
Don't lecture a highschool dropout!

Mar 21st, 2015
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  1. Hideki: What now ouo
  2. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Hmmm...
  3. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Oh!
  4. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: How old are you?
  5. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: c:
  6. Hideki: I am currently 17
  7. Hideki: And yourself?
  8. Hideki: W-wait i'll guess!
  9. Hideki: Ugh O_O
  10. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Do!
  11. Hideki: 23!
  12. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: NO!
  13. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Higher!
  14. Hideki: ;_;
  15. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: *Points up*
  16. Hideki: Ugh!!!
  17. Hideki: 25!
  18. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: ......Well...
  19. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Yes and no really.
  20. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: It's my birthday in a week ._.
  21. Hideki: YAy!
  22. Hideki: I may be 17 but i can erp well so i've been told!
  23. Hideki: I hope so O-o
  24. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: *Blinks*
  25. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Well when are you turning 18?
  26. Hideki: December o-o
  27. Hideki: so next year
  28. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: I probably know you better by then, and I'll let you blow a massive load all over, or into, any part you like! :D
  29. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Yeah we'd know eachother well enough by then!
  30. Hideki: I have to wait a year for that?
  31. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Yup!
  32. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Well...
  33. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Not normally.
  34. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: But your age kinda twists my arm here!
  35. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: I don't let those under 18 fuck me.
  36. Hideki: I erp'ed with i was 14 with a 22 year old
  37. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: 18 is quite young enough dick for me, thank yous.
  38. Hideki: Why is 17 not good enough?
  39. Hideki: One number difference
  40. Hideki: weird
  41. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Well aforementioned 22 year old was breaking the law regarding inappropriate online interaction with a minor! :D
  42. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: And could be charged with a pedofilic felony in the court of law!
  43. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: And get 15 years to life in a federal corrections facility!
  44. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: WOOO!
  45. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: LAW SCHOOL!
  46. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: \o/
  47. Hideki: I showed by dick to a 20 year old when i was 15
  48. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Even worse!
  49. Hideki: I knew what i was doing
  50. Hideki: I wanted to do it
  51. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Imagery depicting genetalia to display to a minor is even worse!
  52. Hideki: It will be no fun when im 18
  53. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: You didn't know what you were doing according to the law for you are not old enough until you are 18 to give consent for sexual activity!
  54. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Similarly are you not old enough prior to 16 to drive a car, or prior to 21 to drink alcohol!
  55. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: You might be individually, but the law doesn't account for that!
  56. Hideki: I was drunk as could be when i was 16
  57. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: It works in stereotypes.
  58. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: *Sagenods and puffs bubbles under water, because shark girl.*
  59. Hideki: Well im very illegal apparently
  60. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Not you!
  61. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: All of the people who engaged in this stuff with you?
  62. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: They are!
  63. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: According to the law you are, for your age, forever the victim!
  64. Hideki: I asked to do it for them!
  65. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Doesn't matter!
  66. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: The law says so!
  67. Hideki: Fuck the law...
  68. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: They, as adults, should know better.
  69. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Well, not fuck the law.
  70. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Cause if you fuck the law?
  71. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: You get a law baby.
  72. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: And that would just suck.
  73. Hideki: Well i stole some rims of a motorbike once
  74. Hideki: I wanted em for mine
  75. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Additionally, you'd go to prison for ignoring it! Which means you're forced to remain in a facility and not see your friends or loved ones for the duration of your sentence!
  76. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: You know what? I'd rather just abide by the law as best I can, and live a life of relative, undisturbed peace!
  77. Hideki: What about my underage drinking?
  78. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Maybe when you're 18, ERP with a 14 year old, get caught, get sentenced to a decade in prison, and realize how harsh inmates are to pedofiles of ANY kind or walk of life?
  79. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Maybe if that happens, you'd think back on what I said here, and kinda regret it.
  80. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: ....Kinda....
  81. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: You strike me as the self confident sort.
  82. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: And regarding underage drinking?
  83. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: If you yourself brewed the alcohol(Which i doubt), your parents will receive a felony for dangerous carelesness as to the activities of their child.
  84. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: If you bought it from a store? The store can receive an indictment and a criminal charge for selling(knowingly or not), alcohol to a minor under the age of 21! The business could be forcibly closed, the property foreclosed, and the owners/guilty employee(s) charged with a similar, though individual charge, sentenced, and sent to prison. OR, if their first felony at all? Get a steep ticket and a warning, possible a few weeks in a county jail.
  85. Hideki: Are you in law school or some shit
  86. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: If you bought alcohol with an ID you borrowed from a friend old enough, that friend will be charged with miss-use of federal identification, and charged that, PLUS enabling the consumption of alcohol to a minor, doubling the sentence or more.
  87. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Nope! I just know my shit.
  88. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: *Pokes forehead*
  89. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: I r smert sherk.
  90. Hideki: Well you're talking to an English teenager who dropped out of high school and knows little to nothing about life
  91. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Welp, now you do.
  92. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Be the adult you always beg adults to treat you as(Because you are SOOO mature at this age)...
  93. Hideki: I may be 17 but im certainly not immature
  94. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Realize your actions can have DIRE repercussions for adults that interact with you inappropriately.
  95. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: You seem pretty immature..You're ERPing with adults without knowing the consequences it could hold for them...You drink alcohol before you're ready for it, not caring about the consequences it could spell for your health, or your parents' legal standing.
  96. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Naturally, I did the same thing when I was 17. The difference is, that I knew, and didn't give a shit.
  97. Hideki: Neither do i
  98. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Welp, then you're very much immature.
  99. Hideki: But no offence i'd appreciate if you didnt lecture me
  100. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: And that's fine. You're a teenager, you're meant to be an airheaded teen with no care for consequences or responsibilities.
  101. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: All that shit comes later. Believe you me.
  102. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Hey, you asked!
  103. Hideki: You've been lecturing me from the get go...
  104. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: You seem like you could use it.
  105. Hideki: I hate people who assume just because im 17 im stupid
  106. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: You behave stupid. But yet again, teenagers are by their nature, stupid. That's why there are so many limits on what they can and cannot do yet.
  107. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Such as drive cars, consume mind altering drugs, have sex.
  108. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Etc.
  109. Hideki: God you're irritating cya
  110. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Bye <3
  111. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: ^.^
  112. Hideki is now Offline.
  113. Hideki is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
  114. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: Was fun knowing ya!
  115. ♥Chloe the Shark♥: AND DONT FORGET TO USE CONDOMS!
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