
Top 100 Speedrunners

Apr 1st, 2018
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  1. At the very least I'm in the honorable mentions in the description for the Top 100 Speedrunners video. I know lots of effort went into it, and by no means am I knocking that whatsoever, but I feel like there's so much more to consider when it comes to speedrunning that a list like this doesn't make as much sense, along with the way it's put together in my opinion. For example I've been speedrunning most days since beginning of 2014, held many world records in many different games at some point, influenced most games I've run with optimizations or tricks, participated in a TON of online marathons, co-founded my own live speedrunning marathon in Calithon, and I was even an /r/speedrun mod at one point! But since I don't have enough clout on social media, not enough followers on Twitch, I don't have amazing times in games with lots of runners (because I don't really run many unless you count Kirby Super Star Ultra, Nightmare in Dream Land, SM64DS, Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission, since they have over 100 runners on but I don't) and I'm not talked about enough on Reddit (I've barely been on since I was demodded. I'm not even sure if the posts about my 007 AUF run this last AGDQ counted for this since it might not even mention my name!), I can't even be considered for this list. I know it's hard to rank individual player skill and their influence on the community without being involved first hand, but I feel like that's something too important to not consider that makes something like this impossible to accurately make. Another huge thing is each method for determining points that was stated were given equal distribution, when I don't think your follower count or how many times you were mentioned on Reddit matter nearly as much when ranking speedrunners. ROMaster2's list, which takes leaderboard rankings and how many people are on each leaderboard into consideration, and personal opinion with research on the runners and runs should be given more points tbh, since IMO they just matter way more. I'd have split it up this way if I did this: 35 on ROMaster2's list, 15 on Twitch followers, 15 on Reddit, and 35 on personal opinion. This is just to reflect my personal opinion on how much each of these matter in terms of determining who the "greatest" speedrunner is.
  3. On a side note, IMO it's a crime that someone like Feasel is ranked at 96, since he runs all the Speedgaming channels and has generated so much general interest in speedrunning with all the tournaments he hosts, not to mention the numerous games and communities he's run and influenced in the past when he was more actively speedrunning games. It's why taking in someone's influence on the community is such an important factor for a list like this. Big shoutouts to him. Also shoutouts to Darbian who got #2 because I actually think he's the most influential and inspirational speedrunner in the community. Also also DrTChops' name is misspelled (DR T Chpos) and stated twice in the Honorable Mentions in the description, along with listing "Sten" and "Stephen1704" separately even though they're the same person, not to mention many misspellings of just general speedrunners down there too (Take a look. It's a mess!). Feel like those two in particular would be on the list given the method used to determine it, but this kept them off it.
  5. At the very least something like this has motivated me a bit more and makes me want to even be considered for a list like this should another be made. But the biggest problem being my Twitch follower count it seems, along with the reddit mentions, since those were both huge influencers on this list. I've never exactly blown up on Twitch in the 4 years I've been streaming, the only time coming close was when I ran Superstar Saga for a little over a month which gave me the push I needed to get Partner and when I speedran Metroid Samus Returns when it first came out, so being in my position it's actually kinda hard for me to grow, and it's completely the games I play that is the reason for this. They're all games I'm nostalgic for a ton and what I played most growing up, including some of my favorite games of all time, not to mention some recent favorites i played since I started speedrunning like Kirby Super Star Ultra or Metroid Samus Returns. They're all the games I'm most passionate about and care the most for their success, and it's what I like streaming the most because of all this, but that doesn't exactly mean that everyone would enjoy watching them or it would bring in huge numbers or anything. That's why getting into online marathons and live marathons like AGDQ and SGDQ is very important to me, since it's a big way to get my name out there, while also showing off a game or games that I absolutely love and I'm very passionate about. So I'm really crossing my fingers that I get something into SGDQ this year (On a side note, the games list is releasing while I'm on my flight to PAX East so it'll be the first time I'm ever buying in-flight WiFi since I'm incredibly nervous for it LOL)
  7. Let me know what you think of the list if you want to. I tried not to come off too complain-y in this, but I probably failed in that lmao. Just hope someone got something out of what I was saying. If you want to watch the video I'm referring to, it's here
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