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Jun 8th, 2011
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  1. INSERT INTO changelog (title, TYPE, link, rev, USER, added, revision) VALUES
  2. ('DB/Quest: Add creature involvedrelation for quest "Words for Delivery" (25286), "Words for Delivery" (25500)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307520871, 1),
  3. ('Core/Chat: Fix emotes id for quests and achievements..', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307518471, 1),
  4. ('DB/Custom: Change EoF to EoC in weekly quest in dalaran', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307444311, 1),
  5. ('DB/Creature: fix undefinied aura "0" in creature addon', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307444311, 1),
  6. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Azuregos's Magical Ledger" (8575)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307444311, 1),
  7. ('DB/Quest: fix quest A Worthy Weapon', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307440711, 1),
  8. ('typo fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307397511, 1),
  9. ('DB/ToC5: Fix Mount Faction', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307397511, 1),
  10. ('Core/Gamobject: Oculus Orb&Portal Fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307393911, 1),
  11. ('Core/ToC10: Valkyrie UPDATE', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307393911, 1),
  12. ('Core/Item: Fix item "Glyph OF Fire Blast" (42740)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307386711, 1),
  13. ('Cuctom/Script: Add support for PLAYER_FLAGS_DEVELOPER', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307386711, 1),
  14. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307383111, 1),
  15. ('DB/Creature: ToC5 Player Mount Fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307383111, 1),
  16. ('DB/Spell: Divine Hymn Heal Fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307383111, 1),
  17. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307379511, 1),
  18. ('DB/Spell: Fixed UA DMG (Warlock Unstable Affliction)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307375911, 1),
  19. ('DB/Creature: Add Immune Masks To Bosses In North', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307372311, 1),
  20. ('Core/Spell: Fix stacking Earth and Moon with Curse of the Elements', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307368711, 1),
  21. ('Core/Script:', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307368711, 1),
  22. ('Cuctom/Script: Preaparing to create Transfer script', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307368711, 1),
  23. ('DB/Object: Incrase pool spawn chance for Titanium Vein...', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  24. ('DB/Creature: Fix Argent Tournament mounts', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  25. ('DB/Scripts: Add alot missed script names for sqls...', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  26. ('typo in sqlFix typo in sql', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  27. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  28. ('DB/Spelldifficulty: Typo in my latest commit.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  29. ('DB/Spelldifficulty: Fix typo in 18c016a890e00ea11922 messing up Shadowfiends in heroic dungeons.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  30. ('Ruby Sanctum:', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  31. ('Merge branch 'master' of', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  32. ('Core/Spells: Righteous Defense shouldn't affect targets that can't attack you', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  33. ('Core/Spells: Fixed targeting selection for target type 90 (TARGET_UNIT_TARGET_MINIPET)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  34. ('Revert "Core/Transports: Fixed NPCs ON transport disappearing after grid unloading"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  35. ('Scripts/Spells: Scripted Magic Rooster mount', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  36. ('DB/Templates: Fixed health for Sindragosa and Ice Tomb, thanks vcrx6 and Studioworks', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  37. ('Core/Auras:', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  38. ('Scripts/Ulduar: Fix heroic version of Hodir's Rare Cache', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  39. ('Core/Quests: add anti-cheat check in quest reward method', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  40. ('Core/Achievements: Remove criterias for City Defender from disables', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  41. ('Core/Achievements: fix City Defender kill credit bugs', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  42. ('Scripts/Azuremyst Isle: Actually fixed what was stated in last commit :P', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  43. ('Scripts/Azuremyst Isle: Fix The Prophecy of Akida.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  44. ('Core/Spells: cleanup in Blade Barrier code', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  45. ('Scripts/Ulduar: Fixed Hodir's Rare Cache of Winter', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  46. ('DB/Quest: The Stave of Equinex (2879)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  47. ('Core/Spells: Fix item Corpse Tongue Coin and some related cleanup', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  48. ('Core/Spells: Correctly fix Item - Chamber of Aspects 25 Normal/Heroic Tank Trinket', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  49. ('Core/Events: Add missing definition for Kalu'ak Fishing Derby', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  50. ('Scripts/Eye of Eternity: Disable one spell + fix to Sparks', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  51. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  52. ('Scripts/Ulduar: Fix Flame Leviathan and XT-002 encounters', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  53. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Gambling Debt" (11464) [Howling Fjord]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  54. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  55. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  56. ('Configuration: Sezon emblemow', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  57. ('Add missed portal to wintergrasp in dalaran (horde side)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307350711, 1),
  58. ('Core/Spell: Fix "Teleport TO Lake Wintergrasp" (58622) and "Restricted Flight Area" (58730)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  59. ('Core/Calendar: Add small support for calendar', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  60. ('Core/Script: Prevent players to pull heigan outside his chamber', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  61. ('Core/Script: Fix Anubarak ring close after 5 sec upon agro', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  62. ('Core/Spell: Fix Seduction DR', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  63. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest The Heart of the Storm (12998)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  64. ('Core/Spell: Fix Chain of Ice targeting', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  65. ('Core/Scripts: Fix stratholme baron rivendare doors handle', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  66. ('Configuration: Disable some instances', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  67. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest Digging Through Bones', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  68. ('compil fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  69. ('Revert', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  70. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "An Apexis Relic" (11058)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  71. ('Core/Spell: Fix Shockwave as a debuff effect', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  72. ('Core/Spell: Fix Beacon of Light agro', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  73. ('Core/Quest: Fix script for quest The Drake Hunt', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  74. ('Core/Spell: Fix CoE 2 min limit in PvP', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  75. ('Precz z ruskimi!', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  76. ('Precz z tym :P', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  77. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  78. ('morer fix for WG', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  79. ('Core/General: Server info', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307264311, 1),
  80. ('EoL conversion', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  81. ('EoL conversion', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  82. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "It was the Orcs, honest!" (11670)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  83. ('Database/Npc: Fix Salvaging loot from mobs', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  84. ('Fix alot of tooltip to help player find what they need', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  85. ('Database/Npc: Add missed drop for creature "Mature Lasher" (30845) and "Living Lasher" (34300)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  86. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Dun-da-Dun-tah!" (12082)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  87. ('Core/Spell: Correct data of spells "Toss Ice Boulder" (51590), "Rabbit Costume" (61716)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  88. ('Database/Npc: Fix mobs 27386, 30756 in "Utrgade Pinnacle"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  89. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Chill OUT, Mon" (12137) [Grizzly Hills]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  90. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Items OF POWER" (1948)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  91. ('Core/Item: Fix Conqueror's Aegis Regalia T8 Holy 2P Bonus', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  92. ('Add missed file in cmake and change EoL.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  93. ('You can now compile the core', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  94. ('jeszcze to', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  95. ('Add missed header file', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  96. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  97. ('Scripts/Ulduar: drzwi do Archivum', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  98. ('EoL conversion', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  99. ('Missed declaration and opcodes', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  100. ('Anticheat + merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  101. ('merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  102. ('merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  103. ('WG', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  104. ('Database/Quest: Add mouse-hovering this creature -> tooltip for quest "Pie FOR Billy" (86)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  105. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "An Embarassing Incident" (12699) [Sholazar Basin]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  106. ('Fix some exp/drop exploits', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  107. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "The Slumbering King" (11453) [Howling Fjord]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  108. ('Core/Quest: Fix dummy aura effect for quest "Death FROM Above" (11889)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  109. ('Core/Spell: Fix quest "Salvaging Life's Strength" (12805) [Sholazar Basin]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  110. ('Core/Quest: Add support for quests "Test Flight: The Zephyrium Capacitorium" (10557), "Test Flight: The Singing Ridge" (10710), "Test Flight: Ruuan Weald" (10712), "Test Flight: Razaan's Landing" (10711)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  111. ('Database/Quest: Fix reputation reward for Beads for Salfa/Feathers for Nafien/Feathers_for_Nafien', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  112. ('Database/Quest: Fix quests "You've Really Done It This Time, Kul" (14096, 14142)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  113. ('Database/Quest: add support for quest "I've Got a Flying Machine!" but still inposible to end.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  114. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Gluttonous Lurkers" (12527) [Zul'Drak]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  115. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "OUT OF body experience!" (12327) [Grizzly Hills]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  116. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "The Lost Mistwhisper Treasure" (12575) [Sholazar Basin]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  117. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Evil Draws Near" (10923)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  118. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Blending IN" (11633)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  119. ('Database/Quest: Fix problem on quest "A Righteous Sermon" (12321)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  120. ('Allow quest "Feedin' Da Goolz" (12652) [Zul'Drak] TO BOTH factions.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  121. ('DATABASE/Quest: Fix quest "Mission: Plague This" (11332)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  122. ('DATABASE/Object: ADD missed temp stable objects FOR summon tournament mounts.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  123. ('DATABASE/Quest: Quests 9962, 9967 ADD require KILL npc AND it's not autocomplete now.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  124. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Razormaw" (9689)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  125. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Draconis Gastritis" (11280)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  126. ('Database/Spell: Fix Brann's Communicator (spawn Brann ON USE)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  127. ('Core/Spell: Fix spells "Improved Mana Gems" (37447), "Improved Mana Gems" (61062)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  128. ('DATABASE/Quest: Fix quest "Fire Upon the Waters" (12243)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  129. ('Core/Quest: Fix quests "Dissension Amongst the Ranks..." (10776), "Dissension Amongst the Ranks..." (10769)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  130. ('Core/Spell: Fix aura 38224 used BY tabard 31279 provided FOR quests 10776, 10769', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  131. ('Core/Spell: ADD summon guardian FOR spell "Souls of the Decursed" (11899)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  132. ('Core/Spell: Fix spell 33060 ussed BY item 27446 FROM fishing IN outhland', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  133. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Marauders of Darrowshire" (5206)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  134. ('DATABASE/Npc: Fix npc "Northeast Sinkhole" (25665)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  135. ('Core/Spell: Fix spells "Polly Eats the E.C.A.C." (9976), "Summon Arete's Gate" (26560), "Stone Dwarf Awaken Visual" (10254), "net-o-matic" (13120)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  136. ('DATABASE/Npc: ADD correct flags FOR creature "Fengir Quest Credit" (24887)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  137. ('DATABASE/Quest: ADD missed npc spawns FOR quest "Scoodles" (11510)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  138. ('Core/Spell: Fix spells "Summon Random Vanquished Tentacle" (64981) AND "Corrupt Soul" (68839)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  139. ('Core/Spell: ADD effect OF spells: "Curse of the Eye" (3360), "Transformation" (7671), "Deviate Fish" (8063), "Savory Deviate Delight" (8213), "Symbol of life" (8593)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  140. ('DATABASE/Item: ADD LIMIT target FOR item "Rune of Command" (33796)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  141. ('Core/Spell: Fix spell "Deploy Parachute" (53039) used BY npc IN zuldrak.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  142. ('DATABASE/Quest: ADD missed quest complete script FOR quest "Have a Part, Give a Part" (12523)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  143. ('DATABASE/Npc: ADD missed gossips FOR "Farseer Nobundo <Shaman Trainer>" (17204)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  144. ('DATABASE/Npc: ADD gossip TO npc "Elder Harkek" who give missed items FOR quests', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  145. ('Core/Spell: Prevent crash ON Shield-Breaker AND Charge.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  146. ('Core/Spell: Fix spell "Gate of Shazzrah" (23138)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  147. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "The Way to His Heart..." (11472)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  148. ('Core/Instance: Fix crash ON boss Kiljaeden IN Sunwell Plateau', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  149. ('Core/Quest: ADD missed spawn FOR quest "The Frost Wyrm and its Master" (11267) [Howling Fjord].', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  150. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Reclusive Runemaster" (12150) [Dragonblight]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  151. ('Core/Item: Fix item Underbelly Elixir (44012)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  152. ('MERGE', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  153. ('Core/Quest: Fix Quest "Wooly Justice" (12707) [Zul'Drak]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  154. ('ToC5 mini Fix to factions', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  155. ('Core/Quest: "Danger! Explosive!" (11218) [Howling Fjord]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  156. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Catching up with Brann" (12920)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  157. ('Core/Spell: Fix spell 18350, it energizeing with some spells', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  158. ('Core/Spell: fix dummy effect for spells "Capture Treant" (11885), "Capture Beast" (11886), "Capture Hippogryph" (11887), "Capture Faerie Dragon" (11888) and "Capture Mountain Giant" (11889)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  159. ('Database/Instance: Fix some mobs in "The nexus"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  160. ('Core/Quest: Fix quests "Near Miss" (12637) [Zul'Drak], "Close Call" (12638) [Zul'Drak]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  161. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Dreadmaul Rock" (3821) [Badlands]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  162. ('Database/Quest: Fix reputation gived from "More Warbeads" (10477) [Nagrand]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  163. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "The Ransacked Caravan" (11465) [Howling Fjord]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  164. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Cuergo's Gold" (2882) [Tanaris]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  165. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Slim Pickings" (12075) [Dragonblight]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  166. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  167. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  168. ('Scripts/Ulduar: Fix do Razorscale'a', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  169. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "The Taste Test" (12645) [Sholazar Basin]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  170. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest: Elven Legends (7481, 7482) [Dire Maul]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  171. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Slaves OF the Stormforged" (12957) [Storm Peaks]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  172. ('Core/Creature: add script for freed proto-drake', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307177911, 1),
  173. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "The Cleansing" (11317, 11322) [Howling Fjord]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  174. ('Database/Drop: Add 79% to drop 'Dr. Terrible's "Building a Better Flesh Giant"' (42772) from "Apprentice Osterkilgr" (30409)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  175. ('Database/Quest: Remove autocomplete from quest "The Ring OF Blood: Rokdar the Sundered Lord" (9970) [Nagrand]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  176. ('Database/Quest: Fix drop item for quest "ON Ruby Wings" (12498) [Dragonblight]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  177. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Put ON Your Best Face FOR Loken" (12185, 12203) [Grizzly Hills]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  178. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Cultivating an Image" (12202) [Grizzly Hills] (wersja dla hordy)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  179. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "IN the Name OF Loken" (12204) [Grizzly Hills]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  180. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "The Angry Gorloc" (12578) [Sholazar Basin]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  181. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Weakness TO Lightning" (11896) [Borean Tundra]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  182. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Hah... You're Not So Big Now!" (11653) [Borean Tundra]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  183. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  184. ('HoL: Removed Windfury from Berserkers', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  185. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Sacrifices Must be Made" (12007) [Grizzly Hills]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  186. ('Database/Quest: Fix quests: Cultivating an Image (12184, 12202) [Grizzly Hills]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  187. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Life or Death" (12296) (Daily) [Grizzly Hills]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  188. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest relation between "The Amphitheater of Anguish: Yggdras!" (12954) AND "The Amphitheater of Anguish: Magnataur!" (12933)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  189. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "The Honored Dead" (11593) [Borean Tundra]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  190. ('Core/Spell: sort by spell ids', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  191. ('Core/Spell: Fix this list of spells Pirate Costume (24717), Random Costume (24720), Ninja Costume (24718), Leper Gnome Costume (24719), Ghost Costume (24737)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  192. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "The Enemy's Legacy" (11423) [Howling Fjord]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  193. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Guided BY Honor" (11289) <Howling Fjord>', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  194. ('Database/Quest: More blizz quest "The Shining Light" (11288) [Howling Fjord] limit time set to 10min zgodnie z danymi podanymi przez wowhead, wowiki, wowpedia masz 10min aby wykonać ten quest :)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  195. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Riding the Red Rocket" (12432) [Grizzly Hills]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  196. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Mission: Eternal Flame" (11202) [Howling Fjord]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  197. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "It Goes TO 11..." (11421) [Howling Fjord]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  198. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "A Rough Ride" (12536) [Sholazar Basin]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  199. ('add missed sql', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  200. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Projections AND Plans" (12061, 12060) <Dragonblight>', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  201. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "TO Legion Hold" (10596, 10563) [Shadowmoon Valley]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  202. ('Core/Spell: Fix quest "Emergency Protocol: SECTION 8.2, Paragraph D" (11796) <Borean Tundra>', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  203. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest relation for "Poisoned Water" (6804) [Azshara]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  204. ('Core/Quest: Fix Quest "No place TO run" (12261) [Dragonblight]', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  205. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Corrupted Sabers" (4506)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  206. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "Death's Door" (10910)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  207. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Back So Soon?" (12574)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  208. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "The End of the Line" (12107)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  209. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "The Echo of Ymiron" (11343)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  210. ('Discard invalid commit', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  211. ('Database/Spell: Divine Storm heal effect family fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  212. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "A Carver and a Croaker" (11476)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  213. ('Core/Quest: Add support for quest "Send Them Packing" (11224)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  214. ('Database/Quest: fix quest: The Shining Light (11289)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  215. ('Core/Quest: Add support for Master The Storm (11895)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  216. ('Database/Spell: Fix Arcane Empowerment proc event, data from dbc', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  217. ('Core/Quest: add script for quest "Conversing With The Dephts" (12032, 12321)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  218. ('Database/Quest: Add support for quest "The Storm King's Vengeance"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  219. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "Brother against Brother" (10097) <Terrokar Forest>', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  220. ('Core/Spell: Fix quest "Re-Cursive" (11712)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  221. ('Database/Spell: Disable Ritual of Summoning of: Arathi Basing, Eye of Storm and SOTA', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  222. ('Database/Spell: Fix spell proc "Sacred Shield" (58597)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  223. ('Core/Quest: Add support for quest "Creatures OF the Eco-Domes" (10427)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  224. ('Database/Quest: Add script for "A Dire Situation" (10506)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  225. ('Core/Quest: Add script for quest "OF KEYS AND Cages" (11231)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  226. ('Core/Quest: Add script to quest "Missing Friends" (10852)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  227. ('add missed comments', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  228. ('Database/Quest: "Fix The Dreghood Elders" (10368) in "Hellfire Peninsula"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  229. ('Core/Quest: Fix "WHERE the Wild Things Roam" (36818) in "Dragonblight"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  230. ('Database/Quest: fix quest "The Kessel Run" (9663) in "Bloodmyst Isle"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  231. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  232. ('Emblematic Removal: Fix Mail Spam', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  233. ('FB&FFB DoT Fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  234. ('Spell Fixes', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  235. ('add missed sql', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  236. ('Database/Quest: The following list of quests are now completable: 12244, 12270.', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  237. ('some fixes', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  238. ('Core/Quest: Add script fo quests: 13673, 13603, 13666, 13741, 13746, 13752, 13757, 13762, 13768, 13773, 13778, 13783', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  239. ('Database/Creature: Add missed spawn creature 34526', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  240. ('Database/Creature: On Ruby Wings (Dragonblight) : Allow npc to fly, and add spells', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  241. ('Database/Quest: Fix quest "ALL Hail Roanauk!" (12140)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  242. ('Database/Event: Summon Grom'thar the Thunderbringer event_scripts fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  243. ('Core/Quest: Add support for quest The Last of Her Kind', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  244. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  245. ('Ulduar part II', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  246. ('Core/Quest: Support for quests: 11795, 11887, Hot fix one smart script', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307091511, 1),
  247. ('Core/Quest: Add support for quest "The Champion OF Anguish" (12948)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  248. ('Database/Quest: fix "A Worthy Weapon" quests', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  249. ('Core/Quest: Creature script for quest (5713)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  250. ('Mind sear', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  251. ('Core/Quest: Fix quest "OF KEYS AND Cages" (11265)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  252. ('Grand Widow Faerlina - workshiper patch', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  253. ('Some More Of My Fixes', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  254. ('OS Fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  255. ('Add suupport for quest "11093"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  256. ('World/Quest: What The Dragons Know (14444, 24555), Kick, What Kick?, The Mosswalker Savior ()', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  257. ('Properly fix quests "Projections AND Plans", "Valkyrion Must Burn" and add dialog for "Still At It"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  258. ('World/Script: Add script for Deeprun Rat and quest (6661)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  259. ('World/Script: Added support for quest 12580 (gossip for Mosswalker Victim)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  260. ('Zmiany mające na celu ułatwic prace przy stronie', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  261. ('Corect spawn for quest 12158: Hollowstone Mine', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  262. ('Fixed Quests "The Broken Front", "Finish me!" and "Deep IN the Bowels OF the Underhalls"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  263. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  264. ('Ulduar - part I', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  265. ('Fixed Quests "The Broken Front", "Finish me!" and "Deep IN the Bowels OF the Underhalls"', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  266. ('Fix quest I'm Not Dead Yet!', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  267. ('Fix quest: Blood in the Water', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  268. ('Add support for Q: Get Kraken! and Parting Gifts (13168)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  269. ('ToC Fix + some SQLs', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  270. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  271. ('Fix quest Elven Legends', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  272. ('Merge', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  273. ('Fix quest The Grimtotem Weapon(27336)', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  274. ('Unstable Affliction dispell Fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  275. ('Bloodworms Fix', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  276. ('Fix quest realtion in ArgentTournament Grounds', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  277. ('Add spport for Argent Tournament Quests', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  278. ('Fix creatures 31273, 31304', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1),
  279. ('Fix quest 13332 & 13306', 1, '', 12553, 0, 1307005111, 1);
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