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text 35.30 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Interfaces: ifconfig -a
  2. lo: flags=73 mtu 65536
  3. inet netmask
  4. inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10
  5. loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback)
  6. RX packets 262 bytes 21294 (20.7 KiB)
  7. RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
  8. TX packets 262 bytes 21294 (20.7 KiB)
  9. TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
  11. usb0: flags=4163 mtu 1500
  12. inet netmask broadcast
  13. inet6 fe80::1eba:8cff:fea2:ed6a prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20
  14. ether 1c:ba:8c:a2:ed:6a txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
  15. RX packets 1047 bytes 162275 (158.4 KiB)
  16. RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
  17. TX packets 1494 bytes 1822959 (1.7 MiB)
  18. TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
  20. usb1: flags=4163 mtu 1500
  21. inet netmask broadcast
  22. inet6 fe80::1eba:8cff:fea2:ed6e prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20
  23. ether 1c:ba:8c:a2:ed:6e txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
  24. RX packets 227 bytes 56329 (55.0 KiB)
  25. RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
  26. TX packets 73 bytes 18236 (17.8 KiB)
  27. TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
  29. Wired: ethtool eth0
  30. Cannot get device settings: No such device
  31. Cannot get wake-on-lan settings: No such device
  32. Cannot get message level: No such device
  33. Cannot get link status: No such device
  34. Settings for eth0:
  35. No data available
  36. Wireless: (iwconfig ; echo ; echo ; cat /proc/net/wireless)
  37. usb1 no wireless extensions.
  39. usb0 no wireless extensions.
  41. lo no wireless extensions.
  45. Inter-| sta-| Quality | Discarded packets | Missed | WE
  46. face | tus | link level noise | nwid crypt frag retry misc | beacon | 22
  47. Routing: netstat -rn
  48. Kernel IP routing table
  49. Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface
  50. U 0 0 0 usb1
  51. U 0 0 0 usb0
  52. Default Gateway: ping -c 1 $(netstat -rn | grep '^' | awk '{print $2}')
  53. Usage: ping [-aAbBdDfhLnOqrRUvV64] [-c count] [-i interval] [-I interface]
  54. [-m mark] [-M pmtudisc_option] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-Q tos]
  55. [-s packetsize] [-S sndbuf] [-t ttl] [-T timestamp_option]
  56. [-w deadline] [-W timeout] [hop1 ...] destination
  57. Usage: ping -6 [-aAbBdDfhLnOqrRUvV] [-c count] [-i interval] [-I interface]
  58. [-l preload] [-m mark] [-M pmtudisc_option]
  59. [-N nodeinfo_option] [-p pattern] [-Q tclass] [-s packetsize]
  60. [-S sndbuf] [-t ttl] [-T timestamp_option] [-w deadline]
  61. [-W timeout] destination
  62. Internet Access: ping -c 1
  63. ping: Temporary failure in name resolution
  64. Block Devices: sudo lsblk -l
  66. mmcblk0 179:0 0 29.7G 0 disk
  67. mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 29.7G 0 part /
  68. Partitions: sudo fdisk -l
  69. Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 29.7 GiB, 31914983424 bytes, 62333952 sectors
  70. Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
  71. Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
  72. I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
  73. Disklabel type: dos
  74. Disk identifier: 0x76b4b2f2
  76. Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
  77. /dev/mmcblk0p1 * 8192 62333951 62325760 29.7G 83 Linux
  78. Filesystems: df -k
  79. Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
  80. /dev/root 30619308 2238488 27085552 8% /
  81. devtmpfs 220892 0 220892 0% /dev
  82. tmpfs 245980 4 245976 1% /dev/shm
  83. tmpfs 245980 0 245980 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
  84. tmpfs 245980 1252 244728 1% /run
  85. tmpfs 5120 4 5116 1% /run/lock
  86. tmpfs 51200 0 51200 0% /var/tmp
  87. tmpfs 51200 16 51184 1% /tmp
  88. Mounts: mount | grep -v password
  89. /dev/mmcblk0p1 on / type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime)
  90. devtmpfs on /dev type devtmpfs
  91. (rw,relatime,size=220892k,nr_inodes=55223,mode=755)
  92. tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
  93. devpts on /dev/pts type devpts
  94. (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000)
  95. mqueue on /dev/mqueue type mqueue (rw,relatime)
  96. sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
  97. securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs
  98. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
  99. tmpfs on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755)
  100. cgroup2 on /sys/fs/cgroup/unified type cgroup2
  101. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,nsdelegate)
  102. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup
  103. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,name=systemd)
  104. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio type cgroup
  105. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio)
  106. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/pids type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids)
  107. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/rdma type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,rdma)
  108. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event type cgroup
  109. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event)
  110. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio type cgroup
  111. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio)
  112. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/memory type cgroup
  113. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory)
  114. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct type cgroup
  115. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct)
  116. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer type cgroup
  117. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer)
  118. cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/devices type cgroup
  119. (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices)
  120. none on /sys/fs/bpf type bpf (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700)
  121. debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,relatime)
  122. fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,relatime)
  123. configfs on /sys/kernel/config type configfs (rw,relatime)
  124. proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)
  125. systemd-1 on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type autofs
  126. (rw,relatime,fd=31,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct,pipe_ino=13709)
  127. tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,mode=755)
  128. tmpfs on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k)
  129. tmpfs on /var/tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=51200k)
  130. tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=51200k)
  131. tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=51200k)
  132. tmpfs on /var/tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=51200k)
  133. Date: date
  134. Thu Feb 14 02:14:01 PST 2019
  135. NTP Peers: pgrep ntpd > /dev/null && ntpq -c peers
  136. remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
  137. ==============================================================================
  138. 0.debian.pool.n .POOL. 16 p - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.002
  139. 1.debian.pool.n .POOL. 16 p - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.002
  140. 2.debian.pool.n .POOL. 16 p - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.002
  141. 3.debian.pool.n .POOL. 16 p - 64 0 0.000 0.000 0.002
  142. RTC: sudo hwclock -r -f /dev/rtc0
  143. hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
  144. hwclock: Use the --verbose option to see the details of our search for an
  145. access method.
  146. Memory: free
  147. total used free shared buff/cache available
  148. Mem: 491964 93180 265168 3692 133616 340432
  149. Swap: 0 0 0
  150. Uptime: uptime
  151. 02:14:02 up 2 min, 0 users, load average: 5.05, 2.77, 1.07
  152. CPU Utilization: top -bn1 | head -20
  153. top - 02:14:02 up 2 min, 0 users, load average: 5.05, 2.77, 1.07
  154. Tasks: 112 total, 5 running, 107 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
  155. %Cpu(s): 54.7 us, 45.3 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st
  156. MiB Mem : 480.4 total, 259.5 free, 90.3 used, 130.6 buff/cache
  157. MiB Swap: 0.0 total, 0.0 free, 0.0 used. 333.1 avail Mem
  160. 1008 fpp 20 0 209288 18376 11976 R 10.8 3.7 0:06.90 apache2
  161. 3002 root 20 0 4264 2280 2012 R 8.1 0.5 0:00.03 sudo
  162. 988 fpp 20 0 209184 18288 11912 S 5.4 3.7 0:01.15 apache2
  163. 2817 fpp 20 0 199872 17076 11660 R 5.4 3.5 0:00.30 apache2
  164. 2993 fpp 20 0 4664 2092 1708 R 5.4 0.4 0:00.07 top
  165. 3005 root 20 0 4252 2432 2164 R 5.4 0.5 0:00.02 sudo
  166. 996 fpp 20 0 199916 17068 11596 S 2.7 3.5 0:00.65 apache2
  167. 2836 fpp 20 0 199796 17000 11592 S 2.7 3.5 0:00.30 apache2
  168. 2999 fpp 20 0 1472 1004 940 S 2.7 0.2 0:00.01 sh
  169. 3004 fpp 20 0 1472 932 868 S 2.7 0.2 0:00.01 sh
  170. 1 root 20 0 30008 6784 5200 S 0.0 1.4 0:05.01 systemd
  171. 2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.01 kthreadd
  172. 3 root 0 -20 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rcu_gp
  173. CPUInfo: cat /proc/cpuinfo
  174. processor : 0
  175. model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)
  176. BogoMIPS : 1990.65
  177. Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 tls vfpd32
  178. CPU implementer : 0x41
  179. CPU architecture: 7
  180. CPU variant : 0x3
  181. CPU part : 0xc08
  182. CPU revision : 2
  184. Hardware : Generic AM33XX (Flattened Device Tree)
  185. Revision : 0000
  186. Serial : 1741GPB4
  187. USB Device Tree: sudo lsusb -t
  188. /: Bus 02.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=musb-hdrc/1p, 480M
  189. /: Bus 01.Port 1: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=musb-hdrc/1p, 480M
  190. USB Devices: sudo lsusb -v
  191. can't get device qualifier: Resource temporarily unavailable
  192. can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable
  193. can't get device qualifier: Resource temporarily unavailable
  194. can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable
  196. Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  197. Device Descriptor:
  198. bLength 18
  199. bDescriptorType 1
  200. bcdUSB 2.00
  201. bDeviceClass 9 Hub
  202. bDeviceSubClass 0
  203. bDeviceProtocol 1 Single TT
  204. bMaxPacketSize0 64
  205. idVendor 0x1d6b Linux Foundation
  206. idProduct 0x0002 2.0 root hub
  207. bcdDevice 5.04
  208. iManufacturer 3 Linux 5.4.106fpp musb-hcd
  209. iProduct 2 MUSB HDRC host driver
  210. iSerial 1 musb-hdrc.1
  211. bNumConfigurations 1
  212. Configuration Descriptor:
  213. bLength 9
  214. bDescriptorType 2
  215. wTotalLength 0x0019
  216. bNumInterfaces 1
  217. bConfigurationValue 1
  218. iConfiguration 0
  219. bmAttributes 0xe0
  220. Self Powered
  221. Remote Wakeup
  222. MaxPower 0mA
  223. Interface Descriptor:
  224. bLength 9
  225. bDescriptorType 4
  226. bInterfaceNumber 0
  227. bAlternateSetting 0
  228. bNumEndpoints 1
  229. bInterfaceClass 9 Hub
  230. bInterfaceSubClass 0
  231. bInterfaceProtocol 0 Full speed (or root) hub
  232. iInterface 0
  233. Endpoint Descriptor:
  234. bLength 7
  235. bDescriptorType 5
  236. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  237. bmAttributes 3
  238. Transfer Type Interrupt
  239. Synch Type None
  240. Usage Type Data
  241. wMaxPacketSize 0x0004 1x 4 bytes
  242. bInterval 12
  243. Hub Descriptor:
  244. bLength 9
  245. bDescriptorType 41
  246. nNbrPorts 1
  247. wHubCharacteristic 0x0011
  248. Per-port power switching
  249. No overcurrent protection
  250. TT think time 8 FS bits
  251. bPwrOn2PwrGood 5 * 2 milli seconds
  252. bHubContrCurrent 0 milli Ampere
  253. DeviceRemovable 0x02
  254. PortPwrCtrlMask 0xff
  255. Hub Port Status:
  256. Port 1: 0000.010c power oc suspend
  257. Device Status: 0x0001
  258. Self Powered
  260. Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
  261. Device Descriptor:
  262. bLength 18
  263. bDescriptorType 1
  264. bcdUSB 2.00
  265. bDeviceClass 9 Hub
  266. bDeviceSubClass 0
  267. bDeviceProtocol 1 Single TT
  268. bMaxPacketSize0 64
  269. idVendor 0x1d6b Linux Foundation
  270. idProduct 0x0002 2.0 root hub
  271. bcdDevice 5.04
  272. iManufacturer 3 Linux 5.4.106fpp musb-hcd
  273. iProduct 2 MUSB HDRC host driver
  274. iSerial 1 musb-hdrc.0
  275. bNumConfigurations 1
  276. Configuration Descriptor:
  277. bLength 9
  278. bDescriptorType 2
  279. wTotalLength 0x0019
  280. bNumInterfaces 1
  281. bConfigurationValue 1
  282. iConfiguration 0
  283. bmAttributes 0xe0
  284. Self Powered
  285. Remote Wakeup
  286. MaxPower 0mA
  287. Interface Descriptor:
  288. bLength 9
  289. bDescriptorType 4
  290. bInterfaceNumber 0
  291. bAlternateSetting 0
  292. bNumEndpoints 1
  293. bInterfaceClass 9 Hub
  294. bInterfaceSubClass 0
  295. bInterfaceProtocol 0 Full speed (or root) hub
  296. iInterface 0
  297. Endpoint Descriptor:
  298. bLength 7
  299. bDescriptorType 5
  300. bEndpointAddress 0x81 EP 1 IN
  301. bmAttributes 3
  302. Transfer Type Interrupt
  303. Synch Type None
  304. Usage Type Data
  305. wMaxPacketSize 0x0004 1x 4 bytes
  306. bInterval 12
  307. Hub Descriptor:
  308. bLength 9
  309. bDescriptorType 41
  310. nNbrPorts 1
  311. wHubCharacteristic 0x0011
  312. Per-port power switching
  313. No overcurrent protection
  314. TT think time 8 FS bits
  315. bPwrOn2PwrGood 5 * 2 milli seconds
  316. bHubContrCurrent 0 milli Ampere
  317. DeviceRemovable 0x02
  318. PortPwrCtrlMask 0xff
  319. Hub Port Status:
  320. Port 1: 0000.0100 power
  321. Device Status: 0x0001
  322. Self Powered
  323. Sound Cards: sudo aplay -l
  324. **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
  325. card 0: Dummy [Dummy], device 0: Dummy PCM [Dummy PCM]
  326. Subdevices: 8/8
  327. Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
  328. Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
  329. Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
  330. Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
  331. Subdevice #4: subdevice #4
  332. Subdevice #5: subdevice #5
  333. Subdevice #6: subdevice #6
  334. Subdevice #7: subdevice #7
  335. Mixer Devices: (/bin/ls -1d /proc/asound/card[0-9] | sed -e "s/.*\/card//" | while read ID; do echo "CardID: ${ID}"; sudo amixer -c ${ID} ; echo ; done)
  336. CardID: 0
  337. Simple mixer control 'Master',0
  338. Capabilities: volume cswitch
  339. Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  340. Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  341. Limits: -50 - 100
  342. Front Left: 55 [70%] [-13.50dB] Capture [off]
  343. Front Right: 55 [70%] [-13.50dB] Capture [off]
  344. Simple mixer control 'Synth',0
  345. Capabilities: volume cswitch
  346. Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  347. Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  348. Limits: -50 - 100
  349. Front Left: 1 [34%] [-29.70dB] Capture [off]
  350. Front Right: 1 [34%] [-29.70dB] Capture [off]
  351. Simple mixer control 'Line',0
  352. Capabilities: volume cswitch
  353. Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  354. Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  355. Limits: -50 - 100
  356. Front Left: 0 [33%] [-30.00dB] Capture [off]
  357. Front Right: 0 [33%] [-30.00dB] Capture [off]
  358. Simple mixer control 'CD',0
  359. Capabilities: volume cswitch
  360. Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  361. Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  362. Limits: -50 - 100
  363. Front Left: 0 [33%] [-30.00dB] Capture [off]
  364. Front Right: 0 [33%] [-30.00dB] Capture [off]
  365. Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
  366. Capabilities: volume cswitch
  367. Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  368. Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
  369. Limits: -50 - 100
  370. Front Left: 0 [33%] [-30.00dB] Capture [off]
  371. Front Right: 0 [33%] [-30.00dB] Capture [off]
  372. Simple mixer control 'External I/O Box',0
  373. Capabilities: enum
  374. Items: 'None' 'CD Player'
  375. Item0: 'CD Player'
  377. Midi Devices: aseqdump -l
  378. Port Client name Port name
  379. 0:0 System Timer
  380. 0:1 System Announce
  381. 14:0 Midi Through Midi Through Port-0
  382. Video: fbset -s
  383. open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
  384. Kernel Version: uname -a
  385. Linux k4-pb-balcony 5.4.106fpp #2 PREEMPT Fri May 28 20:19:53 UTC 2021 armv7l
  386. GNU/Linux
  387. Kernel Modules: lsmod
  388. Module Size Used by
  389. snd_seq_dummy 16384 0
  390. snd_seq 65536 1 snd_seq_dummy
  391. snd_dummy 20480 1
  392. icss_iep 24576 0
  393. prueth_ecap 16384 0
  394. usb_f_acm 20480 2
  395. u_serial 24576 3 usb_f_acm
  396. usb_f_ncm 28672 2
  397. usb_f_rndis 28672 4
  398. u_ether 24576 2 usb_f_ncm,usb_f_rndis
  399. libcomposite 53248 16 usb_f_acm,usb_f_ncm,usb_f_rndis
  400. cfg80211 569344 0
  401. i2cdetect: sudo i2cdetect -y -r 2
  402. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
  403. 00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  404. 10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  405. 20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  406. 30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  407. 40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  408. 50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  409. 60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  410. 70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  411. Processes: ps -edaf --forest
  413. root 2 0 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 [kthreadd]
  414. root 3 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [rcu_gp]
  415. root 4 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [rcu_par_gp]
  416. root 5 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/0:0-events]
  417. root 6 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/0:0H-kblockd]
  418. root 7 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/u2:0-flush-179:0]
  419. root 8 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [mm_percpu_wq]
  420. root 9 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [ksoftirqd/0]
  421. root 10 2 1 02:11 ? 00:00:01 \_ [rcu_preempt]
  422. root 11 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kdevtmpfs]
  423. root 12 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [netns]
  424. root 13 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [rcu_tasks_kthre]
  425. root 14 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/0:1-cgroup_destroy]
  426. root 15 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kauditd]
  427. root 16 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [khungtaskd]
  428. root 17 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [oom_reaper]
  429. root 18 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [writeback]
  430. root 19 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kcompactd0]
  431. root 20 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [ksmd]
  432. root 54 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kintegrityd]
  433. root 55 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kblockd]
  434. root 56 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [blkcg_punt_bio]
  435. root 57 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [tpm_dev_wq]
  436. root 58 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [ata_sff]
  437. root 59 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [devfreq_wq]
  438. root 60 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [rpciod]
  439. root 61 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/u3:0]
  440. root 62 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [xprtiod]
  441. root 63 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kswapd0]
  442. root 64 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [nfsiod]
  443. root 66 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kthrotld]
  444. root 67 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [irq/38-4802a000]
  445. root 68 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [irq/48-4819c000]
  446. root 69 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kapmd]
  447. root 70 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [hwrng]
  448. root 71 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/u2:1-flush-179:0]
  449. root 72 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [irq/101-4806000]
  450. root 73 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_
  451. [kworker/0:2-memcg_kmem_cache]
  452. root 74 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [mmc_complete]
  453. root 75 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/0:1H-mmc_complete]
  454. root 76 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [spi0]
  455. root 77 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [spi1]
  456. root 78 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [uas]
  457. root 79 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [53500000.aes-en]
  458. root 93 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [irq/31-TI-am335]
  459. root 94 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [ipv6_addrconf]
  460. root 103 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kstrp]
  461. root 104 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [irq/30-44e0b000]
  462. root 105 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [irq/105-tps6521]
  463. root 106 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [jbd2/mmcblk0p1-]
  464. root 107 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [ext4-rsv-conver]
  465. root 108 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/0:2H]
  466. root 131 2 0 02:11 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/0:3-events]
  467. root 144 2 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_
  468. [kworker/u2:2-events_unbound]
  469. root 255 2 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_
  470. [kworker/0:4-events_power_efficient]
  471. root 405 2 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ [cfg80211]
  472. root 2099 2 0 02:13 ? 00:00:00 \_ [kworker/u2:3]
  473. root 1 0 3 02:11 ? 00:00:05 /sbin/init
  474. root 129 1 1 02:11 ? 00:00:01 /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
  475. root 145 1 1 02:12 ? 00:00:02 /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
  476. root 3023 145 1 02:14 ? 00:00:00 \_ /lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
  477. root 173 1 2 02:12 ? 00:00:03 /usr/sbin/haveged --Foreground
  478. --verbose=1 -w 1024
  479. root 182 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cron -f
  480. root 186 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /lib/systemd/systemd-logind
  481. avahi 189 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 avahi-daemon: running
  482. [k4-pb-balcony.local]
  483. avahi 212 189 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ avahi-daemon: chroot helper
  484. root 190 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n -iNONE
  485. message+ 196 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
  486. --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation --syslog-only
  487. root 203 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /sbin/wpa_supplicant -u -s -O
  488. /run/wpa_supplicant
  489. daemon 206 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/atd -f
  490. root 520 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/connmand -n
  491. --nodnsproxy
  492. root 532 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/rsync --daemon
  493. --no-detach
  494. root 543 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/nmbd --foreground
  495. --no-process-group
  496. root 562 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/vsftpd
  497. /etc/vsftpd.conf
  498. root 567 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
  499. ntp 568 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/ntpd -p
  500. /var/run/ -g -u 108:116
  501. root 624 1 0 02:12 tty1 00:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u
  502. --noclear tty1 linux
  503. shellin+ 672 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/shellinaboxd -q
  504. --background=/var/run/ -c /var/tmp/ -p 4200 -u shellinabox -g
  505. shellinabox --user-css Black on
  506. White:+/etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/00+Black on White.css,White On
  507. Black:-/etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/00_White On Black.css;Color
  508. Terminal:+/etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/01+Color
  509. Terminal.css,Monochrome:-/etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/01_Monochrome.css
  510. --no-beep -t
  511. shellin+ 673 672 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/bin/shellinaboxd -q
  512. --background=/var/run/ -c /var/tmp/ -p 4200 -u shellinabox -g
  513. shellinabox --user-css Black on
  514. White:+/etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/00+Black on White.css,White On
  515. Black:-/etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/00_White On Black.css;Color
  516. Terminal:+/etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/01+Color
  517. Terminal.css,Monochrome:-/etc/shellinabox/options-enabled/01_Monochrome.css
  518. --no-beep -t
  519. root 796 1 0 02:12 ttyS0 00:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u
  520. --keep-baud 115200,38400,9600 ttyS0 vt220
  521. root 880 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  522. fpp 977 880 1 02:12 ? 00:00:01 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  523. fpp 988 880 1 02:12 ? 00:00:01 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  524. fpp 3042 988 0 02:14 ? 00:00:00 | \_ sh -c sudo journalctl
  525. -u fppcapedetect | tail -20 2>&1 | fold -w 80 -s
  526. fpp 990 880 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  527. fpp 996 880 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  528. fpp 3043 996 0 02:14 ? 00:00:00 | \_ sh -c sudo journalctl
  529. -u fpprtc | tail -20 2>&1 | fold -w 80 -s
  530. fpp 1008 880 7 02:12 ? 00:00:06 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  531. fpp 1178 880 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  532. fpp 1424 880 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  533. fpp 1450 880 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  534. fpp 1451 880 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  535. fpp 2817 880 2 02:13 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  536. fpp 2836 880 2 02:13 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  537. fpp 2837 880 2 02:13 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
  538. fpp 3039 2837 0 02:14 ? 00:00:00 \_ sh -c ps -edaf --forest
  539. 2>&1 | fold -w 80 -s
  540. fpp 3040 3039 0 02:14 ? 00:00:00 \_ ps -edaf --forest
  541. fpp 3041 3039 0 02:14 ? 00:00:00 \_ fold -w 80 -s
  542. dnsmasq 998 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -x
  543. /run/dnsmasq/ -u dnsmasq -7
  544. /etc/dnsmasq.d,.dpkg-dist,.dpkg-old,.dpkg-new --local-service
  545. root 1091 1 1 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground
  546. --no-process-group
  547. root 1257 1091 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground
  548. --no-process-group
  549. root 1258 1091 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground
  550. --no-process-group
  551. root 1273 1091 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 \_ /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground
  552. --no-process-group
  553. Debian-+ 1245 1 0 02:12 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/exim4 -bd -q30m
  554. root 2471 1 0 02:13 ttyGS0 00:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u
  555. --keep-baud 115200,38400,9600 ttyGS0 vt220
  556. root 2647 1 0 02:13 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/alsactl -E
  557. HOME=/run/alsa -s -n 19 -c rdaemon
  558. root 2729 1 7 02:13 ? 00:00:01 /opt/fpp/src/fppd -f
  559. FPP Cape Detect Log: sudo journalctl -u fppcapedetect | tail -20
  560. -- Reboot --
  561. Feb 14 02:12:06 FPP systemd[1]: Started FPP Cape Detection.
  562. -- Reboot --
  563. Feb 14 02:12:06 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started FPP Cape Detection.
  564. -- Reboot --
  565. Feb 14 02:12:06 FPP detect_cape[188]: Done
  566. Feb 14 02:12:06 FPP systemd[1]: fppcapedetect.service: Succeeded.
  567. Feb 14 02:12:06 FPP systemd[1]: Started FPP Cape Detection.
  568. -- Reboot --
  569. Feb 14 02:12:06 k4-pb-balcony detect_cape[189]: Done
  570. Feb 14 02:12:06 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppcapedetect.service: Succeeded.
  571. Feb 14 02:12:07 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started FPP Cape Detection.
  572. -- Reboot --
  573. Feb 14 02:12:07 k4-pb-balcony detect_cape[188]: Done
  574. Feb 14 02:12:07 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppcapedetect.service: Succeeded.
  575. Feb 14 02:12:07 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started FPP Cape Detection.
  576. -- Reboot --
  577. Feb 14 02:12:07 k4-pb-balcony detect_cape[196]: Done
  578. Feb 14 02:12:07 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppcapedetect.service: Succeeded.
  579. Feb 14 02:12:07 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started FPP Cape Detection.
  580. FPP RTC Log: sudo journalctl -u fpprtc | tail -20
  581. -- Reboot --
  582. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started FPP RTC Setup.
  583. -- Reboot --
  584. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony piRTC[254]: FPP - Configuring RTC, None Selected
  585. -- Reboot --
  586. Feb 14 02:12:08 FPP piRTC[268]: FPP - Configuring RTC, None Selected
  587. -- Reboot --
  588. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fpprtc.service: Succeeded.
  589. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started FPP RTC Setup.
  590. -- Reboot --
  591. Feb 14 02:12:08 FPP systemd[1]: fpprtc.service: Succeeded.
  592. Feb 14 02:12:08 FPP systemd[1]: Started FPP RTC Setup.
  593. -- Reboot --
  594. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony piRTC[262]: FPP - Configuring RTC, None Selected
  595. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fpprtc.service: Succeeded.
  596. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started FPP RTC Setup.
  597. -- Reboot --
  598. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony piRTC[272]: FPP - Configuring RTC, None Selected
  599. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fpprtc.service: Succeeded.
  600. Feb 14 02:12:08 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started FPP RTC Setup.
  601. FPP Init Log: sudo journalctl -u fppinit | tail -20
  602. -- Reboot --
  603. Feb 14 02:12:17 k4-pb-balcony fpp_init[266]: FPP - Turning OFF screen blanking
  604. -- Reboot --
  605. Feb 14 02:12:17 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started Inialization routines for FPP.
  606. -- Reboot --
  607. Feb 14 02:12:17 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started Inialization routines for FPP.
  608. -- Reboot --
  609. Feb 14 02:12:17 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Started Inialization routines for FPP.
  610. -- Reboot --
  611. Feb 14 02:12:28 FPP fpp_init[257]: ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA
  612. DSA ECDSA ED25519
  613. Feb 14 02:12:29 FPP fpp_init[257]: FPP - Setting up for the Falcon Player on
  614. the BeagleBone Black platform
  615. Feb 14 02:12:29 FPP fpp_init[257]: FPP - Checking for required directories
  616. Feb 14 02:12:29 FPP fpp_init[257]: ls: cannot access
  617. '/home/fpp/media/config/interface.w*': No such file or directory
  618. Feb 14 02:12:29 FPP fpp_init[257]: ls: cannot access
  619. '/home/fpp/media/config/interface.e*': No such file or directory
  620. Feb 14 02:12:32 FPP fpp_init[257]: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
  621. Feb 14 02:12:32 FPP fpp_init[257]: FPP - Clearing reboot flags
  622. Feb 14 02:12:32 FPP fpp_init[257]: FPP - Sanity checking storage device setting
  623. Feb 14 02:12:33 FPP fpp_init[257]: FPP - Setting max IGMP memberships
  624. Feb 14 02:12:34 FPP fpp_init[257]: FPP - Turning OFF screen blanking
  625. Feb 14 02:12:34 FPP systemd[1]: Started Inialization routines for FPP.
  626. FPP Post Network Logs: sudo journalctl -u fpp_postnetwork | tail -20
  627. -- Reboot --
  628. Feb 14 02:13:41 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  629. Feb 14 02:13:42 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  630. Feb 14 02:13:43 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  631. Feb 14 02:13:44 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  632. Feb 14 02:13:45 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  633. Feb 14 02:13:46 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  634. Feb 14 02:13:47 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  635. Feb 14 02:13:48 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  636. Feb 14 02:13:49 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  637. Feb 14 02:13:50 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  638. Feb 14 02:13:51 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: wlan0 is not available, waiting...
  639. Feb 14 02:13:52 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: FPP - Configuring Audio: 0
  640. Feb 14 02:13:52 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: Loaded snd-dummy
  641. Feb 14 02:13:53 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: Setting /root/.asoundrc to use card id 0
  642. Feb 14 02:13:53 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: Found card type: Dummy
  643. Feb 14 02:13:53 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: FPP - Found IP(s):
  644. Feb 14 02:13:53 FPP fpp_boot[1257]: I Have Found The Following I P Addresses
  645. Feb 14 02:13:53 FPP systemd[1]: fpp_postnetwork.service: Succeeded.
  646. Feb 14 02:13:53 FPP systemd[1]: Started FPP Post Network Setup.
  647. FPP OLED Logs: sudo journalctl -u fppoled | tail -20
  648. -- Reboot --
  649. Feb 14 02:12:11 FPP systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Control process exited,
  650. code=killed, status=15/TERM
  651. -- Reboot --
  652. Feb 14 02:12:11 FPP systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Succeeded.
  653. -- Reboot --
  654. Feb 14 02:12:11 FPP systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Succeeded.
  655. -- Reboot --
  656. Feb 14 02:12:11 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Control process
  657. exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
  658. Feb 14 02:12:11 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Succeeded.
  659. -- Reboot --
  660. Feb 14 02:12:11 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Control process
  661. exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
  662. -- Reboot --
  663. Feb 14 02:12:11 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Control process
  664. exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
  665. -- Reboot --
  666. Feb 14 02:12:11 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Succeeded.
  667. -- Reboot --
  668. Feb 14 02:12:11 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Succeeded.
  669. -- Reboot --
  670. Feb 14 02:12:11 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Control process
  671. exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
  672. Feb 14 02:12:11 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppoled.service: Succeeded.
  673. FPP FPPD Logs: sudo journalctl -u fppd | tail -20
  674. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.651 (2576)
  675. [General] /opt/fpp/src/log.cpp:349: =========================================
  676. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.660 (2576)
  677. [General] /opt/fpp/src/fppd.cpp:515: Creating Scheduler, Playlist, and Sequence
  678. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.661 (2576)
  679. [General] /opt/fpp/src/common.cpp:665: JSON File
  680. /home/fpp/media/config/schedule.json does not exist
  681. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.661 (2576)
  682. [Schedule] /opt/fpp/src/Scheduler.cpp:712: Current Schedule: (Status: '+' =
  683. Enabled, '-' = Disabled, '!' = Outside Date Range, '*' = Repeat, Stop
  684. (G)raceful/(L)oop/(H)ard
  685. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.662 (2576)
  686. [Schedule] /opt/fpp/src/Scheduler.cpp:713: Stat Start & End Dates Days
  687. Start & End Times Playlist/Command
  688. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.662 (2576)
  689. [Schedule] /opt/fpp/src/Scheduler.cpp:714: ---- -----------------------
  690. ------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------
  691. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.686 (2576)
  692. [General] /opt/fpp/src/fppd.cpp:518: Creation of Scheduler, Playlist, and
  693. Sequence Complete
  694. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.735 (2576)
  695. [ChannelOut] /opt/fpp/src/channeloutput/channeloutput.cpp:395: Determined range
  696. needed 0 - 7
  697. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.750 (2576)
  698. [Command] /opt/fpp/src/command.cpp:73: Initializing Command Module
  699. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.753 (2576)
  700. [E131Bridge] /opt/fpp/src/e131bridge.cpp:151: Universe file
  701. /home/fpp/media/config/ci-universes.json does not exist
  702. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.753 (2576)
  703. [E131Bridge] /opt/fpp/src/e131bridge.cpp:311: Universe Count = 0
  704. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.963 (2576)
  705. [General] /opt/fpp/src/common.cpp:665: JSON File
  706. /home/fpp/media/config/co-universes.json does not exist
  707. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.965 (2576)
  708. [General] /opt/fpp/src/fppd.cpp:660: Checking MQTT
  709. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:13:42.965 (2576)
  710. [General] /opt/fpp/src/fppd.cpp:668: Starting main processing loop
  711. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:17:05.580 (3144)
  712. [General] /opt/fpp/src/fppd.cpp:837: Publishing statistics because of "Startup"
  713. = null
  714. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:21:38.153 (2576)
  715. [General] /opt/fpp/src/fppd.cpp:597: Shutting down main loop.
  716. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:21:39.155 (2576)
  717. [General] /opt/fpp/src/fppd.cpp:785: Stopping channel output thread.
  718. Feb 14 02:21:39 k4-pb-balcony fppd[2576]: 2019-02-14 02:21:39.155 (2576)
  719. [General] /opt/fpp/src/fppd.cpp:789: Main Loop complete, shutting down.
  720. Feb 14 02:21:40 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: fppd.service: Succeeded.
  721. Feb 14 02:21:40 k4-pb-balcony systemd[1]: Stopped FPPd.
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