
EU sheeto thing

Feb 2nd, 2018
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  1. Name: Scarlet Wisteria
  2. Age: 16 physically, was born approx. 4 years before the First Awakening
  4. Species/powers: Vampire (DB), originally human. Superhuman strength and agility as well as a natural inclination toward stealth, as well as some amount of hypnotic ability that functions on humans and most other mammals, potentially other undiscovered powers. Particular vampiric lineage tends to lose magical potency (and self-control) while gaining physical when deprived of blood. No hard requirement for fresh human blood, but steps away from this decrease "nutritional" value; blood stored at a blood bank, for example, is less nourishing, with the same being true for fresh animal blood. "Stale" animal blood is the least helpful, but will stave off bloodlust. Actually feeding on life force, with blood simply acting as the most easily accessible carrier of such; Scarlet wishes to investigate the possibility of curative magics being used as a substitute. She's also pretty flammable, though how badly isn't something she has tested or wishes to test.
  6. Appearance: Long white hair and red eyes (often falsely attributed to albinism despite a relatively normal skin tone), of somewhat shorter than average height and a middling build. Tends to dress quite casually and simply, straying away from any overtly feminine clothing save for the occasional hair ribbon. Her obviously vampiric tells are somewhat controlled by how well-fed she is; fasting will cause her to look generally older, paler, and less healthy, before starting to turn nearly bestial in extreme cases with fingernails becoming claws and fangs becoming more prominent. She also has no noticeable pulse, though is at least not noticeably cool to the touch if she's "topped off," so to speak.
  8. Personality: Scarlet is a somewhat conflicted individual. She is somewhat quiet but otherwise friendly and not opposed to socialization nor particularly awkward in conversation, as she simply prefers to listen to others rather than speak about herself - a natural tendency only reinforced by her life as a vampire. Tends to be somewhat out of practice with the newest technology, though literate enough with it to function, as a result of the same. Used to being alone, but if she seeks such a thing out it's typically out of habit rather than predeliction. She's somewhat impulsive and prone to strong emotion. She feels regret over the choices she made to survive and the path they have lead her down so far; her application to Eventide and acceptance of any and all conditions and restrictions placed upon her is an outgrowth of this and a desire to make up for the poor decisions of her past.
  10. Background: Scarlet was born some time before the First Awakening to a relatively normal (if relatively large) family, and remained the youngest child - her parents may have elected to have further children, but the chaos caused by the First Awakening caused them to put those plans on hold. Despite this, she lived about as normal of a life as possible in those times, largely due to the efforts of her parents and the oldest siblings in keeping the family secure in all ways. Her father was a detective and her mother worked from home; the former was what led to the irreversible change in her life.
  12. An unknown serial killer began work in her hometown - the first killing being brutal, the second and third being less so, with seemingly the only hint toward the culprit's identity being the strange lack of blood found at the scenes of the crimes. Her father, of course, set about the investigation immediately. Due to a strange combination of skill and misfortune, her father seemed to close in on a likely suspect fairly quickly - and became the fourth victim. It was later discovered that said vampire had created several thralls between feedings, and had coordinated a plan to separate the detectives via various distractions in order to capture and feed on them at will.
  14. Scarlet, in response, made the worst possible decision once could pick in that situation: pursuing the creature herself. Somewhat predictably, she fell directly into the vampire's trap. Whether it was by some odd impulse, a desire to pass on a "lineage," or simply because said vampire was full, Scarlet was bitten but not wholly drained, and woke up with an aversion to sunlight and a craving for blood. It didn't take her very long to reach the decision to try and disappear forever; she didn't want to die, but didn't want to end up succumbing to her hunger and hurting someone she knew and loved.
  16. Most of her life was spent drifting from place to place, trying her best to sate herself on whatever supplies of blood she could acquire without feeding on another human and never staying for too long at one particular location. She avoided other vampires, for the most part; she had no particular reason to be fond of them and doubted that they would be particularly helpful in waring off the cravings she battled with. Said battles were difficult at first, and on two different occasions early in her wanderings, there were drifters that vanished into the night after encountering a nearly starved Scarlet - one of these is an event that Scarlet deeply regrets to this day, as the man had actually shown kindness to her in a previous meeting.
  18. She eventually decided that this "life" was hardly deserving name, and took a chance. The risk of death didn't outweigh the possibilty of being able to do something other than worry about food and where she got it, and so she sent an application to Eventide University, with as full of a disclosure as she could manage.
  20. Minor notes: Despite being a vampire and thus drawing no real nourishment from typical food, she enjoys cooking and is quite good at it - not that she will admit this freely.
  22. Tends to get competitive with people she knows well, whether she likes or dislikes them.
  24. She fidgets with her hair when she's nervous, especially if she is wearing anything in it that day.
  26. Potential backstory connections:
  27. -Sire. Scarlet still doesn't know who he is; most of her knowledge of him is by conjecture. He was likely an older vampire that fell in through a rift, much older than Scarlet is now. He was likely near-starved considering the state of his initial victims, and likely vanished back into hiding when he was sated. Given the number of thralls he seemed to be using, his hypnotic ability is assumed to be top-notch. She never heard of the culprit actually being caught, so it can be assumed he's still at large. To this day she also has no idea what purpose he had in mind, or if he was simply sloppy in disposing of his leftovers. He's clearly fairly crafty even with this potential sloppiness, however, with being able to create a small army of thralls without any of them being caught. He also may have some sort of memory manipulation, extrapolating from the hypnotic ability. Having never sired any vampiric offspring herself, Scarlet doesn't know if her particular strain can control them; she doesn't know what purpose her sire would have for her in either case, but she doubts it was or is a pleasant one.
  29. -Surviving family members. None of the rest of Scarlet's family to her knowledge fell victim, with the rapid disappearances of both a detective and his daughter prompting a massive increase in wariness and consequently pushing the original vampire to either fall into hiding or move on. Her two eldest siblings became professional vampire hunters, with the second-to-eldest being KIA during a raid on a lair. This has caused no small amount of tension in the family, with many of them becoming hunters themselves for revenge or simply because they wanted to help the others, and most of the remainder being angry with the ones dragging others into it. A few chose a different method, going into the various supernaturally-inclined sciences to research vampires, their nature, and what can be done about them. It'd be quite awkward for her to meet any of these sections, and the third case is more likely as she's volunteered herself for any and all experiments the researchers there wish to conduct bar ones that would be predictably fatal.
  31. -Family members of her previous two victims. The first was some drunkard who'd chosen the wrong alleyway to pass out in; Scarlet has no idea who he was, as she fled the town that night and never looked back. The second, however, was a man by the name of Peter Beatha. He'd chosen a life as a drifter, rather than falling into it; after stress from a corporate job had eventually forced apart his marriage he'd decided to not let himself be tied down to anywhere in particular. He didn't mind the lifestyle after having a while to get used to it, and had often relied on small kindnesses from strangers to get around; repaying this sort of thing was why he'd invited her to where he was staying for the night (to keep her away from unsavory types that prowled in the night.) Unfortunately, Scarlet hadn't been able to secure a meal in weeks, and she was unable to resist the hunger once the man had fallen asleep. It seemed like the man's family and acquaintances had still cared about his well-being from when they had spoken, though as usual Scarlet doesn't know quite who and what they are - or if such a thing would still matter this far down the line.
  33. -The other vampires Scarlet encountered in her travels. Some were like her, doing their best to survive without taking human (or otherwise sapient) victims. Some were. . . less choosy. Taking refuge with the covens she ran across was one of the ways she survived as long as she did, though these usually gave her advice on how to avoid more hostile ones (the sorts concerned with purity of lineage and whatnot, or simply concerned enough with competition that they were willing to kill it off.) One coven, though, nearly caught and killed her when it was discovered that she'd completed the draining of a person they had been attempting to turn instead, leaving them as corpses instead of fledgling vampires.
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