to tease him about it."
  66. [20:19] <Deedles> "Yeah..." Blossom's smile faded for a moment before she giggled "But it's fun to tease him." she stated with an affectionate smile as she turned her face away slightly.
  67. [20:23] <Zero_Atma> "IT's probably more fun four you than us." Yoshi points out, and although she couldn't see it she could tell that he was grinning afterwards.
  68. [20:23] <Deedles> "Oh?" She turned back to him as she look curious "How so?"
  69. [20:26] <Zero_Atma> "Well, for starters, you already know what it's like to be blind while he's completely new to it." Yoshi explains. "Also, teasing people you love is how some people show their affection." he nudges her lightly with his elbow. "I bet you've been teasing him a lot lately, huh?"
  70. [20:28] <Deedles> Blossom went red as she gently gripped her teacup "A bit..." she replied, before she hid behind her drink.
  71. [20:34] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro just lets out a short laugh. "I guessed as much."
  72. [20:35] <Deedles> She slowly lowered her cup as she looked up at him "Do you... have anyone you love, Yoshi?" she wondered
  73. [20:42] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro pauses a moment, actually having to think about that question. "You mean like you and Shen?" he wonders, though ther was no hint of teasing in his tone this time around.
  74. [20:43] <Deedles> "Yeah, though, probably not exactly like us. All love is different." Blossom answered with a nod as she smiled softly at him.
  75. [20:46] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi nods in agreement. "There is one." he admits. "You remeber Mizuki? the girl I told you about?" he traces his ringer around the rim of his tea cup while speaking of her. "I don't know if you could call it love, but, when we were younger we use to be kinda close..."
  76. [20:48] <Deedles> "What is she like?" Blossom inquired gently as she moved a bit closer to him, laying a hand on his back.
  77. [20:52] <Zero_Atma> "She's creative, energetic, and kind to a fault." Yoshi smiles at the mention of his childhood friend. "When we were kids we'd all get into trouble together, Haru and the two of us, and every time she would take the blame so we wouldn't be punished." he sighs. "Some things never change."
  78. [20:58] <Deedles> "She sounds like a wonderful person, and it sounds like she cares a lot about you." She stated with a warm smile "I look forward to meeting her." she said as she gave him a gentle hug.
  79. [21:00] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi pats her back lightly as he returns the hug. "As do I..." he admits. "I've only seen her in my dreams, it will be good to meet face to face with her again, I can't thank her enough for everything she's done."
  80. [21:04] <Deedles> "I'm certain she'll just be happy to see that you're okay." Blossom assured him as she gives him a slight squeeze before she ended the hug.
  81. [21:08] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi nods in agreement. "So will I..."
  82. [21:10] <@Shen> The front door of the house opens slowly as Shen makes his way into the hallway.
  83. [21:11] <Deedles> Blossom perked up as she heard the door open, her head turning towards the doorway of the kitchen before she moved towards it, peeking out into the hallway as she smiled. "Shen! Jian!" she greeted them happily.
  84. [21:14] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi perks up to the sound of those names and moves to join Blossom in greeting them. "Hey there!"
  85. [21:14] <Earthflame> Jian walks slowly behind Shen, but raises a hand in greeting. "Good afternoon."
  86. [21:15] <@Shen> Shen lifts his head with a smile. "Looks like theres a party goin on here." he chuckled, softly sniffing the air.
  87. [21:16] <Deedles> "Yoshi brought over a strawberry cake." Blossom informed them with a bright smile "Come have some, it's delicious!" she moved down the hallway to take Shen's hand, pulling him along with her.
  88. [21:18] <Earthflame> Jian smiles... A little awkwardly, following the two down the hall, glancing around him. This was the Storm Dragon estate... And Sanru had already made it clear once that he wasn't particularly welcome...
  89. [21:20] <@Shen> Shen got dragged into the kitchen as he followed the sweet scent of cake. "That smells pretty fantastic, indeed."
  90. [21:33] <Zero_Atma> "Just wait until you taste it." Yoshi insisted, cutting a slice for each of them.
  91. [21:34] <Deedles> Blossom released Shen's hand so she could get a couple of plates and cups out, putting the plates in front of Yoshi while she poured up tea for the new arrivals.
  92. [21:34] <Earthflame> Jian bows his head. "Thank you."
  93. [21:36] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi places each piece of cake on a plate before handing them out, making sure that Shen was aware of the plate before offering it to him. "Here, enjoy!"
  94. [21:38] <Deedles> "No need to be so formal, Jian." Blossom told the swordsman with a smile
  95. [21:39] <Earthflame> He lets out an embarrased chuckle. "My apologies, Blossom."
  96. [21:42] <@Shen> Shen gave a nod of appreciation as he took the plate and picked up the cake with his bare hand, taking a nice Shen-sized bite. "Guh. You really shpoil ush Yoshi. Thish ish amashing." he commended with half a mouthful after a brief pause of enjoyment.
  97. [21:43] <Deedles> Blossom laughed at that, sipping at her tea with a happy expression.
  98. [21:44] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi wipes a bit of cake off his cheek. "Don't mention it, really..." he insisted, but smiled. "Glad you like it."
  99. [21:44] <Earthflame> Jian takes a tentative bite. "...Mm. Very nice."
  100. [21:45] <Deedles> Blossom looked between them as she smiled "I'll miss you all when you go training." she told them
  101. [21:48] <@Shen> "You shay that..." he swallowed. "...But you're really thinking: 'Finally these jerks are leaving me alone.' " he looked at her unbelievably. "Terrible."
  102. [21:49] <Deedles> Blossom raised a hand to her mouth as she giggled "I guess my game's up." she faux-confessed "It'll be wonderful to finally get some peace and quiet around here." she sighed dramatically.
  103. [21:50] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi grins broadly as he leans over to whisper at Blossom. "Told you."
  104. [22:00] <@Shen> Shen eyed both Blossom and Yoshi suspciously as he continued to munch his cake.
  105. [22:01] <Earthflame> "Two weeks is not so long... After that, we will likely leave for much longer."
  106. [22:02] <Deedles> Blossom's smile faded slightly at that "Yeah, that's true." she agreed, before picking up her plate to have the last piece of her cake.
  107. [22:03] <@Shen> Shen went a little quiet with that, nodding silently. "Theres still a lot to do out in the country."
  108. [22:06] <Zero_Atma> "Yeah, a lot of pieces to pick up..." Yoshi agrees, arms crossed over his chest.
  109. [22:07] <Deedles> Blossom put her plate to the side, quietly turning away from them as she refilled her cup with tea.
  110. [22:14] <@Shen> "But we'll be back, one way or another." Shen added quietly.
  111. [22:15] <Earthflame> ...Jian looks away at that, and eats another mouthful of cake.
  112. [22:16] <Deedles> Blossom slowly drank some of her tea before gently placing her cup on the kitchen counter again "I know you will be..." she stated before she turned around to smile at them.
  113. [22:19] <Earthflame> "In the end, after all this is over... I might not." Jian speaks softly, as if fearing to express a thought that had been troubling him. "...I don't feel at home here anymore. Ever since I got back..." He sighs.
  114. [22:22] <@Shen> "By the end of this, none our homes will be here anymore." he chuckled, a little sadly at the thought, but not completely. "You will not be alone."
  115. [22:23] <Earthflame> Jian looks up, surprised. "Even you, Shen?"
  116. [22:23] <Deedles> "I can't stay here, my place is in Jinlong." Blossom agreed with a smile
  117. [22:24] <@Shen> "My place is with this one." he nodded, his eyes closing.
  118. [22:24] <Deedles> Blossom shifted up beside Shen while calmly having some more of her tea.
  119. [22:25] <Earthflame> "Ahh." Jian nods slowly. "...But you both have places to go. I have yet to find my own. Still... What is life but searching?"
  120. [22:26] <@Shen> "As far as I remember, you yourself have a clan to redeem." he smiled into his tea as he drank. "If that isn't a place for you to start, I don't know what is."
  121. [22:26] <Deedles> "He's right." Blossom agreed softly
  122. [22:26] <Earthflame> "Redeem or destroy. I am the Yin Yang Blade. Creation and destruction." ...His dark words are rather offset by his expression at another bite of cake.
  123. [22:27] <Deedles> "If what Xi says is correct there is no reason to destroy the clan." Blossom stated, rather firmly.
  124. [22:29] <Earthflame> "...Even if I destroy the Corruption within it... Can I lead it myself? I know Corruption is not the end of a life, nor the end of a struggle to do good... But would I simply be a hypocrit, unseating one corrupt leader only to set myself in his place?" He sighs. "...Sorry. My dreams have been dark of late. I'm not sleeping well."
  125. [22:31] <@Shen> "Theres nothing to apologise for." Shen shook his head. "There are a lot of blank variables between now and then, so there's no telling yet... but I hope to see you rise to the challenge, however you decide to proceed, when the time comes."
  126. [22:33] <Deedles> "I think you will make a fine leader, Jian." Blossom told him bluntly "Corruption alone does not make you a bad person. Just look at Taishin. He is like one of those brave Generals you hear about in Legends, and he has corruption."
  127. [22:35] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi gives Jian an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "They're right." he inssited. "For now, just enjoy your cake." he says with a warm smile.
  128. [22:35] <Earthflame> "Against his will and his intentions, forced upon him by a monster... Mine lies in my blood. I..." He sighs, and leans his forehead against his hand. "...I still find it hard to believe. What I fought against so long was within me for so long..." He glances at Yoshi, pausing a moment... And then smiles, having another bite.
  129. [22:36] <Deedles> Blossom moved forward to bonk Jian on the head "You didn't ask for it either!" she scolded him before she smiled warmly and slipped past his plate to give him a hug. "You're Jian, corruption or not."
  130. [22:39] <@Shen> "And what about Meilin?" Shen asked his friend as he put his plate down on the kitchen top. "I saw her earlier and she too carries it, yet teaches the younger generations of this village."
  131. [22:40] <Earthflame> He returns the hug, but pauses at Shen's comment. "...Meilin is the wisest person I know... And Taishin the bravest. I can't compare myself to them..."
  132. [22:41] <Zero_Atma> "That's because you're not." Yoshi reminds him. "You might be aline, in many ways, but everyone has to walk their own path. I know you'll find your's sooner or later."
  133. [22:42] <@Shen> Shen nods as Yoshi speaks. "You have a choice, as some don't. To become wiser... braver." he smiled faintly. "That is the blessing we have to fight what we must face."
  134. [22:45] <Earthflame> He smiles at them all. "...Thank you."
  135. [22:46] <Deedles> Blossom pulled away wordlessly as she smiled at him.
  136. [22:50] <@Shen> Shen crossed his arms as he let out a light sigh. "If you keep feelings like that bottled up, they'll undo you eventually. No matter how dark, afraid, or maddening the thought. We are here to listen and help you with the burden, Jian."
  137. [22:50] <Zero_Atma> "Well, it's been nice having everyone together for tea and cake but, I need to get back to the Fire Temple and start packing for the tip." he gives Blossom a quick hug, patting his friends on the shoulder before waving to them. "If you want me to make something for the trip then drop by the temple!"
  138. [22:51] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "Thank you, Shen... Everyone. See you later, Yoshi."
  139. [22:51] <@Shen> Shen nodded as he patted Yoshi on the back. "Take care, Yoshi, I'll be seeing you soon." he noted, his words could of just been: Dumplings, dumplings, dumplings though.
  140. [22:53] <Deedles> "Talk to you later, Yoshi." Blossom called to him before he could leave.
  141. [22:54] * Zero_Atma ( Quit ( Quit: Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day )
  142. [23:05] <Deedles> Blossom turned to the remaining two, going quiet for a moment before she asked them "When do you think you'll head for Jinlong after you leave?"
  143. [23:06] <Earthflame> "It is likely to be the last place we go... The Spirit Sanctuaries are spaced around the borders. It would be safer for us if we avoided Jinlong while we moved between them."
  144. [23:07] <Deedles> Blossom nodded slowly, her gaze shifting towards the doorway Yoshi left through, before she turned back to her tea. "That makes sense."
  145. [23:07] <Earthflame> "Although... Rei and Chiyoko are going there. And I have promised Rei that she will be by our side when we return to Haizhou, to face Katashi."
  146. [23:08] <Deedles> "Her ex-husband, right?" Blossom asked, making sure she remembered correctly.
  147. [23:08] <Earthflame> "Indeed. The man who destroyed her nation, murdered her family and kept her as a trophy..." Jian's left hand clenches again. His voice wavers slightly.
  148. [23:10] <@Shen> "He will get what he deserves soon enough." Shen nodded. "As for how long we'll be in the village until we head out into the country, I can't imagine it'll be for long. It depends on if we have any orders from the elders, but the sooner we can get back out there the sooner we can start doing good again."
  149. [23:12] <Deedles> Blossom nodded slowly "Yeah, then everything can be set right." she said with a conflicted smile.
  150. [23:14] <@Shen> He didn't have to see her face to know what she was thinking, he too felt the same way. "I would be suprised if we didn't return here after a while though, there will be much to do when we organise any sort of offensive on Jinlong."
  151. [23:22] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "But that is a long way off... The Jade City will not fall until the corrupt have nowhere left to run."
  152. [23:23] <Deedles> Blossom closed her eyes at that, nodding again. "Yeah." she agreed quietly.
  153. [23:23] <@Shen> Shen nodded. "Hopefully at that point we can return with Taishin too, Meilin told me of her sword." he directed mostly to Jian.
  154. [23:26] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "She has tasked me with returning it to him... But I do not think we can do so safely until the seal is complete. If the Emperor feels his mind become whole, he might start to try to take him."
  155. [23:31] <@Shen> "We definitely can't allow that to happen, each of us owe our debts to him." he agreed as he ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. "No matter how you look at it, the Spirits are the most important next step."
  156. [23:31] <Earthflame> Jian glances up towards Blossom. "...You should talk to Meilin. About Taishin."
  157. [23:32] <Deedles> Blossom looked up as she blinked "Oh?" she said curiously
  158. [23:33] <Earthflame> "She knew him before... He saved her life, and she loves him very much." Jian smiles softly. "...I think you two would have much to talk about, too. Her title is The Gentle Blade."
  159. [23:33] <@Shen> Shen nodded. "I agree, it would be a good idea."
  160. [23:35] <Deedles> Blossom's eyes widened at that before she nodded "If that's the case then I definetly need to speak to her." she agreed before she smiled "I have so much to tell her."
  161. [23:36] <Earthflame> "She is in possession of something she hopes will help Taishin... A fragment of his spirit."
  162. [23:37] <Deedles> "She... what?" she went speechless at that
  163. [23:38] <@Shen> "We've both felt it, it's most definitely Taishin's." Shen confirmed.
  164. [23:38] <Deedles> Blossom raised a hand to her face "If that was returned to him..." she murmurred.
  165. [23:40] <Earthflame> "You should hear the rest from her." Jian speaks softly. "...Taishin's story goes on far longer than you know."
  166. [23:44] <Deedles> Blossom nodded "I'll go and speak to her after you've left." she promised
  167. [23:45] <Earthflame> "Will you need someone to help you on the way? The Metal Temple is rather out of the way."
  168. [23:47] <Deedles> "I'll be fine." Blossom assured him with a smile
  169. [23:48] <@Shen> "Like hell you will." Shen insisted stubbornly. "Jian can escort you, its on his way anyway." he said a little more softly as a smile crept over his face.
  170. [23:49] <Deedles> "But ..." Blossom's smile faded as she turned towards Shen, biting her lower lip for a moment as she left the rest unvoiced.
  171. [23:51] <@Shen> "You're not allowed to be stubbron when I'm being stubborn." he sighed hopelessly.
  172. [23:52] <Deedles> Blossom tilted her head to the side as she couldn't help but smile "But Bourbon could always show me the way." she said
  173. [23:54] <@Shen> "That reminds me, when we leave for the trip, you'll be staying with Bourbon. Might be a good idea to get to know her a bit more in that case." he nodded.
  174. [23:55] <@Shen> "I mean, you can stay here if you want, but you'll have to deal with my father..."
  175. [23:56] <Deedles> Blossom looked thoughtful at that "I don't mind your father that much, despite my first conversation with him, but.... I think staying with Bourbon sounds good." she concluded softly
  176. [00:02] <@Shen> Shen smiled and nodded. "Fair enough. Just don't let her teach you too many bad habits." he chuckled.
  177. [00:02] <Deedles> Blossom grinned faintly "Like what?" she inquired
  178. [00:02] <@Shen> "I'm sure you'll find out." he shook his head.
  179. [00:03] <Deedles> "So you let me want into the lion's den unprepared? Oh well, suit yourself." Blossom said in faux-shock, raising a hand to her mouth as she giggled.
  180. [00:09] <Earthflame> Jian sits quietly, watching the other two laugh together and feeling at peace...
  181. [00:11] <@Shen> "Less a lion, more a fox." he corrected her with a shrug and a grin. "Shes not the most predictable person ever."
  182. [00:12] <Deedles> "So a bit like Yoshi then." Blossom suggested with a smile
  183. [00:17] <@Shen> An image formed in his head of Yoshi with a girlish pose and breasts, he shuddered. "Maybe not that." he scrunched his nose. "I'm sure you'll get along fine."
  184. [00:18] <Deedles> Blossom laughed at his tone before she quietened down, leaning her back against the kitchen counter. "Yeah, I'm sure we will." she agreed softly.
  185. [00:22] <Earthflame> "The Mentors are all good people." Jian nods in agreement.
  186. [00:23] <@Shen> "Besides, she's a pretty skilled Courtier so she'll probably have something to teach you." he shrugged, not really knowing much about that stuff. "Even if she can be a bit of a pain, shes still a very good sister and..." he nods as Jian speaks. "...More than earned her title of Mother Earth."
  187. [00:24] <Deedles> Blossom looked thoughtful at that "I've noticed that everyone here has titles." she mused as she tapped her lips in thought "Why is that?"
  188. [00:26] <@Shen> "When you come of age here, after your graduation exam, you recieve a title from your master. Its a very personal thing that defines who you are so requires quite a bit of thought."
  189. [00:26] <Deedles> "Ohhh..." Blossom said before she went quiet, tilting her head to the side as she continued pondering.
  190. [00:27] <Earthflame> "It's a tradition that has been part of life in the village for as long as it's recorded history, as far as I understand."
  191. [00:31] <@Shen> Shen nodded, a smile creeping over his face. "I too wonder what yours would be." he tapped his lips over-dramatically.
  192. [00:33] <@Shen> "Stumbling Teapot, maybe?" he threw out there.
  193. [00:34] <Deedles> Blossom covered her mouth as she tried to not laugh, but her hand soon shifted down to her stomach to grip it as she couldn't keep it in.
  194. [00:40] <@Shen> "Or Gentle Blossom." he said a little more seriously with a sigh. "If I was your master, that would be it."
  195. [00:44] <Earthflame> "I think your title is Empress... Nothing more, nothing less."
  196. [00:46] <Deedles> Blossom composed herself as she looked thoughtful, turning around to pour herself some more tea. "Yeah, I guess that is the case." she agrees, her voice a bit quiet.
  197. [00:51] <@Shen> "Your title is whatever you want it to be." he shook his head. "Empress is merely a formality."
  198. [00:52] <Deedles> "I would like a title that is given to me, for who I am, not what I was simply born into by chance." Blossom confessed as she still had her back turned to them.
  199. [00:55] <@Shen> "One day you will likely receive one, based on your actions, your nature."
  200. [00:56] <Deedles> "Maybe..." Blossom turned around to smile at them "Even if I don't, I'm happy with the things I do have."
  201. [00:57] <@Shen> "You'll still always be Blossom, I couldn't think of a more fitting name."
  202. [01:02] <Deedles> Her smile widened "Thank you." she said softly
  203. [01:16] <Deedles> Blossom slowly pushed off the kitchen counter "I think I'm gonna go to my room for bit..." she said, a bit out of the blue.
  204. [01:19] <@Shen> Shen raised his head as she spoke and nodded. "I'll be around if you need anything."
  205. [01:20] <Deedles> She gained a gentle smile as she nodded "Thank you, Shen." she looked to Jian as she reached the doorway "Speak to you later, Jian. Good luck with your training." she said before she left the room.
  206. [01:20] <Earthflame> Jian raises his hand. "Rest well."
  207. [01:28] <@Shen> "Real smooth." Shen said, rubbing his face with a hand. "Its not like you to be so negative, especially towards Blossom. Shes having a hard enoguh time as it is." Shen directed to his friend with a sigh.
  208. [01:35] <Earthflame> "Negative?" He asks... Apparently having missed the problem.
  209. [01:43] <@Shen> "Shes going to miss us when we leave, she'll be alone here while we head back into the country. She seems very conflicted about the whole thing." he said, lifting his head to Jian. "And her title is Empress? Nothing more, nothing less?" he shook his head. "I don't need eyes to see her shot down by that, shes trying so hard to find herself."
  210. [01:44] <Earthflame> ...Jian hangs his head. "...I'm sorry. I'll apologise to her. I always found comfort in my name, in my simple purpose... I am Jian. I am a sword, mind, body and soul."
  211. [01:48] <@Shen> "Shes yet to truly find her name, what she finds comfort in. I think she envies us because of it." he rubbed his jaw, the stubble had grown so much lately it seemed. "I think talking to her would be a good idea. I know you didn't mean any harm by it, and I know she does too, but it would be good to aire your thoughts to her."
  212. [01:50] <Earthflame> He nods. "Sorry, Shen. I've not been myself lately..."
  213. [01:56] <@Shen> "I know." he nodded as he spoke quietly. "But you don't have to apologise to me because of it. I was there and watched those things happen to you, I know why you are so deeply conflicted. I just wish I could truly understand what you are going through."
  214. [01:59] <Earthflame> "I don't, and I'm the one going through it." He smiles sadly, standing. "I'll go see Mingxia."
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