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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. his is a conversation between on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today.... and yourself, Keith Kogane.
  2. Keith Kogane: which show is that?
  3. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: its a book series
  4. Keith Kogane: i'm not familiar with those acronyms is all
  5. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo
  6. Keith Kogane: ah cool
  7. Keith Kogane: tbh i read the first three books then stopped, but i hope the content is at least good when the fandom sucks
  8. Keith Kogane: .......if only VLD could have consistent quality smh
  9. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: The fandom is generally okay but... there are a few things
  10. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: that REALLY out here grinding my damn gears
  11. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: like Rick and the majority of the fandom both treating Leo Valdez like shit
  12. Keith Kogane: sounds like VLD and keith. seems they're constantly wanting him to be the perfect twink.. or throwing him under the bus for klance
  13. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Thats the fandom with Nico lmao
  14. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Nico and Keith are treated very similarly by their respective fandoms and its so awful lmao
  15. Keith Kogane: like. the ship itself is.. fine? but lance 10/10 bullies and harasses keith. he constantly puts him down and starts fights b/c he's an antagonistic doof with self confidence issues - which is FINE. i like bakugou from My Hero Academia just fine! it's just that klance fans constantly flip the roles so keith is the one somehow picking on poor babu lance and just??? wtf????
  16. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Keith might sometimes say things that are insensitive, which is true, he does sometimes say things about/to Lance that are kinda harsh and insensitive, but he isnt..... mean
  17. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: like he isnt trying to intentionally pick fights and put him down
  18. Keith Kogane: TRUTH
  19. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: When the time comes, Keith is actually a really supportive guy
  20. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: He just sometimes has a bit of a weird way of showing it and can be a bit blunt when theres a problem
  21. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: (fuckin scorpio men amirite)
  22. Keith Kogane: keith is blunt and often doesn't consider social norms or how ppl might react to what he says. he's oblivious - getting better but still oblivious. ..whereas lance /purposefully/ says things to upset keith - which is well and good for plot and conflict but is annoying as heck that the fandom is trying SO HARD not to look racist that they put lance on a pedestal and say he could do no wrong and flip their roles so they can scratch their /they hate each other and it's code for love/ kink
  23. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: OH GOOD POST OP
  24. Keith Kogane: i'm literally so frustrated with what canon decides is worth talking about with lance too? i'd LOVE for him to explore how he's gotta stop looking at shiro as an idol. i'd LOVE to hear him talking with pidge about family, or doing his thing with hunk (i'm convinced he saw hunk, this adorable but shy nerd, and just /decided/ "yes. this one will be my new bff." and jjust proceeded to drag the guy on all his hyjinks -- i have a mighty need for lance helping hunk with his passive problem when he can't tell people when they've upset him.) and i would LOVE lance like i loved ATLA's sokka if he could FINALLY FUCKING FINALLY deal with the shitty way he treats women and especially allura!!
  25. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Id love for Lance to get literally any in depth exploration AT ALL???? Like he has SUCH a fucking SHALLOW character
  26. Keith Kogane: allura: my family is dead and my father and everyone i've ever known and i've been cryo-frozen for thousands of years i have every reason to have a panic attack, my hands r shaking but there's shit to be done so pls help me save the universe,
  27. lance: well helLO hot stuff~
  28. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: He has potential to be a really in depth character and ESPECIALLY in regards to a possibly commentary on toxic masculinity but no yall rly gotta do That
  29. Keith Kogane: VLD writers: ppl wanna see more of lance whining about how he isn't unique and how he feel #sad allura told him No, right????
  30. Keith Kogane: it feels like i have to tell every lance on here, as keith, the same song and dance: everyone is unique. all the paladins bring shit to the table.
  31. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Lance is literally the dollar general brand version of fanon Leo Valdez
  32. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: change my mind
  33. Keith Kogane: hahaha
  34. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: specifically fanon leo, because canon leo is a really in depth character with amazing potential and a fleshed out backstory and motives and reasons for what he does with psychological links
  35. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Rick still treats him like shit but
  36. Keith Kogane: lol real talk i frequently just reuse the same basic dialogue tho. every lance i meet gets treated with it.
  37. lance: *whines about being useless compared to the others*
  38. me ic: fair point. in battle allura has magic, pidge is resourceful, hunk is realistic and durable, shiro is basically a close combat expert, and your'e the only paladin that has any long range capabilities. out of combat coran knows the history, allura has the diplomacy, shiro has the emotional support, pidge has computers, hunk has engineering, and when you want to you have the optimism that keeps us focused.
  39. Keith Kogane: me ic: i guess in a way i'm more useless than you. i'm not spatially aware like you and the others, i'm not capable with ranged fights, and where shiro's weapon can't be lost, pidge's weapon has multiple uses, allura /is/ a weapon, you can use more than one form of your bayard, hunk is constantly able to use his own body to his advantage,, i guess you could say i'm pretty plain and useless. and if we're talking about special skills "being a good pilot" isn't exactly unique with this group
  40. Keith Kogane: some version of that rant, (basically whatever rant "lance" had made my reversed) always leaves them stuck
  41. Keith Kogane: cuz i hate the writing suggesting lance is "useless" it's not true and it's not even slightly interesting.
  42. Keith Kogane: oop--- it didn't scroll down b4 i just saw ur messages--- idk anything about those characters but COME AT ME BRO tell me all ur ranting!!
  43. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: I get some version of that?? I rp Leo Valdez primarily (for about 5 years now- I know his character like the back of my hand) and I really love valdangelo right. So I rp with a lot of Nico di Angelos, and unfortunately, 90% of them are fanon as FUCK and there inevitably ends up being some argument about how useful Nico is and Nico telling Leo to shut up about his problems bc Nico somehow has it worse. And they generally dont know what to say when my Leo muse will bring up "Nico youre literally the most powerful demigod here. You're strong, have incredibly fast battle sense, and can RAISE ARMIES OF THE DEAD without breaking a sweat, and even PERCY lost a sword spar with you. Everyone here loves you and supports you and I get that you don't think that sometimes but its true. Everyone here treats me like a fucking joke and you know it. No one bothers asking how I feel. You have no fucking clue all the shit I've been through so stop acting like you do. You know why I died to save all of you? Because I was okay with dying, because something in me wanted to die anyways, and no one gave a SHIT. When I came back everyone was MAD at me, including the goddess I WENT OUT OF MY WAY to save, so shut the FUCK up"
  44. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: i get so FUCKING MAD
  45. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: its high key me calling ppl out in character for not paying attention to Leos POVs
  46. Keith Kogane: MOOOOD!!!!
  47. Keith Kogane: #ROASTED
  48. Keith Kogane: that was some GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE UH HUH!!!
  49. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: like this is a kid with horrible mental health issues! with a CANON history of abuse! And yall have the FUCKING AUDACITY--
  50. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: The Lost Hero: Leo was emotionally abused by his aunt and it scarred him for years
  51. Fandom: ok
  52. The Blood Of Olympus: Leo was beaten in his foster homes and it affects his self worth. He's suicidal and doesnt know how to tell anyone. He's afraid to talk about it. He attached himself to saving Calypso because she makes him feel useful and like he isnt an outsider
  53. Fandom: i cant read. suddenly, i dont know
  54. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Fandom: haha comic relief leo!! hes so stupid lmao we love him even tho hes a sad asshole sometimes
  55. Keith Kogane: asdfghjkl;' gooooooshh that's frusterating as ALL HELL!!!!!
  56. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: and then Rick had the audacity to give him a girlfriend who constantly belittles him and puts him down!!! and ACT LIKE ITS OKAY
  57. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: she MADE A STATEMENT SUGGESTING SHE WAS SOMETIMES EMBARRASSED TO BE WITH HIM and somehow thats okay!!!
  58. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: also can the pjo fandom stop acting like Leo isnt blatantly autistic coded because he literally is yall are just ableist
  59. Keith Kogane: HNNG that sounds awful holy fuck! i'm SO DONE with "haha it's ok for girls to abuse boys, it's funny b/c men can't cry! ha HA!" tropes
  60. Keith Kogane: and ofc it's always going to be to the neurodivergent or queer (often both) coded characters SMH
  61. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Leo: I related this situation I'm in right now to a machine, because thats how I understand things
  62. Calypso: Leo youre so fucking stupid not everything is related to machines
  63. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Also Leo isnt stupid at all! He's literally one of the smartest characters in the whole series! He just isnt traditionally booksmart like Annabeth and struggles to communicate properly with others!! Stop treating him like the token dumbass!!!
  64. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: ESPECIALLY when yall justify it using CLEAR indicators that hes autistic!! Just say you hate autistic people and go!
  65. Keith Kogane: GOOD POST OP. :)
  66. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: same with Keith and acting like hes trying to be mean when he's just blunt and doesnt understand that he may be being insensitive :)
  67. Keith Kogane: lances love to whine that no one in voltron love him but soon as i remind them "ic" that pidge + hunk are his bffs, coran loves his sense of humour, etc etc
  68. but keith had A Friend on earth?? gosh they never know what to do when i spin things around and go "when, if ever, are we going to be friends?" sometimes i'll ever throw in "i know i don't open up easily. i know. i'm blunt and abrasive and i'm not for everyone, and i'm fine with that. i like that about myself. i'm trying to work on it but it's.. hard. back on earth i didn't bother, i guess because being that vulnerable never felt like it was worth it? ..i don't know what i did or what i said to you back then, but i'm trying now because we're in this team together. i'm constantly trying with you, but any progress we make? the next day you're at my throat again, when you're not actively denying it happened in the first place. i have friends now. i have a family now. frankly lance, i still don't need you to like me. i know how to make it on my own and i know how to let more than just shiro into my life and i don't like everyone so i've never needed everyone to like me either. trying to get close to you.. it sucks, man. you keep taking me back to how alone i felt on earth, and i don't need to find the patience to keep trying. you've disliked me since we first got here and we've been able to work together just fine, so if that's not going to change i deserve to know that distant is the best we can get. if that's how it is then that's how it is. i'm asking now if we're /ever/ going to be friends, frankly, because trying and getting no where hurts too much to maintain. i'm not a patient person, i know that. so i'm telling you now i'm not patient enough to keep trying after this."
  69. Keith Kogane: i feel ooc rn but it usually goes sooommething like that
  70. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: KING SNAPPED!!! GO OFF!!!
  71. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: man i had a crossover rp once with and everyone expected Lance and Leo but psych Keith and Leo bond like FUCK
  72. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Leo would meet Lance and think "Wow thats me if I was literally x 20 more of an asshole jesus christ"
  73. Keith Kogane: hahaha
  74. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: wait its sike not psych
  75. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: im literally a dumbass omg
  76. Keith Kogane: i'm glad u liked it keith is so fun to play! half the time he doesn't know how he feels and the other half he just says outright exactly where he's at.
  77. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: tbh not to crossover but Reasons Keith and Leo Would Vibe #45
  78. Keith Kogane: i'm game if u can explain all the Thing to me cuz i'm a good who knows nothing
  79. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: bc Leo accidentally hurts ppls feelings bc no one is ever straight up about how they feel and he needs someone to TELL HIM HOW THEY FEEL bc he doesnt just pick up on it!!
  80. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: oh man i could write an essay
  81. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: about My Favorite Lad
  82. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: Mayhaps not on shamchat tho ? :0
  83. Keith Kogane: i had an rp with an allura one and she was getting keith and pidge to be her bridesmaids. at one point she asked keith what he thought of her cake choices and he just. suggested korean bbq instead.
  84. at another point she asked about her dress and keith was primarily concerned with where pockets would be on it - cue his HORROR at learning female fashion rarely has pockets
  85. Keith Kogane: i'm fine if you wanna move somewhere like chatzy?? i can make a room??
  86. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: keith youre doing amazing sweetie. and sure?? i never use chatzy, i generally move to like. discord or something but i can get w chatzy for a Cool Guy like u
  87. Keith Kogane: i'm okey doing the discord thing with u if you want? i don't usually give out info to rp ppl since i know my irl makes me inconsistent (i've got some health issues +chronic fatigue so sometimes i'll be online but my head can't wrap around how to rp)
  88. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: thats okay!! i understand. Im just forgetful w checking stuff like chatzy and chatzy sometimes makes my computer run slow but i rly can make it work if it makes u more comfortable!!
  89. Keith Kogane: eh ur a fun time. so long as me being a doof doesn't offend or hurt your feelings i'm good. just know in advance i might disappear -- which does also make me someone who dgaf if pple need breaks from stuff too
  90. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: homie im also a doof who sometimes disappears for weeks at a time ur all good
  91. Keith Kogane: okay cool cool ^^ what's ur discord?
  92. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: veo laldez#7831
  93. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: if u can tell, i have a brand
  94. Keith Kogane: hee hee
  95. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: A brand, a valid icon, and a dream
  96. Keith Kogane: sent ^^
  97. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: accepted!!
  98. Keith Kogane: eyyyoo!!
  99. Keith Kogane: (my skype is magneto memes but my discord is aizawa on the floor in a sleeping bag with a juice box.)
  100. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today....: ill see u on the other side my friend and we can rant about how poorly the fandom treats our faves and i can tell u everything u ever need to know about My Boy
  101. Keith Kogane: YASS FAM
  102. Keith Kogane: SLAY IT
  103. on this episode of The PJO/HoO/TOA fandom REALLY Testing Me Today.... has left the conversation.
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