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- This list is not something official or that should be followed as a rule.
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- The list is based on the currently avaible pairs, their base kits and sync grids and tries to give an appropriate option for the relative pairs according to their purposes and roles, in order to do so it offers multiple options, when it is possible, for both single and co-op modes.
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- Consider to use the scrolls on pairs with an existing sync grid first or pairs that are simple to use and are already excellent at doing their job so you can only bring the best from those pairs without wasting cookies. Needless to say, the priority should be also given to your absolute favorite characters and Pokémon.
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- The list doesn't specifically hint at it but if you want a sync pair to be featured in a single mode team that plays around weather or a co-op mode team where it receives boosts from Pass It On or Benefactor and their eventual chains then, some of the listed pairs can automatically rely on skills like Sand Shelter, Snow Shelter, Sand Surge 3, Defense Crush 2, Critical Strike 2, Vigilance too.
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- The list changes whenever new sync pairs and sync grids are added through updates.
- >Lucky Skills:
- ▪︎Acerola [Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Agatha [Troublemaker 1 / Power Flux 3]
- ▪︎Barry [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Blaine [Fast Track 2 / Stoic 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Vigilance]
- ▪︎Blue [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Brawly [Defense Crush 2 / Stoic 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Brendan [Dauntless]
- ▪︎Brock [Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Bruno [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Brycen [Defense Crush 2 / Power Chain 2 / Mad Strength 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Bugsy [Mad Strength 2 / Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Caitlin [Vigilance / Surging Sand 3 / Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2]
- ▪︎Calem [Stoic 2 / Vigilance / Defense Crush 2 / Power Flux 3]
- ▪︎Candice [Vigilance / Stoic 2 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Cheren [Mad Strength 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Cheryl [Vigilance / Fast Track 2 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Clair [Dauntless]
- ▪︎Clay [Defense Crush 2 / Mad Strength 2 / Power Reserve 2]
- ▪︎Clemont [Power Flux 3 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Crasher Wake [Critical Strike 2 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Cynthia [Critical Strike 2 / Sand Surge 3]
- ▪︎Drake [Vigilance / Mad Strength 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Elesa [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Erika [Vigilance / Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Ethan [Fast Track 2 / Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Fantina [Power Flux 3]
- ▪︎Flannery [Vigilance / Critical Strike 2 / Power Flux 3]
- ▪︎Flint [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Gardenia [Critical Strike 2 / Dauntless / Enlightment 9]
- ▪︎Giovanni [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Glacia [Vigilance / Stoic 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Grant [Defense Crush 2 / Mad Strength 2]
- ▪︎Grimsley [Unbending]
- ▪︎Guzma [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Hapu [Mad Strength 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Power Flux 3]
- ▪︎Hau [Power Flux 3]
- ▪︎Hilbert [Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Hilda [Mad Strength 2 / Fast Track 2 / Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Unflappable]
- ▪︎Holiday 2019 Rosa [Vigilance / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Holiday 2019 Siebold [Vigilance / Power Flux 3]
- ▪︎Iris [Lessen Confusion 9]
- ▪︎Janine [Mad Strength 2 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Jasmine [Vigilance / Defense Crush 2 / Mad Strength 2 / Stoic 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Kahili [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Karen [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Koga [Vigilance / Critical Strike 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Stoic 2]
- ▪︎Korrina [Critical Strike 2 / Enlightment 9]
- ▪︎Kris [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Kukui [Sand Shelter / Mad Strength 2 / Surging Sand 3 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Lance [Power Flux 3 / Critical Strike 2 / Fast Track 2 / Vigilance]
- ▪︎Leaf [Vigilance]
- ▪︎Liza [Stoic 2 / Fast Track 2 /Vigilance]
- ▪︎Lorelei [Stoic 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Lt. Surge [Mad Strength 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Lyra [Critical Strike 2 / Vigilance]
- ▪︎Marley [Vigilance / Mad Strength 2 / Stoic 2 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Marlon [Mad Strength 2 / Stoic 2 / Vigilance]
- ▪︎Marshal [Defense Crush / Vigilance / Gritty 3 / Mad Strength 2 / Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2]
- ▪︎Maylene [Vigilance / Defense Crush 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎MC Blastoise [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎MC Charizard [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎MC Pikachu [Power Flux 3 / Ground Guard / Stoic 2 / Fast Track 2 / Vigilance / Power Reserve 2]
- ▪︎MC Solgaleo [Vigilance / Power Flux 3 / Critical Strike 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎MC Torchic [Fast Track 2 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎MC Venusaur [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Mina [Vigilance / Stoic 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Mad Strength 2]
- ▪︎Misty [Stoic 2 / Vigilance]
- ▪︎Nanu [Critical Strike 2 / Mad Strength 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Stoic 2]
- ▪︎Noland [Defense Crush 2 / Power Flux 3 / Mad Strength 2 / Fast Track 2 / Stoic 2]
- ▪︎Norman [Defense Crush / Power Flux 3 / Fast Track 2 / Mad Strength 2 / Vigilance]
- ▪︎Olivia [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Phoebe [Normal Guard / Dark Guard / Stoic 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Plumeria [Power Flux 3 / Critical Strike 2 / Defense Crush 2]
- ▪︎Professor Oak [Vigilance]
- ▪︎Pryce [Critical Strike 2 / Stoic 2]
- ▪︎Ramos [Troublemaker 1 / Defense Crush 2 / Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2]
- ▪︎Roark [Power Flux 3 / Power Reserve 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Mad Strength 2]
- ▪︎Rosa [Vigilance / Stoic 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Roxanne [Fast Track 2 / Vigilance / Stoic 2]
- ▪︎Roxie [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Sabrina [Vigilance]
- ▪︎Shauntal [Flameproof / Gritty 3]
- ▪︎Siebold [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Silver [Dauntless / Critical Strike 2 / Mad Strength 2]
- ▪︎Skyla [Enlightment 9 / Vigilance / Defense Crush 2 / Sand Shelter / Snow Shelter]
- ▪︎Sophocles [Unbending / Power Reserve 2]
- ▪︎Steven [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Sygna Suit Brock [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Sygna Suit Elesa [Vigilance / Enlightment 9]
- ▪︎Sygna Suit Red [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Tate [Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2 / Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Thorton [Vigilance / Mad Strength 2 / Stoic 2]
- ▪︎Valerie [Power Flux 3 / Power Chain 2 / Stoic 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Vigilance]
- ▪︎Viola [Defense Crush 2 / Stoic 2]
- ▪︎Wallace [Vigilance / Stoic 2 / Electric Guard / Defense Crush 2 / Fast Track 2]
- ▪︎Wally [Critical Strike 2]
- ▪︎Whitney [Defense Crush 2 / Power Flux 3 / Mad Strength 2]
- ▪︎Wikstrom [Critical Strike 2 / Normal Guard]
- ▪︎Will [Vigilance / Power Flux 3 / Critical Strike 2 / Stoic 2]
- ▪︎Winona [Fast Track 2 / Vigilance / Stoic 2 / Power Flux 3]
- ▪︎Wulfric [Mad Strength 2 / Defense Crush 2 / Fast Track 2 / Power Chain 2 / Power Reserve 2]
- ▪︎Zinnia [Dauntless / Clearhead / Enlightment 9]
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