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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. TITLE (give a title here, e.g. Turn-Based Mod System for AutoTemp)
  2. How the Bot's autotemp system works in Social: (this is a good subtitle)
  4. INTRODUCTION (label with this, or maybe “ABSTRACT” or “ABOUT” or “BACKGROUND” whichever fits this paragraph best – all are almost synonyms but whichever fits best) Months ago, while I was working up to become a moderator in Social, I have noticed that the bot autotemps (makes temporary moderators automatically) trusted users when NO OTHER MODS are online. I am now an owner, and I have recently changed a setting where the bot can autotemp users when at most ONE moderator is online! (great introduction using story-style, really catches attention with a nice hook)
  6. Here's how it works: (SECTION TITLE here, e.g. “HOW IT WORKS” and remove the colon) (Give some 1-to-2 sentence opener here, rather than just dive-in to the requirements. E.g. some intro to this section, like “The turn-based mod system allows current tempmod users who are not temped at the moment to have a chance.” Etc. )There must be 1 to 0 moderators online on the chat before the bot autotemps a trusted user.
  7. (Break up the separate scenarios/ instances to make it clear and straightforward. Label each with a bullet, number, letter, etc. like I did below, whatever you choose. Tab each)
  8. A) If 1 moderator is online and 2 trusted users are in the chat, the bot will make the user who was added FIRST the temporary moderator while the other person stays a member. The person staying member in this scenario will NOT be made an autotemp since the one perm mod is online WITH the firstly added user to the autotemp who is now a tempmod since the bot classifies tempmods as regular mods. (Define this statement early on, separately. E.g. before section A, state something like “Tempmods are considered regular mods by the bot” so it is clear from the getgo. Restating in this section like you already did is OKAY, but at least the reader will know already rather than be suddenly surprised like “wait huh??”)
  9. B) Even if 2 tempmods are online, the bot WILL NOT autotemp anyone either since the bot sees them both as regular moderators! However if 0 moderators are online (temp or perm, doesn't matter to the bot), then the bot will make 2 trusted users who happen to be in the chat tempmods BASED ON THE ORDER THAT THEY WERE ADDED! If no other moderators show up leaving at least ONE temp/perm moderator IN THE CHAT, then the bot will fill in the hole by making as many tempmods as needed to trusted users BASED ON WHO WAS ADDED FIRST ON THE AUTOTEMP LIST! It will keep doing so if the trusted users' temporary moderator time is over, or if all perm mods or one perm mod is left IN THE CHAT. In short, when the bot has trouble finding out WHICH trusted user to make autotemp when 1-0 mods are online, it goes in order based on the autotemp list and the order they were added!
  11. One other thing I forgot to mention is that those temporary moderators are added onto the bot's staff list of the chat! They will show up as regular moderators since the bot classifies tempmods as regular moderators AS LONG AS THEY ARE STILL MODERATORS (temp/perm). If their tempmod time expires and they show up as member again, or if someone uses !chatstaff remove [user] when they are offline, they will be automatically removed from the bot's staff list until they are made tempmod again by the bot itself or an owner/main owner. They also show up as moderators, when using !users mod and !users chatstaff as well.
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