

Sep 12th, 2018
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  1. [2:19 AM] Claire: I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy here.
  2. [2:03 PM] Bel: I'm not leaving because I'm unhappy here, I'm leaving because I can't stay.
  3. [2:04 PM] Claire: Theoretically you could have moved when we did
  4. [2:04 PM] Bel: I would have to find another menial, time-wasting job if I didn't want to be dead weight when you maybe move maybe don't after February if I was going to stay with you. I can't stay here through schooling because I can't live on my own.(edited)
  5. [2:04 PM] Claire: Yeah, that's fair, and your mother is willing to fund you so if you wanna live off that that's an option.
  6. [2:05 PM] Bel: That's the option.
  7. [2:05 PM] Bel: I go back to Oklahoma, all I have to worry about is school and coping with living with her.
  8. [2:05 PM] Claire: If that's how you feel.
  9. [2:06 PM] Bel: anything else, I have to find a new job, possibly find a new place to live and new roommates to split the cost of living
  10. [2:07 PM] Claire: Sure I guess, if living with us isn't an option. Right now I'll be honest that I don't want you as a roommate and considered making that a for sure thing after two months had passed (to give you a two month period to possibly alter behavior and such, and to give a 3 month warning), and wanted to have a large talk with you on that sometime soon when Filly wasn't around.
  11. [2:08 PM] Bel: on my behavior?
  12. [2:08 PM] Claire: But if you have other better decisions for you than being dragged around at our convenience that's fine too I guess. It's clear that you sorta didn't want to follow through on why we moved together from the fact that you're super willing to move out.
  13. [2:09 PM] Bel: Because I don't want to live in a commune with you at great inconvenience or even detriment to my own aspirations and future?
  14. [2:09 PM] Claire: I mean, that is less of an issue.
  15. [2:10 PM] Claire: For Sheep, who cared the most about it, it's more that you moved here and she put off transitioning for half year so that you two could do so together, then you jumped the gun on it without her, then quit, and then she put it off more hoping to make enough money for both, and then you decided that you had no interest about a year and a half ago.
  16. [2:11 PM] Claire: The major primary interest for her was to transition with a support network that she cared about.
  17. [2:11 PM] Bel: Oh, that.
  18. [2:11 PM] Claire: We had already allowed you to do you own thing monetarily far before that.
  19. [2:11 PM] Claire: So if you'd rather go back to how it was in 2012 with you living in OK and trying to get through college, best of luck I guess. It's kinda shitty to see you go and I have no illusions that your current friend groups inspire that.
  20. [2:11 PM] Claire: But it's the reality of it I suppose.
  21. [2:14 PM] Bel: Believe what you want, then. I doubt there's anything I can do to convince you that I'm anything but a closeted transsexual.
  22. [2:15 PM] Claire: I don't really care much about that, honestly. I totally believe it, but there's other alternatives as well.
  23. [2:15 PM] Claire: I guess the attitude change since "detransitioning" is more the issue.
  24. [2:15 PM] Claire: Less the gender itself.
  25. [2:19 PM] Claire: There's also the issue of how we're supposed to treat you which is never really clear.
  26. [2:20 PM] Bel: Treat me?
  27. [2:21 PM] Claire: You act like you want to be treated like an adult, but you consistently ask for being treated like a child, and don't want responsibilities like a child, which we've humored. We don't ask much for chores because you've stated a hate for them, we don't really ask you to do much for cooking, until you got completely off schedule from us I cooked for you, etc.
  28. [2:21 PM] Claire: It's hard to know what you want, and then on top of what you want what's fair.
  29. [2:22 PM] Claire: It's frustrating, because if I was treating you like someone I had to teach, or like a child, I would have made more decisions for you and stopped you down certain paths earlier.
  30. [2:22 PM] Claire: If I'm treating you like an adult, there's a lot of shit I wouldn't put up with (chores included).
  31. [2:22 PM] Claire: So it's a difficult issue as a roomate.
  32. [2:24 PM] Claire: There's moral issues, both in what groups you buy into and support, older things about stealing, newer things about drugs and consent of space, there's how you handled doing college, there's how you dropped the moving on us.
  33. [2:24 PM] Claire: Lots of little things.
  34. [2:26 PM] Claire: It's all stuff that needs to be talked about if there's a possibility of you moving with us, and there's some lines in the sand I'd want drawn. At the very least, I'd want an open bulletin that we can set down clearer ground rules, as I think that you're avoidant of any such conversations and that itself is an issue.
  35. [2:33 PM] Bel: I don't pick on you for listening to whom you listen to, so I'd appreciate if you'd step off on that point. If you wanted to confront me on matters like chores, then you should have done so more clearly. As far as drugs go, I simply don't care anymore. I'm not about to do anything so blatant as to attract police attention, but I don't care about either you or Filly's feelings on the matter, and the only thing that's keeping me from growing mushrooms in my suitcase right now is that I honestly expect Filly would report me to the police if I did. About the college thing, yeah, that was a spur-of-the-moment decision, and for that reason I haven't gotten too worked up over how you two possibly moving out in February completely fucks with any vague plan to attend school here.
  36. [2:34 PM] Claire: I don't pick on you for listening to whom you listen to, so I'd appreciate if you'd step off on that point.
  37. ^This is unclear, rephrase?
  38. [2:35 PM] Claire: Re: Mushrooms, we both would. That's uncalled for, and being a shit human and roommate. Their consent matters.
  39. [2:35 PM] Bel:[image reading "Claire: There's moral issues, both in what groups you buy into and support,"]
  40. [2:35 PM] Claire: I'm not going to step off there, you joining what is essentially a cult, down to the paid entry fee, is problematic in the extreme for me.
  41. [2:38 PM] Bel: You're full of it. The big difference between the HBR server I'm on and a cult is that I don't need to pay money to access HBR's content.
  42. [2:38 PM] Claire: Yet you do for the discord?
  43. [2:38 PM] Bel: By your apparent definition of what a cult is, any furry artist's Patron-exclusive Discord server is just as much a cult.
  44. [2:39 PM] Bel: I do because I agree with their message and want to see it proliferated.
  45. [2:39 PM] Claire: Right.
  46. [2:40 PM] Claire: That's a problem unto itself as far as I've concerned? In the past two years your interest and glee in seeing, and participating in, mobs shitting on people, is unhealthy.
  47. [2:40 PM] Claire: It speaks to a deep problem.
  48. [2:41 PM] Bel: Which people, exactly?
  49. [2:41 PM] Bel: PK?
  50. [2:42 PM] Bel: You said people plural, so I'm curious about what makes up the rest of this allegation.
  51. [2:43 PM] Claire: Kiwifarms as a whole is built almost entirely around that. PK's group has multiple people and would constitute a plural on its own, as you should know as your depiction of events involves people, plural, not a single person.
  52. [2:43 PM] Bel: yes, a trio of verifiably terrible people.
  53. [2:44 PM] Claire: That's pretty rich coming from someone who [redacted.]
  54. [2:44 PM] Claire: What makes you so much better?
  55. [2:44 PM] Claire: How many people who you took interest in in mindfuck were underage?
  56. [2:44 PM] Claire: Your moral foundation is shaky.
  57. [2:45 PM] Bel: And it's not making fun of them by virtue of them being who they are, or having some sort of personal defect like pedophilia or mental illness, it's making fun of them for acting like idiots.
  58. [2:45 PM] Claire: Sure, and it's actively harmful.
  59. [2:45 PM] Bel: I was a mentally abused and sexually repressed teenager, and I've changed a lot since then.
  60. [2:45 PM] Claire: It isn't a joke with them, it's entirely a hostile culture that is at their expense.
  61. [2:45 PM] Claire: Have you?
  62. [2:47 PM] Bel: And when I was in #mindfuck, I was barely over the age of consent myself. Romeo and Juliet laws exist specifically to protect technically-adults who engage sexually with minors within a year or two of their own age. And in fact, I totally broke off any sort of friendship with a particular user after they revealed they were fourteen and sexually interested in me.
  63. [2:47 PM] Claire: Still shaky.
  64. [2:48 PM] Bel: Unlike PK and her lovers, I've put that behind me.
  65. [2:48 PM] Claire: And it's not how you justify your actions to yourself as much as that you're participating in a culture of attacking those who you can rationalize yourself as "better than", either fleetingly or not.
  66. [2:48 PM] Claire: It's not something you did two to three years ago.
  67. [2:48 PM] Claire: Two years ago. Not three.
  68. [2:49 PM] Bel: At the core, I do it because I was invested in their work.
  69. [2:50 PM] Bel: Well, I could talk psychobabble rationalizations all day, but you don't care.
  70. [2:50 PM] Claire: Actually, I do care, but it still doesn't justify your actions.
  71. [2:51 PM] Claire: Oh no, a comic you liked ended, better join a mob and harass them?
  72. [2:51 PM] Bel: The comic didn't even end, word just got out that the three of them are child abusers.
  73. [2:51 PM] Claire: So why do you care again?
  74. [2:53 PM] Bel: It was relieving to take out my disappointment and frustration with the artists and their work.
  75. [2:53 PM] Claire: By joining a mob and harassing them for a slight against you.
  76. [2:53 PM] Bel: Additionally, I've never even interacted with PK or either of her lovers except to give her fanart prior to learning about any of it.
  77. [2:54 PM] Claire: And participating in kiwifarms mobs, yes.
  78. [2:54 PM] Bel: Kiwifarms mobs that also don't interact with her? That stick to the forums?
  79. [2:55 PM] Claire: Do you actually believe the culture that is there doesn't actively harass people outside the forums?
  80. [2:56 PM] Bel: Of course not. And I don't care.
  81. [2:56 PM] Claire: Right. That's the issue. It's one of a lack of empathy.
  82. [2:57 PM] Bel: For most purposes, the internet is public space. If people do stupid shit, they shouldn't expect people to not make fun of them.
  83. [2:57 PM] Claire: Just like you don't care that Filly doesn't want drugs in their household.
  84. [2:57 PM] Claire: It's not about public private, because you break it in private.
  85. [2:57 PM] Claire: It is a lack of giving a shit about other human beings.
  86. [2:58 PM] Bel: If I had a private space all to myself, I would do drugs there, where you and Filly don't have to put up with it.
  87. [2:58 PM] Bel: But I don't have a private space all to myself.
  88. [2:59 PM] Bel: I've already acquiesced to your rule here.
  89. [2:59 PM] Claire: Sure. If that's why your moving, that's fine with me. It's nice to know your desire to get drugs is greater than your interest in the two of us.
  90. [2:59 PM] Claire: I suppose when you said you were happy, you mean "but would be more happy anywhere else where I can grow illegal drugs".
  91. [3:00 PM] Bel: That's not the only reason I'm moving. Way to strawman me.
  92. [3:00 PM] Claire: It's sarcasm, I don't actually believe that's the total reason.
  93. [3:01 PM] Bel: Usually, when people use sarcasm, they mean the opposite of what they say.
  94. [3:01 PM] Claire: Yes.
  95. [3:01 PM] Bel: Don't hide behind a turn of phrase or exaggeration if you want to spit venom.
  96. [3:01 PM] Claire: The sentence "I suppose" is the opposite of what I mean. Since I don't suppose that.
  97. [3:01 PM] Claire: Idiot.
  98. [3:02 PM] Claire: I get to make fun of you for that right?
  99. [3:02 PM] Claire: Since you were an idiot? Just checking, that's free.
  100. 3:02 PM] Bel: Sure, and I can disengage with you if you're going to.
  101. 3:03 PM] Claire: I don't really feel the need to. You can if you want.
  102. [3:04 PM] Claire: I'd be interested in you regaling me on all your reasons to move that aren't mushrooms, though. It seems that they are "unwilling to show empathy" and "more likely that my mother bankrolls my degree (citation needed since she was willing to do that here)".
  103. [3:04 PM] Claire: And a feeling of being unwanted, which I can't say is completely unwarranted.
  104. [3:05 PM] Bel: I wasn't going to get a degree at school here, and I'd have to live alone for some time, however brief, if I was going to school here and you two move. The discomfort of living alone for even two or three months is not something I can handle.
  105. [3:06 PM] Claire: That reason is pretty irrelevant now that you're not going to school for three months.(edited)
  106. [3:06 PM] Bel: How? The classes have a schedule that I can't control. I would need to attend for a certain amount of time before I could get my certification.
  107. [3:07 PM] Bel: The soonest I could possibly get a certification would be around April or May.
  108. [3:07 PM] Bel: I can't just make classes go by faster because I want a certification faster.
  109. [3:08 PM] Claire: I guess the question becomes "why the disinterest in moving with us entirely". You were told over a year ago we planned to be moving, and you haven't shown a lick of interest in moving with us. When I told you again that we were moving, your response was to go back to OK and fuck it. Nothing on moving with us whatsoever. That's what confuses me.
  110. [3:08 PM] Bel: I should specify: I can't live by myself and also go to school or hold a job for extended periods of time.
  111. [3:08 PM] Bel: A year ago, I expected that I would just be taken along for the ride. It was all out of my hands.
  112. [3:09 PM] Bel: It depended entirely on when and where Filly found work.
  113. [3:09 PM] Claire: Now, if I'm too demanding by what I'd want from a new roommate situation, and I realize I'm pretty demanding by wanting you to stop hanging out with a cult, to give me a clear idea of who you want to be and what our relationship was, and to maybe plan out chores and keep a bulletin board. And not to grow shrooms in our house unless it was legal where we went. Then you could say that.
  114. [3:09 PM] Claire: But so far I haven't seen any real interest.
  115. [3:10 PM] Claire: Hence the assumption you were unhappy.
  116. [3:28 PM] Bel: Your insistence that I'm part of a cult speaks to an utter lack of respect for me and understanding of what a cult actually is. There are legitimate criteria for what constitutes a cult, and you have continually ignored the requirement that a cult only make its "scripture" available to paying members. Moving on, even if you'd provided me with anything close to the emotional support and respect you give Filly, I wouldn't want to live with someone who continues to demean me for beliefs they find erroneous. We've argued points that I've disagreed with you on, and I have not insisted repeatedly and despite your wishes that, for instance, your views might be affected by working at a TV news station.
  117. If the chores thing has bothered you so much, then you should have spoken up in spite of my previously mentioned unwillingness to do them, which was established literally years ago while I was working full-time.
  118. The shrooms thing is fine. I don't like it, but I get it. I even agree with you.
  119. I don't know how you got it in your head that I wanted to be treated like a child at any point. Maybe that was something I told you years ago, when (again) I was a broken kid fresh out of an abusive home, with no stability of my own. At any rate, I don't think you're being "too demanding," I just think I'd rather not go to all the trouble of finding a throwaway job just to be able to move with you two in six months, and then find yet another dead-end job to work at for a year or more while we all get settled in somewhere new before finally trying to get myself started on some sort of career path.
  120. [3:29 PM] Claire: Do look up the legitimate criteria for a cult.
  121. [3:29 PM] Claire: Cite me a source please.
  122. [3:30 PM] Claire: But for the rest, fuck it. It seems you have reasons.
  123. [3:30 PM] Claire: Most of them is "I'm not in an alt-right cult, just in an alt-right group that demeans people and supports being a shitty person", but sure.
  124. [3:31 PM] Claire: Not wanting to work is definitely fine, and if your mom isn't going to make you and that's a deal breaker, then I guess I'll treat you like an adult and respect that you don't want a job.
  125. [3:31 PM] Bel: HBR doesn't demean anybody nor support being a shitty person. The Kiwifarms thing is completely unrelated from that.
  126. [3:31 PM] Claire: That's an interesting if incorrect perspective.
  127. [3:32 PM] Bel: The cult criteria is laid out in "The Wrong Way Home: Uncovering the Patterns of Cult Behavior in American Society" by Arthur J. Deikman. Give me some time to dig through the nitty-gritty, I don't have the citation on hand right now.
  128. [3:34 PM] Bel: Incorrect that HBR doesn't demean anybody, or that Kiwifarms is unrelated?
  129. [3:34 PM] Bel: In either case, you're simply mistaken.
  130. [3:36 PM] Claire: One of their most recent radio shows is directly targeting Serena Williams.
  131. [3:36 PM] Claire: But then again, you're generally okay with people who have public status getting demeaned.
  132. [3:37 PM] Claire: So I guess that doesn't count.
  133. [3:37 PM] Claire: Them losing a lawsuit for harassment at a convention doesn't count.
  134. [3:37 PM] Bel: By your definition, TV news demeans people just as much.
  135. [3:37 PM] Claire: Sometimes, yes.
  136. [3:38 PM] Claire: Our local news does not, largely, and when it does I speak out against it strongly at morning meetings.
  137. [3:38 PM] Claire: CBS does not, often, but I have no control of that except that we work with their products.
  138. [3:38 PM] Claire: But I think harassing someone in person at a convention is a far stretch away from what news does.
  139. [3:39 PM] Bel: I've actually been privy to the details of that lawsuit, but I don't expect you to believe me.
  140. [3:39 PM] Claire: So have I.
  141. [3:40 PM] Claire: I looked into it extensively, and it lost in a court of law to boot.
  142. [3:40 PM] Claire: You'll have a hard time convincing me otherwise.
  143. [3:40 PM] Claire: And again, my issue is less that the group is inherently based in demeaning harassing tactics, and that Kiwifarms is, but that you actively seek these things.
  144. [3:41 PM] Bel: So you know that the defendant, Calgary Expo, cited an article that wasn't published until after HBR was kicked out of the convention as one of the reasons for removing them?
  145. 3:41 PM] Claire: And have since early 2016 ish, not long after you "for sure" wanted to detransition.
  146. [3:41 PM] Claire: I know that's the defense they gave constantly and that it didn't hold up in court.
  147. [3:41 PM] Bel: HBR was the plaintiff in that case, not the defendant.
  148. [3:42 PM] Bel: Have you listened to Karen Straughan's recap of the events of the trial, even?
  149. [3:42 PM] Claire: Have you heard the verdict?
  150. [3:42 PM] Claire: They did not win the case.
  151. [3:43 PM] Bel: yes, I have. And as I understand it, the decision was influenced from the outside.
  152. [3:43 PM] Claire: That definitely sounds like something you'd believe given that you have sunk cost into this group.
  153. [3:45 PM] Bel: The judge, at one point, refused to listen to an audio recording of the supposed harassment that HBR was removed from the convention for perpetrating, and in his judgement said that because he didn't listen to that evidence, he would have to rule in favor of the defendant.
  154. [3:45 PM] Claire: Neat.
  155. [3:45 PM] Claire: I'm sure you have a greater understanding of the case than the judge.
  156. [3:46 PM] Claire: Honestly.
  157. [3:47 PM] Claire: That's a pretty convenient excuse to give your fans. "We brought this dumbass recording for something we could have and probably should have and probably did put in documentation, and because the judge didn't give a shit about it we would have won :("
  158. [3:47 PM] Claire: "Hi I'd like to ignore how courts work and also win the case"
  159. [3:47 PM] Claire: How many years of legal experience do you have?
  160. [3:47 PM] Bel: I'm done talking about this with you, we clearly fundamentally disagree on whether or not institutions can be corrupt for reasons besides laziness.
  161. [3:48 PM] Claire: Yeah, that's the core of it.
  162. [3:48 PM] Claire: (That was also sarcasm)
  163. [3:49 PM] Bel: I don't need to put up with your ad hominem, and I don't need to put up with your complete lack of respect for anything that doesn't line up with your beliefs.
  164. [3:49 PM] Claire: Right.
  165. [3:49 PM] Claire: That's not cultish behavior at all.
  166. [3:49 PM] Bel: You're an asshole. I'm an asshole, too, but I don't pretend otherwise.
  167. [3:50 PM] Bel: I don't like dealing with belligerent assholes.
  168. [3:50 PM] Claire: All I've seen is a direct correlation between you joining what is widely considered to be an alt-right group everywhere I look, with a fun side helping of harassing people publicly, and you being a complete ass. More unhappy, more violently angry, more stressed, less communicative.
  169. [3:50 PM] Claire: Been about two years of the ride.
  170. [3:50 PM] Claire: Wasn't like this before it.
  171. [3:51 PM] Claire: And that's sort of the core of it.
  172. [3:51 PM] Bel: Violently angry? Yes, I was violently angry as I came to grips with how my mother abused me.
  173. [3:51 PM] Claire: Nah, you're much more prone to threatening violence. In case you've missed that change in your self.
  174. [3:51 PM] Bel: As though I wasn't constantly stressed before about trying to look like a woman?
  175. [3:52 PM] Claire: You were stressed but you weren't angry, constantly.
  176. [3:52 PM] Claire: There's a difference.
  177. [3:52 PM] Claire: You didn't take it out on people, you didn't withdraw into yourself, you didn't become misanthropic, you didn't go online and laugh at people for fun.
  178. [3:52 PM] Claire: You had actual hopes and interests and goals.
  179. [3:52 PM] Claire: It was actually irritating how optimistic you were and excitable.
  180. [3:52 PM] Claire: Now you're just not, at all.
  181. [3:53 PM] Claire: You're very clearly unhappy and very clearly lashing out.
  182. [3:53 PM] Bel: I have actual hopes and interests and goals now.
  183. [3:53 PM] Claire: You have a ton of hopes, far less interests, and fuzzy goals.
  184. [3:54 PM] Bel: Oh, by "goals" you mean "changes I want to enact on my body" and nothing else, right?
  185. [3:54 PM] Claire: It was really interesting to hear that you wanted to make anime and had no interest in working with computers two days after getting mad at me because I rightly pointed out you'd never make the next Dark Souls because you weren't interested.
  186. [3:54 PM] Claire: Do you look back at yourself three years ago and see only that as a goal?
  187. [3:54 PM] Bel: Yes, basically.
  188. [3:54 PM] Claire: That's sad.
  189. [3:55 PM] Claire: I guess I'm ready to disengage now.
  190. [3:55 PM] Bel: aside from that one, my goals remain largely the same.
  191. [3:55 PM] Bel: I want to make a comic/cartoon/some form of media and use it to make money.
  192. [3:55 PM] Claire: The fact of the matter is you're not interested in us, you're not interested in living with us, you're not interested in being a working adult nor being a controlled child and you're going back to being a teenager in OK, complete with the half-baked philosophy and the internet harassment.
  193. [3:55 PM] Claire: That's fine.
  194. [3:55 PM] Claire: Sorry that the past sixish years really changed nothing.
  195. [3:56 PM] Bel: What makes an adult, then?
  196. [3:56 PM] Bel: Is it looking for somebody else to complete you?
  197. [3:57 PM] Claire: I don't really have any more interest in you now.
  198. [3:57 PM] Bel: Then December will be the last we see of one another.
  199. [3:57 PM] Claire: Yeah, probably. I figured that was the case already.
  200. [3:58 PM] Claire: You're just going to be a reverse Julia and fuck off to a near-extreme hugbox. She'll succeed at something and die young, you'll probably be the opposite there too.
  201. [3:58 PM] Bel: I hope being Filly's wife is emotionally satisfying for you, truly.
  202. [3:58 PM] Claire: Absolutely is, thanks.
  203. [3:58 PM] Bel: I'm actually kind of jealous that you've found someone you find worth all your time.
  204. [3:59 PM] Claire: It's a factor of being open with myself and having empathy.
  205. [3:59 PM] Claire: I tried really hard to show you that.
  206. [3:59 PM] Claire: I'm so fucking sad about this because I failed.
  207. [3:59 PM] Claire: Fundamentally.
  208. [3:59 PM] Bel: You told me that I was wrong for feeling hurt.
  209. [3:59 PM] Claire: I completely failed to make you someone happy with yourself enough to seriously connect with others.
  210. [4:00 PM] Bel: You told me that I was wrong for not letting a mental illness define who I am.
  211. [4:00 PM] Claire: Not quite in either case.
  212. [4:00 PM] Claire: Please keep listing though.
  213. [4:00 PM] Claire: You're letting a mental illness define who you are, you're just doing so by pushing against it and running in the opposite direction, you dolt.
  214. [4:01 PM] Claire: You think a fancy beard, some misogyny, and harassing people makes you not have what you have?
  215. [4:01 PM] Claire: See Sheep circa 2010.
  216. [4:01 PM] Bel: By that logic, I'm letting Munchausen's define who I am by not suffering Munchausen's.
  217. [4:02 PM] Claire: If you were actively acting to show everyone "I TOTALLY DONT HAVE MUNCHAUSEN GUYS HAHA".
  218. [4:02 PM] Claire: Yeah, I would.
  219. [4:02 PM] Bel: So now growing a beard is equivalent to saying "I'M TOTALLY NOT A TRANSSEXUAL"
  220. [4:02 PM] Claire: Which hilariously is basically what you're doing, given your example.
  221. [4:03 PM] Claire: By running from this so hard you're saying "Guys I DON'T have a mental illness at all seriously!"
  222. [4:03 PM] Bel: That's it, there's no convincing you.
  223. [4:03 PM] Claire: Not with that weak bullshit no lol.
  224. [4:03 PM] Bel: If I even talk about it, I'm letting it define me.
  225. [4:03 PM] Claire: Everything you do always defines you.
  226. [4:03 PM] Claire: That's life.
  227. [4:04 PM] Claire: No action you take fails to define you. No action you refuse to take fails to define you. Life is a continual process of being defined.
  228. [4:04 PM] Bel: But I'm a transsexual regardless of whether I act on it or not.
  229. [4:04 PM] Bel: I have Munchausen's because I deny having Munchausen's.
  230. [4:04 PM] Claire: Nah
  231. [4:04 PM] Claire: Get your head together.
  232. [4:05 PM] Bel: Of course that's not the case. That was sarcasm.
  233. [4:05 PM] Claire: Do you even understand the syndrome you're referencing?
  234. [4:05 PM] Bel: Chrissakes.
  235. [4:05 PM] Bel: Yes, I do.
  236. [4:06 PM] Claire: Idk. The fact of the matter is that in the next few months you have to really decide if you want to effectively reset back to 2012 or not.
  237. [4:06 PM] Claire: There's no Cardspin, Brae, K, or me to save you if you realize you hate your life and are trans.
  238. [4:06 PM] Claire: And the fact of the matter is, you will never admit it to yourself again if you move back to OK. You're too stubborn.
  239. [4:07 PM] Bel: I've hated my life for the last fourteen years. I'll live.
  240. [4:07 PM] Claire: Really?
  241. [4:07 PM] Claire: I thought you were happy here.
  242. [4:07 PM] Bel: Happier.
  243. [4:08 PM] Claire: Shame to runaway from that now to continue stuff that has made you angrier, more isolated personally, and more prone to antisocial behaviors.
  244. [4:08 PM] Bel: I'm not running away from anything, I'm just leaving you behind.
  245. [4:09 PM] Claire: You should really make sure that's what's true.(edited)
  246. [4:09 PM] Claire: Because you have about a month or two to figure out if that's what you really mean.
  247. [4:10 PM] Claire: Because this is the Schelling Point for me. This is where I look to and triage you as a lost fucking cause that will bleed out no matter what I do. But this is also the point where we try to help you together again. I can't choose for you, and you should choose what's right for you.
  248. [4:10 PM] Claire: Don't answer me.
  249. [4:10 PM] Claire: Put some thought into it.
  250. [4:11 PM] Claire: Put a week of actual thought in. You're not doing anything the fuck else. Meditate. Introspect. Talk to people both in the friend group you're abandoning and the friend group that you're choosing to take.
  251. [4:11 PM] Claire: Share the logs!
  252. [4:11 PM] Claire: But I'm done with this now. Night.
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